
    ______ is known to all too much fat causes heart problems
    ―______father took part in the charity activity in the neighborhood yesterday
    ―Peter' s
    ______important it is for kids to imagine freely
    ______they have a lot of applicants they can't find the people they want
    A bus driver _________the safety of his passengers
    [答案]is responsible for
    A Chinese company is going to _________over the wellknown Japanese company TOSHIBA Corporation
    A number of boys _________absent some time during the term
    [答案]have been
    Allan is looking forward to _________you in summer holiday
    Can you tell me how _________to the railway station please
    [答案]to get
    ―Grace doesn't speak French Does Mary speak French
    ―She doesn't_________
    He gave up his study in college in_________
    He will write to me as soon as he _________home
    I _________a book when the telephone_________
    [答案]was reading…rang
    I _________to know how often the bus runs during rush hours
    I am _________your early coming
    [答案]looking forward to
    I bought a new car last monthbut I _________my old car yet
    [答案]have not sold
    I didn't finish my homework Neither _________
    [答案]did he
    I don't like icecream she doesn't like it_________
    I don't think anyone can _________him of not being honest
    I don't think anyone can accuse him _________not being honest
    I got _________money with meso I wasn't able to buy even a bottle of water
    I heard that you really had a wonderful time at John's birthday party_________
    [答案]didn't you
    I'm used to _________up early now
    ―I wish you success in your career
    [答案]The same to you
    If you need further information please _________our office
    I'm going to have a _________with Mark about this issue tomorrow
    I'm used to _________up early now
    In Beijing the best season in a year is probably _________autumn
    It's _________to point to or talk about strangers in public
    [答案]not polite
    It is one of the best concerts I_________
    [答案]have ever been to
    John as well as Mike _________just been back from an important meeting
    Let's discuss these problems at the meeting _________
    [答案]shall we
    Let's go _________the reports on the latest work
    My friend invited me _________the art club and I accepted it with pleasure
    [答案]to join
    Not only _________many cars built in the 1970s ugly and poorly designed they also became very unreliable after 4050 thousand miles
    Our new school building is _________ construction
    People now can easily _________information from the Internet
    Proper controls that should _________developed as part of routine safety procedures were not in place
    [答案]have been
    Purchasing the new production line will be a _________deal for the company
    She doesn't _________French or German
    Supervisors should make a list of pest control measures to be _________by employees
    The child_________fluent French
    The light is too _________for me to read I can't stand any more
    The machine _________this morning for no reason
    [答案]broke down
    The manager urged his staff not to _________the splendid opportunity
    The products of this company are always _________to standard they have very strict quality control process
    The programme gives students the _________to learn more about global warming
    They_________leave next Friday
    [答案]decided to
    They are trying to _________the waste discharged by the factory for profit
    They recommended that the amusement park_________
    [答案]be extended
    This is the book _________I have learned a lot
    [答案]from which
    This is the man _________last night
    [答案]whom I saw
    Under no circumstance _________to tell lies to parents
    [答案]are children allowed
    We have spent all of our spare time_________our spare moneyon the project
    [答案]as well as
    ―When do we have to pay the bill
    ―_________December 30
    When you aren't physically handing someone money or a check for a _________you will feel you are spending free money
    When_________as planneda credit card can be a powerful financial tool
    ―Who should be responsible for the accident
    ―The boss not the workers They just carried out the order_________
    [答案]as told
    You can go out _________you promise to be back before 12 O'clock
    [答案]as long as




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