


    1.It is strange that such a gentleman_______( be) so rude to a lady
    2.You ____ come here on timeor you’ll be fined next time
    3.I ______ have cooked so much foodNobody was hungry
    4.When he was younghe _____ climb the small hill every morning
    5.I _______ finish reading the book tomorrowbut I am not sure about it
    6.You ________ have given him some adviceHe was too upset at that time
    7.It is a long time since we met last timeYou _______ come and see me more often
    8.She was so frightened that she didn’t _______to breathe a word of it to anyone else
    9.The doorbell ringsI wonder who that isIt _______ be LisaShe’s still in the library at this time
    10.You _______ feel all the training a waste of timebut I’m a hundred percent sure later you’ll be grateful you did it
    11.I have no patience ______ people who like to smoke in restaurants
    12.________(assume) it rains tomorrowwe will have to stay at home
    13.I don’t doubt _____ these cultural relics belonging to the state should be returned
    14.Now we have to raise the public _________(aware) of environmental protection
    15.________(accustom) to the darkI was able to make out the door of the room and went out through it
    16.Most colleges now offer firstyear students a course specially _______(design) to help them succeed academically and personally
    17.His views are grounded on the_______(assume) that all people are equal
    18.I am grateful that he’s taught me a lot and has always been patient _____ me
    19.We always tune ____ at ten o’clock to hear the latest news to know better about the world
    20.Sales of this drug have _________(suspend) until more tests have been performed
    1should be 2 must 3 needn’t 4 would 5maymight 6 ought toshould 7 should 8dare 9 can’t 10 may 11 with 12 Assuming 13 that 14 awareness 15 Accustomed 16 designed 17 assumption 18 with 19in 20 been suspended
    Ⅱ 语法填空

    Rain or shineTom is always the first to arrive at the officeHis home 1 be very near the officeor he 2 be always in time for workHow I wish that I 3 (live) close to workso that I 4 not get up so early every dayYesterdayfor exampleI would 5 (arrive) in time for work if I hadn’t been caught in a traffic jamThe boss was so angry with me that he demanded I 6 arrive at work early enough later onsaying that should I be caught late againhe 7 (punish) me
    It’s getting lateand I 8 stop anything and go to bedor I would get up lateAnyhowit’s time that I 9 (go) to sleepand I’d rather I 10 (arrive) at work on time tomorrowIt would be bad to be caught arriving late again

    1. must
    2. can’t
    3. lived
    4. need
    5. have arrived
    6. should
    7. would punish
    8. must
    9. wentshould go





    15.杰克 安静做作业定课堂声喧哗?

    11When I was smallmy mom would read me stories at night
    12You needn’t have taken so much cash with youYou knowthat shop accepts checks
    13Sometimes smiles around the world can be falsehiding other feelings like angerfear or worry
    14He can’t have watched TV last nightfor he knew he would have a test
    15JacklookEverybody is doing homework quietlyMust you make a noise in class
    板块二 课巩固提升

    I grew up in a family that was middle class in terms of finances Dad worked hard to support the family and mom tried to save a little bit of money while making sure we had enough food to eat and clothes to wear One of their greatest desires was to raise decent and loving children who had an opportunity to finish college
    Of their four children my brother Gener seemed to be the most sociable He experienced life by doing simple things that none of us risked doing
    Gener never hesitated to learn new things He tried his hands at a number of things He did a lot of things for friends often not being paid for them
    Gener did not have a history of any health problems from his very young age to adulthood However one day he came home ate his dinner and informed mom and dad that he was retiring to bed That evening my healthy brother died suddenly of cardiac arrest All my family were so sorrowful At the funeral along with the sadness my parents and brother felt so much pride There were so many people that came Strangers to my parents each were relating a story of how they were touched by Gener
    A janitor (门) came to say that practically every day Gener brought him a sandwich Finally mom found out why Gener took so many sandwiches to school Gener never told her what he did with the sandwiches
    Then there was a man who came in bringing money saying that Gener lent him some when he was down and out Gener never asked him back for the money
    From the school president to the janitor…people came because of his goodness of heart and deeds
    In the end my parents realized that even at a young age of 26 my brother lived a full life and was very instrumental in helping others live theirs a little better
    1 Which of the following could best describe the author’s child life
    A Poor but happy B Luxurious and free
    C Poor and stressful D Neither rich nor poor
    2 What can we learn from the passage
    A Gener passed away unexpectedly
    B Gener was the eldest child in the family
    C Gener was unwilling to learn new things
    D Gener had poor health during his childhood
    3 Why did the author’s parents feel proud
    A Because Gener was moved by others
    B Because Gener helped others live better
    C Because Gener had contributed a lot to his family
    D Because Gener took so many sandwiches to school
    4 What is the text mainly about
    A A happy son
    B A secret helper
    C A courageous stranger
    D A sincere donor
    答案1 D 2 A 3 B 4 B

    How To Channel Your Anger When You’re IN IT
    We all experience momentary bursts of anger every now and then___16___Below therapists offer their best advice for getting control of your temper before it gets control of you
    Acknowledge that you’re angry
    When you’re angry you notice it in your body___17___ You are literally hot and bothered
    The standard advice here is to take deep breaths in and out When you’re really in anger though and the breathing counting or similar techniques aren’t working it pays to take cues from your physiological sensations Ask yourself what your anger wants to do
    Give yourself a time out
    How do you do the exercise above when you're in the middle of a facetoface conversation Call a personal timeout___19___ This also aids in decreasing anger and or deescalating the situation A timeout allows time for you to reflect on the actual trigger that manifested the anger which helps with identifying the trigger to prevent it from reoccurring
    Change the subject of the conversation
    Let’s say you’ve taken the advice above but you’re still feeling heated If you or your partnercoworkerfriend still feel hotheaded changing the topic of conversation can also be a good way to cope with anger in the moment___20___ If things are heated changing the subject will alter the trajectory of the conversation as a whole
    By cooler heads prevail we don’t mean this Take what you’ve learned here and cool it hothead
    A Follow your body’s cues safely and slowly
    B Ask yourself what emotion is behind the anger
    C You experience it physically far more than you do cognitively
    D There are things you can do in the moment to calm yourself though
    E Focusing on something else helps change your mood and how you will respond
    F I would like you to be supportive of me and only give me your input when I ask for it
    G Walking away gives you time to calm down and collect your thoughts before responding
    答案16 D 17 C 18 A 19 G 20 E





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