英语人教版 选择性必修第二册Unit 1 Science and Scientists词汇语法等 学案

    1 havedevelop cholera ['kɒlərə] 染霍乱
    2severe [sɪ'vɪə(r)] adj 极恶劣
    十分严重 严厉
    severely adv 严重 严厉 严格 苛刻
    serious [ˈsɪərɪəs] adj 严重 危险
    严肃 认真 重
    seriously adv 严重 严肃认真 非常
    be serious about… …认真
    strict [strɪkt] adj 严格 严厉
    be strict with sb 某…严格
    be strict in sth 某事…严格
    3diarrhoea diarrhea [ˌdaɪə'rɪə] n 腹泻
    (the runs 腹泻)
    haveget  diarrhoeathe runs 腹泻 拉肚子
    4 frustrated [frʌ'streɪtɪd] adj 懊恼 沮丧 失意
    frustrating adj令焦虑安令沮丧
    annoyed adj 生气 恼怒 烦闷
    bored [bɔːd]:adj 厌倦 厌烦
    烦闷 感兴趣
    upset [ʌp'set] adj 高兴 失
    心烦意乱 安 沮丧
    5 once and for all 终 彻底
    completely:adv 完全 彻底
    entirely adv 全部 完整 完全
    6 infection [ɪn'fekʃn] n 感染传染
    infect [ɪnˈfekt] v 感染传染
    7 germ [dʒɜːm] n 微生物 细菌 病菌
    virus [ˈvaɪrəs] n 病毒 病毒性疾病 毒素
    bacterium [bækˈtɪərɪəm] n 细菌
    (复数 bacteria [bækˈtɪəriə])
    versus [ˈvɜːsəs] prep…相阵相
    8 subscribe [səb'skraɪb] v认购(股份)
    定期订购 定期缴纳(会费)
    subscribe for 认购(股份)
    subscribe to 定期订购缴纳捐款 赞助
    order v 点餐 菜 订购 订货
    bookreserve 预定预约(座位席位房间票等)
    9 subscribe to 意 赞
    agree to do… 意做
    agree to sth 意什
    agree with sbwhat… 意
    agree onupon… …达成致
    10 proof [pruːf] n 证 证明 检验
    (复数 proofs) (roof roofs chief chiefs)
    evidence [ˈevɪdəns] n 证 证物 证词
    11 multiple ['mʌltɪpl] adj 数量 种样
    various [ˈveərɪəs]:adj 种样
    different [ˈdɪfrənt] adj
    diverse [daɪˈvɜːs] adj 种样
    all kindssorts of 种样
    12 household ['haʊshəʊld] n家 家庭
    family [ˈfæmɪlɪ]:n 家庭 家族
    We are family  家
    13 suspect [sə'spekt] v 怀疑 疑 信 认
    ['sʌspekt] n 犯罪嫌疑 疑象
    doubt [daʊt] v 怀疑 相信 信
    14 blame [bleɪm] v …咎 责怪 指责
    n 责备 指责
    scold [skəʊld] v 责备 责骂 训斥
    blame sb for… …责备…
    be to blame for (事)… …负责
    be responsible for 负责
    only have oneself to blame 怪

    pin the blame on 甩锅
    takeget the blame for 背锅
    layput the blame for sth on sb 某事咎某
    15 handle ['hændl] n 手 拉手 柄
    v 处理 搬动 操(车辆动物工具等)
    run ≈ operate ≈ work v 操作
    tackle v 应付 解决 处理
    do with 处理 deal with 处理 解决
    16 intervention [ˌɪntə'venʃn] n介入 出面 干涉
    intervene [ˌɪntəˈviːn] v 介入 出面 干涉
    17 link [lɪŋk] n 联系 纽带 链接
    v 连接起 相关联
    link towithand 连接联系起
    join to ……连接联结起
    18 raw [rɔː] adj 未煮 生
    未处理 原始
    roar [rɔː] v n 吼咆哮
    raw material 原材料
    get a raw deal 受公正
    19 pure [pjʊə(r)] adj 干净 纯 纯粹
    a bottle of pure water 瓶纯净水
    20 substantial [səb'stænʃl] adj 量
    价值巨 重
    substance [ˈsʌbstəns] n 物质材料
    21 decrease [dɪ'kriːs] v 减少 减 降低
    ['diːkriːs] n 减少 降低 减少量
    reduce v 减少
    fall v 减少降 减
    drop v 降低 减少
    increase v 增加
    rise v 升 增长
    by 表示增减幅度to 增减
    22 thanks to 幸亏 (状)
    owing to (状)
    due to… (表状)
    as a result of (状)
    because of what名词:(状)
    becausesinceasfor + 陈述句:
    given that + 陈述句 鉴 考虑
    23 statistic [stə'tɪstɪk] n (复数)统计数字
    统计资料 统计学
    number [ˈnʌmbə(r)] n 数字 数量 编号
    figure [ˈfɪɡə(r)] n 数字 身材
    numerous [ˈnjuːmərəs] adj 数
    24 transform [træns'fɔːm] v 改观 改变形态
    改变 转变
    change v 变化 改变 更换 换
    exchange v 交换 互换 交流 掉换
    exchangechangeswap…for… …换…
    transformchange …into…:变成
    25 epidemiology [ˌepɪˌdiːmi'ɒlədʒi] n 流行病学
    medicine [ˈmedɪsn] n 药 医学
    illness sickness disease
    26 microscope ['maɪkrəskəʊp] n 显微镜
    binoculars [bɪˈnɒkjələz] n 双筒远镜
    telescope [ˈtelɪskəʊp] n 远镜
    glasses 眼镜
    27 thinking ['θɪŋkɪŋ] n 思想 思维 见解
    thought n 想法 法 意 记忆
    思想 思考 思维
    think v认 思考 思索 思想
    think thought thought
    28 protein ['prəʊtiːn] n 蛋白质
    nutritional adj 营养(物)
    nutritious adj 营养 营养丰富
    nutrition n 营养 滋养
    29 cell [sel] n 细胞 房间 单间牢房
    cellphone n 手机
    prison n 监狱
    room n 房间
    30 finding ['faɪndɪŋ] n 发现 调查结果 (法律)判决
    discover  v discovery :n (发现)
    31 initial [ɪ'nɪʃl] adj 初 开始 第
    initially adv 开始 初
    32 vaccine ['væksiːn] n 疫苗
    take a vaccine (against) 接种注射疫苗
    a COVID19 vaccine
    33 theoretical framework 理框架
    theory [ˈθɪərɪ] n 理 学说
    34 solid ['sɒlɪd] adj 固体 坚实
    n 固体
    solid(固体) liquid(液体) gas(气体)
    35 cast [kɑːst] v 投射 投掷
    cast cast cast
    cost cost cost 花费值(少钱)
    throw threw thrown 投掷 抛 丢
    36 shadow ['ʃædəʊ] n 阴影 影子 背光处
    shade n 阴凉处 (画)阴暗部分
    cast a shadow on 某处投留影子
    37 pour [pɔː(r)] v 倒出 倾泻 斟(饮料)
    pour down 倾盆 雨
    rain hardheavilycats and dogs 雨
    38 concrete ['kɒŋkriːt] n 混凝土
    adj 混凝土制 确实 具体
    concrete evidenceproposals
    39 plasma ['plæzmə] n 血浆
    blood [blʌd] n 血 血统
    bleed [bliːd] v 流血 失血(bled)
    40 aerospace ['eərəʊspeɪs] n 航空航天工业
    aero 空气 空中 飞行器
    aeroplaneairplaneplane n飞机
    41 mechanical [mə'kænɪkl] adj 机械
    发动机 机器
    machine [məˈʃiːn] n 机器机械 机械般
    engine [ˈendʒɪn] n 发动机 引擎 火车头
    42 mechanic [mə'kænɪk] n 机械师 机械修理工
    engineer [endʒɪˈnɪə] 工程师 设计师 机修工
    repair v 修理 (repaired)
    fix v 修理 (fixed)
    mend v 修理 (mended)
    43 aviation [ˌeɪvi'eɪʃn] n航空制造业 航空 飞行
    fly (flew flown) v飞飞行 驾驶 操作
    飘扬 放(风筝)
    flight [flaɪt] n 飞行 航行 航程 航班
    44 defend [dɪ'fend] v保卫 防守 辩解
    defencedefense n 防御 国防
    45 in charge of 掌
    be in charge of… 掌
    be in the charge of… … 掌
    take charge of… 掌
    46 leadership ['liːdəʃɪp] n 领导 领导位
    lead (led) [liːd]: v 领导 率领 带领
    leader [ˈliːdə]:n 领袖 领导 首领
    under the leadership of
    under one’s leadership 领导
    with the help of with one’s help 帮助
    47 trace [treɪs] v 追溯 追踪 查出
    n 痕迹 遗迹 踪迹
    track [træk]:n 足迹 踪迹 轨道 铁路
    路 跑道
    v 追踪 踪
    trace sth (back) to 追溯什
    date back tofrom 始 追溯
    go back to 追溯
    48 outstanding [aʊt'stændɪŋ] adj 优秀
    杰出 明显
    excellent [ˈeksələnt]:adj 优秀 极
    striking adj 显著 引注目
    brilliant [ˈbrɪliənt] adj 杰出
    明亮 成功
    stand out 突出 显眼 出色
    49 gifted ['ɡɪftɪd] adj 天赋 天
    gift [ɡɪft]:n 礼物 天赋
    have a gift for… …天赋
    be gifted with 具(令愉快东西)
    50 comego down with 患(病) 染(病)
    suffer from 患(病)
    develop v 患(病)
    illnesssicknessdisease n 病 疾病
    51 abstract ['æbstrækt] adj 抽象 理性
    n (文献等)摘
    digest [daɪˈdʒest] vtvi 消化 领会 领悟
    [ˈdaɪdʒest] n 摘 文摘
    extract [ˈekstrækt ] n 提取物 摘录
    [ɪkˈstrækt] vt 提取 提炼
    摘录 (力)拔出
    52 steady ['stedi] adj 稳定 稳 稳步
    steadily adv 稳定 坚定 坚固 断
    a steady jobincome 稳定工作收入
    a steady boyfriendgirlfriend
    a steady relationship 稳定关系
    Ready steady go Ready set go
    53 concept ['kɒnsept] n 概念 观念
    New Concept English 新概念英语
    54 besides [bɪ'saɪdz] prep …外()
    adv 外
    beside [bɪˈsaɪd]:prep …旁附
    What’s more
    What’s worse 更糟
    in addition 外
    besides ()
    包含常other else more连
    but exceptexcept for
    包含常all every no 连
    apartaside from (包含 包含)
    other than (包含 包含)
    (包含常nonotnever nothinghardly等连)
    1)Besides cancer smoking can lead to other diseases
    2)What other language does the girl speak besides
    3)Besides working as a doctor he also writes novels in his spare time
    4)She can answer all the questions except (for) but the
    third one
    55 brilliant ['brɪljənt] adj 聪颖 绝妙 明亮
    brilliantly adv 光彩夺目 出色
    精彩 高明
    bright adj 明亮 发亮
    clever adj 聪明 熟练 灵巧
    bright adj 聪明 (通常指年轻孩)
    smart adj 聪颖 机灵
    wise adj 明智 英明 充满智慧
    intelligent adj 智 聪明
    56 furthermore [ˌfɜːðə'mɔː(r)] adv 外 者
    moreover [mɔːrˈəʊvə(r)] adv 外
    ≈ what is more ≈ besides
    ≈ in addition ≈ furthermore
    57 above all 重 尤
    all in all 总言 after all 毕竟
    in alltotal 总 first of all 首先
    last of all at all 根 完全
    not at all: 没关系 点
    58 fault [fɔːlt] n 弱点 错
    false [fɔːls]:错误 造 假 真诚
    find fault with 找岔子 挑剔
    It is one’s fault that 某错
    It is one’s fault for 某错
    error [ˈerə] n 错误 谬误
    (指错误 常 mistake 换)
    shortcoming n 缺点 短处
    59 shift [ʃɪft] n 改变 转换 轮班
    v 转移 挪动 转
    be on the daynight shift (at)
    60 vivid ['vɪvɪd] adj 生动 鲜明 丰富
    vividly adv 生动
    lively adj 生动 逼真
    (普通词指形象描述等生动逼真 vivid 换)
    61 Cambridge [ˈkeɪmbrɪdʒ] 剑桥(英国城市)
    at Cambridge 剑桥学
    in Cambridge 剑桥城

    62 in the (earlylate) 19th century 19世纪(初末)
    in 1990 1990年
    in the (earlylate)1990s1990’s
    in the mid1990s1990’s 20世纪90年代中期
    in the (earlylate) 1900s 20世纪(初末)
    63 die of …死
    die from …死
    die for …死
    64 Last Thursday a strong earthquake hitstruck Japan
    65 rise to do 发迹 位提高
    In time he rose to become a famous doctor
    66 attend to 处理 付 接 料 专心
    attend onupon sb 料
    attend (to) sb 料
    take (good) care of 料()
    look after 料
    attend school 学 读书
    attend Harvard University 哈佛学
    67 These people worked in the pub
    at 7 Cambridge Street
    68 What’s more 外 更重
    What’s worse 更糟
    69 a household name 家喻户晓名字
    70 have ano side effect 副作
    71 have + 宾语 + 分词 请某做什
    have + sb + do 某做什
    have + sb + doing
    1)Accordingly John Snow had the handle of the water pump removed so that it could not be used
    2)I had Mary and Betty clean my office yesterday
    3)Don’t have the baby crying in bed all the time
    4)We always have the fire burning day and night in the winter
    5)We will have much homework to do at the weekend
    72 stop in one’s tracks 突然停止止步
    Covid19 was stopped in its tracks with the help of millions of doctors and nurses
    73 see v 历 什发生 发生时间点
    1)Through his tireless efforts the threat of cholera around the world saw a substantial decrease
    2)This year has seen a big decreaserise in the global economy
    3)The year 1949 saw the end of the old government
    4)The past 43 years have seen the greatest changes in Chinese history
    5)The Bird’s Nest saw a lot of exciting games last year
    74 in the firstsecond place 起初 开始 第 首先
    75 get down to (doing)sth 开始做
    76 a graduate student 研究生
    77 have anno impacteffectinfluence onupon
    78 induringover the course of… …程中
    79 domakeconduct researchresearches (inintoon…)
    (an) expert atinon… …方面专家高手
    80receive a hero’s welcome (from)
    81 in this fieldarea 领域
    82 discourage sb from doing
    preventstop…(from) doing:
    preventstopkeep…from being done:
    keep…from doing: 防止阻止…做…
    83 when + 分词: 什时候
    when doing 做什时候
    when to do 什时候做什
    1)When taken according to the directions the drug has
    no side effect
    2)When crossing the road you can’t be careful enough
    3)I don’t know when to build the international airport
    84 the sense of wonder and awe 奇敬畏感
    85 think aloud think out loud 言语
    86 get a better understanding of 更解
    87 the same… as… 样
    (表示类 相外物
    the same名词时as)
    the same… that… (表示 原原物)
    1)He lives in the same village as his uncle and
    aunt (没定语句)
    2)Your answer is the same as hers (没定语句)
    3)They have made the same mistake as last time
    4)They have made the same mistake that they made
    last time
    5)She is wearing the same sweater as I lost last winter
    6)She is wearing the same sweater that I lost last winter
    7)This is the (same) monkey that I saw in the forest
    20 minutes ago
    8)This is the (same) girl that we met in the forest 20
    minutes ago
    88 think outside the box 跳出框框思考想问题
    read between the lines 领悟隐含意义

    89 单元语法 表语句
    语 + 系动词 + 连词 +陈述句
    be look sound seem appear feel smell
    ①句 be() that + 陈述句
    ②句 be() whether + 陈述句
    ③句 be() 特殊疑问词 + 陈述句
    ④ThisThatIt iswas because句子

    ⑤ThisThatIt iswas why句子
    …原 什

    表语句缺意思 连词that (通常省) 表语句表示 否 连词whetherif列结构句表语句
    ①It seems thatas if + 陈述句
    ②ItSb sounds as if + 陈述句
    ③It appears that as if + 陈述句
    ④Sb appears as if + 陈述句
    ⑤ItSb looks as if + 陈述句
    ⑥ItSb feels as if + 陈述句
    1)The truth was that the water from the Broad Street
    pump had been infected by raw waste
    2)The trouble is that I have lost his telephone number
    3)My suggestion is that you should try your best to
    keep up with your classmates
    4)The question is whether we can finish our task by
    tomorrow evening
    5)The trouble is whether the teacher has recovered
    from his illness
    6)The problem is how she can get food and clothing
    7)The problem is who she can turn to for help in a
    strange city
    8)Next Sunday is when we shall meet on the Great Wall
    9)I’d like to start my own business that’s what I’d do
    if I had the money
    10)ThatThisIt is why they are working hard around
    the clock
    11)From space the earth looks blue This is because
    about seventyone percent of its surface
    is covered by water
    12)It seemed as ifthat the water pump was to blame
    13)It appears that your sister has made great progress
    in her study
    14)It appears as if she is not interested in agriculture
    15)The dark clouds are gathering in the sky It looks
    as if is going to rain heavily
    16)The fish smells as if it has gone bad
    17)The orange tastes as if it is sour





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    英语人教版 必修第三册Unit1 Festivals and Celebrations Listening and speaking学案

    Unit 1 Book 3Period 1Listening and Speaking译文:Phoenix flutes make music.The moonlight flashes.Fi...

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    Talk about festivals and celebrations▲ Talk about the ways to express request and thanks▲ Learn ...

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    高中英语人教版 必修第二册Unit2 Wildlife protection Readingandthinking学案

    Book2unit2 Reading and ThinkingLearning about protecting endangered animalActivity1: Activate th...

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    高中英语人教版 必修第二册Unit 2 Wildlife Protection Reading and Thinking 导学案

    导学案课程基本信息学科英语年级高一学期秋季课题A DAY IN THE CLOUDS Reading and Thinking(Period 1)教科书书 名:人教版必修二教材出版社:人民教...

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    I.学习目标:By the end of this section, students will be able to:1. acquire expressions of giving sugg...

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    I.学习目标:By the end of this section, students will be able to:1. understand the use of passive voic...

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    高中英语人教版 选择性必修第二册Unit3 Food and Culture Using language(1)同步检测练有答案

    Unit 3 Food and Culture——Using language(1)一、完成句子1. _____________(没有证据) that the price of wheat w...

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    必修二 Unit 1重点词汇导学案


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