人教版 必修第二册Unit3 The Internet Listening and Speaking课后检测练(有答案)

    Unit 3 The Internet——Listening and Speaking

    1 Here are some ____(诀窍) which I hope will be of some help to you
    2 The _____ (慈善机构) is calling for volunteers to make use of their free time to help those poor children
    3 My job is collecting information for a _____(资料库)
    4 With the development of the ____(网络) people all over the world can share their knowledge with others through the World Wide Web
    5 My brother has some difficulties in learning English which ______(烦恼) him very much
    Last summer we went to Hawaii for holiday During my  1  trip with my husband we spent most of our time travelling during the day  2  the sea and then enjoying walks along the beach in the evenings  
    We didn ’t take any  3  because we had enough We had visited the island many times before On our way to the  4  we joked that other than our sunburnt skin we had no way to show that we had  5  there  
    As we stood in line at the checkin we noticed the  6  who had been on our plane the week before On the plane we sat directly behind them a mother and her four children without Dad ’s  7  We learned that the father had been killed in a jetskiing accident that week and his wife and children had to  8  make their way home without him  
    We watched the children become  9  while they were playing cards But the mother stared at her knees  10  to believe her husband ’s death We could almost feel her pain as we realized that this could have happened to any of us  11  we were laughing and playing in the water this poor family had been  12  the sufferings The vacation they had dreamed about had  13  the terrible dream they would never forget  
    I suddenly regretted that we had no pictures for this vacation together I closed my eyes  14  that my mind had recorded all the wonderful moments that I had  15  with my husband that week What a trip  
    1 A weeklong  B monthlong
    C yearlong D weekend
    2 A by   B in   C for   D with
    3 A action B children
    C photos D friends
    4 A sea B airport
    C destination D station
    5 A traveled B left
    C missed D forgotten
    6 A class B parent
    C passenger D family
    7 A attendance B care
    C protection D love
    8 A nervously B bravely
    C confidently D proudly
    9 A unworried B sad
    C worried D frightened
    10 A unable B likely C willing D afraid
    11 A Whether B While
    C Although D If
    12 A feeling B experiencing
    C fighting D ignoring
    13 A wiped out B eased off 
    C broken up D turned into
    14 A noticing B hoping
    C finding D seeing
    15 A created B valued C shared D planned

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    1 What ’s the writer ’s purpose by mentioning Save money save time with in Paragraph 1
    A To tell readers how to save money and time
    B To attract readers ’ attention
    C To help develop potential consumers
    D To introduce a travel agent
    2 What is Cheapflights
    A It is the name of an airline company
    B It ’s the name of an airplane
    C It is a travel agent booking tickets for customers
    D It ’s a search software for booking flight tickets
    3 Which of the following statements is right according to the text
    A Cheapflights is a paid software
    B You can use a line chart for price comparison
    C You can book landmark tickets from Cheapflights
    D You can book domestic flights and private flights from Cheapflights

    1A根文章I had   with my husband that week知 处指丈夫期周旅行选A 
    2B根文then enjoying walks along the beach in the evenings知 处指海里游泳 in the sea选B
    3C根段we had no pictures for this vacation together知 处指没拍片 选C
    4B根文As we stood in line at the checkin we noticed on our plane the week before 知 处指机场路 选B
    5A根语境 处指没办法证明里旅行 选A
    6D根文On the plane we sat directly behind them a mother and her four children without Dad ’s   知 处指排队办理登机手续时 注意周前坐飞机家选D 
    7A根文make their way home without him知 处指位母亲四孩子没父亲陪伴选A
    8B根语境知 处指妻子孩子勇敢回家选B
    9A根文while they were playing cards知 处指着孩子牌时变忧虑选A
    10A根文But the mother stared at her knees知 处指法相信丈夫死选A
    11B根语境知 处指水里嬉笑玩耍时选B
    12B根语境知 处指怜家庭直历着苦难选B
    13D根语境知 处指梦想假期变成永远会忘记噩梦选D
    14B根语境知 处指闭眼睛 希头脑已记录美时刻选B
    15C根语境知 处指丈夫起分享美时刻 选C
    1B推理判断题作者开篇提Save money save time with (……省钱省时间)吸引读者注意 引出文章介绍应程序选B
    2D细节理解题根文章第段第二句中 travel providers in seconds with the new Cheapflights app 知 Cheapflights预订机票搜索软件选D
    3B细节理解题Cheapflights通价格图表日历方式帮助户较航班价格知 线状图较价格 线状图价格图表形式选B





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