人教新目标(Go for it)版九年级全Units11-14完形填空课本同步专项练习8篇(含答案)

    Unit11 Sad movies make me cry
    When I was in the fourth grade my mom brought back a girl named Faith from the local Social Services The girl had just (1) three years old She had big blue eyes and brown hair I sat down to talk with her but she was very (2) I was sure that she must have been scared (3) I loved the young sister at once
    To have a sister wasn't as (4) as I thought it would be at first Faith cried every night She (5) cried when she just had to tell me that she had to go to the bathroom Faith was always getting into (6) too She would break my toys color on my homework She was always in someone else's conversation and doing things just to get people to (7) her She wanted attention and it was not cute at all
    After a very long time Faith finally learned how to (8) trouble and I learned how to share I also learned how to put my things (9) so that she would not break them We (10) had to learn She still forgets sometimes So do I
    Now Faith is five years old She is very smart and (11) She follows me everywhere I go—even when I don't want her to We are also (12) ballet and acting classes It is so much more fun to go with my sister
    It's funny I can't even remember Faith not being here When I (13) the first thing I see is my sister and when I go to sleep the last thing I see is my sister I'm (14) I have Faith as a sister because she is fun and she makes me laugh How (15) I am to have the gift of Faith
    (1)A.turned B.made C.enjoyed D.cleared
    (2)A.outgoing B.kind C.excited D.quiet
    (3)A.Because B.So C.But D.And
    (4)A.boring B.fun C.difficult D.smooth
    (5)A.even B.only C.just D.gradually
    (6)A.trouble B.agreement C.friendship D.power
    (7)A.help B.teach C.notice D.kiss
    (8)A.come into being B.stay out of
    C.come up with D.fall in love with
    (9)A.up B.away C.off D.down
    (10)A.all B.neither C.each D.both
    (11)A.talented B.down C.moved D.satisfied
    (12)A.getting B.asking C.taking D.telling
    (13)A.come up B.come out C.get out D.wake up
    (14)A.intelligent B.glad C.disappointed D.nervous
    (15)A.educational B.proud C.lucky D.enjoyable

    It does not always come easy to discover oneself From a young age I had a strong sense of whom I was to become (1) an accident made me redefine (重新定义) myself
    To me skating was above all There was (2) else in this world that filled my heart with such joy I spent twenty— four hours a week practicing my (3) Having no social life or interests but skating my devotion (挚爱) brought me first place medals in nearly every (4)
    Unfortunately in one show I fell down and hurt myself (5) After several Xrays and MRI (磁振) scans the (6) told me that I couldn't return to my sport any more The pain in my back was hard to bear and even the (7) daily tasks became difficult
    As my passion (激情) was (8) I had little sense of whom I was to become After eight months of suffering something had to (9) Instead of wasting my days sitting around painfully I began to put my (10) into local community service projects By volunteering (11) a swimming teacher and summer reading assistant for kids I got an idea of whom I (12) to become After a few months I devoted time to my interest in the arts Little by little I (13) out of the shadow (阴影) and rebuilt my confidence
    Sometimes some (14) rocks block (阻碍) our way We can choose to stay behind or try to climb over My accident was a rock that (15) to stop me from reaching success Today I'm a very confident and optimistic person
    (1)A.and B.but C.or D.so
    (2)A.everything B.something C.nothing D.anything
    (3)A.skills B.behaviors C.thoughts D.habits
    (4)A.meeting B.party C.concert D.competition
    (5)A.quickly B.softly C.badly D.slowly
    (6)A.waiter B.doctor C.teacher D.policeman
    (7)A.useful B.basic C.proper D.busy
    (8)A.found out B.brought back C.waken up D.taken away
    (9)A.change B.remain C.leave D.arrive
    (10)A.energy B.duty C.wealth D.spirit
    (11)A.with B.for C.as D.to
    (12)A.wanted B.started C.promised D.lived
    (13)A.ran B.jumped C.stood D.stepped
    (14)A.small B.large C.ugly D.round
    (15)A.managed B.helped C.failed D.continued

    Unit12 Life is full of the unexpected
    As a teenager I volunteered at Loaves and Fishes a program my mother started We (1) meals to anyone who showed up most of them were people in Minneapolis When I spoke to them they didn't look me in the eye and they were rarely (2) I wanted to shout Hey we`re doing a (n) (3) thing here You could at least thank us
    After I stopped volunteering at Loaves and Fishes I took control of my own destiny (命运) Over the next ten years I had a (n) (4) life a college degree teaching career wonderful husband and then our first child Derain
    (5) soon we were told that Derain had a serious illness and needed to be (6) hospital I soon discovered I was not in control
    Thirteen months after Derain was born Connor our second son was born thankfully with a healthy body With two sons to (7) I had to leave from teaching Even though Robb my husband (8) his best we were short of money soon In the spring of 2015 we decided to ask (9) help
    I had heard about a program that (10) money to mothers and children and I put my pride aside and made an appointment (预约)
    On the morning of my appointment I took my two sons to the program When I was standing in the waiting area suddenly I realized life was full of the (11) I felt sorry for looking down on the poor Now it was my (12) to be poor I wanted to leave with my children (13) But looking into their bright eyes I knew (14) I had to stay
    For the first time in my life I (15) why the people I once served at Loaves and Fishes were not thankful Who wants to be poor I'll never forget those lessons we should respect and understand the poor instead of giving them money and food only
    (1)A.served B.collected C.cooked D.cleaned
    (2)A.worried B.thankful C.enjoyable D.relaxed
    (3)A.small B.interesting C.great D.useful
    (4)A.hard B.boring C.understanding D.perfect
    (5)A.So B.Because C.But D.And
    (6)A.at B.in C.with D.after
    (7)A.look after B.give up C.come true D.take care
    (8)A.made B.took C.got D.tried
    (9)A.to B.on C.under D.for
    (10)A.raised B.offered C.provided D.divided
    (11)A.disappointed B.unexpected C.tired D.excited
    (12)A.turn B.chance C.time D.reason
    (13)A.finally B.completely C.quickly D.easily
    (14)A.why B.when C.where D.how
    (15)A.wondered B.asked C.understood D.talked

    The passengers on the bus watched with sympathy(情) as Susan made her way carefully up the steps She paid the driver and then using her hands to (1) the seats sat in one of them
    She went blind a year ago A sudden accident threw her into a world of (2) Susan's husband Mark tried everything to help her
    Finally Susan felt ready to (3) to her job but how would she get there She used to take the bus but she was now (4) of getting around by herself Mark (5) to take the bus with Susan (6) she could manage it by herself
    For two weeks Mark (7) Susan to and from work each day He taught her how to use her other (8) especially her hearing to decide where she was
    At last Susan decided that she was ready to try the trip (9) Monday morning arrived Before she left she kissed her husband goodbye and for the first time they went their lonely ways
    Each day went perfectly She was (10) she could do it
    On Friday morning Susan took the bus to work as usual As she was getting (11) the bus the driver said Miss I surely envy(羨慕) you Surprised Susan asked the driver (12)
    You know every morning for the (13) week a finelooking gentleman has been standing across the corner watching you until you enter your office building (14) the bus driver said
    Her eyes got wet with happiness She was so lucky Her husband had given her a gift more powerful than (15) That is the gift of love that can bring light where there is darkness
    (1)A.see B.take C.feel D.move
    (2)A.darkness B.silence C.business D.sadness
    (3)A.turn B.ride C.return D.come
    (4)A.free B.shamed C.afraid D.tired
    (5)A.learned B.continued C.afforded D.offered
    (6)A.as B.until C.since D.unless
    (7)A.followed B.drove C.ran after D.went with
    (8)A.skills B.senses C.abilities D.methods
    (9)A.in person B.on foot C.of her own D.on her own
    (10)A.excited B.worried C.nervous D.ready
    (11)A.off B.on C.away D.in
    (12)A.who B.how C.why D.where
    (13)A.first B.past C.next D.same
    (14)A.alone B.safely C.slowly D.easily
    (15)A.sight B.praise C.wealth D.Fame

    Unit13 We’re trying to save the earth
    Each one of us shares this planet with seven billion others And we all need (1) People and products need to move from city to city and country to country However we all know (2) most cars motorcycles boats and planes cause air pollution They are also (3) This is a serious problem in many cities (4) inventors are coming up with creative ideas to try to reduce the pollution and noise
    In many cities around the world motorcycles are very (5) Now Vietnam has many motorcycles Motorcycles are a faster and cheaper way to get around a city than (6) Yet air pollution is a growing problem In large cities people (7) it is difficult to breathe To solve these problems a US company designed an environmentally friendly motorcycle It uses electricity as fuel (燃料) As a result there is (8) pollution It's also quiet and fast This makes (9) a good choice for getting around a city
    Venice is a city with only a few (10) There are no cars in the city center (11) cars water taxis and buses carry people along the city's canals (运河) However they cause pollution (12) for the water English engineers Dick and Jem designed a solarpowered (太阳) water taxi The water taxi (13) run for a day after being charged (充电)
    Planes also cause air and noise pollution Designing an environmentally friendly airplane is a real (14) Some airplane companies have (15) to solve the problems Swiss engineers have gone one step further They developed a solar airplane This plane holds the world record for the longest solarpowered flight—1541 kilometers from Arizona to Texas in America
    (1)A.air B.food C.transportation D.communication
    (2)A.how B.why C.when D.that
    (3)A.noisy B.dirty C.fast D.expensive
    (4)A.Since B.So C.Because D.Although
    (5)A.popular B.valuable C.dangerous D.safe
    (6)A.bikes B.subways C.buses D.cars
    (7)A.explain B.complain (抱怨)
    C.doubt D.promise
    (8)A.much B.some C.no D.more
    (9)A.them B.you C.us D.it
    (10)A.rivers B.roads C.tourists D.people
    (11)A.Instead of B.Thanks to C.Because of D.As for
    (12)A.probably B.only C.especially D.hardly
    (13)A.must B.can C.should D.need
    (14)A.question B.job C.decision D.challenge
    (15)A.disagreed B.refused C.started D.remembered

    The Warrens are a common family (1) this common family has done something special
    A few years ago they (2) their big house in town and moved to the countryside But that's not the only (3) thing that they did They built a house which was powered (……供电) by the wind and the sun in the country
    Mr Warren wanted his family to play a role in (4) the planet so he read a lot about the electrical system Then he (5) to create electricity to power everything they needed for their daily lives The kids were (6) at first Will we still be able to watch TV asked the daughter Jane What about my computer asked James the son Don't worry at all said (7) father Just because we are going to create our own electricity doesn't mean we have to live in the (8)
    We are going to set up a wind generator (发电机) explained Mr Warren Wind is a great way to (9) electricity It's not only free but also clean The wind doesn't blow all the time though That's (10) we need to store (存储) our power Then when there is no wind we will (11) have power to run everything in our house
    Mr Warren added We are also going to collect (12) from the sun and turn it into electricity So when the wind blows we have power When the sun (13) we have power too
    It's easy to see that Mr Warren really (14) renewable energy And all his family hold the same (15) as him Now they are living happily in their selfpowered countryside home
    (1)A.Instead B.However C.Then D.Besides
    (2)A.sold B.painted C.built D.polished
    (3)A.awful B.professional C.relaxing D.unusual
    (4)A.saving B.breaking C.greeting D.examining
    (5)A.failed B.agreed C.decided D.refused
    (6)A.angry B.worried C.happy D.interested
    (7)A.his B.her C.our D.their
    (8)A.light B.moment C.dark D.past
    (9)A.shoot B.waste C.reduce D.produce
    (10)A.how B.why C.which D.where
    (11)A.still B.even C.only D.once
    (12)A.scenes B.objects C.rubbish D.energy
    (13)A.drops B.hides C.shines D.disappears
    (14)A.trusts in B.calls in C.shuts off D.cuts down
    (15)A.plan B.opinion C.truth D.record

    Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7
    Sometimes when you feel like the world is against you or the goals you have set for yourself are just pipe dreams (脱离实际愿) what you want to do is just give up However Jeremy Sicilekira will tell you a (1) story
    Jeremy Sicilekira's road (2) high school graduation was a very difficult one He was an autistic (患闭症) child but he (3) thought of giving up his school life
    Jeremy's autism (4) him a lot He was not able to speak and it was hard for him to distinguish which sounds and sights to (5) I had to concentrate although it was (6) for me Jeremy said
    Jeremy used a letter board to (7) with other people He took as many (8) as he could besides the special needs classes He spent a lot of time (9) his assignment (作业) every day after school He tried his best to (10) his classmates Jeremy made up his (11) to get the most of his education His parents and teachers (12) him With their help he realized that he was as smart as his classmates (13) he was an autistic child
    Jeremy finished high school (14) and was invited to speak at the graduation His written speech was changed (15) spoken words with technology In his speech Jeremy thanked his teachers and talked about the importance of education and the persistence of sticking to a dream
    (1)A.different B.similar C.same D.difficult
    (2)A.across B.from C.to D.of
    (3)A.often B.usually C.never D.always
    (4)A.separated B.pushed C.reflected D.believe in
    (5)A.focus on B.set out C.compete with D.believe in
    (6)A.harmful B.responsible C.easy D.hard
    (7)A.fight B.argue C.communicate D.celebrate
    (8)A.instructions B.machines C.teachers D.classes
    (9)A.producing B.completing C.overcoming D.dividing
    (10)A.cheer up B.keep up with C.connect with D.take pride in
    (11)A.mind B.brain C.taste D.sound
    (12)A.interviewed B.controlled C.punished D.encouraged
    (13)A.as if B.even though C.because of D.as long as
    (14)A.lastly B.gradually C.correctly D.successfully
    (15)A.onto B.into C.through D.with

    Johnnie Martin was born in a worker's family His parents lived a simple life saving money for the day when they could send him to a good university They had dreamed that their son could get a good (1) and live a better life However to Johnnie school lessons seemed like a wall that was impossible to go through
    One day when he was in Grade 11 Johnnie went (2) the school psychologist's(心 理学家) office to ask for help
    Johnnie I've been studying your marks of all the tests at school I've made a (3) study of them said the psychologist
    I've been trying hard Johnnie was about to (4)
    The psychologist put his hand on the boy's shoulder People have different kinds of talents Johnnie There are painters who are (5) able to learn math and engineers who can't sing on key Some day you will find (6) you are good at and when you do you will make your parents and all of us very (7) you
    Johnnie didn't go to university He found a job working in the gardens around the town Soon (8) amazing happened His customers began to notice that Johnie had what they called a green thumb The plants he (9) grew and the roses blossomed(开花) People started to accept his (10) for gardening because he had an eye for color and light
    One day while he was downtown he happened to (11) an unused dirty land behind the city hall He volunteered to make it into a garden That afternoon as soon as he got the permission(许) he started the work (12) he couldn't afford all the tools or the plants that were (13) People gave him young trees rosebushes benches and many other things Before long it had become a beautiful little (14)
    Today Johnnie is the head of the business in gardening Wherever he and his men go they (15) beauty before the eyes of people
    (1)A.job B.garden C.lesson D.present
    (2)A.into B.past C.along D.through
    (3)A.funny B.public C.careful D.similar
    (4)A.lie B.cry C.laugh D.agree
    (5)A.always B.usually C.sometimes D.never
    (6)A.how B.when C.what D.where
    (7)A.strict with B.proud of C.angry with D.sure of
    (8)A.nothing B.anything C.something D.everything
    (9)A.picked up B.pointed at C.talked about D.looked after
    (10)A.suggestions B.invitation C.situation D.attention
    (11)A.buy B.rent C.clean D.notice
    (12)A.but B.and C.so D.or
    (13)A.common B.natural C.possible D.necessary
    (14)A.farm B.lake C.park D.market
    (15)A.find B.spread C.collect D.describe




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