
    ―______do you go to have piano lessons [2018年7月试题]
    ―At five in the afternoon
    B What time
    C Which time
    ______________give your mom my best regards [2019年7月试题]
    ______________give your mom my best regards [2020年7月试题]
    A Do
    B Remember
    C Does
    ______________horrible the plan is[2018年1月试题]
    ______________horrible the plan is[2018年7月试题]
    ______________horrible the plan is[2020年7月试题]
    ______________horrible the plan is[2020年9月试题]
    A How
    B How a
    C What a
    ______________may act as a cause of these illnesses[2020年7月试题]
    A Stress
    B Relaxation
    C Happiness
    ______________she comes or not makes no difference[2018年1月试题]
    ______________she comes or not makes no difference[2020年1月试题]
    A Whether
    B That
    C What
    ―______taking a wa1k after supper [2018年1月试题]
    ―Good idea
    A How about
    B Why not
    C Cou1d we
    A good boss is the one who can____________his employees to work harder and harder[2019年1月试题]
    A motivate
    B move
    C excite
    All her suggestions have been____________[2018年7月试题]
    All her suggestions have been____________[2019年1月试题]
    All her suggestions have been____________[2020年7月试题]
    A adjusted
    B adapted
    C adopted
    Children often dream of__________they want to become when they grow up[2018年7月试题]
    A what
    B that
    C which
    ―Do you think Qingdao is a fantastic place for tourist[2018年1月试题]
    ―Do you think Qingdao is a fantastic place for tourist[2020年1月试题]
    ―Do you think Qingdao is a fantastic place for tourist[2020年7月试题]
    ―Do you think Qingdao is a fantastic place for tourist[2020年9月试题]
    ―Yes I have_________there many times It is quite beautiful
    A gone
    B been
    C went
    Every child is unique Don't______________him or her to others[2018年1月试题]
    Every child is unique Don't______________him or her to others[2020年1月试题]
    Every child is unique Don't______________him or her to others[2020年9月试题]
    A compare
    B look
    C analyze
    Ford Motor Company was______________in 1903 It is one of the greatest car companies in the world today[2018年1月试题]
    Ford Motor Company was______________in 1903 It is one of the greatest car companies in the world today[2020年1月试题]
    Ford Motor Company was______________in 1903 It is one of the greatest car companies in the world today[2020年9月试题]
    A finded
    C founded
    B found
    He has studied very hard______________he came to our school[2020年9月试题]
    He has studied very hard______________he came to our school[2019年7月试题]
    A for
    B in
    C since
    He is hard to get along______________if you don't agree with him[2020年1月试题]
    He is hard to get along______________if you don't agree with him[2020年9月试题]
    He is hard to get along______________if you don't agree with him[2019年7月试题]
    A with
    B for
    C about
    He soon______________himself to the army life[2018年1月试题]
    He soon______________himself to the army life[2020年1月试题]
    He soon______________himself to the army life[2019年7月试题]
    He soon______________himself to the army life[2020年9月试题]
    A led
    B made
    C adjusted
    He was unable to______________his stubborn partner of his viewpoint[2018年1月试题]
    He was unable to______________his stubborn partner of his viewpoint[2020年1月试题]
    He was unable to______________his stubborn partner of his viewpoint[2019年7月试题]
    He was unable to______________his stubborn partner of his viewpoint[2020年9月试题]
    He was unable to______________his stubborn partner of his viewpoint[2020年7月试题]
    A move
    B convince
    C change
    He______________very busy this week He______________free next week[2018年1月试题]
    He______________very busy this week He______________free next week[2020年9月试题]
    He______________very busy this week He______________free next week[2020年1月试题]
    A will be is
    B will be will be
    C is will be
    ―How many students are there in your class____________[2019年1月试题]
    ―How many students are there in your class____________[2020年7月试题]
    ― Fortyfive
    A at all
    B in total
    C in the end
    I feel it is your husband who____________for the spoiled child[2019年1月试题]
    I feel it is your husband who____________for the spoiled child[2018年7月试题]
    I feel it is your husband who____________for the spoiled child[2020年7月试题]
    A is to blame
    B is to excuse
    C is to accuse
    I had to go to the cinema on my______________because all the other boys were busy[2020年1月试题]
    I had to go to the cinema on my______________because all the other boys were busy[2020年9月试题]
    I had to go to the cinema on my______________because all the other boys were busy[2019年7月试题]
    A feet
    B way
    C own
    I know a little bit about France as my wife does and I__________there several years ago[2019年7月试题]
    A are going to
    B went
    C go
    I will__________you to dinner because you helped me with my work[2019年7月试题]
    A treat
    B thank
    C make
    If you don't want to go I will go__________you[2019年7月试题]
    A instead
    B of instead
    C instead of
    In considering people for jobs we give____________to those wit some experience[2019年1月试题]
    It was in Xiamen ______________I saw the sea for the first time[2018年1月试题]
    It was in Xiamen ______________I saw the sea for the first time[2020年7月试题]
    A Where
    B that
    C when
    It was not__________ she took off her glasses that I realized she was a famous star[2018年7月试题]
    A when
    B until
    C since
    John doesn't believe in________medicine he has some remedies of his own[2020年7月试题]
    A standard
    B regular
    C conventional
    Lawyers often make higher________for their work than they should[2020年7月试题]
    A charges
    B bills
    C costs
    ―Let's go for a walk __________ [2018年7月试题]
    ―OK I'm coming Don't forget to bring your camera__________
    A will you will you
    B will you shall we
    C shall we will you
    ―Look ________it be Mr Green[2020年7月试题]
    ―It________be him He has gone to France
    A must can't
    B can mustn't
    C can may not
    Mr Green has lived in Hangzhou______________1995[2020年1月试题]
    Mr Green has lived in Hangzhou______________1995[2019年7月试题]
    Mr Green has lived in Hangzhou______________1995[2018年7月试题]
    A since
    B from
    C in
    My father has worked in this school__________he graduated from college[2018年7月试题]
    A since
    B for
    C after
    My friend knows where he can__________a good used car for you at a reasonable price[2019年7月试题]
    A pick up
    B pick off
    C pick out
    Nobody could____________this problem[2019年1月试题]
    Nobody could____________this problem[2020年7月试题]
    A think of
    B fill in
    C figure out
    Our factory will__________twenty more workers next month[2018年7月试题]
    Our factory will__________twenty more workers next month[2019年7月试题]
    A take off
    B take out
    C take on
    Our teacher may____________our exam papers now[2019年1月试题]
    A be correcting
    B have corrected
    C be corrected
    ―She didn't come to school yesterday did she [2018年1月试题]
    ―______ though she was not feeling well
    A No she didn't
    B Yes she didn't
    C Yes she did
    She heard a terrible noise____________brought her heart into her mouth[2019年1月试题]
    A it
    B which
    C that
    The digital camera__________nine hundred Yuan[2019年7月试题]
    A pays
    B spends
    C is worth
    The new coat____________me well[2019年1月试题]
    The new coat____________me well[2018年7月试题]
    A goes
    B gets
    C fits
    The result is______________we won the game[2018年1月试题]
    The result is______________we won the game[2020年1月试题]
    The result is______________we won the game[2019年1月试题]
    A What
    B that
    C which
    The result was______________we won the game[2020年9月试题]
    A what
    B that
    C which
    There is little water in the cup____________[2019年1月试题]
    A is there
    B isn't there
    C isn't it
    There______________two girls and a boy in the picture[2020年7月试题]
    A is
    B are
    C have
    There's a lot to do We can't______________to waste any time[2020年1月试题]
    There's a lot to do We can't______________to waste any time[2020年9月试题]
    There's a lot to do We can't______________to waste any time[2019年7月试题]
    A wait
    B afford
    C want
    They promise that the work would all be finished______________next week[2020年1月试题]
    They promise that the work would all be finished______________next week[2018年7月试题]
    A until
    B in
    C by
    This book has a great impact______________the readers[2020年9月试题]
    This book has a great impact______________the readers[2020年7月试题]
    This book has a great impact______________the readers[2019年7月试题]
    A in
    B on
    C for
    Time is____________ Ten years have passed in a wink[2019年1月试题]
    Time is____________ Ten years have passed in a wink[2018年7月试题]
    A short
    B past
    C fleeting
    Wang Shuo ____________already____________in this school for two years[2019年1月试题]
    A was studying
    B will study
    C has studied
    We now______________him by writing letters[2018年1月试题]
    We now______________him by writing letters[2020年1月试题]
    We now______________him by writing letters[2020年9月试题]
    A keep away from
    B keep on
    C keep in touch with
    What do you have______________1unch [2018年1月试题]
    A in
    B for
    C at
    When she entered the class she__________by what the students did for her[2018年7月试题]
    A was moved
    B is moved
    C was moving
    When we do the wash it is important to____________white and colored clothing[2019年1月试题]
    A compare
    B establish
    C separate
    Would you like to help me______________some RMB for dollars[2019年1月试题]
    Would you like to help me______________some RMB for dollars[2018年1月试题]
    Would you like to help me______________some RMB for dollars[2020年1月试题]
    Would you like to help me______________some RMB for dollars[2018年7月试题]
    Would you like to help me______________some RMB for dollars[2020年9月试题]
    A exchange
    B manufacture
    C store




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    说明:更新至2021年7月试题,可以根据试题首字母音序查找试题及答案。______________had the bell rung____________ the students took ...

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