人教版 必修二综合检测限时试卷(十九)(有答案)

    时间:60分钟 分值:100分
    Routine work every day makes us feel bored At such times hobbies are the best way to provide entertainment They are also valuable because they help to develop our personality My hobbies are listening to music and singing I have a large collection of raps and I listen to all kinds of music such as classical music pop music and rock music
    I often sit with a piece of paper and a pen and write down the lyrics of the songs that I hear Then I hum (哼) along to the music and soon I know the tunes (曲调) I turn the tape recorder off and then I pretend to be the singer I try to sing the song m exactly the way it was sung by the singer Once I feel that I have sung perfectly I tape my own voice When listening to the recording I try to find my faults in singing This helps me to improve my singing and to turn my talent to my advantage
    Whenever I go to a party my friends persuade me to sing Once I begin people join in and the place is filled with the sound of music I am proud of myself because I become the life of the party I play the guitar and sing when we go on a picnic or when I have a free period in school My hobby makes me happy and also brings joy to my relatives and friends Everyone should have a hobby It educates people gives them pleasure and helps them to make the most of their free time If a person has no hobby he will be useless and restless in his spare time Therefore it is important to remain busy even in our spare time
    1 What do we know about the author in the first paragraph
    A He thinks highly of hobbies
    B He often listens to music on the radio
    C Routine work helps him get over boredom
    D Collecting tapes of all kinds of music is his hobby
    2 According to para2 what is the correct order of the following events
    ①I know the tunes ②I tape my own voice ③I write down the lyrics ④I try to sing the song
    A ①②④③ B ①④③② C ③①④② D ③①②④
    3 The purpose of this passage is________
    A encourage people to take up a hobby
    B explain what the author likes doing most
    C argue that singing is the most meaningful hobby
    D explain how to make the most of one's spare time
    My dad Greg Newman had wanted to be a race car driver but things didn’t work out for him So I guess having a son who could become a race car driver was the next best thing Don’t get me wrong — Dad didn’t push me into racing In fact when I was about 10 years old my dad was afraid that driving a car wasn’t my dream So he took the racing away from me I wasn’t very happy with that decision It wasn’t long before Dad realized that racing was what I loved
    At four Dad bought me my first Quarter Midget (袖珍赛车) and that’s really where it started for us Back then Dad coached me He would stick out (伸出) his foot in the path of the race car and then tell me to exactly hit his foot By repeating this again and again Dad believed that I would be faster and sharper on the race track
    Dad worked really long hours at his car repair business to make money so that I could race each weekend I can remember that every night before he turned off the lights in the garage Dad would tell me Don’t forget to kiss your race car good night He was trying to teach me that if I show respect it’s returned He wanted me to show thankfulness and respect for my race car and for all the hard work that we and many others had put into the dream
    My dad my mom and my sister gave up a lot of things to help me race For us there was no better moment than winning the 50th running of the Daytona 500 in 2018 That evening in February 2018 I knew I had gotten a good push I could hear the excitement My father couldn’t speak a word and when he got to Victory Lane (车道) he nearly knocked me over and gave me such a big hug
    4 Why did Greg Newman stop his son to race when his son was 10 years old
    A Because he thought racing was dangerous
    B Because he worried that his son didn’t like racing
    C Because he didn’t want his son to fail like he did
    D Because he couldn’t afford the money
    5 Greg Newman did all the following things to support his son’s dream EXCEPT ________
    A training his son to race
    B working hard to make money
    C buying his son a mini racing car
    D changing his job as a race car driver
    6 Why did Greg Newman let his son hit his foot
    A To improve his son’s skill B To help his son to be braver
    C To have fun with his son D To make his son more careful
    7 Greg Newman asked his son to kiss his race car good night to ________
    A get help from his family
    B treat the race car as his son
    C feel grateful that he could follow his dream
    D develop a close relationship with his race car
    8 In the 50th running of the Daytona 500 Greg Newman couldn’t say anything because he was ________
    A disappointed B surprised C sad D excited

    Developing good study habits means you use your time well Improving your time management means you can decrease the time it takes to do your work but still increase the quality of what you produce ____9____ Before we go any further remember that this is about developing good habits not skills Here’s how
    Best time of day
    There is no one best time of day to study We each have our most productive time of the day when we have the most energy Just like each student has a unique learning style different students may learn better at different times of the day Then when do you work best ____10____ Find your pattern and then plan to study at your most productive time
    Look at your goal
    Goals will help you stay focused and monitor your progress Simply sitting down to study has little value One simple but highly effective habit is to remind yourself of what you’re studying for You must be very clear about what you want to achieve in the future ____11____
    Do something for someone else
    Help someone else and you deepen your own understanding Ideally this will be with another student but it doesn’t have to be ____12____Just make sure there is no one else in the house if you do so Developing good study habits is a process you learn Some study skills and habits are easy to carry out others less so ____13____
    A Make sure they are your study habits
    B In other words less can produce more
    C You could explain it to yourself in the mirror
    D Are you an early bird night owl or something in between
    E Schedule specific times throughout the week for your study time
    F Say keeping your dream grade in sightpost it next to your computer
    G Whatever your experience give these a go and you’ll manage your time better

    第二部分 语言运(两节满分45分)
    I live in a big city with a lot of homeless people Luckily there’re small ways of helping them and you needn’t have a lot of ____14____ One way to help is to buy their monthly magazine ____15____ doing this one day I got to ____16____ a young homeless man He was often ____17____ the magazine at the train station
    He was a poor farmer from another country After a while I discovered that his
    ____18____ was close to mine It meant that we were born in the same month
    I met him last year____19____ after his birthday and after congratulating him without ____20____ I asked if he had had a good day He looked down and said that he hadn’t really celebrated I felt so ____21____
    I just couldn’t bear the thought of (敢想) this nice young man being ___22____on his 20th birthday with no presents no cake nothing So I went home and looked in my yarn (纱线) basket ____23____ for me I had enough yarn left I set to work and knitted (编织) a ____24____ for the young man The yarn had become a little dirty ____25____ I didn’t knit very often Then I washed the yarn so the scarf would be ____26___ when he got it
    I met him on my own birthday as I was going shopping I had hoped to meet him so I had carried the scarf and a piece of my own birthday ____27____ around with me He was very happy with these gifts and so was I The ____28____ in his eyes was the best present he could have given me
    14 A work B energy C money D experience
    15 A In B On C Besides D By
    16 A realize B ignore C know D recognize
    17 A selling B reading C covering D buying
    18 A hobby B house C height D birthday
    19 A long B shortly C ever D even
    20 A stopping B helping C praising D thinking
    21 A foolish B excited C clever D worried
    22 A calm B happy C alone D hungry
    23 A Suddenly B Luckily C Badly D However
    24 A scarf B cap C sock D glove
    25 A when B because C so D and
    26 A different B dry C wet D clean
    27 A present B cake C song D party
    28 A light B pain C sight D tear

    第二节 (10题跑L 5分满分15分)
    China’s Double Ninth Festival is referred to as the Chong yang Festival It ____29____ (take)place every year between October 1st and October 30th on the 9th day of the 9th lunar month it fell ____30____ a Sunday this year
    It is a ____31____ (tradition)folk holiday focused on good health and long life with various celebrations
    Nine is ____32____ important number in Chinese culture because ____33____ (it)pronunciation means long in Chinese According to the Book of Changes the number six is considered yin while nine is yang The ninth day of the ninth lunar month in the Chinese calendar features two nines so the day ____34____ (give)the Chinese name Chong yang
    ____35____ the Double Ninth Festival was marked as a ritual(礼制)to worship(敬拜)the gods and ancestors for blessing the harvest during the Warring States Period (206 BC220 AD) nowadays more meaning is given to this festival
    In 1989 the Chinese government set it as a day for showing respect to the elderly ____36____ (require)that people care love and help the elderly
    It also became an occasion ____37____ (pay)respect to one’s ancestors Sweeping ancestors’ graves and visiting elderly members in the family are usually _____38_____ people do on this day

    第三部分 书面表达(满分15分)
    39 假李津校英语角正进行 A Thankyou Letter 征文活动想升入高中第朋友——张山(珊)相处融洽()顾帮助心存感激请结合列点信息英语张山(珊)写封感谢信参加征文活动:
    ★ 难忘初次校园相见帮助适应新环境
    ★ 成桌相处融洽帮助提高英语成绩
    注意:⑴ 适增加容文章语篇连贯
    ⑵ 词数:100左右
    ⑶ 信开头结尾已出计入总词数
    Dear Zhang Shan
    I’m writing to say thanks to you
    Li Lin

    1—3 BCA
    4—8 BDACD
    913 BDFCG
    1418 CDCAD 1923 BDACB 2428 ABDBA

    29 takes
    30 on 31 traditional
    32 an 33 its
    34 is given
    35 Though\Although
    36 requiring
    37 to pay 38 what
    答案Dear Zhang Shan
    I’m writing to say thanks to you
    You’re my first friend at this school I will always remember the day when I first met you I felt confused when I came into the school because everything here was new and strange to me Then you appeared and gave me a hand You encouraged me and made me get used to the new school
    Fortunately we became deskmates later We have been getting along very well with each other You helped me a lot with my English which I was not good at That was why I managed to get a satisfying grade in the exam
    Thank you for giving me great support And I hope our friendship will last lifelong
    Li Jin
    帮助某:help sb→give sb a hand
    惯:get used to→be accustomed to
    原句:You encouraged me and made me get used to the new school
    拓展句:Not only did you encourage me but also you made me get used to the new school
    点睛高分句型1I will always remember the day when I first met you(运when引导限制性定语句先行词the day)
    高分句型2I felt confused when I came into the school because everything here was new and strange to me(运when引导时间状语句because引导原状语句)
    高分句型3You helped me a lot with my English which I was not good at(运which引导非限制性定语句)





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