高中英语人教版 必修二综合检测限时试(十四)(有答案)

    时间:60分钟 分值:100分
    When I was a little girlI remembered that when my dad was repairing something he would ask me to hold the hammerso we would have time for a conversation with each other I never saw my dad drinking or taking a night out All he did after work was taking care of his family
    I grew up and left home for college and since then my dad had been calling me every Sunday morning And when I bought a house several years latermy dad painted it by himself in the fierce summer heat All he asked was to talk to himbut I was too busy in those days
    Four years agomy dad visited me He spent many hours putting together a swing for my daughter He asked me to have a talk with himbut I had to prepare for a trip that weekend
    One Sunday morning we had a telephone talk as usual I noticed that my dad had forgotten some things that we discussed lately I was in a hurry so our conversation was short Several hours later that day I received a call My father was in the hospital Immediately I bought a plane ticket and on my way I was thinking about all the occasions I missed to have a talk with my dad By the time I arrived at the hospital my father had passed away Now it was he who did not have time for a conversation with me I realized how little I knew about my dad his deepest thoughts and his dreams
    After his death I learned much more about him and even more about myself All he ever wanted was my time And now he has all my attention every single day
    1When the author was a little girlshe __ _
    A often talked with her father B liked playing on the swing
    C was good at repairing things D learned to take care of her family
    2When at collegethe author __ __
    A phoned her father every Sunday morning
    B received a call from her father every Sunday morning
    C asked her father to call her every Sunday
    D asked her father to talk with her
    3Why did the author fail to have a talk with her father four years ago?
    A She had got tired of talking with him B She was busy planning a trip
    C Her daughter asked her to play D She was busy painting her house
    4When did the author begin to regret missing the talks with her father?
    A As soon as she got the news that her father was ill
    B After her father’s sudden death
    C Many years after her father’s death
    D On her way to the hospital to see her father
    Park guards who watch North America' s highest mountain say inexperienced and overconfident climbers are taking more risks and endangering themselves and other climbers The guards suggest many climbers are trying to move up the mountain too fast after having a year off
    Denali in southern Alaska is 6 190 meters above sea level So climbing it requires a high level of skill Climbers also need to acclimate to high altitudes(海拔) which is not needed for most mountains in the US
    The National Park Service recently made a statement warning that many climbers in the Alaska Range are showing signs of inexperience and overconfidence After reporting no deaths in 2018 and 2019 at least two people have already died on the mountain in 2021 Two others were seriously injured officials said
    Earlier this month a skier from the state of Colorado died after falling into a very deep cut in the ice A climber from the state of Idaho was killed by a large falling piece of ice
    The guards made their statement after a Canadian climber was seriously injured after falling nearly 305 meters He was not wearing climbing ropesOther climbers reported the fall People in a helicopter (直升机) studying mountain ice in the area were able to save the man park officials said
    The Park Service statement named several reasons for the increase in injuries and deaths They include extreme tiredness untested body reactions to high altitudes quickly changing weather and not bringing the right equipment
    In recent years guards said they have seen more climbers try to make Denali' s top by climbing the 2134 meters from the final base camp to the top in one day This is nearly impossible to do except for the most experienced climbers
    Experts suggest that climbers take 17 to 21 days to reach the top of Denali That includes rest days and extra days to wait out bad weather
    5 What does the underlined phrase acclimate to in paragraph 2 probably mean
    A Get used to B Get tired of C Take control of D Look forward to
    6 What is special about climbers in 2021 compared with those in 2018 and 2019
    A They are not so confident B They face higher altitudes
    C Most of them are beginners D Deaths have come up among them
    7 What mistake did the Canadian climber make
    A He didn't train himself to climb B He didn't make sure of his safety
    C He didn't stay with other climbers D He knew little about the mountain ice
    8 What is paragraph 6 mainly about
    A Dangers of having little climbing experience B Results of climbing mountains in a hurry
    C Causes of the climbing accidents D Rules of safe mountain climbing

    How to Care for a Pet Fish
    Taking care of a pet is a big responsibility so you should make sure you learn all about your pet before bringing it home_ 9_ That' s because fish can give them a good idea of whether or not they'll be able to take care of a more complicated(复杂) pet later on
    First choose what types of fish 10 They are easier to raise and give you enough experience to take care of fish and their tanks(水箱) Some kinds of fish do not get along with others so you'll need to choose what kinds to buy
    Next make sure you have all of the necessary supplies Fish need a fish tank Make sure it is big enough for the number of fish Fish tanks need a light and some machines to keep the water clean and at a comfortable temperature _ 11
    Now you can set up your aquarium(水族馆) Wash sand and decorations( 装饰物) clean and fill the bottom of the tank with them 12 Follow the instructions on the heater to heat up the water to the temperature your fish will need Make sure your light is ready to go too
    13 The pet store keeper can teach you how to make your fish get comfortable before you put them into your aquarium Once the fish are in the tank you have to watch them closely to make sure they don' t get sick Feed them in small amounts a few times a day You will have to change some of the water at least once a week
    A Then fill the tank with water
    B You are ready to pick up your fish
    C Many kids have fish as their first pet
    D You need some beautiful tanks to change
    E Be sure to get food for your fish as well
    F Freshwater fish are the best fish to start with
    G Save up your money for fish tank decorations

    第二部分 语言运(两节满分45分)
    Standing in front of the bike shop Dave stared at the shiny red bicycle in the window He could ___14___ himself riding the bike in Saturday’s race and winning the firstplace medal and prize money With that bike I could even beat Adam Dave thought
    He rode on and stopped at Peck’s clothing store The coat he planned to buy his mother for her birthday was still on sale Dave knew she would ___15___ buy it for herself She worked hard just to make ___16___ meet But the prize money would be enough for him to buy that coat and surprise her
    Dave looked at his old bike Two years ago he found some old bicycles at the ___17___ and used the parts to make one bike He called it his recycled bike I’ll never ___18___ the race on this old bike Dave sighed
    As Dave passed the junkyard he noticed a newerlooking bike tire He started ___19___ the huge junk pile Finally he found what he was looking for These two tires and the handgrips (手) are just ___20__ for my bike
    Arriving home Dave put the used tires and the handgrips on his ___21___ bike and oiled the chained He stood back and admired the ___22___ he had made I might win that race after all he said to himself
    The next morning when Dave and his mom got to the park about thirty kids had already _____23_____ Dave headed for the start line _____24_____ Mom found a seat at the finish line
    Bang The riders rushed off Dave _____25____ Adam who was in the lead He _____26_____ to pass one rider after another and was approaching Adam Leaning forward Dave pedaled harder and faster _____27_____ he sped by Adam and crossed the finish line
    As the announcer awarded Dave the medal and the check for fifty dollars he asked What are you going to do with the prize money Dave
    It’s a _____28____ Dave said and waved to his mom
    14 A picture B spot C keep D prefer
    15 A desperately B definitely C seldom D never
    16 A criteria B ends C budgets D expenses
    17 A junkyard B port C school D court
    18 A enter B lose C win D abandon
    19A throwing away B going through C carrying out D bringing back
    20 A advanced B unique C right D fancy
    21 A hired B used C purchased D recycled
    22 A contributions B discoveries C profits D changes
    23 A rode B separated C gathered D recovered
    24 A while B but C so D or
    25 A held back B concentrated on C gave in to D broke away from
    26 A succeeded B arranged C offered D managed
    27 A Eventually B Causally C Roughly D Naturally
    28 A reward B credit C surprise D promise
    第二节 语法填空(10题题15分满分15分)
    Finding and keeping the right balance between progress and the 29 (protect) of cultural sites can be a big challenge Big challenges however can sometimes lead 30 great solutions In 31 1950s the Egyptian government wanted to build a new dam across the Nile in order 32 (control) floods produce electricity and supply water to more 33 (farmer) in the area But the proposal led to protests because water from the dam would likely damage a number of temples and destroy cultural relics After 34 (listen) to the scientists who had studied the problem and citizens 35lived near the dam the government turned to the United Nations for help in 1959
    A committee 36 (establish) to limit damage to the Egyptian buildings and prevent the loss of cultural relics 37 (final) the work began in 1960
    When the project ended in 1980 it was considered a great success Not only had the countries found a path to the future that did not run over the relics of the past but they had also learnt that it was possible for countries to work together to build a 38 (good) tomorrow

    第三部分 书面表达(满分20分)
    39 假定学校English corner负责李周英语角举行次关Internet and Life专题讨 校外教Mr Smith作开场嘉宾家做精彩演请写封电子邮件表示感容包括∶
    1 写信目2 学生演讲反响3 表达感谢
    1 词数100左右
    2 适发挥行文连贯3 开头结尾已出计入总词数
    Dear Mr Smith
    Li Hua

    14 ABBD 58 ADBC
    913 CFEAB
    1418 ADBAC 1923 BCDDC 2428 ABDAC
    29protection 30to 31the 32to control 33farmers 34listening 35who
    36was established 37 Finally 38better
    Dear Mr Smith
    I'm writing to express my sincerest thanks for your great speech With your excellent lecture as a perfect start all the students here had a heated discussion
    Thanks to your speech not only did we learn that the Internet plays an important role in our daily life but we also learned how much people benefit from it You also pointed out that while the development of the Internet brings much convenience to our life we should also realize the importance of using it correctly
    We really appreciate your attendance and look forward to your coming next time
    Li Hua
    导语篇书面表达属应文求考生校外教Mr Smit写封电子邮件周作开场嘉宾英语角举行专题讨家做精彩演讲表示感谢容包括:写信目学生演讲反响表达感谢
    ……中起重作:play an important role in→play an important part in
    原句:I'm writing to express my sincerest thanks for your great speech
    拓展句:I'm writing to express my sincerest thanks for your great speech which made a deep impression on us
    点睛[高分句型1]Thanks to your speech not only did we learn that the Internet plays an important role in our daily life but we also learned how much people benefit from it (运倒装句not only…but also连接句子时not only位句首该部分部分倒装)
    [高分句型2] You also pointed out that while the development of the Internet brings much convenience to our life we should also realize the importance of using it correctly (运that引导宾语句while引导状语句)





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