
    1 —What’s this
    —________a dog
    A This is B Its C It’s D That is
    2 —_____ you Mr Zhang
    —Yes my name _____ Zhang Ming
    A Aream B Isare
    C Isam D Areis
    3 —I don’t ____ a dictionary She _____ one
    A hashave B havehave
    C havehas D hashas
    4 —Is that your father
    —______ It’s my uncle
    A Yes that is B No that isn’t
    C Yes it is D No it isn't
    5 —How much are these pants
    —______ 65 yuan
    A Than is B It is C This is D They are
    6 March is the _______ month of the year
    A first B second C third D fourth
    7 We have art ______ Friday
    A in B on C at D to
    8 —Does she like English
    A Yes she do B No she doesn’t
    C No she isn’t D Yes she is
    9 —What is your favorite ______
    A food B drink C color D subject
    10 Do you eat ______at school
    A well B good C nice D fun
    二 完形填空(题15分15分)
    Hi I’m Cheng Ling I’m a 1 of Class 3 Grade 7 My school life is very 2
    We have four classes in the 3 Classes begin at 8 o’clock In the afternoon we have two classes We have English science history music and 4 other subjects 5 is my favorite subject I often sing and dance with my classmates on weekends But I 6 science because I think it’s difficult and 7 Do you think so
    After school I often play soccer with 8 friends Sometimes I swim in a swimming club But my favorite sport is volleyball And I can play it 9
    I like my school life very much 10 you tell me about your school life
    ( ) 1 A runner B student C musician D teacher
    ( ) 2 A scary B boring C interesting D difficult
    ( ) 3 A night B afternoon C evening D morning
    ( ) 4 A some B any C a lot D a little
    ( ) 5 A History B Music C Math D Science
    ( ) 6 A don’t like B doesn’t like C like D likes
    ( ) 7 A relaxing B interesting C boring D fun
    ( ) 8 A our B her C his D my
    ( ) 9 A nice B fine C well D good
    ( )10 A Can B Do C Are D Does
    三 阅读理解(题2分20分)
    My friend Lisa has a clothes store She asks me to come and see So I go to her store one day
    It’s a small but nice store Good clothes are everywhere I see Tshirts shorts and skirts All of them are at great sale
    A woman and her son come in The woman wants to buy a Tshirt for her son My son likes black says the woman Lisa finds a black Tshirt for the boy The boy likes it very much The woman asks How much is it Only﹩10 says Lisa Oh it’s really cheap Then the woman buys the Tshirt happily(高兴)
    Another woman comes She is a teacher She wants to buy thirty skirts for her students She needs ten black eight yellow seven green and five white ones Lisa sells the thirty skirts at a great sale One skirt is only﹩18
    I help Lisa sell some clothes too It’s a really great day
    1 How many kinds of clothes does Lisa sell?
    A One B Two C Three D Four
    2 From Paragraph 3 we can know that ______________
    A the first woman needs shorts
    B the first woman’s son likes black
    C another woman buys some socks
    D the black Tshirt is 100 dollar
    3 The underlined word cheap means_____ in this passage
    A 珍贵 B 劣质 C 方 D 便宜
    4 The teacher needs_________
    A ten white skirts B eight yellow skirts
    C seven black skirts D five green skirts
    5 How much are the thirty skirts
    A ﹩540 B ﹩420 C ﹩300 D ﹩180
    Nancy is an English school girl She studies in a middle school She has a little brother His name is John John is only four Nancy likes him very much
    Today is Sunday Nancy wants to do her homework She takes out her pencilbox and opens it Oh dear Where’s my pen She can’t find her pen She goes to ask her brother in his bedroom John I can’t find my pen Can you see Oh what are you doing with my pen
    I'm writing to my friend Peter John answers
    But how can you You don’t know how to write
    It doesn’t matter Peter can’t read John says
    1 How old is Nancy’s brother
    A Five B Four C Six D Three
    2 _________ can’t find her pen
    A Nancy B Peter C John D Friend
    3 Where’s John
    A In the school B In a shop
    C In his bedroom D In her father’s car
    4 Which is not right
    A Nancy finds her pen in John’s room
    B John can’t write
    C John is writing with her sister’s pen
    D Peter can read
    5 John and Peter are______
    A friends B English C at home D school girls
    四 根句意词适形式填空(题2分10分)
    1What’s ______(she) phone number
    2 Sonia______(watch) TV in the morning
    3 Those are_____(they) favorite food
    4 Today is her______(eight) birthday
    5 Ken has two favorite______(subject)
    五 根汉语提示写出单词(题15分15分)
    1 Is your birthday in ______(八月)
    2 Can I ask you some______(问题)
    3 They have shoes at very good______(价格)
    4 The baseball is______(……面) the chair.
    5 ______(物理) is his favourite subject
    6 My favourite sport is ______(篮球)
    7 We should eat ______ (健康) food
    8 He often eats two eggs for ______ (早餐)
    9 There are ______ (三十) students in my class
    10 My favourite drink is ______ (牛奶)
    六 选择适句子补全话选项中两项余(题2分10分)
    A:Hi I’m Mark 1 
    B:My name is Jack Nice to meet you
    A:Nice to meet you too 2
    B:I’m twelve What about you
    A:I’m eleven 3
    B:Next Tuesday is my birthday
    A:Wow My birthday is next Tuesday too
    B:Well how about having a birthday party together(起) at my home next Tuesday
    A: 4 Thank you
    B: 5
    A How old are you
    B What color is it
    C What's your name
    D y ou're welcome
    E When is your birthday
    七 书面表达(15分)
    根出容 My friend 题写篇短文
    求:第三称写 信息

    1 C题干What’s this 知回答It’sIts意
    2 D第空语you系动词are第空语name系动词is
    3 C第空don’t加动词原形第二空语she动词三单形式has
    4 D根答语It’s my uncle知否定回答文中that答语中换it
    5 Dthese pants复数代词they选D
    6 C句意:三月年中第三月根句意知选C
    7 B具体某天介词on
    8 B问句般疑问句答语Yes she doesNo she doesn’t
    9 D根答语hamburgers知问食物选A
    10 A处修饰动词eat副词well选A
    二 1 B文of Class 3 Grade 7知学生
    2 C根段I like my school life very much知校园生活趣
    3 D根文Classes begin at 8 o'clock知处指早四节课
    4 A处指英语科学历史音乐科目选some
    5 B根文 I often sing and dance with my classmates on weekends推知作者喜欢科目音乐
    6 A根文because I think it’s difficultbut知作者喜欢科学
    7 C处difficult列作者喜欢选boring
    8 D处指常朋友踢足球选my
    9 C处指排球修饰动词副词well
    10 B处指告诉校园生活Can

    1 C原文I see Tshirts shorts and skirts知Lisa卖3种衣服
    2 B原文My son likes black says the woman知第女子喜欢黑色
    3 D原文Only﹩10推知cheap意便宜
    4 B原文She wants to buy thirty skirts for her students She needs ten black eight yellow seven green and five white ones知买30条短裙10条黑色8条黄色7条绿色5条白色选B
    5 A原文Lisa sells the thirty skirts at a great sale One skirt is only﹩18知条18美金30条540美金
    1 B原文John is only four知弟弟四岁
    2 A原文知Nancy想写作业找笔
    3 C原文She goes to ask her brother in his bedroom知John卧室里
    4 D原文It doesn't matter Peter can’t read知Peter会阅读
    5 A原文I'm writing to my friend PeterJohn answers知PeterJohn朋友
    四 1 her 2 watches 3their 4 eighth 5 subjects
    五 1 August 2 questions 3 price 4 under 5 Physics
    6 basketball 7 healthy 8 breakfast 9 thirty 10 milk
    六 1 C根句My name is Jack知文问名字
    2 A根文I’m twelve知文问年龄
    3 E根文Next Tuesday is my birthday知文问生日
    4 F处表示文起生日提议做出回应选F
    5 D根文Thank you知答语应说客气

    My Friend
    Maria is my best friends She’s fourteen years old She comes from America She is an exchange student
    She is now studying in Class three Grade 2 in No18 Middle School Her favorite subject is English She thinks it's interesting She loves her English teacher best because her class is very fun She likes blue best because blue makes her relaxed As for fruit she likes orange best
    Do you like Maria If so please call her at 2725376 to be her friend




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