
    [试题]Do you seem to be late for work or school a lotBeing on time is very important for personal successLearn to improve your chances for success with these tips for being right on timeall the time
    To be punctual means to do what you should do on timeBeing a punctual person one should:
    Recognize timeKeep your watch exactIt maybe helpful to set your watch just two minutes aheadKeep a clock phone computer or anything that shows time in each room of your house
    Wake up when you need toIf you have difficulty with this place your alarm clock to somewhere that you can not reach from your bed that wayyou have to get up to turn it ofIf you can't get out of bed on timeyou maybe going to bed too lateTry sleeping earlier to allow yourself at least 7 hours’ sleep
    Insist on being 15 minutes early for everythingIf you have to beat work at 8:00tell yourselfIhavetobeatworkat7:45If you do this you will be on time even with as light traffic jamYou can talk with others who are early and that will make you happy before work
    26Being punctual has nothing to do with personal success[答案]F
    27It is unnecessary to set your watch two minutes ahead[答案]F
    28You'd better place your alarm clock beside your bed so that you can turn it off at once[答案]T
    29Being a punctual person one should sleep earlier to allow himself more than 7 hours’ sleep[答案]T
    30This passage is mainly about the importance of being punctual[答案]F
    [试题]Do you seem to be late for work or school a lotBeing on time is very important for personal successLearn to improve your chances for success with these tips for being right on timeall the time
    To be punctual means to do what you should do on timeBeing a punctual person one should:
    Recognize timeKeep your watch exactIt maybe helpful to set your watch just two minutes aheadKeep a clock phone computer or anything that shows time in each room of your house
    Wake up when you need toIf you have difficulty with this place your alarm clock to somewhere that you can not reach from your bed that way you have to get up to turn it offIf you can't get out of bed on time you maybe going to bed too lateTry sleeping earlier to allow yourself at least 7 hours’ sleep
    Insist on being 15 minutes early for everythingIf you have to beat work at 8:00 tell yourselfIhavetobeatworkat7:45If you do this you will be on time even with as light traffic jamYou can talk with others who are early and that will make you happy before work
    26Being punctual is very important for one's success[答案]T
    27It is perhaps useful to set your watch just two minutes ahead[答案]T
    28Try sleeping earlier to allow yourself no more than 7 hours’ sleep[答案]F
    29Being a punctual person one should insist on being 15 minutes late for everything[答案]F
    30To be punctual means that one should do everything on time[答案]T
    [试题]Do you seem to be late for work or school a lot? Being on time is very important for personal success Learn to improve your chances for success with these tips for being right on time – all the time
    To be punctual means to do what you should do on time Being a punctual person one should:
    Recognize time Keep your watch exact It may be helpful to set your watch just two minutes ahead Keep a clock phone computer or anything that shows time in each room of your house
    Wake up when you need to If you have difficulty with this place your alarm clock to somewhere that you cannot reach from your bedthat way you have to get up to turn it off If you can't get out of bed on time you may be going to bed too late Try sleeping earlier to allow yourself at least 7 hours' sleep
    Insist on being 15 minutes early for everything If you have to be at work at 8:00 tell yourself I have to be at work at 7:45 If you do this you will be on time even with a slight traffic jam You can talk with others who are early and that will make you happy before work
    1Being punctual has nothing to do with personal success [答案]F
    2It is unnecessary to set your watch two minutes ahead[答案]F
    3You'd better place your alarm clock beside your bed so that you can turn it off at once[答案]T
    4 Being a punctual person one should sleep earlier to allow himself more than 7 hours' sleep[答案]T
    5 This passage is mainly about the importance to be punctual [答案]F
    [试题]Do yousometimesneed to go to meet some visitors at the airportWhat should you do when you meet themWhat should you talk about On their arrival you should pay attention to the following points:
    ●Going up to meet the visitors
    ●Asking about their journey
    ●Helping with their luggage
    When going to the visitors and making introduction at the airport you should remember that the person of less importance regardless of gender is introduced to the person of greater importance and the visitor is always more important than anyone in your organizationThe introduction is usually followed by a brief and firm handshake
    To break the ice after introduction you can ask about their journey like:Did you enjoy your journeyHow was your tripetcIf you want to be more friendly and helpful you may offer to take the luggage
    When you get to the hotel accompany your visitors to the hotel front desk and help them with the checkinAfter checkin ask a bellboy to help carry the luggage
    When your visitors have settled down discuss the schedule with them to see if there might be any changesIf there are changes don't forget to let the related persons know
    26When making introductions you should introduce the visitor in your organization first according to the passage[答案]F
    27The introduction is usually followed by a brief and firm handshake[答案]T
    28It is not friendly to ask about the visitor's journey[答案]F
    29If you want to be more friendly and helpful you'd better help carry the luggage[答案]T
    30You should discuss the schedule with the visitors before they've settled down[答案]F
    [试题]HiXiao yan
    You want to know about my gym
    The gym isNew YouThe phone number is 020 791 1340 It's near Oxford Circus
    There is a swimming pool and there area lot of classesThere is a yoga class on Tuesday morning and there are aerobics classes every eveningThere is also a Tai Chi classon Wednesday and Saturday afternoon between 2:00and 3:00 There are lots of running machines and weights machines but there aren't any bicyclesThere's a sauna but there isn't a
    steam room and there are very nice showers and free cosmeticsThe best time to come is in the evening because there area lot of trainer s to help youThere are different ways to pay for the classesYou can pay by cash credit card or cheque

    Sec you there
    26A yoga class is arranged on Tuesday morning[答案]T
    27There are lots of bicycles in the gym[答案]F
    28The best time to go to the gym is in the morning[答案]F
    29There are many trainers in the evening[答案]T
    30You can only pay by cash if you want to attend the classes[答案]T
    [试题]How often should filing be done? It depends on how busy the office is In very busy organizations filing is done at least every day In a small or less busy office filing can be done once or twice a week
    Filing Equipment Tools that people use in sorting out documents range from small instruments such as paper clips office pins and staplers to big machines such as photocopiers printers and paper shredders
    Kinds of Files Documents taken out very often are usually kept in clip foldersotherwise they are often kept in lever arch files Besides suspension files and box files are also used for different purposes
    What should be filed? People need to file documents that are sent to or received from by other people or organizations These documents can be letters reports financial records policy documents etc
    1Filing should be done every day in each office [答案]F
    2It is necessary to do filing no less than once every week in a small office [答案]T
    3Only big instruments are useful in sorting out files[答案]F
    4If you need always read the documents you can put them into lever arch files[答案]F
    5The company's annual reports usually need to be filed[答案]T
    [试题]How to introduce yourself on the first day of work?If you are looking for some ideas here are some tips for you
    Don't be afraid to ask a lot of questions You're new and it's better to do something right the first time than have to do it again Nobody expects you to know everything
    Smile a lot and be as friendly as possible to everyone you meet –no matter what their position is or how important they are Use your lunch hours to get together with your coworkers Get to know them and their interests
    Pay attention to the rumours but don't join them You don't want to be thought as a gossip
    Don't complain about your boss any coworkers or the job you did before Continue to arrive early and don't rush out of the door at the end of the day
    Keep a positive attitude and an open mind Your life has changed and you will get used to it
    1Nobody expects you to know everything on the first day at work[答案]T
    2You're new so you shouldn't ask any questions[答案]F
    3You should be friendly to both your coworkers and the leaders[答案]T
    4It's not polite to learn about the interests of your coworkers[答案]F
    5You can leave your office as quickly as you can at the end of the day[答案]F
    [试题]In Britain people usually have a doctor near their home or in their townThis is the local doctorYou have to register with a doctor before you can make an appointmentYou usually have to fill in a form and the doctor examines youFamilies often all register with the same doctor
    Doctors often work together in groups and the name of the place where they work is a Doctor's SurgeryThe government pays for this system and it is free to go to see your doctor
    If the doctor decides that you need treatment he can prescribe medicineFor example he can prescribe antibiotics for an infectionMedicine can be tablets to take with water or liquid to drinkThe doctor writes the prescriptionYou take the prescription to the chemist's and the chemist will makeup the medicine for youYou usually have to pay some money for the medicine but you don't have to pay the full price
    26In the UKpeople usually have a doctor faraway from their home[答案]F
    27British families often register with the different doctors[答案]F
    28Doctors often work together in groups in their own Doctor's Surgery[答案]T
    29Doctors makeup the medicine for the patients[答案]F
    30British people usually have to pay for their prescription at the chemist's[答案]T
    [试题]In Britain people usually have a doctor near their home or in their townThis is the local doctorYou have to register with a doctor before you can make an appointmentYou usually have to fill in a form and the doctor examines youFamilies often all register with the same doctor
    Doctors often work together in groups and the name of the place where they work is a Doctor's SurgeryThe government pays for this system and it is free to go to see your doctor
    If the doctor decides that you need treatment he can prescribe medicineFor example he can prescribe antibiotics for an infectionMedicine can be tablets to take with water or liquid to drinkThe doctor writes the prescriptionYou take the prescription to the chemist's and the chemist will makeup the medicine for youYou usually have to pay some money for the medicinebut you don't have to pay the full price
    26British people usually go along way to see a doctor[答案]F
    27British families often register with the same doctor[答案]T
    28Doctors always work alone in their own Doctor’s Surgery[答案]F
    29British people don't have to pay when they see their doctor[答案]T
    30British people usually have to pay for their prescription at the chemist's[答案]T
    [试题]Last week Polly decided to give up her job She is fed up with it she finds it boring and she wants to change her career Her employers Lucky Shops’ are not too bad They give her quite good benefits such as free lunches and paid holidays but she does not get on with her boss Her salary is quite good but because she is not happy she wants to look for something else Last Saturday she talked about it with David and Xiaoyan They agreed with her They said she should resign and try another career so she took action She looked at advertisements in the paper and picked out three jobs that looked interesting She had to write out her CV to apply for a job and she did that on Wednesday evening Xiaoyan helped her with it She has a lot of experience of selling and good business training but is worried about her lack of experience in some areas
    1Polly has decided to ask for a higher salary [答案]F
    2She doesn't like her boss [答案]T
    3Her friends agreed that she should resign [答案]T
    4She has no experience of selling [答案]F
    5She's worried about her lack of experience in some areas[答案]T
    [试题]Meetings are very common nowadays They can be weekly monthly or annually Some people think most meetings feel like a waste of time They seem pointless and boring at times
    Then how do you run an effective meeting?
    First assign roles such as greeter timekeeper and note taker so that you the organizer can be free to lead discussions and presentations
    Next take charge from the start Everyone will listen to you and join your discussion if you take charge in every aspect of the meeting Show everyone that you really know what you are talking about and everything that you talk about is useful
    Most important of all follow the agenda At the end of the meeting spend a little extra time for the participants to discuss anything that needs to be immediately discussed but which may not have been on the agenda
    Always ask the participants questions to speak their minds and keep them interested Remember that a good meeting is a twoway communication Be open to everyone's opinion ideas and suggestions Don't forget to thank them for the ideas they present
    And finally close the meeting with everyone knowing what is expected of them and what they should do for the following weeks Then send out meeting minutes within a few days while everyone still remembers the points
    1A successful meeting should have different people to play different roles[答案]T
    2Generally people only discuss the items listed on the agenda in a successful meeting[答案]F
    3An unsuccessful meeting might be full of singleway communication[答案]T
    4When the meeting is closed it means there is nothing to do in the following weeks [答案]F
    5Minutes should be sent out to the participants within a month after the end of the meeting[答案]F
    [试题]Whatever projects you do you need to have a clear and accurate action plan Here are a few ideas to make a good action plan
    First know your goals If you don't know where you're going you're likely to end up anywhere or even nowhere The action plan should be specific measurable achievable relevant and timed (SMART)It will take you toward the completion of that goal
    Next list the necessary strategies that will be used to realize the goals Be clear about very important events and also any hidden difficulties you may meet Break large tasks into smaller ones Set deadlines for each task Without clear deadlines some tasks may never get completed
    Thirdly follow your plan and don't stop until it's finished Once your plan is made and shared with the team the next step is simple: take daily action and make sure that everyone is doing their part
    Finally change the date if you must but never give up on the goals Sometimes unexpected situations and events can appear and prevent you from finishing the tasks on time If this happens do not be discouraged – change your plan and continue working to meet your goals
    1Whether you need to have a clear action plan depends on what kind of project you do[答案]F
    2SMART stands for suitable measurable achievable relevant timed[答案]F
    3When making an action plan you'd better take possible difficulties into consideration[答案]T
    4Don't change your plan even if some unexpected events happen[答案]F
    5This passage is mainly about how to make a good action plan[答案]T





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