人教版新高考英语二轮复习习题训练-阅读理解 推理判断题——隐含信息类(含答案)

    考点分类练(五) 推理判断题——隐含信息类
    To improve a high schooler’s chance of getting into a top university the summer programmes allow young students to explore fields of interest and get a taste of college life
    Telluride Association Summer Programme (TASP)
    TASP is a sixweek programme allowing high school freshmen from around the world to grow their sense of interpersonal awareness and community responsibility It’s completely free including the cost of tuition books and even travel
    Minority Introduction to Engineering and Science (MITES)
    The aim of this weeklong programme is that all US high school students can develop the skills necessary for future job in engineering while learning about the value and reward of acquiring advanced technical degrees MITES is free except for the transportation
    Clark Scholar Programme (CSP)
    High school students coming from across the globe are offered the unique opportunity to gain handson research experience in mathematics field while working with teaching staff over four intense weeks Everything is free for chosen applicants except for their meals
    The sevenweek one brings high school freshmen and sophomores from various backgrounds together for participating in sessions and workshops led by notable journalists where students can get handson training in journalism JCamp is free if selected—participants only need to pay for the board
    1What can be expected of MITES
    AIt is accessible to worldwide students
    BIt lays a foundation for career prospects
    CIt makes no extra charge for transportation
    DIt awards students advanced technical degrees
    2Which programme is suitable for a UK high schooler with up to 5 spare weeks
    ATASP         BMITES
    CCSP DJCamp
    3What is the shared goal of the programmes
    ATo seek for oneonone instruction
    BTo develop a sense of social duty
    CTo get participants better prepared for college
    DTo advertise some majors of the top universities

    Most teenagers are still trying to find their passion and purposes in life However not Gitanjali Rao The girl has been coming up with innovative solutions to worldwide problems since she was ten It is therefore not surprising that the teenager has won the honour of America’s Top Young Scientist
    In the third grade Rao was inspired to build a device after witnessing the shocking story unfold in Flint Michigan where costcutting measures led to the use of a polluted river as the city’s primary water supply and incredibly high levels of lead made its way into people’s drinking water
    After two months’ research Rao designed a small and portable device that used sensors to instantly detect lead in water Called Tethys it attaches to a cell phone and informs the residents via an app if their drinking water contains lead The design earned her the 3M Young Scientist Challenge in 2017 She is currently working with scientists and medical professionals to test Tethys’ potential and hopes the device will be ready for commercial use in the near future
    Later Rao took on another social issue—drug addiction Her app called Epione which won a prize in May 2019 is designed to catch drug addiction in young adults before it’s too late
    More recently the teenager has developed an app named Kindly which uses artificial intelligence technology to detect possible signs of cyberbullying(网络欺凌) When users type in a word or phrase Kindly is able to pick it up if it’s bullying and then it gives the option to edit it or send it the way it is It gives them the chance to rethink what they are saying so that they know what to do next time
    4What gave Rao the idea of inventing the device Tethys
    AThe incident of lead pollution
    BThe issue with drug addiction
    CThe shortage of water supplies
    DThe high cost of purifying water
    5What will Kindly allow users to do
    AReceive prewarning signals of threat
    BInput words into a computer automatically
    CChoose from secure social networking sites
    DWeigh their words before posting them online
    6Which of the following can best describe Gitanjali Rao as a young scientist
    AAmbitious and humble
    BOptimistic and adventurous
    CTalkative and outstanding
    DCreative and productive

    Some time ago in my class I was about to fail a student for his answer to a physics question when the student claimed he deserved a better score
    Show how it is possible to determine the height of a tall building with the aid of a barometer(气压计) The student had answered Take the barometer to the top of the building attach a long rope to it lower the barometer to the street and then bring it up measuring the length of the rope The length of the rope is the height of the building
    I argued that a high grade should prove his competence in physics but the answer did not confirm this I suggested that the student have another try Immediately he worked out his answer A second best way is to take the barometer to the top of the building Drop the barometer timing its fall with a stopwatch Then use the formula to calculate the height of the building
    I was shocked by his answer His method gave me not only a broken barometer but a Uturn in my teaching philosophy I gave him full marks
    On his leaving my office I recalled that he suggested there could be a better answer So I asked him what it was Oh yes said the studentThere are many ways Probably the best he said is to take the barometer to the basement and ask the superintendent(理) You speak to him as follows Mr Superintendent here I have a fine barometer If you tell me the height of this building I will give it to you
    At this point I asked the student if he really did not know the conventional answer to this question He admitted that he did but said that he was fed up with high school instructors’ trying to teach him how to think and to use the socalled scientific method He just wanted to solve the problem in a practical manner not just answer the question in an expected way Hearing this I really had nothing to do but give the boy a firm handshake feeling thankful that I hadn’t failed him in the first place
    7Why did the author want to fail the student in the first place
    AThe student challenged his authority
    BThe student’s answer was not practical
    CThe student didn’t show his academic ability
    DThe student had a poor performance in physics class
    8Which of the following can best describe the author’s new teaching philosophy
    AWithout love there is no education
    BA man becomes learned by asking questions
    CTeaching is to make two ideas grow where only one grew before
    DYou can lead your horse to the river but you can’t make it drink
    9What made the student abandon the conventional answer
    ALack of physicsrelated knowledge
    BIgnorance of the teacher’s expectation
    CIntention to deeply impress his teacher
    DDisapproval of existing teaching concepts
    10What can we infer from the text
    AThe superintendent was a greedy person
    BSchool education restricted this student’s thinking
    CThe teacher appreciated the student’s answers finally
    DThe examination question is a tough physics problem

    考点分类练(五) 推理判断题——隐含信息类
    1B 解析 细节理解题根第三段 The aim of this weeklong programme is that all US high school students can develop the skills necessary for future job in engineering while learning about the value and reward of acquiring advanced technical degrees 知 MITES职业前景基础选B项
    2C 解析 细节理解题根倒数第二段 High school students coming from across the globe are offered the unique opportunity to gain handson research experienceover four intense weeks 知 CSP项目适合5周空闲时间英国高中生选C项
    3C 解析 推理判断题根第段 To improve a high schooler’s chance of getting into a top university the summer programmes allow young students to explore fields of interest and get a taste of college life 结合文章介绍四暑期项目知 项目目标参者学做准备选C项
    语篇导读文篇记叙文青少年发明家Gitanjali Rao10岁开始直解决世界问题想出种创新方案 文章介绍三发明获荣誉
    4A 解析细节理解题根第二段容知 铅污染事件Rao萌生发明Tethys装置想法选A项
    5D 解析细节理解题根段 When users type in a word or phrase Kindly is able to pick it up if it’s bullying and then it gives the option to edit it or send it the way it is It gives them the chance to rethink what they are saying so that they know what to do next time 知 Kindly够户发表话语前 先衡量话语否合适选D项
    6D 解析推理判断题根第二段 In the third grade Rao was inspired to build a device after witnessing the shocking story unfold in Flint Michigan 知 Rao富创造力 根发明Tethys Epione Kindly结合第段 The girl has been coming up with innovative solutions to worldwide problems since she was ten 知 位产发明家选D项
    语篇导读文篇记叙文作者名老师 前段时间学生物理题答案正确算格 学生出答案 作者教学理念发生转变
    7C 解析 细节理解题根第三段第句知 作者开始想学生格学生没表现出学术力选C项
    8C 解析 推理判断题根第三段 I suggested that the student have another try Immediately he worked out his answer Then use the formula to calculate the height of the building 第四段 I was shocked by his answer His method gave me not only a broken barometer but a Uturn in my teaching philosophy 段容知 名学生答案启发作者更解答方式 作者新教学理念应教学前思想方 两思想生长 选C项
    9D 解析 推理判断题根段 He admitted that he did but said that he was fed up with high school instructors’ trying to teach him how to thinkHe just wanted to solve the problem in a practical manner not just answer the question in an expected way 知 赞成现教学观念学生放弃传统答案选D项
    10C 解析 推理判断题根文章句 Hearing this I really had nothing to do but give the boy a firm handshake feeling thankful that I hadn’t failed him in the first place 推知 老师终学生回答表示赞赏选C项





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