
    [试题]A letter of invitationis written to invite people for a business event or personal occasionThe letter should be short and clearA soft and polite tone should be usedAn invitation letter should have the date time and the eventAlways send the letter of invitation in advanceYou need to let people know about at least a week before the event so that they can plan to come to the event[2021年1月试题]
    Let'stake a look at some steps that will help you outline a letter of invitation:
    ●Begin the letter with name and address of sender and receiverNote the date
    ●Start the main body of the letter with salutations a word likeDearfollowed by the receiver's name
    ●Give the event in the first paragraph
    ●Put relevant facts like date time and place of the event in the beginning
    ●Make that the receivers know the way to the place
    ●Let the receivers know that they have to notice the inviters whether they will join the event or not before a certain dateThe letter will note with the details of a contact person to confirm their attendance for the event
    l 21What does the passage tellus
    l [答案]Howto write an invitation letter
    l 22What kind of tone should be used to write an invitation letter
    l [答案]Soft and polite
    l 23What should be included in an invitation letter
    l [答案]Datetime and the event
    l 24How long is an invitation letter sent appropriatley according to the passage
    l [答案]Atleast a week in advance
    l 25The reason why we should send an invitation letter in advance is_________?
    l [答案]the receiver will need to plan to come to the event
    You want to know about my gym[2018年7月试题]
    The gym isNew YouThe phone number is 0207911340It's near Oxford Circus
    There is a swimmingpool and there area lot of classesThere is a yoga class on Tuesday morning and there are aerobics classes every eveningThere is also a TaiChi class on WednesdayandSaturdayafternoonbetween2:00and3:00Therearelotsofrunningmachines and weights machines but there aren't any bicyclesThere'sa sauna but there isn'tasteam room and there are very nice showers and free cosmeticsThe best time to come is in the evening because there area lot of trainers to help youThere are different ways to pay for the classesYou can pay by cash creditcard or cheque See you there Jane
    l 26When can you goto aerobics class inNew You
    l [答案]On Saturday evening
    l 27When does the TaiChi class start
    l [答案]At2:00pmonWednesdayandSaturday
    l 28What is free in the gym
    l [答案]Cosmetics
    l 29Why is it best to come in the evenings
    l [答案]Because there area lot of trainers to help you
    l 30How can you pay for the class
    l [答案]By creditcard or cash
    [试题]If you thought handshakes were just a gesture of greeting then think againA handshake is not only away of greeting it can also show your personalitySince we all want to set a good first impression it is important to know the right manners for shaking hands[2018年1月试题][2018年7月试题]
    Standup and maintain eye contact while shaking handsIf you are seated when someone comes for a handshake standup and shake his or her handIt is impolite to be still seatedKeep right distance between the two of you not too close but enough distance to shake your hands wellKeeping eye contact makes the other person feel welcome and comfortable
    Keep a handshake brief and firmYou let go of eachother’shandafter 23secondsMake sure your handshake ends before your conversation doesOne's handshake should show a feeling of strength and warmthThe hand should be firm and not lifeless like seaweedThen how firm should a handshake beJust grasp the person’shand completely and do not press it too hard
    l 21Which of the following statements about the significance of handshakes is not true
    l [答案]Handshakes are just a gesture of greeting
    l 22If you are seated when someone comes for a handshake you should_________
    l [答案]standup and shake his or her hand
    l 23Keeping eye contact while shaking hands makes the other person feel_________
    l [答案]comfor table
    l 24How long does a handshake usually last
    l [答案]23 seconds
    l 25Which of the following words can best describe a proper handshake
    l [答案]brief and firm
    [试题]If you thought handshakes werejust a gesture of greeting then think againA handshake is not only away of greeting it can also show your personalitySince we all want to set a good first impression it is important to know the right shaking hands manners[2019年1月试题]
    Standup and maintain eye contact while shaking handsIf you are seated when someone comes for a handshake standup and shake his or her handIt is impolite to be still seatedKeep right distance between the two of you not too close but enough distance to shake your hands wellKeeping eye contact makes the other person feel welcome and comfortable
    Keep a handshake brief and firmYou should let go of eachother’shand after 23secondsMake sure your handshake ends before your conversation doesOne's handshake should show a feeling of strength and warmthThe hand should be firm and not lifeless like seaweedThen how firm should a handshake beJust grasp the person'shand completely and do not press it too hard
    l 21Which of the following is an appropriate title for this passage
    l [答案]Shaking Hands Manners
    l 22According to the passage which of following statements is True
    l [答案]It is important to know the right manners for shaking hands
    l 23Which is the proper way to shake hand
    l [答案]When someone comes for a handshake you should standup
    l 24One's handshake should show a feeling of
    l [答案]strength and warmth
    l 25How brief should a handshake be
    l [答案]Let go of eachother'shand after 23 seconds
    [试题]If you thought handshakes were just a gesture of greeting then think againA handshake is not only away of greeting it can also show your personaltySince we all want to set a good first impression it is important to know the right shaking hands manners[2020年1月试题][2020年9月试题][2021年7月试题]
    Standup and maintain eye contact while shaking handsIf you are seated when someone comes for a handshakestandup and shake his or her handIt is impolite to best ll seatedKeep right distance between the two of you not too close but enough distance to shake your hands wellKeeping eye contact makes the other person feel welcome and comfortableKeep a handshake brief and firmYou let go of eachother'shand after 23 secondsMake sure your handshake ends before your conversation doesOne's handshake should show a feeling of strength and warmthThe hand should be firm and not lifeless like seaweedThen how firm should a handshake beJust grasp the person'shand completely and do not press it too hard
    l 21The best title for this passage would be
    l [答案]Shaking Hands Manners
    l 22According to the passage which of following statements is True
    l [答案]It is important to know the right shaking hands manners
    l 23Which is the proper way to shake hands
    l [答案]When someone comes for a handshake you should standup
    l 24One's handshake should show a feeling of
    l [答案]strength and warmth
    l 25How brief should a handshake be
    l [答案]Let go of eachother'shand after 23 seconds
    [试题]Meetings are very common nowadaysThey can be weekly monthly or annuallySome people think most meetings feel like a waste of timeThey see tn pointless and boring at times[2020年7月试题]
    Then how do you run an effective meeting First assign roles such as greeter timekeeper and notetaker so that you the organizer
    can be free to lead discussions and presentations Nexttake charge from the startEveryone will listen to you and join your discussion if you take charge in every aspect of the meetingShow everyone that you really know what you are talking about and everything that you talkabout is useful Most important of all follow the agendaA1theendofthemneeting spend a little extra time for the participants to discuss anything that needs to be immediately discus zed bu:which may not have been on the agenda Always ask the participants questions so that they can speak their minds and keep them interestedRemember that a good meeting is a twoway communication open to everyone's opinion ideas and suggestionsDon't forget to thank them I or the ideas they present And finally close the meeting with everyone knowing what is expected of them and what they should do for the following weeksThen sendout meetingminutes within a few days while everyone still remembers the pp int 5
    l 21Most meetings are sometimes thought to be_______
    l [答案]killing time and uninteresting
    l 22In order to have a successful meeting the organizer should_______first
    l [答案]assigndifferentrolesto differentpeople
    l 23WhenyouareinchargeofameetingyoushoulddothefollowingthingsEXCEPT_______
    l [答案]only discussing things listed on the agenda
    l 24Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage
    l [答案]The organizers should he open to the participants'opinions
    l 25The best title for the passage is_______
    l [答案]Howto Run an Effective Meeting
    [试题]There are different pieces of softwareto deal with electronic filesThe most popular software so far is Microsoft Office 2010(with Word Excel and other tools) or its higher versionPeople use Word 2010 to process text and use Excel 2010 to process data and have improved work effectiveness and efficiency[2019年7月试题]
    Although the use of electronic filing is also an important step to paperless managementfor some offices very important documents are also kept ashardcopiesbecause people sometimes may need to sign their names in thehardcopies
    l 21What do people do by using Word 2010
    l [答案]process text
    l 22Which is the best software to deal with data according to the passage
    l [答案]Excel 2010
    l 23What is the aim of using different software
    l [答案]To improve the effectiveness of work
    l 24Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage
    l [答案]All of the documents are kept in the electronic form
    l 25What does the phrasehardcopiesmean
    l [答案]It means the documents in the form of paper

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