新版外研 必修二Unit1 Food for thought-period3+4基础强化&综合训练(含答案)

    Unit1 Food for thoughtperiod3+4
    1.Tom has taken to (get) up at 6 and going jogging
    2.People who suffer headache will find they get relief from this medicine
    3.They are paid according how long they have been employed
    4.On my way to the museum I came _ one of my teachers
    5.He reminded me _ (lock) up the house when I went out
    6.The study found a direct (relate) between smoking and lung cancer
    7.It is bad manners _ _ (talk) with your mouth full
    8.She couldn't resist _ (laugh) at him in those clothes
    9.The meeting is scheduled for Thursday when it is convenient everyone
    10.I hope you have adapted well the new school life
    11.The new building is under (construct).It will be completed next month
    12.I pick the trash I see anytime anywhere
    13.Mother was worried about whether she could adapt_ _living in the mountainous village alone
    14.I would be very grateful if you could inform me of your decisions at your earliest (convenient).
    15.Compared with other good students in my opinion Jack is a more _ (satisfy) student
    16.We've developed the project from an _ (origin) idea by Stephen
    17.Good friends are those who can share joys and sorrows you
    18.Her parents died when she was a baby and she was brought by her aunt
    19.Seeing the toy she couldn't _ (忍住) reaching out to touch it
    20.He was too far away to be able to (确定) faces
    21.It is not right to buy goods from the Internet according to their (排名).
    22.The dog (摆动) its long tail when it saw me
    23.When you go to a new country you must _ (适应) yourself to new manners and customs
    24.I promised not to post them on my_ _ (博客).
    25.Exercise is one of the key components of a healthy (生活方式).
    26.The_ (官员) have tried to raise awareness about protecting environment
    27.Phones make it more_ _ (方便) for people to make contact with relatives and friends
    28.Not everything you saw at the table (属) to me
    29.Once we have the design we can plan the (建造).
    30.Though ten years old this book is highly_ (推荐).
    31.He wanted to ask her but didn't (敢).
    32.Can you give me a_ _ (典型) example
    33.In the evenings we_ (聚集) around the fireplace and talked
    34.They are the_ (象征) of peace which make me love them more
    35.In my _ (法) without electricity what can we do
    36.Do you mind telling me how to use this_ (功)
    37.How do you feel your_ _ (饮食) and lifestyle
    38.Can you tell me the origin of this (俗)
    try out pay for catch up pick up make the most of
    end up more or less belong to
    1.He joined the firm as an office boy but he gained rapid promotion and _ as a director
    2.The film _ a type of Chinese story called wuxia
    3.The ladies spent some time _ _on each other's health and families
    4.People in Canada needn't_ _ _their medical fees
    5.It's good manners to give back the things which you _
    6.A new TV set may cost you 120 pounds _ _ So it's not worth repairing the old one
    7.I can_ _ _ _ _any opportunities to take up some form of exercise
    8.The new ideas seem fine but they need_ _
    1.All night long he lay awake _ _ _
    2. _ _ time is a panacea for it can heal all wounds
    3.He is _ _ _ the army
    4. _ _ is a pleasure
    5. _ _ it's fair to have them as pets when we have such a limited knowledge of them
    6.My family was_ _ _ cover my tuition
    7.Why did not you do _ _ _
    8.Mary _ _ for her examination last night
    9. _ _ we can stay friends
    10. _ _ _in the morning will do you a lot of good
    Old wives' tales are beliefs passed down from one generation to anotherFor example most of us remember our parents' telling us to eat more of certain foods or not to do certain thingsIs there any truth in these teachings Some of them agree with present medical thinking but others have not passed the test of time
    Did your mother ever tell you to eat carrots because they are good for your eyes Scientists now report that eating carrots can help prevent a serious eye disease called macular degenerationEating just one carrot a day can reduce the possibility of getting this disease by 40Garlic (蒜) is good for you tooIt can kill the type of virus that causes colds
    Unfortunately not all of Mom's advice passed the test of medical studiesFor example generations of children have been told not to go swimming within an hour after eatingBut research suggests that there is no danger in doing soDo sweets cause tooth problems Well yes and noSticky sweets made with grains tend to cause more problems than sweets made with simple sugars
    Even though science can tell us that some of our traditional beliefs don't hold_water_there is still a lot of truth in the old wives' talesAfter all much of this knowledge has been accumulated (积累) from thousands of years of experience in family health careWe should respect this body of knowledge even as we search for clear scientific support to prove it true or false
    1.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text
    A.Eating garlic is good for our eyes
    B.Sticky sweets are damaging to our teeth
    C.Swimming after a meal is dangerous
    D.Carrots prevent people from catching colds
    2.The author develops the third paragraph mainly ________
    A.by cause and effect    B.by order in space
    C.by order in time D.by examples
    3.The phrase hold water in the last paragraph most probably means ________.
    A.to be believable B.to be valuable
    C.to be admirable D.to be suitable
    4.What is the author's attitude towards old wives' tales in the text
    A.Subjective B.Objective
    C.Dissatisfied D.Curious
    Do you love holidays but hate the increase in weight that follows You are not alone
    Holidays are happy days with pleasure and delicious foodsMany people however are worried about the weight that comes along with these delicious foods
    With proper planning though it is possible to control your weightThe idea is to enjoy the holidays but not to eat too muchYou don't have to turn away from the foods that you enjoyThe following suggestions may be of some help to you
    Don't miss mealsBefore you leave home for a feast (宴会) have a small low­fat snackThis may help to keep you from getting too excited before delicious foods
    Begin with clear soup and fruit or vegetables
    A large glass of water before you eat may help you feel full
    Use a small plate a large plate will encourage you to have more than enough
    Better not have high­fat foodsDishes that look oily or creamy have much fat in them
    Choose lean meatFill your plate with salad and green vegetables
    If you have a sweet tooth try mints (薄荷) and fruitThey don't have fat content as cream and chocolate
    Don't let exercise take a break during the holidaysA 20­minute walk after a meal can help burn off excess calo­ries (余热量).
    5Holidays are happy days with pleasure but they may ________
    A.bring weight problems
    B.bring you much trouble in your life
    C.make you worried about your foods
    D.make you hate delicious foods
    6.In order to really enjoy your holidays without putting on weight you'd better ________
    A.drink much water and have vegetables only
    B.not eat too much food in high fat
    C.not accept invitations to feasts
    D.turn away from delicious foods
    7.According to the passage ________ is a necessary part to stop you from putting on weight
    A.vegetables        B.water
    C.calories of energy D.physical exercise
    8.Many people can't help putting on weight after the holidays because they ________
    A.can't control themselves
    B.go to too many feasts
    C.enjoy delicious foods
    D.can't help turning away from the foods
    Some people love eating food right after it is cookedI prefer food just taken out from the freezerFruit candies nuts chocolate cake with buttercream frosting (糖霜) even peas all of them taste delicious when frozenIn fact I often eat them that way
    I was a kid when I picked up the habitIn my family lots of things were thrown into the freezer — finally two freezers — to prevent them from going badAmong them were some of the candies my sisters and I had collected on Halloween
    If we eat when they are still warm we'll find ourselves taking the cookies more than we shouldIt's better if we can put them into the freezer and waitThat way we'll eat less and enjoy them more because they are hard and chewing becomes a slower more patient effortThat's the point about frozen buttercream frostingPut it in your mouth at room temperature and it's gone very quicklyBut when it's frozen you can enjoy the taste much longer as it melts (融化) in your mouth
    The freezer treats a lot of fruit kindlyTake frozen grapes for exampleI keep a bowl of grapes in my freezerThey become a little icy and somehow their sweetness is improvedThey are perfect and healthy dessert (点心) This is the same with oranges apples bananas You might think bananas would get super­hard when frozenWrong They become cool creamy and sweetIf you have wisely covered some or all of the bananas with melted chocolate before putting them into the freezer they will have a double taste
    As long as you aren't eating anything that truly has to be hot go ahead and experiment
    9.Why does the author NOT advise us to take hot cookies
    A.Because they need more time to prepare
    B.Because the taste is not good when they are hot
    C.Because they are too delicious to avoid our overeating
    D.Because we may eat them quickly and enjoy them less
    10.What does the underlined word it in the third paragraph refer to
    A.The taste
    C.The cookie
    D.Frozen buttercream frosting
    11What is the passage intended to tell us
    A.Fruit should be frozen before one eats it
    B.Frozen food is better than hot food
    C.The author prefers frozen food
    D.Hot food is not healthy
    12.The author began to enjoy frozen food when he ________
    A.was young        B.learned cooking
    C.got married D.got a fever
    Some years ago a 28­year­old Californian wife and mother of three children died from drinking too much waterHer body was found in her home shortly after she took part in a water­drinking contest that was held by a local radio showCalled Hold Your Wee For A Wii the contest organizers promised a free Wii video game machine to those who drank the most water without going to the bathroomThe woman who died drank about 2 gallons of water during the contestWhen she and other participants complained of discomfort and showed signs of pains they were laughed at by the organizers
    This tragic news story shows the importance of understanding why drinking too much water can be dangerous to your health
    Consuming more water than you need can increase your total blood volume (容量).And since your blood volume exists within a closed system increasing your blood volume puts unnecessary stress on your heart and blood vessels (血).Your kidneys (肾) must work overtime to get rid of extra water out of your systemYour kidneys are not a pair of pipesFlushing more water through your kidneys doesn't necessarily help it become cleanerRather your kidneys can get damaged by unnecessary wear and tear over timeAnd drowning your system with large amounts of water is one of many potential causes of kidney damage
    Putting unnecessary stress on your system and your kidneys by consuming unnecessary water is an unnoticeable processFor the average person it is usually impossible to know that this stress exists as there are usually no obvious symptoms on a moment­to­moment basisBut make no mistake about it this stress is real and can hurt your health over the long term
    1.Why is the Californian woman mentioned

    2.What's the main idea of Paragraph 3

    3.The stress caused by consuming unnecessary water
    Large meals make people full and sleepy __1__ We want our children to learn not falling asleep at their desks so let's keep those lunches on the lighter side You can do this if you provide them with a good breakfast
    By working beside your children and discussing what they eat for lunch you are helping them understand the importance of whole foods and the avoidance of junk foods __2__ As they get older these good habits will stay with them They will learn that these types of food will help them feel better and look better give them more energy Try to let them see that the food choices they are making will help them feel so much better
    __3__ I know of one family that actually had the food pyramid on the wall of their kitchen and it helped their children pick out what foods they wanted Everyone got a chance to decide what to eat but they had to pick protein vegetables and fruit In addition the mother had a book with recipes for healthy foods __4__ So children knew what healthy foods they should choose
    Unlike today when we grew up we played outside rode our bikes ran around skated and the list goes on and on __5__ So in addition to the above healthy eating choices you need to plan some activities for your children today other than the television or video games
    A.We didn't have TV or computer games
    B.How are children helped to choose their food
    C.You are helping them make smart informed choices
    D.Think what large meals do to your children at school
    E.What adults eat daily has a great effect on their children
    F.All of the recipes had pictures of what the food looked like
    G.The recipes for children should mainly include healthy foods
    参考词汇:减肥药weight­loss pill 慢跑jogging
    I'm sorry to learn that you are upset about being overweight recently 

    Excited screams of joy_the sounds of two happy little girls playing in the sand rang across the beach But I walked along barely aware of it I'd come to this remote beach on my sailboat a place to escape My wife and I had recently separated our marriage in trouble I worried about my two boys just six and eight It seemed like forever since I'd heard them laugh But I didn't know what to do to make things better
    Help Help The girls shouted I'd meant to tell them to stay away from the dangerous water Now one of them was in the ocean beyond the surf_line I could just hear her screams over the waves Any second now she'd be swept away I ran across the sand as fast as I could The other girl was at the edge of the surf line yelling
    Wait Stop Don't go any farther I charged into the waves and was reaching for her when a wall of water dashed over us For half a second I saw her disappear under another big wave I'm a strong swimmer but I could feel the wave pulling me hard I swam to her and seized her her little body shaking trembling But where is the other girl I saw a waving arm A head broke the surface not far away The arms of the girl I'd rescued were wrapped desperately around my neck She was breathing with sobs Let go of my neck I need you on my back Hold my shoulders so I can swim to your friend
    She loosed her hands and I shifted her to my back She's my sister Sarah_and I am Lillian she said For a moment I thought of my boys How much they loved each other How much I loved them
    I looked across the water and saw a small head after a big wave I quickened my swimming fighting for each breath Tiny arms pressed against my shoulder I reached out and held the second little girl She was in total tiredness_taking deep breaths crying quietly
    Paragraph 1:
    I swam hard with the two girls and looked toward shore but I couldn't see anyone 

    Paragraph 2:
    Mommy The loud cry wakened my consciousness

    1 getting
    2 from
    3 to
    4 across
    5 to lock
    6 relation
    7 to talk
    8 laughing
    9 for
    10 to
    11 construction
    12 up
    13 to
    14 convenience
    15 satisfying
    16 original
    17 with
    18 up
    19 resist
    20 identify
    21 rankings
    22 swung
    23 adapt
    24 blog
    25 lifestyle
    26 officials
    27 convenient
    28 belongs
    29 construction
    30 recommended
    31 dare
    32 typical
    33 gathered
    34 symbol
    35 opinion
    36 function
    37 diet
    38 custom
    (1) ended up
    (2) belongs to
    (3) catching up
    (4) pay for
    (5) pick up
    (6) more or less
    (7) make the most of
    (8) trying out
    1 thinking of the problem
    2 People say that
    3 too young to join
    4 Working with you
    5 I don't think
    6 too poor to
    7 as I had asked
    8 was busy preparing
    9 I don't think
    10 Reading English aloud
    15is_really_harmful_in the_long _run
    I'm sorry to learn that you are upset about being overweight recentlyI think you should stop taking weight­loss pills in no time because they are harmful to your healthBesides you need to eat a healthy diet to recover your strengthThere are many other ways to lose weightFor example jogging is quite a popular form of exerciseYou may do it in the morning or after supperAnother way is that you can go to the gym regularly which is also an effective way of losing weight and keeping healthyIn a word if you insist on exercising you are sure to have an attractive figure and stay slim and healthy
    Paragraph 1:
    I swam hard with the two girls and looked toward shore but I couldn't see anyone We were too far away from the beach I was close to total tiredness But there was no time to wait I decided to swim on my stomach I told Lillian to circle her arms around my shoulder and asked Sarah to hold her sister's arms with both hands I swam as hard as I could When I took one last look at the beach in my mind I saw my wife and children I could feel their love and from behind me I felt an incredible force lifting
    Paragraph 2:
    Mommy The loud cry wakened my consciousness I looked up a man was trying to drag me out of the water A woman cried Thank you You saved my daughters I tried to comprehend what had happened My efforts and struggles had paid off I thought of that giant wave_lifting and pushing me I was given the strength I needed My families were waiting for me I just needed the strength to make an effort





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