
    Unit 1 What’s the matter 作业设计
    学段:初中 学科:英语 年级:八年级


    单元题容谈健康话题询问某 健康情况遇麻烦表达教材选编模态语 篇包括话说明文等连续性文图表图示等非连 续性文音频视频等根义务教育英语课程标 准(2022 年版)(简称课程标准)求语言技语言知识情感态度学策略文化意识等方 面单元课程容进行分析
    1 语言技: 听懂关谈健康简短话 What’s the matter健康情况进行询问疾病根学知识出相应建议

    2 语言知识: 认读拼写运单元matter sore fever stomach trouble passenger 等重点词汇lie down be used to get into等重点短语 掌握反身代词情态动词 should 法
    3 情感态度:引导学生够动关心健康 够提出相应建议培养学生养成良生活 惯遇困难时保持冷静坚强意志力
    4 学策略:语言学实践运结合起学会 分析批判评价等思维活动中发展思维品质 学力团队协作意识
    5 文化意识:培养学生乐助态度遇 困难慌张心态

    单元话题通询问某健康情况学 身体部位身体舒服表达时学 身体舒服时够提出相应意见单元两篇课文时 态般时锻炼学生时态法教 育学生遇事沉着冷静心态


    某身体部位舒服表达相熟悉教学 程中注意引导工作时八年级学生心智相成熟利 培养遇突发情况时慌张容处理情感 态度

    1够具体语境中理解运单元重点单词词组 : matter sore cough climber passenger trouble 等
    2具体语境中运单元语法:反身代词情态动词should 法
    3够单元学句型What’s the matterI have a……进行问答
    4够理解文章意熟练运学知识活动进 行描述

    1 理解够具体语境中运重点单词: matter sore cough climber passenger trouble 等法 够造句
    2运单元学重点句型What’s the matterI have a……进行图造句话练

    3够具体语境中运单元语法知识完成相应 练
    4解时常见疾病够提出建议做 遇事慌张


    学请家左边单词表中找右边单词圈出 方写出写形式选 34 单词造句

    设计意图通单词迷宫形式考查学生单元单 词否完全理解样式新颖学生兴趣做时仅单 纯检测单词掌握情况够深入理解单词够 重点单词造句句子中加深单词印象记忆单词

    (二)仿例子根图片容编制话提供相 应解决办法

    A What’s the matter B I have a stomachache
    A You should lie down and have rest

    1 2 3

    设计意图通仿例子图造句题型锻炼学生 书面表达力时考察学生单元重点单词短语 否运实际情况中知识情景相结合力


    1 If you have a feveryou _ take the temperature and drink some water
    A would B should C could D might
    2 —I’ll have a tennis game tomorrow I’m a little bit nervous
    —Believe in _ You’re the best in our club
    A herself B myself c yourself D himself 3—I’m too tired I worked very late last night
    —You go on working any more You need some rest
    A shouldn’t B needn’t C may not D couldn't 4—l have a sore throat
    —Maybe you _ drink some water with honey It may help
    A would B should C could D might
    5 Those girls enjoyed in the party last night
    A them B herself C themselves D they
    6 My parents _ getting up early on weekdays
    A used to B be used to C was used to D are used to
    7 David Beckham decided to _ playing football match forever because he is not energetic enough
    A put off B deal with C break off D give up
    8 Help to some candies children
    A yourself B your C yours D yourselves
    9 When Humans are destroying(破坏) the nature they are also destroying
    A it B they c them D themselves

    10 Fast food good
    is not always bad for our health but too much of is not

    Ait its B itself its Cit itself D itself it

    设计意图通单选题单元重语法知识进行 检测单选题时做题中常见题型学生够根 做题实际情况单元知识点进行查漏补缺

    You may know about junk food like French fries But do you know about junk sleep
    Recently a British survey found that electronic( 电 子 ) products in teenagers' bedrooms are affecting(影响)their sleep
    The survey was done among 1000 British kids from 12 to 16lt found that 30 of them got just 4 to 7 hours of sleep every day But doctors say they need 8 to 9 hours Almost a quarter of the kids said they fell asleep more than once a week while watching TV listening to music or using other electronic products
    This is very worrying said Dr Chris Idzikowski a British expert We call it junk sleep' It means you don't get enough sleep and the quality of the sleep is bad too If you don't get a good restyou don't perform well in school the next day
    The survey found that 40 of the kids felt tired each day with girls between 13 and 16 feeling the worst Nearly all the teenagers have a cellphone an iPad or a TV in their bedrooms And many of them have all the three
    (1) This passage is mainly about_ ( )
    A junk food B junk sleep
    C electronic products D the importance of sleep

    of the children in the survey sleep only

    4 to 7 hours a day ( ) A200 B300 C500 D1000

    (3) Junk food and junk sleep are similar to each other in the way that ( )
    A they are both low in quality
    B they are both produced in factories
    C people enjoy both in their spare time
    D they are both good for people's health
    (4) Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage ( )
    A Teenagers need 4 to 7 hours of sleep each day
    B Few of the teenagers have a cellphone in their bedrooms
    C Teenagers spend too much time on electronic products
    D Girls between 15 and 16 spend the least time on electronic products
    (5) Which of the following is the best solution to the problem ( )
    A Parents watch TV together with their children
    B Make teenagers not use any electronic product
    C Make teenagers limit( 限 制 ) their use of the electronic products
    D The use of cellphone and iPad is not allowed at

    设计意图通阅读短文回答问题锻炼学生阅读 理解力增加学生词汇量检测学生否够 文章中获取效信息

    (三)组合作扮演医生23 扮演病进行话演示突发情况急救措施视频形式呈现(注: 网搜集急救措施进行演示)

    设计意图学生通查阅资料时常见 疾病情况进行解够疾病提出相应关 建议增加学生生活常识时培养学生遇事慌张 心态

    Your parents might not realize how important their health is to you Now it's your chance to let them know
    Think about it before starting
    Before you talk with your parents it helps to get

    clear on what you want them to do (1)

    more exercise Get more sleep If you want a parent to lose weight you'd better find out the disadvantage of being heavy and how great they will feel after eating healthy food or exercising more (2) _
    Pick a moment when everyone's relaxed and there's time to talk Say something like Dad I care about your health and I worry you're so busy that you don't have time for exercise Let parents know you are willing to make the change yourself For example say you'd be willing to walk together after dinner
    Come up with a plan together
    Has your mom or dad agreed to your ideas Well done

    Let's say the change your mom or dad agreed to is eating healthier food (3) Examples are I'll cat five fruits everyday I'll eat breakfast every morning
    Show your encouragement and understanding
    It's normal if your parents fail at first If parents want to give up encourage them to keep going If you're making a change together you can say Well I 'm sorry Let's start fresh and go on

    with our plan tomorrow (4)
    Let your

    parents know you love and care about them for what they're doing and that it means a lot to you
    What if a parent says No
    If parents don't follow your ideas ask them (gently) Could you at least think about it for me (5) How many times have you pushed back on something they asked you to do but then later thought more about it
    Soon you'll be grown and out of the house Here's your chance to set your parents on the right way

    A Then give them a little time to consider
    B Do you want a parent to cat better
    C Work together to plan what they and you will do
    D Offer your praise
    E Talk to parents the same way you'd like them to talk to you

    设计意图通补全短文形式增强学生阅读理解 力考察学生否够握文章整体结构联系文 完成题目

    生活中常会遇疾病呢?发烧牙疼肚 子痛刀划破手等解疾病急救措施?请 常遇疾病救护措施进行总结形成思维 导图模式

    设计意图思维导图现常见整理思路资料等 种形式题通学生画思维导图形式总结 疾病应措施培养学生思维力增长学生 知识范围

    (三)调查调查什身边朋友时会遇 疾病问题采取措施呢?写作文 形式调查容进行总结

    What should
    heshe do
    What shouldn’t
    heshe do

    设计意图通调查表调查身边常会遇 疾病应该采取什样措施锻炼学生沟 通力时作文形式进行总结锻炼学生

    写作力检测学生否单元知识运实 际中

    次作业难度适中部分学生够独立高质量完成时次作业设计方面破常规作业模式采书 面作业实践作业跨学科性作业相结合形式激 发学生完成作业热情列举生活中常见疾病 救助措施等题锻炼基础知识达育目 难免部分题基础较差学生定难度 学生调查完成表格样题手 作业中注重引导类题解题思路





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