人教版新高考英语二轮复习习题训练-阅读理解 推理判断题——观点态度类(含答案)

    考点分类练(四) 推理判断题——观点态度类
    A booksforfood programme in Guatemala is helping feed needy children as hunger rates rise during the pandemic(流行病) It is run by a local nonprofit organisation that aims to feed nearly 400 children
    The programme is simple People choose a book they want from a list of donated titles and in return give bags of Incaparina a highprotein drink mix Bonifaz Diaz works for the programme By bringing the booksforfood programme directly to people’s homes Diaz makes sure donations keep flowing He has travelled more than 2000 kilometres on his bicycle delivered loads of books and carried back thousands of kilograms of Incaparina for the nonprofit group Diaz sometimes pulls a small cart that helps him carry up to 57 kilograms of product He has travelled as far as 60 kilometres for a delivery to a town in the Western Highlands where road conditions are poor
    Nearly a year into the booksforfood programme two more cyclists have joined Diaz Ana Castillo is a high school teacher who recently received the sociology book from Diaz She donates to the programme often The 18 kilograms of Incaparina she provided will help one family eat for a month
    Castillo looks forward to choosing her books from the titles Diaz posts on social media She also loves the feeling of a growing circle of giving and receivingYou might not get to those places but your help can she says
    Diaz says he plans to continue cycling against hunger as long as the need exists He has faced his own economic difficulties since the theatre company he cofounded closed last spring But the programme has kept him activeIt’s an opportunity to serve from which we all benefit Diaz says
    1What is the purpose of the programme
    ATo serve the readers
    BTo produce Incaparina
    CTo offer poor children food
    DTo fight the pandemic
    2What did Diaz do for the programme
    AHe set up a social media
    BHe made donations frequently
    CHe rented a cart to carry goods
    DHe travelled to deliver books and food
    3How is the programme going now
    AMore people are involved in it
    BOnly two cyclists work for it
    COver 400 adults benefit from it
    DFinancial difficulties put it to an end
    4Which word best describes Diaz’s attitude towards the programme
    AIndifferent      BSupportive
    CTolerant DUnwilling

    Charvi Goyal is a high school student from Dallas Texas who helps out other classmates by tutoring them between classes A tutor is someone who teaches one person or a very small group of students
    When Goyal’s high school moved online last year because of the pandemic she decided to also take her teaching online The junior and three of her fellow students created TutorScope a programme that offers free tutoring services to other children including younger ones It started with a small number of tutors who helped young people in their city But it has grown into a group of 22 tutors from Texas Arizona and Ohio They have helped more than 300 students
    TutorScope aims to give the oneonone help that teachers have traditionally given while walking around their classrooms But now many teachers cannot provide that oneonone support because they lack time or have issues with technology
    Sarah Newman said her children 7yearold twins had helpful TutorScope experiences With these tutors I realise they have time she said I think they are very patient with these younger kids which I do not even have as a mother I have patience for other things but I don’t have patience for teaching
    What makes the TutorScope effort special is the connection between the teenage volunteers and the other students they are helping Although the pandemic has forced many students to look inward Goyal said that working with others on a big project had permitted her to look outwardMy confidence level has increased Goyal said She added that she has made friends with other students from her school She said one of the best things about running a growing nonprofit programme is that it does help with the boredom of being stuck at home
    5What did Goyal do last year
    AShe helped her classmates at school
    BShe got active in fighting a disease
    CShe offered online classes to students
    DShe went to another country for help
    6What’s the purpose of TutorScope
    ATo give online help
    BTo make profits
    CTo make friends
    DTo choose volunteers
    7What’s Sarah Newman’s attitude towards the programme
    AFavourable BTolerant
    CSkeptical DCritical
    8What can we learn from Goyal’s success
    APutting the cart before the horse
    BA friend in need is a friend indeed
    CNo man can do two things at once
    DHelping others will benefit oneself

    Online education has grown fast over the past ten years The explosion of technology has made teaching outside the traditional classroom possible for teachers and has provided learners with easy access to course materials
    In April 2005 I was approached by a student who was interested in our doctoral programme However the first question out of her mouth wasDo you offer any online courses Later that day as I was reading the conference programme guide and trying for interesting presentations I noticed many workshops on webbased learning and online education I later attended two of those workshops and met several professors from different universities who had either taught online courses for quite some time or who were discovering the best practice for teaching online These experiences helped me realise at least to some extent the degree of growth in online education
    I made several attempts to enrich my knowledge of distance learning and online teaching I consulted with my colleagues who were teaching online courses This helped me recognise the importance of getting materials prepared even before the start of a term I also learned that online courses may consume more time than regular classroom teaching And I attended several workshops regarding online education and established a network with those who were involved in online programmes at other universities I will consider these people as my consultants as I begin to design my own online course Also I conducted a brief survey with 15 students and two staff members who had taken or taught an online course before to understand their experience Eventually I completed a literature review which gave me the foundation and the background of understanding the need for online education
    9Why did the author take a student for example
    ATo show students’ love for the doctoral programme
    BTo persuade learners of traditional education
    CTo explain the growing trend of online education
    DTo predict the future of the teaching career
    10What caused the author to know more about online education
    AThe appetite for knowledge
    BThe professional responsibilities
    CThe requirement of research
    DThe colleagues’ encouragement
    11What is the author’s attitude to online education
    ACarefree BDoubtful
    CSupportive DUnwilling

    考点分类练(四) 推理判断题——观点态度类
    语篇导读文篇说明文文章介绍疫情期间 家非营利组织通书籍换食物方式帮助战胜饥饿
    1C 解析细节理解题根第段 It is run by a local nonprofit organisation that aims to feed nearly 400 children 知 该项目目贫困童提供食物选C项
    2D 解析细节理解题根第二段 He has travelled more than 2000 kilometres on his bicycle delivered loads of books and carried back thousands of kilograms of Incaparina for the nonprofit group Diaz sometimes pulls a small cart that helps him carry up to 57 kilograms of product He has travelled as far as 60 kilometres for a delivery to a town in the Western Highlands where road conditions are poor 知 Diaz项目中负责运送书食物选D项
    3A 解析细节理解题根第三段 Nearly a year into the booksforfood programme two more cyclists have joined Diaz 知 现更参该项目中选A项
    4B 解析推理判断题根段 Diaz says he plans to continue cycling against hunger as long as the need exists 推断 Diaz项目态度支持选B项
    语篇导读文篇记叙文文章讲述高中生Charvi Goyal疫情暴发时 通网络教学帮助学生 时增强信心
    5C 解析细节理解题根第二段 When Goyal’s high school moved online last year because of the pandemic she decided to also take her teaching online 知 年学生提供线课程选C项
    6A 解析推理判断题根第二段 The junior and three of her fellow students created TutorScope a programme that offers free tutoring services to other children including younger ones 知 TutorScope目提供线帮助选A项
    7A 解析推理判断题根第四段 With these tutors I realise they have time’she said I think they are very patient with these younger kids which I do not even have as a mother I have patience for other things but I don’t have patience for teaching’ 推断 Sarah Newman项目持赞支持态度选A项
    8D 解析推理判断题根段 My confidence level has increased’ Goyal said She added that she has made friends with other students from her school She said one of the best things about running a growing nonprofit programme is that it does help with the boredom of being stuck at home 知 做项目帮助 帮助选D项
    9D 解析推理判断题根第二段容知 作者学生例想表明开始接触线教育 历帮助认识线教育已成教育势推知 举例子预测未教学生涯选D项
    10A 解析推理判断题根第三段 I made several attempts to enrich my knowledge of distance learning and online teaching 推知 作者尝试远程学线教育知识渴选A项
    11C 解析推理判断题根第三段 I will consider these people as my consultants as I begin to design my own online course Eventually I completed a literature review which gave me the foundation and the background of understanding the need for online education 推知 作者线教育态度支持选C项




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