人教版 必修第二册Unit5 Music Listening and Speaking课后检测练(有答案)

    Unit 5 Music——Listening and Speaking

    1 ______(现) more and more people have come to realize the importance of a balanced diet to their health
    2 The _______(乐队) is made up of 12 people who are all from China
    3 I ’m sure that I am _______(力) of finishing the task in time
    4 As for this _________(现象) ideas differ among many people
    5 Today ’s shopping carts are five times larger than Goldman ’s _________(原) model
      I was invited to attend a presentation at the Kentucky School That evening I found gratitude had amazing  1  to change our attitude and our life  
      The young musician Mr Patrick was  2  onto the stage in his wheelchair and began to play the piano His fingers danced across the keys as he made beautiful music He then began to sing as he played and it was wonderful But what shocked me most was his  3  smile  
      Mr Patrick was born with no eyes and an illness in the legs which  4  him lame for life However as a child he was fitted with artificial eyes and placed in a wheelchair Before his first birthday he discovered the piano  5  his mom hit any note on the piano and within one or two  6  he’d get it By his second birthday he was playing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star His father was  7  We might not play baseball but we can play music together  
      When Patrick was at the University of Louisville his father  8  classes with him He was also a part of the 214member marching band He was a blind wheelchairbound trumpet player and he and his father did it together His father  9 the night shift (夜班) in order to accompany his daytime band practice Patrick says My dad is my  10   
      But even more than his unbelievable musical talent it was Patrick’s attitude of gratitude that  11  my soul On stage between songs he talked to the audience about his life and about how  12  he was with a great father When his performance was over Patrick and his father were on the stage together The crowd rose to their feet and cheered for over five minutes  
      We all face misfortune in our lives  13  it’s not the hardship but how we  14  to it that will determine the joy and happiness in our lives During  15  times do we spend too much time feeling sorry for ourselves or can we with gratitude learn how to dance in the rain 
    1 A knowledge       B quality
    C wisdom D power
    2 A rolled    B held    C allowed   D dragged
    3 A strange B magic C bitter D friendly
    4 A took B led C forced D left
    5 A Before B When C Since D Until
    6 A memories B words C tries D notes
    7 A confused B amused
    C interested D overjoyed
    8 A listed B found C attended D organized
    9 A worked B found C refused D canceled
    10 A dream B hero C music D song
    11 A touched B calmed C freed D felt
    12 A satisfied B concerned
    C blessed D laughed
    13 A Therefore B Otherwise
    C However D Besides
    14 A see B react C agree D put
    15 A happy B modern C usual D tough
    When the natural climate changes due to global warming it can surely affect seals The majority of them live in the Antarctic region so as the ice is melting their natural habitat can be seriously affected These changes don’t take place overnight They can be the result of many years of additional temperatures in the area The seals then have to find ways to adapt
    Seals depend on the cool air currents to bring plenty of food for them When the temperatures get higher there is less and less food and the seal population starts to shrink Mothers aren’t healthy enough to feed their babies Many of them end up abandoned as the mothers have to leave to find their own source of food
    The fact that their desire to produce young can be changed by the warmer temperatures is frightening too It is also believed that the warmer temperatures can allow different diseases and viruses to attack the seals This is a huge concern as they can rapidly wipe out huge numbers of seals out there
    However these changes in climate and temperature aren’t all bad for other species of seals Scientists have found that those living in warmer climates are producing more young due to the changes Research also shows that the females are moving further to find food and water When they are out of the reach of the governing males they are more willing to accept the moves of other males in the group
    This is good news too because it means that there will be more selection in the gene pool(基库)for future generations It can help the seals as a species adapt to change in their natural environment more easily
    The climate change problem for seals is directly linked to humans When we take action to change what we let out into the environment we will make positive changes for the seals However it is going to take a very long time to reverse (彻底改变)the effects of what has already been done
    1 What does the author regard climate changes for seals as
    A A doubleedged sword
    B An unavoidable disaster for existence
    C A mirror of evolution
    D A requirement for more choice in the gene pool
    2 What will happen to the seals in warmer climates
    A Their number will be on the increase
    B The female seals will be in the lead
    C Their genes will change a great deal
    D The females will keep away from the males
    3 Which of the following can be the best title for the text
    A The Importance of Protecting Seals
    B Seals’ Adaptation to Climate Change
    C How Climate Change Affects Seals
    D Why Are Seals Becoming Less and Less

    1Dknowledge 知识quality 质量wisdom 智慧 power力量句意天晚 发现感恩惊力量改变态度生活文知 Patrick先生然身体残疾 音乐天赋 Patrick先生爸爸心怀感恩 种情感作者非常感动作者发现感恩惊力量改变态度生活选D
    2Arolled()滚动held 召开allowed 允许dragged 拖句意年轻音乐家Patrick先生坐着轮椅推舞台 开始弹钢琴in his wheelchair 知 Patrick先生坐着轮椅推舞台选A
    3Bstrange奇怪magic神奇bitter 味苦friendly 友句意令震惊神奇微笑Patrick然诸先天性缺陷 奏出优美音乐 乐观 令作者震惊神奇微笑选B
    4Dtook走led带领forced强迫left 离开 留句意Patrick先生出生时没眼睛 腿患种疾病 终生跛足leave表示处……状态 符合句意选D
    5B before……前 when……时候since然until直……句意妈妈钢琴敲音符时 尝试两次 学会分析句子知 句when引导时间状语句选B
    6Cmemories记忆words话语tries尝试notes笔记 注释句意妈妈钢琴敲音符时 尝试两次 学会里指两次尝试 学会 说明Patrick音乐天赋选C
    7Dconfused困惑amused愉快interested感兴趣overjoyed欣喜狂句意父亲非常高兴父亲残疾子音乐天赋 非常高兴选D
    8Clisted列出found发现attended参加organized组织句意Patrick路易斯维尔学读书时 父亲起课attend classes课符合句意选C
    9Aworked工作found发现refused拒绝canceled取消句意父亲夜班白天陪乐队练面in order to accompany his daytime band practice知 爸爸 work the night shift夜班选A
    10Bdream梦想hero英雄 偶music音乐song歌曲句意爸爸偶父亲陪子课 陪子练 晚夜班Patrick感激父亲 心中 父亲榜样 偶选B
    11Atouched感动calmed冷静freedfelt 感 感觉句意 令难置信音乐天赋外 更感动Patrick感恩态度句强调句式 Patrick感恩态度作者感动touch感动符合句意选A
    12Csatisfied满意concerned担心blessed神圣 福 愉快laughed笑句意舞台 歌曲间 观众讲述生活 福气样伟父亲父亲子付出 子变信 子感激父亲 认幸运 福气拥样伟父亲选C
    13CThereforeOtherwise否However然Besides外句意然 决定生活中快乐幸福困难 应困难分析句子知 句句转折关系 however符合句意选C
    14Bsee react……作出反应agree意put放句意然 决定生活中快乐幸福困难 应困难react to……作出反应选B
    15Dhappy 高兴 幸福modern现代usual通常 常tough 困难 苦难句意困难时期 花时间顾影怜 怀着感激情 学会雨中跳舞困难时候 会面两种截然选择选D
    1A推理判断题文章第三段介绍气候变暖南极区海豹负面影响 第四五段介绍气候变暖海豹种类正面影响知 作者 气候变暖海豹利弊 双刃剑
    2A细节理解题根第四段中 those living in warmer climates are producing more young due to the changes 知 生活更温暖区海豹会天气变暖繁殖更幼崽换言 数量会增加
    3C旨意题根全文知 文介绍气候变暖南极区海豹负面影响正面影响 C项气候变化影响海豹概括全文旨





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