
    1 ―Interestingly I notice that there are some Chinese words in English as well
    A Oh really Can you give me some examples
    B Yes they were borrowed from English long ago
    C No problem You must have already known many Chinese words
    2 ―I often feel lonely when I engage in my online learning___________________
    ―I join the online course community
    A How do you think about it
    B How do you deal with this problem
    C How often do you engage in online learning
    3 ―How can I deliver my speech in an attractive way
    A Remember the games shouldn't be too complicated
    B I'm afraid that my audience may find my speech boring
    C Make sure that you are talking not just reciting your draft
    4 ―I can imagine how happy she will be with you next time
    A Yeah there are many advantages in staying home
    B Thanks I hope my grandmother will recover soon
    C You can play games with her like crosswords or chess
    5 ―Why do you think there is so much crime
    A On the Internet there's little protection for kids
    B Parents are too busy to spend time with their kids
    C In my opinion our efforts in crime prevention are not good enough
    620题:阅读面句子 三选项中选出填入空白处正确选项井答案序号写答题纸
    6 The development of technology requires us to learn___________every day just to stay current in the workplace
    A new something
    B anything new
    C something new
    7 Tony is a young child But do not___________his ability to learn and reason
    A undertake
    B underestimate
    C understand
    8 You know elderly people don't want being___________or asked to do things that they don't want to do
    A pushed around
    B looked after
    C messed about
    9 They___________to search when the dogs next door___________to bark
    A had just started began
    B just started …had began
    C just started… began
    10 Children are exposed to too much on the Internet without appropriate___________
    A mst1tution
    B superstition
    C superv1sion
    11If you want to make your presentation___________ you may use some visual aids
    A limited
    B vivid
    C rapid
    12 Have you found that our society has changed a lot and people's lives have become
    more colorful and more___________in recent years
    A convenient
    B conventional
    C unintentional
    13 The impact of technology on modern life is___________ isn't it
    A determines
    B separable
    C immeasurable
    14 Besides modern technology also encourages___________and creativity in the business world
    A intonation
    B innovation
    C observation
    15 Public speeches are speeches___________in public for a special purpose such as open class lectures or seminars in a university etc
    A developed
    B declared
    C delivered
    16 I have___________some courses and software to my smart phone
    A structured
    B downloaded
    C scheduled
    17 We live in the Knowledge Age which means that the ability to apply the right knowledge ___________1s an important skill
    A effectively
    B emotionally
    C elaborately
    18 The film industry also attracted many young people___________fame and fortune
    A in quest of
    B in terms of
    C in sight of
    19 I find it hard to complete all the___________while I'm working every day
    A attachments
    B agreements
    C assignments
    20 Parents are working hard___________for arranging money to pay the fees for their kids' university life
    A black and white
    B day and night
    C up and down
    Passage 1
    Stopping Yelling At Your Kids
    Parenting is hard If you're a parent I'm sure that I don't need to tell you that our job is a tough one When you're managing children it can be difficult to remember that they are still learning If you find you are yelling at your kids more often than you want to here are some ways that can help you reduce the yelling I've been working on this for the past few months and I have to say it's been amazing for both the kids and me
    If you are having an argument with your child you need to make sure you both take the time to really listen It gives both of you time to think and really listen to each other which is important Kids are more likely to listen to you if you listen to them
    One of your biggest struggles is to remind yourself of appropriate expectations You can't expect that your youngest acts as responsibly as your oldest You should lower what you expect —taking into consideration things like their age it can make a big difference
    You should do your best to take a moment before yelling and take in a deep breath It makes a world of difference for you Instead of yelling you'd better whisper It can also help diffuse any situation by making things quieter not louder Besides the more time you spend with your kids the better you'll get at communicating with them You're both more likely to understand each other
    If your children aren't listening or it seems they only don't listen to you you don't take it personally You should remind yourself that your kids are still learning and they're not going to be perfect
    21 What is the passage most likely to be
    A An announcement
    B A letter
    C A speech
    22 ___________is very important when there is an argument between the kid and the parent
    A Yelling at each other
    B Listening to each other
    C Whispering to each other
    23 Parents should hold___________for their kids
    A lower expectations
    B identical expectations
    C appropriate expectations
    24 Which is most likely TRUE about kids of different ages
    A Every kid is a perfect child
    B Elder kids may act better
    C Younger kids learn quicker
    25 What is the most likely topic of the passage
    A The Art of Parenting
    B The Learning Kids
    C The Yelling Parents
    Passage 2
    A Speech Better Lives for All
    In today's society working people can seldom find time to relax in their busy schedules They often work overtime because of too much work waiting in queue which ends up causing a lot of physical and mental problems Fortunately more and more people are now aware that relaxation and stressrelief are necessary for life One's health should never be sacrificed for a need to work hard
    Indeed finding time to relax makes people work more efficiently
    Many people plan trips to spend their free time traveling with their loved ones This may have been a luxury in the past but it has become more common in recent years Traveling at home and abroad has now become convenient and affordable
    Going jogging and going to the gym after work have also become more popular as they are rather convenient ways to exercise and stay fit Exercising helps relax your body and has been shown to relieve mental stress as well This demand for recreation and leisure service has also stimulated the economy as new businesses are created to meet these needs
    In sum working hard is important but having a good quality of life can actually facilitate your success at work Knowing when and how to relax should he a part of wellbalanced lifestyles Take a walk outdoors visit the gym or go jogging You will find that your time was not wasted even if it was not spent working in your office
    26 In today's society working people can often find time to relax themselves in their busy schedules
    27 Few people are now aware that relaxation and stressrelief are necessary for life
    28 Traveling has become more common in recent years
    29 Exercising can only help relax your body
    30 People should keep a balance between work and relaxation
    四写作( 20 分)
    31 根求写作文
    Write a passage about the importance of communication You may follow the ideas given
    (l)Communication is very important in life
    (2)What can we do to carry out better communication with others
    (3) Effective communication can be achieved
    Communication between people is of utmost importance The importance cannot be stressed too much
    It is said in the Bible that once upon a time humans communicated with each other in one language So they attempted to build the Babel Tower to communicate with God only to find such dream was a castle in the air In the aftermath humans were trapped into troubles due to the misunderstandings between them The jealous God plunged us into such bitterness Even now people with different races and religions are dragged into endless wars People are crying and dying Such consequences are rooted deeply in the lack of communication Therefore lack of communication will lead to perish of human beings
    On the contrary mutual understanding can be wellestablished between people if we communicate with each other That is the rapport between two countries will be strengthened and the misunderstanding will be reduced if there is a dialogue channel Likewise friends can become closer if they argue with each other No one likes to but it is necessary to be healthy Arguments between people are a way of communication by which we can find a solution to the conflictions between us Consequently we promote the mutual understanding
    To conclude through communication mutual understanding can be promoted and fostered between people with difference races religions sex and ideologies One way is to argue (not totally means quarrels) during the communication to clarify the different views Lack of communication will surely lead to perish of mankind




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