人教版新高考英语二轮复习习题训练-阅读理解 词句猜测题——句意理解类(含答案)

    考点分类练(十二) 词句猜测题——句意理解类
    Every culture has a recognised point when a child becomes an adult when rules must be followed and tests must be passed
    In China although teenagers can get their ID cards at 16 many only see themselves as an adult when they are 18 In the US the main step to the freedom of adult life is learning to drive At 16 American teens take their driving test When they have their license they drive into the grownup world
    Nobody wants to ride the bus to school said Eleanor Fulham 17 She remembered the pressure It’s like you’re not cool if you don’t have a car she said
    According to recent research 41 of 16 to 19yearolds in the US own cars up from 23 in 1985 Although most of these cars are bought by parents some teens get parttime jobs to help pay
    Not all families can afford cars for their children In cities with subways and limited parking some teenagers don’t want them But in rich suburban areas without subways and where bicycles are more for fun than transportation it is strange for a teenager not to have a car
    But the police say 16yearolds have almost three times more accidents than 18 to 19yearolds This has made many parents pause before letting their kids drive
    Julie Sussman decided that her son Chad 15 will wait until he is 17 to apply for his learner’s permit
    Chad said he had accepted his parents’ decision although it had caused some teasing from his friendsThey say that I am unlucky he saidBut I’d rather be alive than driving and I don’t really trust my friends on the road either 
    In China as more families get cars more 18yearolds learn to drive
    1Which may serve as the best title of the article
    ACars helping you to grow up
    BDriving into the grownup world
    CTeenagers’ driving in America
    DRecognised points of becoming an adult
    2What does the underlined sentence mean
    AHe might run into his friends if he drove
    BHe didn’t agree with his friends
    CHe might not be safe if his friends drove
    DHe was afraid that his friends might well lie to him
    3The passage mainly gives information about      
    Aan American culture
    Ba cultural difference between America and China
    Ca change in the Chinese culture
    Dthe relationship between driving and a person’s development

    The 90minute long game involves two goals black and white checkered balls goalkeeper and no hand use This sport of course is soccer or football as the majority of the rest of the world says It’s confusing that some countries call this sport football while Americans and Canadians say soccer but apparently the British are mostly to blame
    The name confusion was actually thanks to British universities in the early 1800s who tried standardising various sports games that had different rules and regulations to distinguish between them according to a paper by Stefan Szymanski a professor of sports economics at the University of Michigan
    Rugby formerly known as rugby football or rugger is a translation of football where you can use your hands Soccer originally association football or asoccer is the traditional translation of football where people don’t use their hands People in England started shortening the names by dropping the association part of the phrase as well as the a in asoccer If your head hurts from thinking about this prepare to have your mind blown by these things you probably never thought about—until just now 
    Now comes the complexity in 1869 two colleges held the first traditional recorded football game using a unique combination of rules from both rugby and soccer creating what we know as American football and what other countries refer to as gridiron Thanks to the popularity of American football soccer players in America keep to soccer to help distinguish themselves
    If the name soccer stuck in Britain and if Americans came up with a better one for American football there would be much less confusion So why did the football short kind of association football become more popular than soccer in England anyway Originally American influence on Britain during World War Ⅱ made soccer the popular term in England before the 1980s Once the sport became more popular in the United States around that time the British stopped using soccer
    4What caused the name confusion in the early 1800s
    AGame time
    BSports rules
    CBall popularity
    DNews organisations
    5What does the underlined sentence mean in paragraph 3
    AThe name confusion is becoming stronger
    BYou cannot use your hands while playing games
    CThe names make it more difficult for people to understand
    DMaking the best of the head in the sports is extremely vital
    6In which of the following do the two belong to the same one
    ARugby and Soccer
    BRugger and American football
    CAmerican football and Gridiron
    DGridiron and Association football

    Why do we like drinking water from plastic bottles Some people think it is healthy and clean Others drink bottled water because it’s easy—you can carry it around with you In hot countries like Greece we often buy bottles of cold water in summer
    However making lots of plastic is not a good idea for many reasons First of all we need a lot of oil for plastic products We usually use oil as a source of energy If we reduced the number of bottles we made we wouldn’t need so much oil Plastic bottles also pollute the environment If we reused all our plastic bottles we wouldn’t need so much space for rubbish dumps But in Greece we don’t reuse much of the plastic we use In 2006 Greeks reused only about 10 of plastic waste The rest became rubbish on land and in rivers and seas
    So next time you want to throw away a plastic bottle in the litter bin stop and think If you reuse it you will help the environment But what can you do when there isn’t a bin near you Well there are lots of useful ways that you can use your bottles again For example an empty bottle makes a great piggy bank for your pocket money and if you cut a bottle in half you will have a plant pot Go green You can make a difference 
    7What is not mentioned about bottled water in this passage
    AIt’s healthy      BIt’s clean
    CIt’s easy DIt’s expensive
    8Plastic products are made from      
    Aenergy Boil
    Crubbish Dplants
    9Which is the best way to deal with used plastic bottles
    ATo reuse them
    BTo make a piggy bank
    CTo make a plant pot
    DTo drop them into the river
    10The underlined part in this passage tells us      
    ATo make a different life you’d better go outside
    BTo look different you’d better wear green clothes
    CTo protect the environment you can do something
    DTo go green you should use plastic products

    考点分类练(十二) 词句猜测题——句意理解类
    1B 解析标题纳题通读全文知 文章介绍种现象 通孩子学会开车驾方式明白成年选B项
    2C 解析句意理解题根画线句前面But I’d rather be alive than driving出 朋友驾驶技术没信心选C项
    3A 解析推理判断题根第段文容知 文章介绍美国孩子通驾方式意识成年现象 体现种文化选A项
    语篇导读文篇说明文文章介绍国家 尤英美两国足球命名较混淆
    4B 解析细节理解题根第二段容知 运动规导致名字混淆选B项
    5A 解析句意理解题通读第三段容知 段描述根否手命名复杂程 第四段介绍足球根新规命名复杂程推知 画线句意思 命名程愈加混乱选A项
    6C 解析细节理解题根第四段 Now comes the complexity in 1869 two colleges held the first traditional recorded football game using a unique combination of rules from both rugby and soccer creating what we know as American football’ and what other countries refer to as gridiron’知 American footballgridiron指美式足球选C项
    语篇导读文篇说明文文章分析瓶装水处 指出瓶装水量塑料 塑料废弃会环境造成污染 建议更重复塑料瓶
    7D 解析细节理解题根第段 Some people think it is healthy and clean Others drink bottled water because it’s easy—you can carry it around with you 知 文中提认瓶装水健康干净容易携带文章没提贵选D项
    8B 解析细节理解题根第二段 First of all we need a lot of oil for plastic products 知 生产塑料制品需石油选B项
    9A 解析细节理解题根第二段 If we reused all our plastic bottles we wouldn’t need so much space for rubbish dumps 知 重新塑料瓶处理塑料污染方法
    10C 解析句意理解题根画线部分前面容知 种方法重复塑料瓶 减少环境污染说 果努力 保护环境起作选C项




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