外研版八年级上册Module 5 Lao She Teahouse.Unit 2 It descibes the changes in Chinese society.教案

    Module5 Unit2优质课教案
    1 检查作业 Check Task One
    (丁 Order from Group A to Group K Group M check by yourselves) Check Task 24 by yourself
    2 Read another passage about Lao She Teahouse and finish some exercises
    3 文章容
    It is named after the drama Teahouse by Chinese author Lao She Although an attempt to give a taste of a Beijing teahouse during Lao She’s time it has transformed into a wonderful entertainment house with short shows by comedians singers musicians acrobats(杂技演员) and opera performers(表演者) In short(总言) one can have a kaleidoscopic (万花筒)view of Beijing culture while sipping tea with light refreshment(点心) Dinner before the show is provided separately in another section of the building and the price of the food is reasonable(合理公道) An adjacent(邻) room display(展示) paintings art objects like paper cuttings antiques kites and jade(玉)carvings
    Lao She (18991966) real name Shu Qingchun was of Manchurian descent(满族血统) and the famous author of the book called Camel Xiangzi also known as Rickshaw Boy(黄包车)in the US It was a bestseller in the US where Lao She was a visiting professor(客座教授) He also taught Chinese at the School of Oriental and African StudiesUniversity of London(伦敦学亚非学院) in his earlier days His drama Teahouse displayed his linguistic(语言)talent of the Beijing dialect(方言) Other famous works are Cat Country and The Yellow Storm (四世堂)
    The owner of the Lao She Teahouse Yin Shengxi(尹盛喜) is a student of the son of QiBaishi(齐白石) one of China’s best contemporary (现代艺术)painters Therefore one can see the busts(半身) of both Lao She and Qi Baishi at the entrance to the Teahouse
    4 完成练
    *1 Please compare this article with the passage in M5 U2 (You can write down their differences and the similar things )
    2 One thing I like in the passage _________________________________ *And I also like ___________________________________________
    3 What can I learn from this passage which I can’t get to know from the passage in M5 U2
    4 I don’t understand_____________________________________
    5 分析语言点
    6 作业





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