
    1―I often feel lonely when I engage in my online learning_________
    ―I join the online course community
    AHow do you think about it
    BHow do you deal with this problem
    CHow often do you engage in online learning
    2―To meone of the most important driving forces is the development of educational technology
    AHow often do you engage in online learning
    BHow are we going to deal with this problem
    CEr to some degree I think you are right
    3―I have been having a headache this whole morning
    AYou'd better go to see a doctor
    BOhsorryDid I hurt you
    CIt sounds interesting
    4―Do you have any experience with caring for babies
    AYesthey areThey are very cute and smart
    BNot reallyas a freshmanI should work hard
    CYesI doI have looked after kids for 3 years
    5―Could you please help me choose an MP4 player online
    ―I'm afraid I can't________
    AI'm using the player now myself
    BSomething is wrong with my computer
    CYou shouldn't rely on others to do it for you
    6I hope you are making_________for continuous education in your life
    7It's a little inconvenient because my mind didn't_________80 but my body didand I find that sometimes my mind follows my body too
    8Juveni1es rarely commit serious offenses while under the_________of an adult
    9Wellthat's to sayevery coin has two sides_________technology
    Aso is
    Bso does
    Cso has
    10Tony is a young childBut do not_________his ability to learn and reason
    11You must report that your handbag was stolen and give the police a detailed_________of your bag

    B occupation
    A explanation
    B occupation
    C description
    12You may try some games to play with your audiencebut remember the games shouldn't be too________
    13The advancement of technology has_________the pace of our livesand requires us to learn something new every day just to stay current in the workplace
    14I_________in this room watching television when someone_________on the door
    Bsat … was knocking
    Cwas sitting …knocked
    15Hardly_________ at the platform when the passengers flooded out in no time
    Athe train had arrived
    Bhad arrived the train
    Chad the train arrived
    16_________your children your expectations about their school attendance
    AMake it clear to
    BMake clear to
    CMake to clear
    17To tell you the truthsometimes I regret_________a baby so early
    Bto having
    Cto have
    18Very frustrating Sometimes it takes me two days to get everything_________
    Abeen accomplished
    19Wellyou can try to be interactive with your audience_________their attention and
    win their interest
    A Hold
    C Happen
    B Hope
    20_________the regular classesyou can attend many different seminars and take part in many extracurricular activities
    AIn spite of
    BInstead of
    CApart from
    Passage 1
    Making Your Home a Safer Place
    We all tend to think that we are safe n our homes but unfortunatelymany homes are not as safe as they are supposed to beIt is impossible to make your home 100burglarproof but there are ways to improve your home safety

    Always lock the door and windows when you go out for work or even if you are inside the houseThe burglars can take advantage of the opportunity in a minute

    Be suspicious of strangersYou can never know who is pretending to conduct a research or who is using it as a disguise to see if your home is worth breaking in

    Never leave valuables or cash invisible placesHide them out of sight because they may attract burglars

    Do not leave the door key under plantersdoormats or similar hiding placesThe burglars know exactly where to look for it

    Teach your children not to open the door or answer the phone when they are home aloneAlthough it is better to make an impression that your house is not emptychildren may unintentionally reveal too muchfor examplewhen the home is empty

    Consider installing an alarm systemAloud sound alarm usually drives the burglars away before they can steal anything from your home

    Make sure you have good lighting outside during the nightWelllit homes are deterring the burglars because they increase the risk of being noticed while sticking around the house or trying to break in
    21What is the topic discussed in the text
    ABe suspicious of strangers
    BWays to keep your home safe
    CHow to keep your valuables or cash safe
    22Which statement is true according to the text
    AIt is not necessary to lock the door and windows when you are inside the house
    BIt is easy for you to recognize who is going to break in your home
    CHide the valuables or cash out of sight because they may attract burglars
    23Which statement is NOT true according to the text
    AIt is very easy for the burglars to find the door key under planters or doormats
    BInstalling an alarm system may drive the burglars away before they steal anything from your home
    CWelllit homes may help the burglars to break into the house
    24By sayingBe suspicious of strangersin Para3the writer means_________
    Anever trusting strangers
    Bkeeping the strangers away from us
    Ccatching the suspected strangers
    25Deterring the burglarsin the last paragraph means_________
    Amaking the burglars not want to do something bad
    Bhelping the burglars break into the house
    Cencouraging the burglars to run away
    Passage 2
    Caring for the Elderly
    Caring for the elderly is not an easy taskand there are no hard and fast rules on how it should be doneHere are some tips you can apply to make life easier and happier for both yourself and the elderly person in your care
    Establish a Routine
    Organize the performance of daily activities in a routine mannerso that they are performed in the same way and at the same time every dayThis routine will establish a sense of structure and increase feelings of control and safetyHoweverthis routine can be broken with unplanned events occasionallyas elderly people may find the routine structure too boring and restrictive
    Get to Know Them
    It is important that you get to know the elderly in your caretheir daily habitslikes and dislikesetcThe better you know the personthe higher quality of care you can provide
    Treat Them with Respect
    If elderly people do not have your respectthey will feel like they are being pushed around or asked to do things that they don't want toThis can lead to a bad relationshipBy treating elderly persons in your care with respectyou can develop a strong bond with themBesidesyou can talk to them like adultsshow your love and respectwhich will not only make them feel goodbut may also gain you their respect in return
    Mental Stimulation
    It is better to try to keep them occupied with challenging gameslike crosswords or chesswhich will keep their minds sharpThey like to discuss world events and their life histories with youThis will give the elderly people a feeling of selfworth and make them feel needed
    Social Interaction
    Organize and encourage social interactionRemaining connected to other people and the world is important for the elderlyIt helps the elderly feel more engagedEncourage them to talk to other residents or participate in gamesdiscussions or day tripsHelp them to develop a strong relationship with a neighborIt is important for the elderly to talk to others and make friends
    26The elderly people will always obey the routine structure
    27We need to know the elderly people more to provide them with better care
    28We needn't respect the elderly people when caring them
    29Discussions can't make the elderly people feel needed
    30It is necessary for the elderly people to make friends
    四写作( 20 分)
    Write a passage about an important person who has given you the most influence in your life or a special event that has changed you mostYou may follow the ideas given

    • Think of an important aspect in your lifesuch as your careerfamilyhealthloveetc
    • Describe the person or the eventWhat happened
    • How were you influenced
    • Any lessons learnt

    The person who has the greatest influence on me

    There is a person in everyone's heart who has the greatest influence on himselfShe affects your feelings and thoughts and affects your whole lifeAnd the person who has the greatest influence on me is undoubtedly my motherMy mother is nothing different from ordinary peoplebut what affects me the most is her toleranceunderstandingopenmindedness and silent love reflected by her normal heart

    Once upon a timewhen I was young and fell down on a muddy pathmy mother took me with her cocooncovered hands and wiped the sludge from meAhmother's love is the sunshine in winterI remember that time I failed in the exam and went back to my room without saying a word when I got homeWhen my mother saw itshe came to comfort meencourage me and help me analyze the reasonsWhen I am frustrated by failureshe will gently touch my head and saySonfailure once or twice does not mean failure foreverMom believes that you will be better tomorrow than today Her wordslike a ray of warm sunshinemelted my melancholy and enabled me to face any setbacks with a normal mentalityIn my lifemy mother has always been the most loving person around mecaring and attentiveknowing the cold and knowing the hotShe did too much for mebut she never asked for anything in returnthis is a kind of how extensive and selfless love ah It is this kind of love that has given me too many things that I can't forgetWhen I was a childI was dependent on my motherWhen I grow upI love my mother blindlyPerhaps only when the sun of life towards noonlife with spring also started summerwill have a profound understanding of motherdeep loveI suddenly realized that my mother is actually a kind of yearsfrom green space to a forestfrom a small stream to a deep lakefrom the bright moon to an icebergMother nurtured me with her youthlet me grow up healthily over the yearsand taught me the truth of dealing with peopleFor memy mother is the one who has the greatest influence on me
    In the long river of our livesmaternal love like a clear springlet our hearts clearmaternal love like selfless sunwarm our heartsmaternal love like a torchilluminate our future road NowI finally know that my mother has paid too muchand we should repay her too much




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