
    —I agree with you
    [答案]I think we should bring back death penalty for serious crimes
    ―I need to look for some papers to add to my research report
    [答案]Why not comfortably stay at home to log onto the Web?
    —I wonder if you could practice interviewing with me in advance
    [答案]What can I do for you?
    ―____________________ [部资料]
    —Oh that's too bad
    [答案]I regret to say that we cannot make it on time

    ―Are you confident enough?[部资料]
    [答案]Yes I think being confident is one of my strong points
    ―Are you thinking of a domestic trip or going abroad? [2018年7月试题]
    [答案]Maybe somewhere in Europe
    ―Can I ask you for some questions Frank?[部资料]
    [答案]Sure go ahead
    ―Can I take your ordermadam?[2018年1月试题]
    ―Can I take your order madam?[2020年9月试题]
    ―Can I take your ordermadam?[2021年7月试题]
    [答案]Yes I'd like an Italian soup to start with
    ―Can I take your order madam?[部资料]
    [答案]Yes I'd like an Italian soup to start with and then some fried noodles
    ―Do you mind if I ask you why you choose to be a volunteer?[部资料]
    [答案]Of course not Well you know volunteering is a great way to get work experience
    ―Do you often surf on the Internet?[2018年1月试题]
    [答案]YesI use it a lot nowadays
    —Do you often surf on the Internet?[部资料]
    [答案]Yes I use it a lot
    ―Do you think you are the suitable person for this position? [2019年1月试题]
    [答案]Yes I'm hard working and I think I am suitable for this position
    —Do you think you are the suitable person for this position?[部资料]
    [答案]Yes I'm hard working and I think I am suitable for this position
    ―Hey PeterCan you______________?[2020年1月试题]
    ―Hey PeterCan you______________?[2020年7月试题]
    ―Sure what is it?
    [答案]dome a favor
    ―Hey what are you doing in that room?[2019年7月试题]
    ―Hey what are you doing in that room?[2020年9月试题]
    ―Heywhat are you doing in that room?[2021年7月试题]
    [答案]l am preparing for the test next week
    —Hey what are you doing in that room?[部资料]
    [答案]I am preparing for the test next week
    —Honey I regret quarreling with you [部资料]
    [答案]So do I
    ―Honey would you like to have a talk with me?[2018年7月试题]
    [答案]Talk with you? What for?
    —How are you feeling today?[部资料]
    [答案]I feel a little sad
    —How can I get legal advice for free?[部资料]
    [答案]You can go to a law firm and ask about that
    ―How can l get legal advice for free?[2018年7月试题]
    [答案]You can go to a law firm and ask about that
    ―How far is the Great Bay from your house?[部资料]
    [答案]The Great Bay is five minutes away from my house and it's fantastic
    ―I have a toothache [部资料]
    [答案]Why don't you go to the dentist?
    —I think riding a bike anywhere is healthy and convenient but I'm afraid the bike would be stolen [部资料]
    [答案]Why don't you take a lock with you?
    —I was robbed when I was travelling in India [部资料]
    —I am sorry to hear that________________
    [答案]It seems that go travelling alone in India is not that safe for a young lady like you
    ―I'd like to invite you to my birthday party an Saturday evening[2020年9月试题]
    [答案]Thank you for your invitation
    ―I'd like to invite you to my birthday party on Saturday evening [部资料]
    [答案]Thank you for your invitation I'm very happy to join the party
    —Oh amazing Could you give me more information about it?[部资料]
    [答案]Sure You can find more on this website
    ―OkayCalm down pleaseWhat happened?[2018年1月试题]
    [答案]We were in the shop and I turned around and she was gone
    —Our city is getting safer and safer [部资料]
    [答案]I hope there will be no crimes any more
    ―Our city is getting safer and safer[2018年1月试题]
    [答案]I hope there will be no crimes anymore
    —Our trademark has been infringed by our competitor What can we do?[部资料]
    [答案]You can file an action in the district court
    —Putting on a happy face makes us feel better [部资料]
    [答案]I agree with you
    ―The Internet is magic Can we get everything from it?[2019年7月试题]
    [答案]Well it is impossible
    —The Internet is magic Can we get everything from it?[部资料]
    [答案]Well it is impossible We put something and we can get something out
    —There are more and more Internet crimes [部资料]
    [答案]I think we should introduce more regulations to supervise the Internet
    —There are so many strange phone calls nowadays I'm fed up with those calls [部资料]
    —Speaking of strange phone calls ________________
    [答案]you'd better be careful of the telecommunication frauds
    ―There are so many strange phone calls nowadays I'm fed up with those calls[2019年1月试题]
    ―There are so many strange phone calls nowadays I'm fed up with those calls[2019年7月试题]
    ―Speaking of strange phone calls_______________
    [答案]you'd better be careful of the telecommunication frauds
    —There was a gunshot in the cinema last night [部资料]
    —I heard about it and __________________
    [答案]I hope there would be no more gunshot in the future
    ―There was a gunshot in the cinema last night[2019年1月试题]
    ―I heard about it and_________
    [答案]I hope nobody was hurt in the cinema
    —This is Huangdu police station What can I do for you?[部资料]
    [答案]My daughter is missing
    ―Tom______________you to my birthday party[2020年1月试题]
    ―Tom______________you to my birthday party[2020年7月试题]
    ―I'm very happy to join the partyWhen will it be?
    [答案]I'd like to invite
    ―What about mailing it in the fastest way?[部资料]
    [答案]By air mail
    ―What are you going to do in the 2022 Winter Olympics?[部资料]
    [答案]I'm going to be a volunteer
    ―What do you think about my hometown?[部资料]
    [答案]The greatest part about the town in my opinion is the beautiful lake and mountain
    —What kind of work have you been doing up to now?[部资料]
    [答案]I have been an English teacher for two years
    ―What presents should I take to my friend for his housewarming party Tom?[部资料]
    [答案]I advise a handy DIY tool box which he can use in daily life
    ―What's your plan for the summer vacation?[2019年1月试题]
    ―What's your plan for the summer vacation?[2020年1月试题]
    ―What's your plan for the summer vacation?[2020年7月试题]
    ―What's your plan for the summer vacation?[2021年7月试题]
    [答案]I'm planning to go to Italy
    ―What's your plan for the summer vacation?[部资料]
    [答案]I'm planning to go to Italy
    ―Why do you want to leave your previous job? [2021年7月试题]
    [答案]I don't want to work at all
    ―Why do you want to leave your previous job?[2018年1月试题]
    ―Why do you want to leave your previous job?[2018年7月试题]
    ―Why do you want to leave your previous job?[2019年7月试题]
    [答案]I'm hoping to have a better position
    —Why do you want to leave your previous job?[部资料]
    [答案]I'm hoping to have a better position
    ―Would you be interested in coming to the cinema with me tonight?[部资料]
    [答案]That's very kind of you Thanks
    ―Would you be interested incoming to the cinema with me tonight? [2021年7月试题]
    [答案]Yesthat's very kind of youThanks
    ―Would you be interested incoming to the cinema with me tonight?[2020年1月试题]
    ―Would you be interested incoming to the cinema with me tonight?[2020年7月试题]
    [答案]Yes that's very kind of you thanks
    ―Would you like anything else?[部资料]
    [答案]I'd like some cookies
    ―Would you like me to help you make a plan for the summer vacation?[2018年7月试题]
    [答案]I'd love to but I'm busy right now
    ―Would you like me to help you to make a plan today for the summer vacation?[部资料]
    [答案]It is nice of you to say so but I'm busy tonight
    ―You blame me for that don't you?[2020年9月试题]
    [答案]of course not
    —You blame me for that don't you?[部资料]
    —No _________________
    [答案]of course not
    ―You seem a little blue today What's the matter?[2019年7月试题]
    ―You seem a little blue today What's the matter?[2020年1月试题]
    ―You seem a little blue today What's the matter?[2020年7月试题]
    ―You seem a little blue today What's the matter?[2020年9月试题]
    [答案]It's been a difficult day
    —You seem a little blue today What's the matter?[部资料]
    [答案]It's been a difficult day




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