
    Unit13 Section A 1a2d步练
    I 根句意首字母提示填写单词
    1 Throwing l everywhere is harmful to the environment
    2.There is only a little water at the b of the bottle How can the crow get it
    3.Tom lives by the sea His father is a f and he catches fish every day
    4.The new mobile phone c me more than 3000 yuan
    5.We should use cloth bags instead of p ones when we go shopping
    II 括号单词适形式填空
    6 We must do something useful to stop (pollute).
    7.You'd better not use (wood) chopsticks when you buy takeaway food
    8.Kate used to (collect) coins but now she likes stamps very much
    9.Lots of rubbish was (throw) into the river So the water is dirty now
    10.Remember (bring) a bag when you go to the supermarket
    III 单项选择
    11 — You're in a hurry Where are you going
    — To the cinema Sue for me outside
    A waits B waited  C is waiting D was waiting
    12 David fell fast asleep while he a newspaper
    A reads B has read C was reading D read
    13 She used to a bus to school but now she is used to to school
    A taking walk B take walk C taking walking D take walking
    14 We should keep the windows in order to let the fresh air in
    A open B opened C close D closed
    15 Many students chances to show themselves in class because the class size is too big
    A don't give B aren't given C haven't given D won't give
    16 — How much is your coat
    — Oh it me 100 yuan
    A cost B spend C paid D took
    IV 根中文提示完成句子(空词)
    Everyone in this town should cleaning it up
    So together our actions can and a better future
    air pollution we should take the bus or subway driving
    I able to see stars in the sky
    The air has really around here I’m very
    V 完形填空
    March 22 is World Water Day It started in 1993 It not only makes us think about the importance of water but also calls on us to __22__ and protect water Today we're facing terrible water problems Among them the wastewater problem is rather __23__ And the subject of World Water Day in 2017 is wastewater.
    What is wastewater It is used water Usually wastewater comes from homes __24__ hospitals and so on It is produced by different kinds of activitiesincluding washing machines taking showers and using kitchens The rain also __25__ wastewater when it is running down the street during a storm No matter where it comes from this kind of water is sure to have __26__ harmful in it
    __27__ must we treat wastewater Wastewater has a big influence on our lives It causes both illness for us and pollution for the environment We must care for our environment and our own __28__. 
    How can we treat wastewater Different kinds of wastewater need different ways of treatment Wastewater __29__ homes can be reused Then there will be __30__ wastewater Also factory wastewater has to be cleaned __31__ it goes back to nature
    (  )22Adrink B save C carry D watch
    (  )23Aeasy B popular C small D serious
    (  )24Afactories B lakes C rivers D seas
    (  )25Agets back B hands in C changes into D picks up
    (  )26Anothing B something C nobody D somebody
    (  )27AWhat B Who C Why D How
    (  )28Awork B interest C health D business
    (  )29Aon B for C with D from
    (  )30Aless B more C better D worse
    (  )31Aand B whether C after D before
    VI. 阅读短文根短文容短文六选项中填入空白处佳选项式余选项
    Global warming is a big problem that we have to stop One of the best things we do is to plant more trees Trees can take in CO2 in the air and stop global warming 32________

    A team of scientists at Boston University has been working with NASA to study the earth's green vegetation(植) They used a special NASA camera and found that global leaf area had increased by 5 percent since the early 2000s 33________ That's about one ­quarter of the size of the entire Amazon rainforest
    The growth mainly came from China's forest protection programs NASA said For example since 1962 China has been planting trees in SaihanbaHebei Province It was once a desert 34________
    35.________ Ant Forest a feature in Alipay app gives users points for doing eco ­friendly things such as walking and going paperless in the office Users can then use these points to water and grow their own virtual(虚拟) trees When the virtual trees are big enough Ant Forest will plant real trees somewhere in the world 36________
    A.More than 55 million trees have been planted in this way
    B.The Chinese public has also joined in these activities recently
    C.And China was responsible for 25 of that gain according to the study
    D.However people there can produce vegetables without any difficulty now
    E.But now China has turned the area into the country's largest man­made forest
    F.According to a news report China is doing a great job of greening the world

    Unit13 Section A 1a2d步练参考答案
    I. 1litter 2 bottom 3 fisherman 4 costcosts 5 plastic
    II 6 pollution 7 wooden 8 collect 9 thrown 10 to bring
    III 1116 CCDABA
    IV 17 play a part in 18 make a difference lead to
    19 To cut down instead of 20 used to be
    21 become polluted getting worried
    V 22—26 BDACB 27—31 CCDAD
    V 32—36 FCEBA





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