Unit 4 Information Technology-Section C基础+综合双向训练(含答案)- _ 学年北师大版( )必修二

    Unit 4 Information Technology
    Section C基础+综合双训练
    Ø 选合适单词短语恰形式填空
    Rescue planes are trying to      the missing sailors 
    It was difficult to find a suitable      for the restaurant 
    We were      to find that no one was there 
    To my      he was able to recite the whole passage 
    We invite you to join us on an      journey of language learning 
    They sent their children to      schools 
    He read the letter later in the      of his own room 
    The information ought to be made more      to the employees 
    The system has been designed to give students quick and easy      to the digital resources of the library 
    The story shows plenty of       
    All the characters in this book are       
    It is hard to      the size of the universe 
    1The young always live in a world of       
    2The government must make new      to reduce unemployment 
    3They want to scan and      your old booksalbumsand photos 
    4I have not met him yet but I have read his      on the Internet 
    5They don’t want their      to be disturbed 
    6The equator is an      line around the middle of the earth 
    Ø 单句语法填空
    1The remote desert area is      (接易) only by helicopter 
    2After a      (系列) of unsuccessful attemptshe has finally passed the driving test 
    3This book shows that he is a promising      (作家) 
    4He could not resist the attraction of the sea and became a      (水手) 
    5History is an      (选择) course to us students of science 
    6The scenery along the river is      (起)with many wellknown sightseeing spots 
    7The newspaper publishes a      (物简介) of a leading sportsman every week 
    8The first thing he looked at was his office’s      (位置) 
    Ø 阅读理解
    My 9yearold son spends a lot of time on the computer surfing the Internet and sending instant messages to his friendsBut I worry about him getting into trouble with strangers onlineWhat can I do to protect him
    Simple surfing and instant messaging with friends are common activities for kids—and generally safeif you’ve discussed some rules of use with themChatting with strangershowevermay be a different storyAlthough there’s no way to know the actual riskthe FBI (联邦调查局) warns that kids whose Internet activity isn’t monitored are most at the risk of being exploited (利)
    Keep the computer in a common room in the house rather than in your son’s bedroomTake an interest in the sites your son is visiting and the people with whom he is chattingWarn him never to give out his personal information (his phone numbernameaddressschool nameetc)agree to meet inperson anyone he meets in a chat roomor share any photographs
    Urge your son to introduce you to any newfriends he meets online and to tell you if he ever feels uncomfortable about conversations that take placeMost importantlytalk to him about the dangers of interacting with strangers online and remind him that people online often don’t tell the truthThe FBI also recommends that parents maintain access to young kids’ online accounts and often check their email
    Finallyyou can use parental controls offered by your Internet service provider or through blocking and filtering (滤) software
    1How can the parents protect their children from strangers online
    AKeep the computer in their children’s bedroom
    BAllow children to give out their personal information
    CEncourage children to treat friends online sincerely
    DTry to get in touch with children’s new friends
    2What does the FBI suggest
    AForbid the children to chat online
    BAvoid checking the children’s email
    CMonitor the children’s online accounts
    DProvide comfortable family environment
    3The main purpose of the passage is to     
    Aanswer how to protect children from strangers online
    Bdescribe children’s problems on making friends online
    Cadvise parents to prevent children from cheating online
    Dstress the importance of keeping children’s online safety
    Ø 读续写
    It was Mother’s Day and I was shopping at the local supermarket with my son who was five years oldTenysonAs we were leaving after finishing our shoppingwe realized that only minutes earlier an elderly woman had fallen over at the entrance and hit her head on the ground badlyHer husband was with herbut there was blood everywhere and the woman was embarrassed and clearly in shockFortunatelya lot of people stopped to help out
    While we were walking towards the sceneTenyson became very worried about what had happened to the elderly coupleHe said to meMomit’s not much fun falling over in front of everyone Seeing that there was a flower stall(摊位)at the front of the supermarkethe addedWhy shouldn’t we buy the lady a flowerIt will make her feel betterI was amazed that he’d come up with this sweet ideaSo we went over and told the flower seller what we wantedJust take itshe repliedI can’t take your money for such a wonderful deed
    By now medical staff had arrivedand were looking after the injured womanThere we saw the old man was also in great horrorbut he tried to comfort his wife and held her hands tightly to encourage her to be strongWe gave the flower to the woman’s husband and I told him it was from my sonAt thatthe old man started crying and saidThank you very muchHe then turned to meYou have a wonderful sonHappy Mother’s Day to you
    The man bent down and gave his wife the flowertelling her who it was fromRegardless of being badly hurtthe old lady looked up at Tenyson with love in her eyes and gave him a little smileAnd my son bent down his body to the injured lady and tenderly saidHappy Mother’s Day to youtoo
    After a momentthe elderly lady was taken into an ambulance
    One year later
    Ø 应文

    Ø 选合适单词短语恰形式填空
    1 locatelocation
    2 amazedamazementamazing
    3 privateprivacy
    4 accessibleaccess
    5 imaginationimaginaryimagine
    1 fantasy
    2 policies
    3 digitise
    4 profile
    5 privacy
    6 imaginary
    Ø 单句语法填空
    1 accessible
    2 series
    3 author
    4 sailor
    5 optional
    6 amazing
    7 profile
    8 location
    Ø 阅读理解
    Ø 读续写
    After a momentthe elderly lady was taken into an ambulanceand was sent to hospital by medical staffThe crowd gradually scatteredTenyson and I went homeOn our way homehe asked me worriedlyMomwill the elderly lady be OK since she is too old and she has badly fallen overI looked at him and saidThe elderly lady will be fine since there were so many people coming to help herAnd you did a wonderful deedmy boy
    One year laterit was Mother’s Day againAs last yearI went shopping at the local supermarket with TenysonSuddenlyTenyson said excitedlyLookMomIt is that old womanI looked that way and saw the elderly lady and her husbandIt seemed that she had recovered from her injuryWe walked towards them and they were happy to meet ustooThe elderly lady hugged my son and whispered to himI will never forget the flower you gave memy sweet boy
    Ø 应文
    Dear Gallery Director
    My name is Li Huaa student from ChinaI intend to study in London during the summer vacationI’m glad to learn that your museum will hold an exhibition of Chinese paintingsI would like to do some voluntary work for the exhibitionSo I am writing this letter asking to be a volunteer
    I am good at English and familiar with Chinese paintingsI would like to volunteer to help visitorsintroduce Chinese paintingsspread Chinese cultureand strengthen world cultural exchangesMy aim is to let China go to the world and let the world understand ChinaI would appreciate it if you could agree to my request





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