

    ―Are you confident enough
    [答案]YesI think being confident is one of my strong points
    Are you thinking of a domestic trip or going abroad
    ANonot at all
    BMaybe somewhere in Beijing
    CMaybe next month
    ―Are you thinking of a domestic trip or going abroad
    [答案]Maybe somewhere in Europe
    ―Can I ask you for some questionsFrank
    [答案]Surego ahead
    ―Can I take your ordermadam
    [答案]YesI'd like an Italian soup to start with
    ―Can I take your ordermadam
    [答案]YesI'd like an Italian soup to start with and then some fried noodles
    Do you mind if ask you why you've taken aparttime job here
    _______You knowthere are many foreign customers like you here
    ANever mind
    BOf course
    Cof course not
    ―Do you mind if I ask you why you choose to be a volunteer
    [答案]Of course notWellyou know volunteering is a great way to get work experience
    ―Do you often surf on the Internet
    [答案]YesI use it a lot nowadays
    —Do you often surf on the Internet
    [答案]YesI use it a lot
    ―Do you think you are the suitable person for this position
    [答案]Yes I'm hard working and I think I am suitable for this position
    ―Hey PeterCan you______________
    ―Surewhat is it
    [答案]dome a favor
    —Heywhat are you doing in that room
    [答案]I am preparing for the test next week
    —HoneyI regret quarreling with you
    [答案]So do I
    ―Honeywould you like to have a talk with me
    [答案]Talk with youWhat for
    How are you
    AFineThank you
    BI am23 years old
    CMy name is Cathy
    —How are you feeling today
    [答案]I feel a little sad
    How can I get legal advice for free
    AYou can get nothing for free
    BYou pay for it
    CYou can go to a law firm and ask about that
    —How can I get legal advice for free
    [答案]You can go to a law firm and ask about that
    ―How far is the Great Bay from your house
    [答案]The Great Bay is five minutes away from my house and it's fantastic
    I am PaulCan I have your name
    AI am new here
    BI am 30 years old
    CMy name is Linda
    ―I have a toothache
    [答案]Why don't you go to the dentist
    —I think riding a bike anywhere is healthy and convenientbut I'm afraid the bike would be stolen
    [答案]Why don't you take a lock with you
    —I was robbed when I was travelling in India
    —I am sorry to hear that________________
    [答案]It seems that go travelling alone in India is not that safe for a young lady like you
    ―I'd like to invite you to my birthday party an Saturday evening
    [答案]Thank you for your invitation
    ―I'd like to invite you to my birthday party on Saturday evening
    [答案]Thank you for your invitationI'm very happy to join the party
    MomI have got the first prize
    AReallyIt is not true
    BOhdon’t say that
    CGreat I am so proud of you
    —Ohamazing Could you give me more information about it
    [答案]SureYou can find more on this website
    ―OkayCalm downpleaseWhat happened[2018年1月试题]
    [答案]We were in the shop and I turned around and she was gone
    —Our city is getting safer and safer
    [答案]I hope there will be no crimes any more
    Our trademark has been infringed by our competitorWhat can we do
    AI don't care
    BYou can file an action in the district court
    CYou can ask someone else
    —Our trademark has been infringed by our competitorWhat can we do
    [答案]You can file an action in the district court
    —Putting on a happy face makes us feel better
    [答案]I agree with you
    Thank you for your answer
    AAll the same
    BYou're welcome
    CDon't do that
    Thank you very much for your help
    AYou're welcome
    BThat's the same
    CDon't do that
    ―The Internet is magicCan we get everything from it
    [答案]Wellit is impossible
    —The Internet is magicCan we get everything from it
    [答案]Wellit is impossibleWe put somethingand we can get something out
    —There are more and more Internet crimes
    [答案]I think we should introduce more regulations to supervise the Internet
    —There are so many strange phone calls nowadaysI'm fed up with those calls
    —Speaking of strange phone calls________________
    [答案]you'd better be careful of the telecommunication frauds
    —There was a gunshot in the cinema last night
    —I heard about itand __________________
    [答案]I hope there would be no more gunshot in the future
    ―There was a gunshot in the cinema last night
    ―I heard about itand_________
    [答案]I hope nobody was hurt in the cinema
    —This is Huangdu police stationWhat can I do for you
    [答案]My daughter is missing
    ―Tom______________you to my birthday party
    ―I'm very happy to join the partyWhen will it be
    [答案]I'd like to invite
    ―What about mailing it in the fastest way
    [答案]By air mail
    ―What are you going to do in the 2022 Winter Olympics
    [答案]I'm going to be a volunteer
    ―What do you think about my hometown
    [答案]The greatest part about the townin my opinionis the beautiful lake and mountain
    —What kind of work have you been doing up to now
    [答案]I have been an English teacher for two years
    ―What presents should I take to my friend for his housewarming partyTom
    [答案]I advise a handy DIY tool boxwhich he can use in daily life
    What shall we do tonight
    ANo problem
    Bit’s up to you
    CHelp yourself
    ―What's your plan for the summer vacation
    [答案]I'm planning to go to Italy
    ―Why do you want to leave your previous job
    [答案]I don't want to work at all
    ―Why do you want to leave your previous job
    [答案]I'm hoping to have a better position
    ―Would you be interested in coming to the cinema with me tonight
    [答案]That's very kind of youThanks
    ―Would you be interested incoming to the cinema with me tonight
    [答案]Yesthat's very kind of youThanks
    ―Would you like anything else
    [答案]I'd like some cookies
    Would you like me to help you make a plan for the summer vacation
    ANol already have my plans
    BI’d love tobut I’m busy today
    CI’m illso I shouldn’t go out
    ―Would you like me to help you make a plan for the summer vacation
    [答案]I'd love tobut I'm busy right now
    ―Would you like me to help you to make a plan today for the summer vacation
    [答案]It is nice of you to say sobut I'm busy tonight
    Would you like to come with me
    ANoI have no ideas
    BNoI don't like being with you
    CYesthat’s very kind of youThanks
    Wow This is great
    ASo do
    BDon’t mention it
    CI agree with youYou are right
    ―You blame me for thatdon't you
    [答案]of course not
    ―You seem a little blue todayWhat's the matter
    [答案]It's been a difficult day




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