
    Can you imagine a world without the InternetIt’s surprising to think about it

    NowChina has more than 162 million Internet usersaccording to the China Internet Network Information CentreThis is the second highest number of user in the world after the United StatesToday66 of Chinese netizens (网民) are teenagersThey spend about thirteen hours every week onlinesaid Qian Hulinan Internet expert(专家)Doctor Song in Beijing Xuanwu Hospital said about 14 of Chinese netizens who are teens often lasted over ten hours to play online games

    The main reasons why teenagers surf the Web are to search for informationto communicate with others and to have funOn the Internetteenagers can find out almost anythingAnd surfing the Web can help students with their homework and widen their knowledge

    Li Donga teacher at No41 Middle School in Shijiazhuanglikes her students to use the InternetWhen we talk in classstudents who surf the Net usually know more background information than the othersshe said

    In additionpeople can use the Internet to write letters or stories and send emailsMany teens keep in touch with their friends onlineIt is cheaper than phoning somebody far away and also much quicker
    1_________has the most Internet users in the world according to the article
    2There are about_________Chinese netizens to surf about 13 hours every week
    A107 million old
    B227 million old
    C107 million young
    3Song said some teenagers continued_________more than ten hours
    Aplaying online games
    Bsearching for information
    Cchatting with their friends
    4Li Dong in No41 Middle School likes her students to use the Internet because she_________
    Athinks surfing the net can help students spend less time on homework
    Bthinks her students can get more background information than the others
    Cwants her students to talk to her about their hobbies and interests
    5According to the passagewhich of the following is the cheapest and quickest way to learn something about friends far away
    AWriting a letter to them
    BGoing to see them
    CSending emails to them

    Do you have the computer skills you should have to excel in schoolTo get a good job in the first placeThe following six computer skills will help you get better grades and make yourself more valuable to employers

    Today the Internet makes the world go aroundYou can find information on just about everything on the Internetwhich will make studying so much quicker and easierJust be careful about your sources because not everything you read on the Internet is true

    Almost every company uses Email nowGet a personal email address freely at GoogleYahooHotmailand other places on the InternetPractice Emailing

    One Note
    One Noteby Microsoftis a wonderful tool for studentsFor about 100you can take and store notesorganize themshare themand do just about anything you want with themYour options appear on one page so you can access files immediatelyYou can add presentationspicturesaudio filesweb shotsetc

    Microsoft Office Word is used most often by the business world for word processingIt’s today’s typewriterYou’ll create cleanermore professional papers and reports for school
    It will give you a leg up when you look for a job

    PowerPoint is the software used to create slide presentationsWhen you need to make a presentation in classthis is the tool that will help you present your information in a cleanprofessional wayRemember to keep it simple

    If you work with numbersExcel is your best friendIt will save you a ton of time because it calculates for youSet up a spread sheettell Excel how you want it to calculatefill in your figuresand voila You can’t beat it
    1Why students must have the six Computer Skills
    AIt will help you get better grades
    BIt will make yourself more valuable to employers
    CBoth A and B
    2Which of the following statement is not true
    AYou can almost find information just about everything on the Internet
    BYou can trust on the information from the Internet
    CYou will make studying so much quicker and easier with the internet
    3Where can’t you get a personal Email address freely
    Aat Google
    Bat Yahoo
    Cat Tmall
    4Which can be used to create slide presentations
    5What does calculates mean in It will save you a ton of time because it calculates for you
    Adepend on
    Many of us spend plenty of our time at workbut rarely give much thought to how our environment might be affecting us

    Open offices could be making you unproductive and unhappyA 2011 review of studies examined the effects of various types of office environmentsIt found that open offices can have a negative impact on workers when it comes to focusefficiencycreativity and job satisfactionHowevera 2013 study found that employees with private offices were more satisfied at work

    Your working environment could be upping your stress levelsA recent Monstercom poll found that 42 percent of USworkers have left a job due to stressful environmentIt also found that 61 percent of American workers believe that work stress has been a cause of illness

    A noisy workspace could be killing your concentration because of phones ringing and colleagues chattingtyping and moving aroundThese noises are the enemy of focus and meaningful time is lostToo much time sitting down without any physical exercise increases your risk of diseaseWe've all heard that sitting is the new smokingYour desk job could almost be killing youSitting at a desk all day can also contribute to aches and painswhile staring at a computer screen for hours can cause vision problems and headaches

    A sedentary lifestyle increases your risk of diseaseWe've all heard thatsitting is the new smokingYour desk job could almost be killing youSitting at a desk all day can also contribute to aches and painswhile staring at a computer screen for hours can cause vision problems and headaches

    It's no exaggeration that your working environment is killing youBe alert
    21Many of us__________pay much attention to our working environment
    22Open offices could make you__________
    Aefficient and unhappy
    Binefficient and upset
    Crelaxed and happy
    23It was found that employees with__________were more satisfied at work
    Aprivate offices
    Bopen offices
    Cnew offices
    24According to the passage__________are theenemy of focus
    Acolleagues chatting
    Bphone ringing
    25Staring at a computer screen for hours increases your chances of__________
    Avision problems
    Cboth A and B

    Do you have the computer skills you should have to excel in schoolTo get a good job in the first placeThe following six computer skills will help you get better grades and make yourself more valuable to employers

    Today the Internet makes the world go aroundYou can find information on just about everything on the Internetwhich will make studying so much quicker and easierJust be careful about your sources because not everything you read on the Internet is true

    Almost every company uses Email nowGet a personal email address freely at GoogleYahooHotmailand other places on the InternetPractice Emailing

    One Note
    One Noteby Microsoftis a wonderful tool for studentsFor about 100you can take and store notesorganize themshare themand do just about anything you want with themYour options appear on one page so you can access files immediatelyYou can add presentationspicturesaudio filesweb shotsetc

    Microsoft Office Word is used most often by the business world for word processingIt’s today’s typewriterYou’ll create cleanermore professional papers and reports for school
    It will give you a leg up when you look for a job

    PowerPoint is the software used to create slide presentationsWhen you need to make a presentation in classthis is the tool that will help you present your information in a cleanprofessional wayRemember to keep it simple

    If you work with numbersExcel is your best friendIt will save you a ton of time because it calculates for youSet up a spread sheettell Excel how you want it to calculatefill in your figuresand voila You can’t beat it
    1Why students must have the six Computer Skills
    AIt will help you get better grades
    BIt will make yourself more valuable to employers
    CBoth A and B
    2Which of the following statement is not true
    AYou can almost find information just about everything on the Internet
    BYou can trust on the information from the Internet
    CYou will make studying so much quicker and easier with the internet
    3Where can’t you get a personal Email address freely
    Aat Google
    Bat Yahoo
    Cat Tmall
    4Which can be used to create slide presentations
    5What does calculates mean in It will save you a ton of time because it calculates for you
    Adepend on
    With the explosion of digital media in recent yearsa growing number of students are spending their time in front of the small screenwhether it’s a Smartphone or tabletIn just two yearsthe number of US children using digital media has doubled to 72 percentaccording to a survey by Common Sense Media

    On averagestudents spend about two hours a day in front of the screenWatching TV makes up half of this timeBut graduallythe time children spend watching TV is decreasingwith more and more time being given to digital mediaSome of the common things kids do with digital media are playing gameswatching videos and sending messages to friends

    The digital world can be used very effectivelyIn the survey74 percent of teachers said that digital media would improve students’ learningAs students can quickly get hold of information they need

    Howeverwithout guidance from teachers or parentsdigital media may have bad influence on students’ attention span and communication skillsSo it’s always best to use your smartphone and tablet carefully

    When using digital mediayou need to find a balanceJust like studytoo much can lead to information overloadand give you a headacheAlsomake sure your smartphone or tablet doesn’t take priority over more important tasksGive your eyes a restand remember offline is just as fun as online
    1Two years agothe number of US children who use digital media made up_________
    2Which is not TRUE according to the passage
    AUsing digital media is good for students’ learning
    BUsing digital media can improve students’ communication skills
    CStudents should use their digital media under adults’ guidance
    3The underlined word overload in the last paragraph means_________in Chinese
    4The article mentions that kids usually use digital media to_________
    ①play games
    ②send message to friends
    ③watch videos
    ④shop online
    5Why is the time children spend watching TV decreasing
    ABecause they need a balance of study and entertainment
    BBecause the TV shows aren’t interesting at all
    CBecause they turn to spend more time on digital media

    Many of us spend plenty of our time at workbut rarely give much thought to how our environment might be affecting us

    Open offices could be making you unproductive and unhappyA 2011 review of studies examined the effects of various types of office environmentsIt found that open offices can have a negative impact on workers when it comes to focusefficiencycreativity and job satisfaction12Howevera 2013 study found that employees with private offices were more satisfied at work

    A noisy workspace could be killing your concentration because of phones ringing and colleagues chattingtyping and moving aroundThese noises are the enemy of focus and meaningful time is lost

    Your working environment could be upping your stress levelsA recent Monstercom poll found that 42 percent of USworkers have left a job due to stressful environmentIt also found that 61 percent of American workers believe that work stress has been a cause of illness

    A sedentary lifestyle increases your risk of diseaseWe’ve all heard that sitting is the new smokingYour desk job could almost be killing youSitting at a desk all day can also contribute to aches and painswhile staring at a computer screen for hours can cause vision problems and headaches

    It’s no exaggeration that your working environment is killing youBe alert
    1Many of us_________pay much attention to our working environment
    2Open offices could make you_________
    Aefficient and unhappy
    Binefficient and upset
    Crelaxed and happy
    3It was found that employees with_________were more satisfied at work
    Aprivate offices
    Bopen offices
    Cnew offices
    4According to the passage_________are the enemy of focus
    Acolleagues chatting
    Bphone ringing
    5Staring at a computer screen for hours increases your chances of_________
    Avision problems
    CBoth A and B




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