人教版 必修第二册Unit3 The Internet Assessing Your Progress同步检测练(有答案)

    Unit 3 The Internet——Assessing Your Progress

    1 Mobile phones can also spread some _____(假) information to cheat you
    2 Its main ________(功) include calling texting surfing the Internet taking photos and playing games
    3 I know that you must be _______(沮丧) because of the present situation
    4 Then the day of November 11th was named Singles ’ day and they gave great ____________(折扣)
    5 All they need to do is to sit in front of their computers and ______(点击) the mouses
    Facebook users may feel socially successful in cyberspace but they are more likely to perform poorly in exams according to a new research into the academic impact of the social networking website
      About 83 of British 16 to 24yearolds are thought to use social networking sites such as Facebook MySpace and Bebo (视频博客) to keep in touch with friends and organize their social lives
      Our study shows people who spend more time on Facebook spend less time studying said Aryn Karpinski a researcher in the education department at Ohio State University Every generation has its distractions but I think Facebook is a unique phenomenon
      Karpinski and a colleague questioned 219 US undergraduates and graduates about their study practices and general Internet use as well as their specific use of Facebook
      They found that 65 of Facebook users accessed their account daily (刷新页) usually checking it several times to see if they had received new messages The amount of time spent on Facebook at each login varied from just a few minutes to more than an hour
      The Ohio report shows that students who used Facebook had asignificantlylower grade point average—the marking system used in US universities—than those who did not use the site
      It is the equivalent of the difference between getting an A and a B said Karpinski who will present her findings this week to the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association
    1 According to the passage we know that most present students like to get in touch with their friends by _______  
    A sending short messages B chatting online
    C Facebook site D sending emails
    2 The study shows that compared to ones who avoid websites the school results of the students who use social networking sites are _______  
    A the equivalent of the difference between getting an A and a B
    B not less grades in all studies
    C more ambitious to succeed in their studies
    D just the same
    3 Researchers’ survey aimed at students on the following EXCEPT _______  
    A their study practices
    B their general Internet use
    C their specific use of Facebook
    D their habits of living
      The standing broad jump is an exercise where the jumpers must jump as far as possible Unlike other classic Olympic events the jumper cannot run to build up strength This exercise takes great attention and it can be difficult to improve  1  
     2  Use a form to fill out the greatest distance you have reached every workout You should also write down which techniques you have used so that you will know what actually works on you Set a distance goal for a future date and once you reach this goal set a new one  
    Throughout the jump jumpers should always look forward toward their goal distance  3  Try to achieve a great distance without jumping very high at the takeoff and be sure that all of your energy is pointing forward rather than upward  
    Using the power from your upper body to push yourself forward can help you achieve a great distance This can be a great way to warm up before trying the jump Start by standing in the correct position with your toes lined up and feet shoulderwidth apart  4  Now bend your knees and jump as your arms move forward again  
    Having more strength in your legs will allow you to jump a greater distance Practicing the standing broad jump will exercise your legs as well but having strong leg muscles to begin with will help you achieve greater distances  5  
    A However improvement is well worth it
    B This will set the direction they want the body to
    C The best way to improve is to have a goal in mind
    D Improving the standing broad jump requires great attention
    E You must stand in one spot to jump without any kind of leadin
    F So you should exercise your legs as much as possible to build muscles
    G Next move your arms forward then backward and up over your head

    1B细节理解题根第二段容知 数学生通社交网站朋友取联系选B
    2A细节理解题根第段perform poorly in exams尾段It is the equivalent of the difference between getting an A and a B 知 通社交网站朋友联系学生成绩低网学生 成绩差异相获AB差选A
    3D细节理解题根文章第四段容知 Karpinski事美国219名科生研究生学业网络惯Facebook情况进行调查 没提学生生活惯问题选 D
    1 A根句项练需极注意力 难改进文段关练立定跳远容知 立定跳远改进难 值 承接文选A项
    2 C根段两句应该写技巧 样知道什真正未日子设定距离目标 旦达目标 设定新目标知 提高立定跳远方法心里设定目标 承接文选C项
    3 B根句整跳跃程中 跳远者应始终前 目标距离知 空格处承接文 跳远者前目标距离设定身体跳跃时方选B项
    4 G根句先站正确位置 脚趾齐 双脚分开肩宽句现弯曲膝盖 着手臂次前移动跳跃知 空格处承接文 三句讲开始立定跳远时身体姿势选G项
    5 F根两句腿部力量越 跳越远练立定跳远锻炼双腿 首先拥强壮腿部肌肉助跳更远知 空格处承接文 F项中legsmuscles应文中leg muscles 词复现选F项





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