
    第四题 阅读理解判断题
    BaiduChina’s leading search engine companyhas unveiled its own eyewear called Baidu EyeIt is said to be a different product from Google Glass in terms of functionality

    The company demonstrated a working prototype on September 3 at its annual Technology Innovation Conference in BeijingIt bears a similarity to Google Glassbut it has no screenInsteadthe device uses a camera to scan objectsand focuses on analyzing information around its user and beaming that to a smart phone

    Baidu says the device is designed to support image searchThe company’s CEO Robin Li believes in five years’ timepeople will get used to searching by image and audio rather than textLi has given an example of how one can take advantage of Baidu EyeIf you are in a shopping mall and come across a woman whose skirt looks really attractiveyou take a photo of her skirt using Baidu Eyeand you’ll get to know where to buy one for yourself

    According to Kaiser KuoBaidu’s director of international communicationsBaidu Eye can also recognize voice and gestureYou can use voice commandsor gesture commandslike expanding to zoomor circling an object in your field of view with your finger

    Baidu is yet to announce a release date or marketing plans for Baidu Eye
    [判断题]◆Baidu is China’s leading search engine company[答案]T
    [判断题]◆Baidu launched a product that has more functions than Google Glass on September 3[答案]F
    [判断题]◆Baidu Eye can scan objects with its small screen[答案]F
    [判断题]◆The company’s CEO Robin Li believes that people will get used to searching by text[答案]F
    [判断题]◆Baidu has already announced the release of Baidu Eye[答案]F

    By 2050the world’s population is projected to rise to 9 billion from just over 7 billion currentlyProponents of genetically modified foods say they are safe and can boost harvests even in bad conditions by protecting against pestsweeds and droughtThisthey arguewill be essential to meeting the needs of a booming population in decades to come and avoiding starvationHoweverDoug GurianShermansenior scientist for the food and environment program at the Union of Concerned Scientistsan advocacy groupsaid genetic engineering for insect resistance has provided only a modest increase in yields since the 1990s and droughtresistant strains have only modestly reduced losses from droughtMoreoverhe said conventional crossbreeding or crosspollinating of different varieties for desirable traitsalong with improved farmingis getting better resultsboosting yields at a lower costIn factmuch of the food Americans eat has been genetically modified by those conventional methods over thousands of yearsbefore genetic engineering came into practiceOverallgenetic engineering does not get nearly the bang for the buck as conventional breeding and improve agricultural practices GurianSherman saidHis organization advises caution on GM foods and favors labelingthough it acknowledges the risks of genetic engineering have sometimes been exaggeratedAndrea Roberto Sonninochief of research at the UNfood agencysaid total food production at present is enough to feed the entire global populationThe problem is uneven distributionleaving 870 million suffering from hungerHe said world food production will need to increase by 60 percent to meet the demands of 9 billion by 2050This must be achieved by increasing yieldshe addedbecause there is little room to expand cultivated land used for agricultureGenetically modified foodsin some instancescan help if the individual product has been assessed as safehe saidIt’s an opportunity that we cannot just miss

    [判断题]◆Para1 mentions that advocates of genetically modified food argue that GM food can meet the demands of increasing population[答案]T
    [判断题]◆Para1 mentions that the risks of genetic engineering are not that horrible[答案]F
    [判断题]◆Para2 mentions that insectresistant genetically modified food has only showed a fairly small increase in production[答案]T
    [判断题]◆Para3 mentions that the current food production is enough to feed the whole global population[答案]F
    [判断题]◆Para5 tells us that uneven distribution leads to the starvation of 870 million people in the world[答案]T
    Do you prefer coffee or teaThe answer to that question might in part be down to your genesresearch suggests

    Scientists say a genetic predisposition to perceiving the bitterness of particular substances appears to nudge us towards one beverage or the other

    The studypublished in the Scientific Reports journalinvolved two sets of dataThe first was a large twin study which showed thatat least in those of European ancestryparticular genetic variants are linked to the strength of perception of different tastes one specific variant was associated with slightly higher ratings of bitterness for caffeineanother to greater bitterness for quinine and a third to greater bitterness for a drug known as propylthiouracilor prop

    The team found people with a greater genetic predisposition to perceiving the bitterness of caffeine drank a little more coffeebut an increased perception of the bitterness of quinine and prop were linked to a small reduction in coffee drinking

    While the effect of perception on your daily coffee intake might be relatively smallonly a 015 cup per day increasefrom a normal caffeine taster to a strong caffeine tasterit actually makes you 20 more likely to become a heavy drinkerdrinking more than four cups per day said Jue Sheng Ongfirst author of the research from QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute in Australia

    Our taste genes partially play a role in how much coffeetea or alcohol we drink he saidThe preference towards tea can be seen as a consequence of abstaining from coffeebecause our genes might have made coffee a little too bitter for our palates to handle
    [判断题]◆A genetic predisposition to perceiving the bitterness of particular substances makes us always prefer to coffee[答案]F
    [判断题]◆According to this passagethe answer to the question Do you prefer coffee or tea might in part be down to your genes[答案]T
    [判断题]◆People with an increased perception of the bitterness of caffeine drank a little more coffee[答案]T
    [判断题]◆The preference towards tea can be seen as a consequence of absorbing from coffee[答案]F
    [判断题]◆The underlined word prop in Para3 refers to a small object such as a bookweapon etcused by actors in a play or film[答案]F

    Engineers who build and program robots have fascinating jobsThese researchers tinker(修补)with machines in the lab and write computer software to control these devicesThey’re the best toys out theresays Howle Choset at Carnegie Mellon University in PittsburghChoset is a roboticista person who designsbuilds or programs robots

    When Choset was a kidhe was interested in anything that movedcarstrainsanimalsHe put motors on Tinkertoy cars to make them moveLaterin high schoolhe built mobile robots similar to small cars

    Hoping to continue working on robotshe studied computer science in collegeBut when he got to graduate school at the Califomia Institute of Technology in P

    asadenaChoset’s lab mates were working on something even cooler than remotely controlled cars:robotic snakesSome robots can move only forwardbackwardleft and rightBut snakes can twist (扭曲)in many directions and travel over a lot of different types of terrain(形)Snakes are far more interesting than the carsChose t concluded

    After he started working at Carnegie MellonChose t and his colleagues there began developing their own snake robotsChoset’s team programmed robots to perform the same movements as real snakessuch as sliding and inching forwardThe robots also moved in ways that snakes usually don’tsuch as rolling

    Choset’s snake robots could crawl(爬行)through the grassswim in a pond and even climb a flagpole

    But Choset wondered if his snakes might be useful for medicine as wellFor some heart surgeriesthe doctor has to open a patient’s chestcutting through the breastboneRecovering from these surgeries can be very painful What if the doctor could perform the operation by instead making a small hole in the body and sending in a thin robotic snake

    Choset teamed up with Marco Zenatia heart surgeon now at Harvard Medical Schoolto investigate the ideaZenati practiced using the robot on a plastic model of the chest and they tested the robot in pigs

    A company called Med robotics in Boston is now adapting the technology to surgeries on people

    Even after 15 years of working with his team’s creationsI still don’t get bored of watching the motion of my robotsChose t says
    [判断题]◆Choset began to build robots in high school[答案]T
    [判断题]◆Snake robots could move in only four directions[答案]F
    [判断题]◆Choset didn’t begin developing his own snake robots until he started working at Carnegie Mellon[答案]T
    [判断题]◆Zenati tested the robot on people after using it in pigs[答案]F
    [判断题]◆The robotic technology for surgeries on people has brought a handsome profit to Med robotics[答案]F
    Here’s a crazy ideaCombine bioprinting and tissue engineering toprintanimal products and tackle some of the planet’s biggest problemsAnimal farmingafter allaccounts for about half of all humancaused greenhouse gasestaking place on onethird of the availablenonfrozen land on EarthAll to feed people’s appetites for 300 million tons of meat a year

    Modern Meadow is a Miss ourbased start up that engineers tissues to create labgrown edible meatin a process that eliminates many of the negative environment effects associated with traditional livestock practices

    The company claims that by carefully layering mixtures of cells of different types in a specific structureinvitro meat production becomes feasibleIt’s set a shortterm goal of printing as liver of meat around two centimeters by one centimeterand less than half a millimeter thickwhich is edible

    The company explains in a submission to the United States Department of Agriculture:The technology has several advantages in comparison to earlier attempts to engineer meat in vitroThe bioink particles can be reproducibly prepared with mixtures of cells of different typePrinting ensures consistent shapewhile postprinting structure formation and maturation in the bioreactor facilitates conditioning

    Howeverit admits that the road ahead is strewn with difficultiesThe consumer acceptance of such products may not be without challengesWe expect it will first appeal to culinary earlyadopter consumers and the segment of the vegetarian community that rejects meat for ethical reasonsWith reduction in priceit can reach the masses with religious restrictions on meat consumption(people restricted to HinduKosherHalal diets)and finally populations with limited access to safe meat production

    Whatever the final outcomelabgrown edible meat is no longer in the realm of science fictionIt is coming
    [判断题]◆Animal farming is responsible for the occurrence of greenhouse gases[答案]T
    [判断题]◆Modern Meadow is a newlystarted business which aims to make profits by producing labgrown edible meat[答案]F
    [判断题]◆The method Modern Meadow adopted to produce invirto meat is by layering mixtures of cells of different types in a specific structure[答案]T
    [判断题]◆There is no meat engineered outside living bodies before[答案]F
    [判断题]◆This labgrown meat has already widely received by the masses[答案]F
    June 17 Excitement is in the airGardener said we will soon be returning to EarthOur part of the mission is nearly complete and the new crew will take over for usI am a bit worried about BroccoliSunflowerand meIf Gardener leaveswho will take care of us And what about little Zuc He is now a big sprout and ready to branch out on his ownJune 21 Gardener and crew wore their spacesuits todayThis is something BroccoliSunflowerlittle Zuc and I do not haveThey spent time in the part of the spaceship that breaks off and falls back to EarthIt is very cramped inside

    It must be their version of a seed podJune 24 Sunflower is going to seed This is not quite normalbut thenwe are living on the frontier and things are different hereThey are not ready now I wonder if they will be by the time Gardener is with his seed podJune 26 Gardener has this big bookHe called it an atlasa map of EarthIt is stuck to the wall right next to BroccoliSunflowerlittle Zucand meHe also transplanted us into new bagsThis time the bags are very smalljust enough to contain our root ball and a splash of waterHe told us that he will soon be leaving and that we will return later in the belly of a DragonJuly 1 Today Gardener and his crew will depart in their seed pod the replacement crew is ready to carry on in their placeHe is wearing his spacesuit undergarmentsNot too stylish but functionalHe gave all of us an extra long smellHe said that what will be is for the bestIt has been a wonderful journey one chapter is closinganother is openingHe had tears in his eyesnot just a small drop at the corners but a pool that was making him blinkHe reached up and turned out the lightIn the frontier you should not be afraid of the dark
    [判断题]◆Para1 contains the information that the blossom of spacegrown sunflower is different from that on Earth[答案]F
    [判断题]◆Para2 mentions that gardener will soon be returning to Earth and the new crew will take care of the spacegrown plants like BroccoliSunflowerand Zucchini[答案]F
    [判断题]◆Para3 tells us that gardener is reluctant to leave the space since he had tears in his eyes when he said goodbye to the space plants[答案]F
    [判断题]◆Para4 mentions that gardener transplanted BroccoliSunflowerlittle Zucand Zucchini into very small bags which can only contain their root ball and a splash of water[答案]T
    [判断题]◆Para5 contains the information that gardener and his crew will leave on July 1[答案]T
    Kenya has east Africa’s largest economyIts capital city is growing quicklybut so is the city’s crime rateThieves in the capital steal an average of 10 cars each dayKelvin Macharia has invented a tracking device that uses computers and wireless technology to help owners know where their cars areand find them if they are stolenMrMacharia is just 24 years oldHe is the CEO of Sunrise TrackingHe began working on his invention in 2012Using 300 from his savingshe improved a system that was already being used to find stolen carsHis smart antitheft system uses a computer or a mobile phone to tell owners where their cars areMrMacharia says if a car is stolenthe owner can find it using his tracking deviceThe owner is able to send a command signal to the vehicle through a text messageIt immediately stops the car from movingExperts say this shows the power of security solutions that involve mobile technologyMrMacharia used material available in Kenya to make his first tracker deviceWhen he was satisfied with the designhe outsourced the making of the device to a factory in ChinaHe says his company is now worth more than 100000 and has more than 100 companies as clientsTony Wanga is one of those clientsHe owns three minibus taxisCar thieves in the capital have targeted these vehicles

    MrWanga bought trackers for each of his vehiclesThe trackers cost 250 eachHe says the trackers tell him where his vehicles areHe says when the tracker is placed in one of his vehicleshe can follow its travels as he sits in his officeMrMacharia continues to develop other security productsHis other security products include car alarms and a camera hidden inside a penAnd he says he is building a wireless security camera that will be able to store video information for long periods of timeMrMacharia hopes his technological innovations give his clients the security and safety they want and need
    [判断题]◆The owners can send any text messages to stop the vehicle[答案]F
    [判断题]◆The smart antitheft system uses a computer or a mobile phone to tell owners the location of stolen cars
    [判断题]◆Thieves in the capital steal 10 cars each day[答案]F
    [判断题]◆This new kind of smart antitheft devices were assembled in China[答案]T
    [判断题]◆Tony Wanga has spent 750 buying trackers for his minibus taxis[答案]T
    Liverpool city council want to clear the city of fat pigeonsThey say that people are feeding the birds which makes them fatThe pigeons get bigger because their normal diet would consist of seeds and insectsnot highfat junk food they are eating in the city centre

    The council want people to know that everyone who feeds the pigeons is responsible for the streets being so crowded with these birdsThey hope to encourage the birds to move away from the city centre and into parks and open spaces

    Ten robotic birds have been brought into the city centre to scare the pigeons away and visitors are asked not to give the pigeons any foodThe mechanical birdsknown as robop’swill sit on the roofs of buildingsThey can be moved around to different locationsThey look like a peregr in efalcon which is a bird that kills pigeonsThey even make noises and flap their wings to scare the pigeonsThey hope that the pigeons will go away before the city becomes the European Capital of Culture in two years
    [判断题]◆Pigeons get fat because they eat seeds and insects[答案]F
    [判断题]◆According to the council everyone is to blame for the numbers of pigeons[答案]F
    [判断题]◆They want the pigeons to move out of the city centre[答案]T
    [判断题]◆The robotic birds can move around the city centre[答案]T

    [判断题]◆A peregrine falcon likes to eat pigeons[答案]F
    My mother fought breast cancer for almost a decade and died at 56My children never have the chance to know her and experience how loving and gracious she wasWe often speak of Mommy’s mommy and they asked if the same could happen to meI have always told them not to worrybut the truth is I carry a faulty geneBRCA 1which sharply increases my risk of developing breast cancer and ovarian cancer

    My doctors estimated that I had an 87 percent risk of breast cancer and a 50 percent risk of ovarian cancerOnce I knew that this was my realityI decided to be proactive and to minimize the risk as much as I could

    My own process began on Feb2 with a procedure known as a nipple delay which rules out disease in the breast ducts behind the nipple and draws extra blood flow to the areaThis causes some pain and a lot of bruisesbut it increases the chance of saving the nipple

    Two weeks later I had the major surgerywhere the breast tissue is removed and temporary fillers are put in placeThe operation took eight hours

    Nine weeks laterthe final surgery is completed with the reconstruction of the breasts with an implantOn April 27I finished the three months of medical procedures that the mastectomies involved

    I wanted to write this to tell other women that the decision to have a mastectomy was not easyBut it is one I am very happy that I madeMy chances of developing breast cancer have dropped from 87 percent to under 5 percentI can tell my children that they don’t need to fear they will lose me to breast cancer

    The cost of testing for BRCA 1 and BRCA 2at more than 3000 in the United Statesremains an obstacle for many womenLife comes with many challengesThe ones that should not scare us are the ones we can take on and take control of
    [判断题]◆Angelina Jolie never have the chance to know her mother and experience how loving and gracious she was[答案]T
    [判断题]◆Angelina Jolie carries a faultygeneBRCA1which sharply increases her risk of developing breast cancer and ovarian cancer[答案]T
    [判断题]◆Angelina Jolie said it is not easy to have a mastectomybut it is a worthwhile choice[答案]T
    [判断题]◆Angelina Jolie will have no chances of developing breast cancer after the mastectomy[答案]F
    [判断题]◆The cost of testing for BRCA1 and BRCA2 is not a big problem for many women

    Something else could becoming soon to a vehicle near you:more technologythe kind that could help your car talk to others around itUnlike some proposed cars of the futureit would not actually do the driving for youBut it could warn you about what other drivers are doingThe USgovernment may require this feature in the futurebut it would add to the cost of the car

    Vehicles of the future could be cars that talk to the driver and each otherThe USgovernment wants them on the road soonpushing for technology that would warn drivers of danger coming from any direction

    It’s called vehicletovehicle technologyCars would send wireless messages to each other within about 300 yardscommunicating information like speeddirection and GPS position ten times per secondWhen cars share this informationthey can account for all the vehicles around themwhich means they are able to identify possible crashes

    The technology sees around cornersover hills and through other vehiclesFor examplemy car will tell me that there are five cars just ahead of meand I can slowdown beforehand while the vehicle ahead sends my car a message giving me enough time to react

    33000 Americans are killed and 23 million injured in car crashes every yearThe Department of Transportation(Do T)predictstalking cars could prevent up to 80 percent of crashes involving sober drivers
    Five major car companies have been working with Do T on developing and testing the technology3000 cars are already using it as part of a government pilot testSome tine after 2016the USgovernment hopes your car will be able to communicate with you

    While Do T hopes to make this technology the rule by 2016it will still need the public to weigh in before anything is finalizedNowas for privacythe government says that data sent between cars doesn’t record personal informationso your privacy should not be compromised
    [判断题]◆According to the passagethe future vehicles can let the drivers see the area behind the car[答案]F
    [判断题]◆According to the passagethe future vehicles can tell you about what other drivers are doing[答案]T
    [判断题]◆The government is pushing for technology that would warn drivers of danger coming from any direction[答案]T
    [判断题]◆The government is pushing for technology that would not increase the cost of the car[答案]F
    [判断题]◆The cars would send text messages to each other within about 300yard

    The printer did not always manage to spread the plastic evenlymaking some of the ribs of the honeycomb structure of the block unevenreported ARN (Australian Radio Network) to the surprise of no one who has used a 3D printerBut the architects remain optimisticThe first few printed blocks are meant to be test pieces as they improve the process

    It takes about a week to print a 3meter high block right nowThe project’s leaders hope to eventually get that down to two hours and finish the first of 12 rooms in a yearand the entire house in less than 3 years

    Ultimately3D Print Canal House is an architectural research projectone that is very much being conducted in the public eyeyou can actually buy tickets to visit the construction site for 250 Euros

    The top floors will become more ornatefor exampleas newer techniques are incorporatedThey’ll explore the possibilities of 3D printinglike the honeycomb walls or an entire room recycledredesignedand built anewNobody’s going to move into a 3D printed house soonbutif anyone ever doessomething might be learned from this experiment by the canal
    [判断题]◆According to the passagethe 3D printer can type with plastic evenly[答案]F
    [判断题]◆This 3D printer printed some blocks to test its work[答案]T
    [判断题]◆The project’s leaders will finish the entire house in less than 3 years[答案]F
    [判断题]◆3D Print Canal House is printed to live[答案]F
    [判断题]◆The canal house will be decorated more[答案]T
    With a teeny waistexaggerated breastsicyblue eyes21yearold Valeria says she is the real natural dealA reallife Barbiethat is

    That’s what she claims anywaybut many people doubt to her claimsWhether she underwent plastic surgery or uses Photo shop remains unclearOn her blogthe model notes that she is the most famous woman on the Russian Internet because of her dolllike appealHundreds of photos on her Facebook page show a wideeyednearly fakelooking Valeria posing in a variety of outfits

    The model did not return requests for commentIf Photo shop is not a factor in getting Valeria’s lookshe likely underwent a barrage of plastic surgeryThe president of American Society of Plastic Surgeons(ASPS)saidplastic surgery should never be used to transform oneself into a favorite celebrity orin this casea play toyHe also warns patients to keep in mind that plastic surgery is real surgery with real risksjust as with any operationso the decision should not be taken lightly

    [判断题]◆Valeria thinks that she is a reallife Barbie[答案]T
    [判断题]◆Valeria used to accept plastic surgery[答案]F
    [判断题]◆Valeria writes that she is the most famous woman on the Russian Internet because she posts a lot of pictures on her blog[答案]F
    [判断题]◆The author thinks Valerian either Photo shops hernor accepts a series of plastic surgery[答案]F
    [判断题]◆The president of ASPS thinks that plastic surgery is of risks[答案]T

    My mother fought breast cancer for almost a decade and died at 56My children never have the chance to know her and experience how loving and gracious she wasWe often speak of Mommy’s mommyand 省略
    [判断题]◆Angelina Jolie carries a faulty geneBRCA1which sharply increases her risk of developing breast cancer and ovarian cancer[答案]T
    [判断题]◆Angelina Jolie never have the chance to know her mother and experience how loving and gracious she was[答案]F
    [判断题]◆Angelina Jolie said it is not easy to have a mastectomybut it is a worthwhile choice[答案]T
    [判断题]◆Angelina Jolie will have no chances of developing breast cancer after the mastectomy[答案]F
    [判断题]◆The cost of testing for BRCA1 and BRCA2 is not a big problem for many women[答案]F

    Something else could be coming soon to a vehicle near you more technologythe kind that could help your car talk to others around itUnlike some proposed cars of the futureit would not actually d省略
    [判断题]◆According to the textthe future vehicles can let the drivers see the area behind the car[答案]F
    [判断题]◆According to the textthe future vehicles can tell you about what other drivers are doing[答案]T
    [判断题]◆The cars would send text messages to each other within about 300 yards[答案]F
    [判断题]◆The government is pushing for technology that would not increase the cost of the car[答案]F
    [判断题]◆The government is pushing for technology that would warn drivers of danger coming from any direction[答案]T

    There is no denying that students should learn something about how computers workFor people should have some basic idea of how the things that they use do what they doFurtherstudents might be hel省略
    [判断题]◆According to the authorthe phrase learning to use a computer (Lines 34Para3) means learning specific programs[答案]T
    [判断题]◆In the second paragraph auto repair and violinmaking are mentioned to show that people who can use a computer don’t necessarily have to know computer programming[答案]T
    [判断题]◆Learning to use a computer is getting easier all the time because programs are becoming less complicated[答案]F
    [判断题]◆The author’s purpose in writing this passage is to explain the concept of computer literacy[答案]T
    [判断题]◆To be the competent citizens of tomorrowpeople should understand that programming a computer is more essential than repairing a car[答案]F




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