冀教版六年级下册英语 U4主题提分卷

    Unit 4题提分卷
    时间:40分钟 满分:100分                                                           


    听力部分 (30分)
    1 Tom   2 Mary   3 Mike   4 Lucy   5 Steven

    A B C D E

    二Tom 生日请听听JennyDanny 准备送礼物完成列表格(5分)
    1 ______________
    3 ______________
    How many
    2 ______________
    4 ______________
    How much
    90 yuan
    5 ______________

    ( ) ( ) ( )

    ( ) ( )
    Please come to my 1 ____________
      On 2 ____________
      At 3 ____________
      In 4 ____________
           5 ____________

    五周末朋友Danny 家玩猜谜游戏请快帮Danny选选吧(5分)

    1 Some people have fun together and have delicious food It's a ____________
    2 It's a kind of dessert(种甜点) You will eat it on your birthday It's a ____________
    3 Before you leave a place you will say it to your friends or your family After school you will say it to your teachers and friends Then you will go home It's ____________
    4 Your friends and family will give you something on your birthday We call something a ____________
    5 It will be your friend's birthday You will have a birthday party for her but you don't tell her You want to give her a ____________

    1 _________
    2 _________
    3 _________
    4 ________
    5 ________
    A Bob will leave Canada He goes to many shops to buy some gifts
    B I have eighty yuan I'll take two please This blue one is for my sister That white one is for Bob
    C We will have a good­bye party for Bob We will give him a surprise
    D Oh it's cute How much is it It's 40 yuan
    E How many people will come to the party Let's see… Eight
    F We will buy a beautiful cake for the party
    G We drive Bob to the airport He gives us gifts
    H He goes to many shops He buys a gift for everyone in his family
    I Bob will fly home We say good­bye to him
    J Mary and I made a beautiful cake for Bob But the cake fell down
    1 2 3

    4 5

    (  )1 Bob will come to my home I make some cookies for him
    (  )2 Bob rides a bike to my house
    (  )3 He brings some books for me
    (  )4 I played basketball with Bob
    (  )5 My father cooks in the kitchen
    八Danny准备Li Ming举办派面记录准备程句错误请圈出横线改正(10分)
    1 I invite nine friends I need gift for everyone ____________
    2 —How many is the basketball?  —50 yuan ____________
    3 Look I found these photo Let's see them ____________
    4 It's surprise for Li Ming Don't tell him ____________
    5 Not open the gifts Wait a minute ____________
    九Jenny正电话邀请Steven参加Li Ming准备派请读读补全话(10分)
    Jenny Hi Steven 1 ____________ Would you come to the party for Li Ming
    Steven 2 ____________
    Jenny Tomorrow afternoon It's a surprise for him 3 ____________
    Steven Okay 4 ____________
    Jenny At 3:00 Don't be late We want to surprise Li Ming
    Steven Okay 5 ____________
    Jenny Great See you tomorrow
    A Please don't tell him
    B I will come before 3:00
    C It's Jenny calling
    D What time does it begin
    E Sure When is the party
    bring a cake buy some gifts play football read books take some pictures sing songs find some photos go to a park see them have a party

    Yesterday Danny Steven and I went to Mary's house We 1 _____________
    ______________ for her We 2 ____________________
    and 3 _________________________________ She 4 ____________ ________________ We 5 ________________ together
    Tomorrow we 6 ________________ Danny Steven and I
    7 __________________ Then we 8 ____________________
    ___________ We 9 ________________ It will begin at 7:00 We don't tell Mary We 10 ________________
    for her
    Last weekend we went to a park for a picnic It was sunny We had lunch at about twelve o'clock The food was very good But we didn't have anything to drink Lily had some money So she went to buy some drink We waited for a long time but she wasn't back Tom said Let's look for her Under a big tree we found her She was sitting under the tree I hurt my foot Lily said We took her to the hospital The doctor said her injury (伤) was not serious (严重)
    (  )1 Which picture is a picnic
    A B C

    (  )2 Why did they look for Lily
    A They wanted to have a game
    B They were thirsty They wanted to drink
    C They waited for a long time but she wasn't back
    (  )3 Lily went to buy some food
    (  )4 They waited for a short time
    (  )5 They took Lily to see a doctor
    十二面Danny 生日聚会计划请根表格帮Danny写篇介绍聚会短文(10分)
    求:1 注意时态少5句话
    2 容连贯语句正确规范通
    物:Jenny Li Ming Kim Steven Tom Mike Mary
    点:Danny's house
    Unit 4题提分卷
    1 I'm Tom Last Sunday I played ping­pong with my sister
    2 I'm Mary My sister told me not to pick flowers yesterday
    3 I'm Mike I swam in the sea last summer
    4 I'm Lucy I bought some books yesterday
    5 I'm Steven Last week my family went to the zoo
    二Danny:Let's go to the shop to buy some gifts for Tom
    Jenny Okay Lookhere are some books
    Danny Good idea Let me see I will buy Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone How much is it
    Cashier This book is twenty­five yuan
    Danny Okay I'll take it Jenny what do you want to buy for Tom
    Jenny I don't know
    Danny Look at this cap It's a good gift for Tom
    Jenny Great I'll take three How much for one
    Cashier Thirty yuan
    三  W:Last Sunday I got up at six o'clock In the morning I went to my English class It began at 9:00 I arrived at half past nine I was late In the afternoon my friend and I went to watch a film It began at 2:30 We arrived at 2:00 We were early After that I went to my cousin's party The party began at six o'clock I arrived at 6:10 I was tired So I went to bed at 8:00
    四  HiI'm Jenny This Saturday I will have a birthday party I will invite my friends to come to my birthday party The party will begin at 10:00 in the morning We will have delicious food We will have a good time Please come to my birthday party on time
    1—B 2—E 3—C 4—A 5—D
    二1 cap 2 three 3 book 4 one 5 25 yuan
    三2 4 1 5 3
    四1 birthday party
    2 Saturday
    3 10:00
    4 the morning
    5 Jenny
    五1 party
    2 cake
    3 good­bye
    4 gift
    5 surprise
    点拨:题通句子中关键信息推断出答案完成类题目先根句子整体信息判断出答案属类通关键信息出答案第1题中通关键信息have fun together知次活动通关键信息food知答案聚会
    六1 AH 2 BD 3 CE 4 FJ 5 GI
    七1 √ 2 × 3 × 4 × 5 ×
    八1 圈gift gifts
    2 圈many much
    点拨:根答语知价格提问how much
    3 圈photo photos
    4 圈surprise a surprise
    5 圈Not Don't 点拨: 祈句否定形式句首加Don't
    九1 C 2 E 3 A 4 D 5 B
    十1 bought some gifts
    2 read books
    3 sang songs
    4 found some photos
    5 saw them
    6 will go to a park
    7 will play football
    8 will take some pictures
    9 will have a party
    10 will bring a cake
    十()1 A 2 C
    (二)3 F 4 F 5 T
    May 20th is my birthday I will have a birthday party in my house I will invite my good friends Jenny Li Ming Steven Kim Tom Mike and Mary to come to my birthday party At the party we will eat delicious food We will sing songs and dance Then we will play cards We will take many pictures It will be fun We will have a good time The party will begin at 9:00 in the morning Don't be late




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