
    Ⅰ阅读理解(15题 题25分 满分375分)
    If you are planning to visit the historic capital city of Scotland Edinburgh a travel destination that people want to attend one festival while you are there keep on reading to discover more information
    The Imaginate Festival
    When 22 May2 June 2021
    Where Traverse Theatre Assembly Roxy
    The festival is the UK’s largest children’s performing art festival for children aged 3 to 12 There are all kinds of performances all over the world ranging from fairy tales to new plays for children
    The Edinburgh International Film Festival
    When 19 June29 June 2021
    Where Film House Festival Theatre
    The festival was established in 1947The dynamic festival features everything from documentaries to shorts along with a range of experimental films in an attractive setting with a spray of red carpet charm
    The Edinburgh Art Festival
    When 25 July25 August 2021
    Where City Art Centre The Scottish Gallery
    With over 40 exhibitions to attend the Edinburgh Art Festival is the UK’s largest visual art event where you can see everything from historical works to contemporary masterpieces
    The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo
    When 2 August24 August 2021
    Where Edinburgh Castle
    With a different theme every year over 200000 visitors crowd to Edinburgh to see the military bands and the symbolic pipers set against the backdrop of Edinburgh Castle
    1Who is the Imaginate Festival intended for
    BTalented performers
    2What’s special about the Edinburgh Art Festival
    AIt includes all forms of arts
    BIt is about great works in history
    CIt is the largest festival in the world
    DIt lasts for the longest time
    3Which festival offers performances by soldiers
    AThe Edinburgh Art Festival
    BThe Imaginate Festival
    CThe Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo
    DThe Edinburgh International Film Festival

    Video calls are a common occurrence but have you imagined being able to touch the person on the other end of the line Scientists are making this a reality
    Researchers at the University of New South Wales Australia have invented a soft skin stretch device (SSD) a haptic device that can recreate the sense of touch Haptic technology can mimic the experience of touch by stimulating localised areas of the skin in ways that are similar to what is felt in the real world through force vibration or motion
    Vibration is the most common haptic technology today and has been built into many electronic devices such as one attached to the back of a trackpad in laptops However haptic feedback with vibration becomes less sensitive when used continuously The existing technology also has great difficulty recreating the sense of touch with objects in virtual environments or located remotely
    The new technology overcomes issues with existing haptic devices The research team introduced a novel method to recreate the sense of touch through soft artificial muscles
    It works like this Imagine you call a friend in Australia You wear a haptic glove with the SSDs and your friend also wears a glove with 3D force sensors If your friend picks up an object it will physically press against your friend’s fingers And the glove with 3D force sensors will measure these interactions The force signals can be sent to your glove so your device will generate the same 3D forces making you experience the same sense of touch as your friend
    The haptic devices could be used in various fields allowing users to feel objects inside a virtual world or at a distance This could be especially beneficial when people rely on video calls to stay connected with loved ones Or it could be used in medical practices Doctors can feel a patient’s organ tissues without touching them
    4What does the underlined word mimic in paragraph 2 probably mean
    ARecall       BStrengthen
    CCopy DRepeat
    5What does the author focus on in the third paragraph
    ALimitations of the haptic technology
    BApplication of haptic devices
    CCommon use of continuous vibration
    DHaptic feedback with vibration
    6In which of the following situations can the SSDs be used according to the author
    ATasting a dish on the video
    BFeeling a dress being sold online
    CGiving a telephone interview
    DReceiving onsite medical treatment
    7Which word can best describe the SSDs according to the text
    AUnrealistic BConventional
    CInnovative DAdjustable

    There are around 100 tribes that live in global isolation mostly in South America and India
    The Sentinelese have lived on one of the Andaman Islands in Eastern India for 60000 years They protect their island by fighting against people from the outside Their language is different from any other known language
    Another Andaman tribe is the Jarawa In the past they were independent and fought against anybody trying to make contact with them But in 1998 the Indian government built a road across their land and since then they’ve had more contact with the outside world
    Some Amazon tribes avoid contact because of unhappy memories The MashcoPiro left their vegetable gardens after rubber companies killed most people of their tribe at the beginning of the 20th century Those who survived became nomadic(游牧) and started hunting animals in the forest
    The Awa live in the Amazon forests of Brazil Out of 350 members 100 have no contact with the outside world They left their villages and adopted a nomadic lifestyle around 1850 to escape attacks by Europeans In the following years farmers in nearby communities started cutting the trees to expand their farmland The Awa lost most of their hunting land
    The few Amazon tribes that still exist are fighting to keep their traditional way of life
    Survival an organisation that fights for the rights of tribal people says that uncontacted tribes are the most vulnerable(弱势) humans on the planet and that’s why their environment should be unavailable to the rest of us
    After years of pressure the organisation got Brazil’s government to clear invaders from the Awa land All nonAwa people are leaving so the tribe can get their forest back But some think it’s impossible for tribes to stay isolated forever in a connected world Contact will be made one day So the question is Whose choice should it be ours or theirs
    8What could be learnt about the Sentinelese from the text
    AThey speak the same language as the Jarawa
    BThey resist contact from the outside world
    CThere are about 350 members in their tribe
    DThey received help from the Indian government
    9Why did the Awa adopt a nomadic lifestyle
    ATo avoid being attacked by Europeans
    BTo avoid being robbed by rubber companies
    CTo protect their hunting land
    DTo maintain their traditional way of life
    10What is Survival’s view of the tribal people
    AThey should fight for their rights by themselves
    BWe should show them respect and not disturb them
    CIt’s impossible to stay isolated from the outside world
    DWe should help them get used to the connected world
    11How does the author describe the isolated tribes
    ADoubtfully BCritically
    CIndifferently DObjectively

    More than half the world’s population live in cities and by 2050 the UN expects that proportion to reach 68 This means more homes roads and other infrastructures In India alone a city the size of Chicago will have to be developed every year to meet demand for housing Such a construction increase is a bad sign for dealing with climate change because making steel and concrete two of the most common building materials generates around 8 of the world’s CO2 emissions If cities are to expand and become greener at the same time they will have to be made from something else
    Wood is one of the most promising sustainable(持续) alternatives to steel and concrete It is not however everyday wood that is attracting the interest of architects
    Rather it is a material called engineered timber This is a combination of different layers each designed to meet the requirements of specific parts such as floors panels and beams(横梁) Designers can use it to provide levels of strength like steel in a product that is up to 80 lighter In addition engineered timber is usually made into large sections in a factory for future use which reduces the number of deliveries to a construction site
    According to Michael Ramage of the University of Cambridge a wooden building produces 75 less CO2 than a steel and concrete one of the same size However if building with wood takes off it does raise concern about there being enough trees left But with sustainably managed forests that should not be a problem says Dr Ramage A familysized apartment requires about 30 cubic metres of timber and he estimates Europe’s sustainable forests alone grow that amount every seven seconds Nor is fire a risk for engineered timber does not burn easily Besides fireproof layers can be added to the timber All in all then it looks as if wood as a building material may get a new lease of life  
    12Why is India mentioned in paragraph 1
    ATo point out the severe pollution
    BTo predict the population increase
    CTo indicate the high degree of urbanisation
    DTo show the great need for building materials
    13What can be learned about engineered timber
    AIt is produced at a low cost
    BIt hardly appeals to architects
    CIt helps save energy in transportation
    DIt possesses greater strength than steel
    14What does the underlined phrase takes off in the last paragraph mean
    ABecomes cheaper
    BGains popularity
    CRequires less work
    DProves sustainable
    15What can be a suitable title for the text
    AMaking Future Cities More Attractive
    BLiving in a World with Less Emission
    CBuilding Sustainable Cities with Woods
    DGrowing More Trees for Future Building
    Ⅱ七选五(5题 题25分 满分125分)
    Having the option to study abroad is exciting It’s what you call a onceinalifetime experience that you should take full advantage of if you have the chance  16  So before you get excited and book that plane ticket to a new world take these tips into consideration 
    Make new friends
    No matter where you end up studying abroad take this time to make new friends That could mean someone from your school in your programme or major It could also mean a native of the city or country you’re visiting 17  Do your best not to isolate yourself Instead reach out to others actively 
    Overcome homesickness
    No matter where you go you’ll probably get a little homesick 18  Luckily for you with social media you can connect with your loved ones almost instantly at any time of the day Besides we’re almost positive that everyone back home misses you just as much as you miss them However they probably want you to enjoy yourself as much as possible and not to feel sad because you miss them 
    One of the best parts of studying abroad is learning the local language By doing this you’ll be able to communicate with people in your new home After all that is your home for a limited time Also speaking the local language is another useful skill Local employers take interest in that when considering applicants
    The world is full of so many great places We will support you if you’d like to study in one of them  20  
    ALearn the local language
    BMaster some useful languages
    CBut don’t forget to follow these suggestions
    DThat is quite normal especially the beginning
    ETurn to your new friends for help if you feel homesick
    FRemember even your best friends started out as strangers
    GHowever studying abroad is not as simple as you just thought

    1A 解析推理判断题根The Imaginate Festival部分 The festival is the UK’s largest children’s performing art festivalranging from fairy tales to new plays for children 知 the Imaginate Festival面孩子节日 选A项
    2D 解析细节理解题根节日时间 The Imaginate Festival When 22 May2 June 2021 The Edinburgh International Film Festival When 19 June29 June 2021 The Edinburgh Art Festival When 25 July25 August 2021 The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo When 2 August24 August 2021 知 爱丁堡艺术节持续时间长选D项
    3C 解析细节理解题根The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo部分 With a different theme every year over 200000 visitors crowd to Edinburgh to see the military bands and the symbolic pipers set against the backdrop of Edinburgh Castle 知 The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo节日提供士兵表演选C项
    4C 解析词义猜测题根画线词文 Haptic technology can 文 the experience of touch by stimulating localised areas of the skin in ways that are similar to what is felt in the real world through force vibration or motion 知 通刺激皮肤局部区域 利力振动者运动 触觉技术模仿者复制触摸体验 达类似真实世界中感觉 画线词意思 复制 模仿
    5A 解析段落意题根第三段容知 作者第三段关注触觉技术局限性
    6B 解析推理判断题根段 The haptic devices could be used in various fields allowing users to feel objects inside a virtual world or at a distance 推断 网试穿衣服SSD
    7C 解析推理判断题根第四段 The new technology overcomes issues with existing haptic devices The research team introduced a novel method to recreate the sense of touch through soft artificial muscles’ 推知 SSD具创新性
    8B 解析推理判断题根第二段 The Sentinelese have lived on one of the Andaman Islands in Eastern India for 60000 years They protect their island by fighting against people from the outside 知 Sentinelese抵制外部世界接触 选B项
    9A 解析细节理解题根第五段 They left their villages and adopted a nomadic lifestyle around 1850 to escape attacks by Europeans 知 Awa采游牧生活方式避免欧洲攻击选A项
    10B 解析推理判断题根第七段 Survival an organisation that fights for the rights of tribal people says that uncontacted tribes are the most vulnerable humans on the planet and that’s why their environment should be unavailable to the rest of us 知 Survival部落居民法 应该尊重扰选B项
    11D 解析推理判断题通读全文 文客观介绍世界生活南美洲印度世隔绝原始部落作者文中没观(怀疑批评冷淡)法 世隔绝部落进行客观介绍选D项
    12D 解析细节理解题根第段 This means more homes roads and other infrastructures In India alone a city the size of Chicago will have to be developed every year to meet demand for housing 知 第段提印度证明城市口增加意味着需更房屋等基础设施 导致建筑材料巨需求选D项
    13C 解析推理判断题根第三段 In addition engineered timber is usually made into large sections in a factory for future use which reduces the number of deliveries to a construction site 知 种工程木材助运输中节省源选C项
    14B 解析词义猜测题根段画线词 it does raise concern about there being enough trees left 知 会担心否足够树木剩 推知 take off意 畅销选B项
    15C 解析标题纳题根第段 If cities are to expand and become greener at the same time they will have to be made from something else 段 it looks as if wood as a building material may get a new lease of life 知 佳标题应C项 木材建造持续发展城市
    语篇导读文篇说明文出国留学件事 想样简单文出国留学提供实建议
    16G 解析根设空前 Having the option to study abroad is exciting It’s what you call a onceinalifetime experience that you should take full advantage of if you have the chance 句 So before you get excited and book that plane ticket to a new world take these tips into consideration 知 设空句应文构成转折关系 说明出国留学想简单 G项 然 出国留学想简单 符合语境选G项
    17F 解析根文 No matter where you end up studying abroad take this time to make new friends That could mean someoneIt could also mean a native of the city or country you’re visiting 知 段建议留学交友 F项中best friends应文中make new friends 讲述交朋友话题 F项 记住 朋友开始陌生 符合语境选F项
    18D 解析根设空前 No matter where you go you’ll probably get a little homesick 知 文提留学想家问题 设空出解决办法 推知设空句承接文说明处理想家问题正确态度法 D项 正常 尤刚开始时候 符合语境选D项
    19A 解析通读段容知 段建议留学时应学语言 A项中 the local language 应文中 the local language A项 学语言 符合语境选A项
    20C 解析根设空前 The world is full of so many great places We will support you if you’d like to study in one of them 知 句文章句 总结全文 建议读者遵循述建议 C项 忘记遵循建议 符合语境选C项




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