人教精通版六年级下册英语 Unit 3主题提分卷 6年级(R-JT版)

    Unit 3题提分卷
    时间:40分钟 满分:100分                                                           


    听力部分 (30分)
    A B C

    D E

    1 ________   2 ________   3 ________   
    4 ________   5 ________
    (  )1 Where is Betty going
    A She is going to Beijing B She is going to Hainan
    (  )2 What is Betty going to do there
    A She will enjoy sunbathing on the beach
    B She is going to visit some famous places
    (  )3 How will Betty go there
    A By train B By plane
    (  )4 Would Betty like to go to the Great Wall
    A Yes of course B No
    (  )5 How long will Betty stay there
    A Two weeks B A week
    (  )1 Betty and her sister plan to go to the library by bus
    (  )2 They plan to have a nice weekend
    (  )3 They are going to have lunch in the restaurant
    (  )4 Betty's sister wants to buy a pair of shoes
    (  )5 They are planning to learn skating on Sunday
    笔试部分 (70分)
    1 The ________________ ________________ is
    in Hangzhou It's beautiful

    2 Shanghai is in the ________________ of China I went there
    ______________ ______________ last year

    3 The ________________ ________________ is
    the longest wall in the world

    4 Niagara Falls is beautiful It's in _____________

    5 The ________________ _______________ is one
    of the________________ _______________ in the
    (  )1 —Betty where________you go this summer vacation
    A will B are C are going to
    (  )2 Betty would you like________to the Summer Palace this summer vacation
    A going to go B go C to go
    (  )3 I________going to the Summer Palace this summer vacation
    A am B was C be
    (  )4 I want to go to the Great Wall It is the________wall in the world
    A long B longest C longer
    (  )5 ________fantastic trip I will have
    A How B What C What a
    (  )6 Betty what should you________for your summer vacation
    A to bring B bring C bringing
    (  )7 This is her________travel plan
    A family's B families C family
    (  )8 Betty's family________the Great Wall this summer vacation
    A is going to B is going C will going to
    (  )9 Betty is going to________in Beijing________two weeks
    A stay for B stayingin C stayedfor
    (  )10 Beijing is famous for________
    A the terracotta army
    B the Great Wall
    C the West Lake
    1 What about you?→How about you
    Do you want to come to the Great Wall
    →____________ you ____________ to come to the Great Wall
    2 She is my sister →Is she your sister
    I will go to visit the Great Wall this summer vacation
    →____________ you ____________ to visit the Great Wall this summer vacation
    3 My name is Lisa →What's your name
    I am going to visit the Great Wall
    →Where ____________ you ____________ ____________ ____________?
    4 Do you like apples?→No I don't
    Did you ever go to the Great Wall
    →No____________ ____________
    The 2012 Olympic Games were__1__in London Many people__2__ England Let me tell you something__3__British schools British primary schools are usually__4__but the classrooms are usually bigger than ours In the classroom there are some shelves__5__the walls The pupils put their books and schoolbags on them __6__are a few pupils in each class __7__the teacher will teach all the__8__of the class School__9__later and ends earlier there But lessons are much longer and there is__10__one break in the morning The lunch break is much shorter than ours It's only one hour long
          (  )1 A hold B held C holded
          (  )2 A visited B visit C visiting
          (  )3 A for B about C on
          (  )4 A bigger B smallest C smaller
          (  )5 A in B against C over
          (  )6 A This B Three C There
          (  )7 A But B Though C Or
          (  )8 A subjecting B subjects C subject
          (  )9 A starts B started C start
          (  )10 A many B only C much
    HiI'm Betty My parents and I are going to have a busy weekend On Saturday my father is going to read some books My mother is going to the supermarket I'm going to visit my friend Anna On Sunday morning my father is going to do sports He often plays sports with his friends My mother is going to clean the rooms I'm going to the bookstore I'm going to buy some comic books In the evening we are going to see a film
          (  )1 Betty and her family are going to have a busy weekend
          (  )2 On Sunday my father is going to read some books
          (  )3 Betty is going to visit her friend Anna
          (  )4 On Sunday evening Betty's father often plays some sports with his friends
          (  )5 On Sunday evening they are going to see a film
    In England people 1 o talk about the weather because you can have four seasons in one day In the morning the 2 w is warm just like in spring An hour later 3 b clouds come and then it rains hard The weather gets a little cold In the 4 a the sky is clear The sun begins to shine(耀) It begins summer at this time of a day
    In England you can also have summer in 5 w or have winter in summer So in winter you can 6 s sometimes and in summer sometimes you should take warm clothes
    When you go to England you 7 c see some English people usually take some umbrellas or a raincoat 8 w them in the morning9 b you don't laugh at them If you don't take an 10 u or a raincoat you will regret(悔)later in the day
           1 __________  2 __________  3 __________  4 __________ 
    5 __________ 6 __________ 7 __________ 8 __________
    9 __________ 10 __________
    十学暑假什旅行计划呢?请My summer vacation题目介绍暑假旅行计划(10分)
    提示:I will I'm going to
    Unit 3题提分卷
    HelloI'm Betty I'm from England This is my summer vacation's travel plan I am going to travel around China I plan to stay in China for two weeks In the first week I am going to visit the Great Wall in Beijing It is the longest wall in the world And I will visit the Ming Tombs and then visit the Temple of Heaven And I am going to visit the terracotta army in Xi'an The second week I am going to stay in Hangzhou I know the West Lake is there It is a beautiful lake I think I will enjoy myself this summer vacation
    二Carl:HelloBetty Where are you going tomorrow
    Betty I'm going to Beijing
    Carl Where is Beijing
    Betty It's in the north of China It's also the capital of China
    Carl How will you go there
    Betty By train
    Carl What are you going to do there
    Betty I'm going to visit some famous places in Beijing
    Carl Would you like to go to the Great wall
    Betty Yes of course
    Carl How long will you stay there
    Betty I will stay in Beijing for two weeks
    三My sister and I plan to have a nice weekend On Saturday we are going to go to the library We will get there by bus We are going to read some interesting storybooks and have lunch in a restaurant The food there is delicious and cheap In the afternoon we are going to go shopping I want to buy a pair of shoes We are planning to learn skating on Sunday We are sure we'll have a good time
    1 E 2 B 3 D 4 C 5 A
    二1 A 2 B 3 A 4 A 5 A
    三1 T 2 T 3 T 4 F 5 T
    四1 West Lake 2 eastby plane 3 Great Wall
    4 Canada 5 CN Tower tallest towers
    五1 A
    2 C 点拨:would like+to do表示想做……
    3 A
    4 B 点拨:the longest长
    5 C 点拨:强调名词数名词单数what a
    6 B 点拨:情态动词should接动词原形
    7 A 点拨:名词加's表示……
    8 A
    9 A 点拨:be going to 接动词原形for 表示持续段时间
    10 B
    六1 Would like
    2 Will go
    3 are going to visit
    4 I didn't
    七1 B 2 A 3 B 4 C 5 B
    6 C 7 A 8 B 9 A 10 B
    八1 T 点拨:题文中My parents and I are going to have a busy weekend 知
    2 F 点拨:题文中On Saturday my father is going to read some books 知
    3 T 点拨:题文中I'm going to visit my friend Anna 知
    4 F 点拨:题文中On Sunday morning my father is going to do sports He often plays sports with his friends 知
    5 T 点拨:题文中In the evening we are going to see a film 知
    九1 often 2 weather 3 black 4 afternoon
    5 winter 6 swim 7 can 8 with
    9 but 10 umbrella
    十   My summer vacation
    HiI'm Betty I am going to have a nice trip this summer vacation I plan to stay in China for three weeks I always want to see the most beautiful lake in China So I will go to Hangzhou in the first week I am going to visit the West Lake And next week I am going to visit the Great Wall in Beijing I also will visit the Ming Tombs the Temple of Heaven and the Summer Palace Finally I am going to spend the last week in Xi'an It is famous for the terracotta army I like it very much I believe I will enjoy myself





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