
    [试题]Domestic abuse happens when one person in a close relationship or marriage tries to control anotherDomestic abuse that in eludes physical violence is called domestic violence
    Domestic violence and abuse are used for one purpose onlyto gain and maintain total control over youAn abuser doesn'tplay fairAbusers use fearguiltshame to wear you down and keep you under his or her thumbYour abuser may also threaten youhurt you or hurt those around you
    Domestic abuse may happen among different groups of peopleIt occurs within all ages genders and economic levelsWhile women often suffer from itmen sometimes are victims tooPeople may get verbal and emotional abuseeven physical onesThe abusive behavior is never acceptable whether it's coming from a mana womana teenageror an older adultYou deserve to feel valued respectedand safe
    26In a close relationship or a marriageif one person tries to control anotherdomestic abuse may happen[答案]T
    27If the abusive behavior comes from a teenagersometimes it is acceptable[答案]F
    28Domestic abuse usually includes physical violenceverbal violence and emotional abuse[答案]T
    29Besides the purpose of gaining and maintaining total control over someone domestic abuse maybe used for some other purposes[答案]F
    30Domestic abuse may happen among the groups of the male and the rich[答案]F
    [试题]Hi I am Zhao Xin from BeijingI just enrolled at the Open University last monthNow I'm a freshman at the School of Social WorkAs a social work major I can help take care of the homeless and sick people talk to them and accompany them do the cleaning and other houseI love being a social workerI used to look after the elderly at a nursing home when I was in middle schoolIt gives me a feeling of pride to bring happiness to othersI want to make a difference in the world
    26 Zhao Xin is studying at the Open University now[答案]T
    27 His major is marketing [答案]F
    28 He is looking after the elderly at a nursing home nowadays[答案]F
    29 He wants to change the world and make it better[答案]T
    30 He is proud of being a social worker[答案]T
    [试题]In an extended family all the people share one householdApart from parents and children there may be other family members:grandparents aunts uncles cousins etcThat is to say a large family may have more than two generations and often there are more than two adults from different generations of a family
    The family members live together for many reasonsThey may help to bring up children or to take care of an ill relativeThey may also help with saving
    moneySometimes children are brought up by their grandparents for their parents have died or can never take care of themMany grandparents look after the children particularly when both parents are busy workingThis large family is called extended familyIt can be found all over the worldThe number of these families has increased by 40 percent in the past ten yearsMost of such families live happily together
    26In an extended family people live in different houses[答案]F
    27An extend family includes at least three generations[答案]T
    28In an extended family children are looked after by their grandparents because their parents are traveling around[答案]F
    29Extended families can be found all over the world[答案]T
    30Children can live happily with their parents and grandparents[答案]T
    [试题]Joan has been charged with a misdemeanor by asking her 13yearold son to drive putting her child in a dangerous situation It was Joan's 32nd birthday so she decided to go out for dinner with her 35yearold boyfriend Donald as well as her 13yearold son Mike Joan was so happy that she drank two bottles of wine with her boyfriend When it was time to go home both Joan and Donald were too drunk to drive They knew it clearly that both of them couldn't drive home safely after that much wine so they sat in the back seat and asked Mike Joan's 13yearold son to drive the 2008 Land Rover
    Being a driver for the first time in his life Mike could receive no help from his mom or Donald They were too drunk to tell him clearly what to do He started the car nervously but when he realized he couldn't control the car at all he was scared and depressed He decided to stop the car and refuse to drive any further He called the police for help When the police arrived they found the car was stopped right in the middle of the street
    1 Joan has been charged with driving after drinking {[答案]F }
    2 Mike was 35 years old {[答案]F}
    3 Joan and Donald were both too drunk to drive {[答案]T}
    4 It was the first time for Mike to drive {[答案]T}
    5 The police stopped Mike in the middle of the street {[答案]F}
    [试题]LOS ANGELES July 20 (Xinhua) A masked gunman released tear gas and opened fire into a crowded movie theater in a suburb of Denver early Friday killing 12 people and injuring at least 50 others police said
    Aurora Police Chief Dan Oates told reporters that the shooter aged 24 had been arrested in the parking lot behind the theater
    The FBI said there was so far no indication of any links to terror groups
    Some moviegoers said they thought the attack was part of the show when they saw a person appearing at the front of the theater during the movie pointing a gun at the crowd
    Police and firefighters rushed to the mall shortly after the shootings occurred at around 1230 a m local time (0630 GMT)
    CNN reported at least 20 people were being treated for gunshot wounds in hospital three of them in serious condition
    1 In the shooting 50 people were killed and 12 people were injured [答案]F
    2 The shooter was arrested [答案]T
    3 The FBI said that the shooter was from the terror groups [答案]F
    4 The moviegoers didn’t realize the person would shoot at the crowd at first [答案]T
    5 Only the police went to the mall to help [答案]F
    [试题]One study in the United States found that thirtyeight percent of foreign students said they had no close American friends
    Elisabeth Gareis teaches in the Department of Communication Studies at Baruch College in New YorkShe says efforts on how to improve relationships between foreign and American students have yet to be studied in detailBut she says these efforts should begin with the college or university and that these institutions have been working harder
    MsGareis suggests that students should be encouraged to take part in different activities such as taking walks going on bike rides field or camping trips and attending parties sporting events or film festivalsShe says such activities should beheld repeatedly throughout the school term to bring students togetherShe also suggests that foreign students share housing with American students
    She says if the new students make friends as they begin school they will come to feel part of the life and traditions of the university as well as create long lasting friendships throughout their university career
    26A study showed that 38foreign students had many close American friends[答案]F
    27Universities have been working on improving the relationships between foreign and American students[答案]T
    28MsGareis thinks taking part in some activities is a good way to improve the relationship[答案]T
    29MsGareis says the activities shouldn't beheld repeatedly throughout the term[答案]F
    30Making friends when they begin school is helpful for the students to create long lasting friendships[答案]T
    [试题]The United Kingdom has various bank holidays public holidays traditional holidays and national events scattered across its calendarSome date back hundreds of years while others are more recentHere are just a few of the typical British festivalsThey are also common in many other Western countries
    StValentine's Day
    StValentine's Day is celebrated every year on February 14It is the time to express one's love and make a proposal of marriage to one's lover Today StValentine's Day has become popular throughout the world commonly known as Valentine's Day
    November l is All Saints' Day in Western countriesThe evening of October 31 is called All Hallows Eve often called HalloweenHalloween is a favorite festival among kids because they can be naughty and have a lot of fun during the festivalOn All Hallows Eve children put on scary masks and clothes and walk around to trick others and often visit local houses and ask for candyPeople make papercut Halloween ghosts black cats and witches as symbols of Halloween
    Originally Christmas was a religious festivalIt is the birthday of Jesus Christ but over the years it has gradually become an international cultural holidayChristmas is very popular in many Western countriesChristmas is normally celebrated by having a family get together and eating a large lunch togetherEven though Christmas is celebrated every year
    on December 25 the Christmas Season usually lasts two weeksDuring this season people write and send Christmas greeting cards around the world and exchange good wishes and greetings between people by telephone and Internet
    26All festivals celebrated in England can date back 100 years or more[答案]F
    27Today people all over the world celebrate StValentine's Day[答案]T
    28Halloween falls on the end of November[答案]F
    29Symbols of Halloween include ghosts black cats and witches[答案]T
    30The birthday of Jesus Christ is on December 25[答案]T
    [试题]The Winner of a Teaching Award
    We are pleased to announce that the winner of this year's Teaching Award goes to DrMarie DagenaisDrDagenais graduated from Universite de Montreal in 1983She became an Assistant Professor in the Faculty in 1988In2000she was appointed as Associate Deana very important role in the FacultyIn2001she was appointed to Associate Professor and was Professor five years laterFor many years she has held important roles in the Association of Teaching and Learning including being President of this Association in 20052006Similarly she has been heavily involved with the American Association of Distance Education and was that Association's President during 20082011She has also held a number of leadership roles in the Commission on Lifelong Education of Americaone of the most important organizations in adult educationThis is an incomplete list of some of the countless important roles Dagenais has had both within the University and beyond in the field of distance education in AmericaShe is a very worthy winner of the year's Teaching Award
    26Marie is the winner of this year's Teaching Award[答案]T
    27Marie graduated from Yale University in 1983[答案]F
    28Marie was appointed to Professor in 2006[答案]T
    29Marie was the president of American Association of Distance Education during 2009—2011[答案]F
    30Marie has done a great contribution to American distance education[答案]T
    [试题]Zhang Hua is introducing Bai Mei to his middle school classmate Liu Hui
    Zhang Hua:Hi Liu HuiNice to see you hereHow are you doing
    Liu Hui:Oh Zhang HuaI'm doing wellHow about you
    Zhang Hua:I'm fineLiu Hui this is my friend Bai MeiShe's from the South
    Liu Hui:Hi Bai Mei nice to meet you
    Bai Mei:Nice to meet you too Liu HuiAre you a student at the Open University too
    Liu Hui:Yes lam
    Bai Mei:What's your major
    Liu Hui:My major is Education and Zhang Hua studies at the School of Social Work
    Zhang Hua:That's rightI'm an undergraduate student
    Bai Mei:Well I just enrolled at the Law School last month
    Liu Hui:That's goodIt was nice meeting you Bai MeiSorry but I have a lecture to attend at 10 00Have a great day
    Bai Mei:You tooBye
    26Liu Hui and Zhang Hua are familiar with each other[答案]T
    27Liu Hui and Bai Mei have met each other before[答案]F
    28Zhang Hua introduces Bai Mei to Liu Hui[答案]T
    29Only Liu Hui is a student at the Open Umvers1ty[答案]F
    30Bai Mei enrolled at the Law School last week[答案]F





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    说明:更新至2021年7月试题。 请按照首字母音序查找试题。[试题]Domestic abuse happens when one person in a close relation...

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    说明:适用于国开电大期末纸质考试,请按照试题首字母音序查找试题及答案。[试题]Do you lack friends? Do you want to make more friends.? If...

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    3896国开电大人文英语1历年 期末考试(第三题阅读理解判断题)题库(排序考试版)

    3896国开电大人文英语1历年期末考试(第三题阅读理解判断题)题库(排序考试版) [试题]Domestic abuse happens when one person in a close r...

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    3896国开电大人文英语1历年期末考试(第三题阅读理解判断题)题库(排序考试版)[试题]Domestic abuse happens when one person in a close re...

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    说明:更新至2021年7月试题。 请按照首字母音序查找试题。[试题]In the past, American families tended to be quite large.Pa...

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    2021年7月试题及答案One study in the United States found that thirty-eight percent of foreign students sa...

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    说明:更新至2021年7月试题。2021年7月试题及答案[短文]One study in the United States found that thirty-eight percent of...

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