人教版 必修第二册Unit5 Music Video Time同步检测练(有答案)

    Unit 5 Music——Video Time

    1 As we all know he is a clever and ________(energy) student
    2 You may have the opportunity ________ (make)your biggest difference when you ’re older  
    3 They have some __________(equip) in the garage to be sold
    4 There were many ___________(talent)actors out there just waiting to be discovered
    5 ___________(assume) that you can have a second chance what will you do
    Top Summer Music Festivals to Travel to
      Summer is the best time of a year for music lovers especially if you love the outdoor concert scene Festival season is just kicking off and there is a lot to look forward to in the upcoming months
      Primavera Sound
      To kick off the summer there ’s no better place than Barcelona On the concert lineup you ’ll find bands like The Zombies Arcade Fire and Bon Iver Then take some time to taste the local food and wine
      May 31—June 4 Barcelona Spain
      Music Type Rock hiphop
      Price 86— 323
      Governors Ball
      One of the greatest summer concerts in New York City is Governors Ball which takes place in early June at Randall ’s Island Park Some of the playing artists include Tool Phoenix Lorde Flume and the WuTang Clan
      June 2—4 New York City New York USA
      Music Type Rock hiphop pop
      Price 105— 405
      Bonnaroo is another summer event that draws in crowds of around 60 000 each year Some of the most wellknown musicians will be playing this year including U2 Red Hot Chili Peppers The Weeknd and Chance the Rapper
      June 8—11 Manchester Tennessee USA
      Music Type Rock hiphop
      Price 210— 554
      Firefly Music Festival
      Many people haven ’t thought of going to Delaware for a summer vacation but midJune is a great time to plan this trip if you love music Headliners for this year ’s show are The Weeknd Muse Twenty One Pilots Chance the Rapper and Bob Dylan
      June 15—18 Dover Delaware USA
      Music Type Blues rock
      Price 179— 499
    1 What is special about Firefly Music Festival
    A It performs Blues
    B It is popular with travelers
    C It is held in summer
    D It has many famous musicians
    2 When can you enjoy Flume ’s performance
    A On May 31 B On June 3
    C On June 9 D On June 15
    3 What can we know from the introduction
    A These four music festivals are intended for music professionals
    B The Zombies is a music game for students from music school to play
    C Some famous musicians will take part in the event to be held in Manchester
    D Chance the Rapper will not tour around the world but just stay in one city
      Music is one of the most 1________ (power) things in my life Listening to music can help to motivate me in trying time When younger I 2 ________ (have) no great love for music as I do now I mainly listened to what my parents were listening to Whether I was in the car the house 3 ________ anywhere else there was sure to be some Beatles or Buddy Holly constantly playing in the background Now as I ’m 4________ (old) I enjoy it for the reason that it allows me to remember my childhood  
    I believe music has the power 5________ (express) all sorts of emotions The song A little bit longer by Jonas Brothers is 6________ an emotional and inspiring song that when I hear it I always can ’t help 7________ (drop) down tears especially when I watch it being played live The effect 8________ music can have on our emotions is great as it can bring people to floods of tears or bursts of 9________ (laugh)  
    I believe music affects people in many ways To me music is 10________  (extreme) important in my life I think it brings me closer to my friends and family  
    2to make
    1A细节理解题根文章活动音乐类型(Music Type)较知 Firefly Music Festival独特处Blues音乐选A
    2B细节理解题根文章中Governors Ball相关信息知 Flume表演 演出时间June 2—4 选项中6月3日期间选B
    3C细节理解题根文章中Bonnaroo相关信息知 著名音乐家参加曼彻斯特举行活动选C
    1 powerful考查形容词句意 音乐生命中强东西分析句子结构知 空格处应作things定语 形容词形式填powerful
    2 had考查时态句意 时候 音乐喜爱现根句意知 音乐喜爱事情 般时填had
    3 or考查连词句意 车里 家里 方 肯定播放Beatles者Buddy Holly歌作背景音乐…………固定表达whether or 填or
    4 older考查较级句意 现 长 喜欢音乐原记起童年联系文 句文When younger I________(have) no great love for music as I do now 进行 文younger 处older填older 
    5 to express考查定式作定语句意 相信音乐表达种样感情力量处定式to express作名词power置定语 power to do sth 做……力量填to express
    6 such考查结果状语句句意 Jonas Brothers演唱A little bit longer首富情感启发性歌 听禁住流泪 尤现场演唱时根句意知 处应结果状语句………… an emotional and inspiring song中心词名词song 固定结构such that 填such
    7 dropping考查动名词作宾语句意 Jonas Brothers演唱A little bit longer首富情感启发性歌 听禁住流泪 尤现场演唱时根固定搭配can ’t help doing知 处应该动名词形式填dropping
    8 thatwhich考查定语句句意 音乐带影响巨 泪流止者哈哈笑分析句子结构知 处定语句 定语句________music can have on our emotions中缺少宾语 关系代词 先行词effect 指物 that者which填thatwhich 
    9 laughter考查名词句意 音乐带影响巨 泪流止者哈哈笑句中of介词 应该接名词性质词 laugh名词形式laughter填laughter
    10 extremely考查副词句意 说 音乐生中特重分析句子结构知 处应副词修饰形容词important填extremely





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