
    2020 2021年第二学期江苏省太湖高级中学阶段性检测
    (总分 150 分时间 120 分钟)
    第节(5 题题15分满分75分)
    听面5段话段话题题中ABC三选项中选出佳选项听完段话10 秒钟时间回答关题阅读题段话仅读遍
    1 What does the man want to do
    A Surf the Internet B Apply for a job C Put an ad
    2 What is the probable relationship between the speakers
    A Classmates B Teacher and student C Doctor and patient
    3 What do we know about Nora
    A She prefers a room of her own
    B She likes to work with other girls
    C She lives near the city center
    4 What's the weather like today
    A Rainy B Sunny C Windy
    5 Where does the conversation take place
    A In a convenience shop B In the girl's room C In a bookshop
    6 Why does the man go home
    A He is sick B He is sleepy C He is thirsty
    7 What should the man do first
    A Wash his hands B Throw away the tissues C Drink some water
    8 How did the man come to school today
    A By bike B On foot C By car
    9 What should the man try to work on
    A Spelling B Pronunciation C Grammar
    10 What is the woman doing now
    A Cooking lunch B Doing some shopping C Going jogging
    11 Why will Johnny go to Toronto next week
    A To have a match B To have a holiday C To have a meeting
    12 What will the man do today
    A Play basketball B Meet friends C Watch a game
    13 How far did the woman walk every day during the trip
    A10 km B15 km C20 km
    14 What problems did the climbers have
    A They didn't have modern equipment
    B They forgot to take warm clothing
    C They couldn't walk easily in the mountains
    15 How did the woman find the food
    A Terrible B Just so so CNice
    16 What did the woman like about the trip
    A Clean air B Fresh vegetables C Sunshine
    17 What can radios allow people to do compared with TVs
    A See more pictures B Improve hearing C Imagine more
    18 What is a disadvantage of a TV mentioned by the speaker
    A It is less convenient to use it
    BAt takes upmuch more space
    C It costs more energy to start it
    19 What do radios and TVs have in common
    A They can be carried along and watched everywhere
    B They allow the listeners to get information immediately
    C They broadcast news reports a number of times every day
    20 What is the speaker mainly talking about
    A The advantages and disadvantages of TVs
    B The relationship between TVs and radios
    C The reasons why TVs won't replace radios
    第二部分阅读理解 (两节满分50分)
    What's your dream A writer creative artist scientist or a future scholar Many publishing platforms provide teens with opportunities for recognition in those fields Submitting(提交) your work for review and publication can direct your creative energy into a meaningful and rewarding project Additionally working on your writing will improve your research and organizational kills
    Participating in a competition or having your work published is also a factor in college admissions decisions
    Write the World Competition
    Write the World is a global community of young writers ages 1318 Write the World offers a list of themed competitions Current competition is for a Speech Writing Oration The list of past competitions includes Historical Fiction Food Writing Album Review Environmental Journalism
    Songwriting and Book Review
    Scholastic Art and Writing Awards has the largest selection of opportunities for creative selfexpression Young artists and writers can choose from twenty eight categories For the latest updates rules and information on how to enter register with Scholastic To participate in the Awards you must be a student in grades 712 age 13 years or older living in the United States
    Teen Ink Magazine
    A national teen magazine devoted to teenage writing art photos andforums offers an opportunity to publish creative work and opinions on issues that affect their lives of teens Hundreds of thousands of students aged 1319 have submitted their work Teens can submit an
    article poetry book novel photo or a video through this link
    Achievement Award in Writing
    National Council of Teachers of English is offering an Achievement Award in Writing to High School Juniors in the United States Canada and American Schools abroad Students must be recommended by their school's English department and should submit one themed essay and a copy of their best writing
    21 Which of the following is NOT a benefit of publishing your works
    A Getting your writing talent confirmed B Making you feel energetic
    C Knowing how to do research better D Better chance to go to college
    22 A student has made a short film Which platform can he submit his work to
    A Write the World Competition B Scholastic Art and Writing Awards
    C Teen Ink Magazine D Achievement Award in Writing
    23 What is special about Achievement Award in Writing
    A7th 12th graders can submit their works B It accepts submissions from outside the US
    C It offers a theme for students to write about D Students can't submit their works directly
    So many things can keep you from seeing your loved ones in person from busy schedules to
    long distances to a rather unexpected COVID19 virus Fortunately thanks to modern technology
    the people we miss are often only a phone Call or text message away But if you' re someone who prefers to type out messages you may want to reconsider A new study published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology found that communication that included voice like a phone call or video chat created stronger social relationships than communication through typing like text messaging or email
    In the study researchers used various experiments to measure relationships In one they asked 200 people what it would be like to reconnect with an old friend by email or by phone and then asked them to do one or the other Although people anticipated that a phone call would be more awkward hearing someone's voice actually made the experience better
    People reported they did form a stronger relationship with their old friend on the phone compared with email and they did not feel more awkward said Amit Kumar an assistant professor of marketing at the McCombs School of Business
    In another experiment the researchers bad strangers connected by either texting talking over video chat or talking using only audio They found that both forms of voice communicationwhether video or audio onlymade the strangers feel significantly more connected than when they communicated by text
    Sabrina Romanoff a Harvard psychologist says people tend t0 text or email instead of calling because of convenience as they see it as a controlled form of communication where they can communicate information exactly in the way they want without unexpected additions by the
    other person
    Romanoff says that in reality texting can make it hard to determine the true meaning behind a conversation A phone call is actually more convenient when considering the pet effects of the message she explains Each party is more present and therefore able to understand the meaning behind the content without thinking about the endless possible meanings behind words
    24 What does the passage mainly tell us
    A Texting does harm to social relationships
    B Voice communication brings people closer
    CA phone call does more good than a text message
    D People prefer a text message rather than a phone call
    25 How did the researchers carry out the study
    A By comparing B By reasoning C By imagining D By discussing
    26 What does the underlined word anticipated in Paragraph 2 mean
    A Ensured B Refused C Expected D Disagreed
    27 People prefer to text rather than call because they think_________
    A texting makes them feel more connected
    B they feel awkward when making a phone call
    C texting helps communicate their information exactly
    D calling helps determine the true meaning behind the conversation
    Next time you watch videos in high resolution(分辨率) pause for thought Your decision may be having an unnecessary impact on the environment
    Watching videos on a smartphone in high resolution produces eight times as much carbon as viewing in standard definition according to a report from the Royal Society It adds that the difference in resolution is unlikely to be noticed on small screens anyway and suggests that the users should make a sensible choice in some circumstances
    Avoiding streaming(播放视频) in unnecessarily high resolution will help reduce emissions(排放)the report says Platforms and regulators should consider limiting streaming
    resolution It recommends that as part of a moveresponsible streaming video should be turned of for many YouTube users who are only listening to the content A previous study found that such a move could save between I per cent and 5 per cent of YouTube's total emissions
    The authors do not calculate how much a person's carbon footprint(碳足迹) would be reduced by watching videos in lower resolution However they admitted that digital technology also plays a significant role in reducing emissions such as by enabling people to communicate virtually rather than travel tomeet face to faceDigital technology lets us do things differently and it has huge Potential to help reducing emissions if used responsibly said Adrian Friday professor from the University of Lancaster who is a member of the working group for the report
    Using laptops tablets smart TVs and other devices for longer before upgrading will also reduce emissions the report saysProtecting and repairing phones is good practice to help keep
    them longer Getting a phone or other device secondhand or passing it on and sharing equipment are other good ways
    28 What's the disadvantage of the highresolution device according to this passage
    A It can't be upgraded in time BIt requires a larger screen
    C It may not benefit the environment D It functions rather slowly
    29 Which of the following moves is relatively environmentally friendly
    A Replacing old laptops frequently B Travelling to meet face to face
    C Sharing equipment with others D Streaming in high resolution
    30 What Adrian Friday said tells us that________
    A communicating virtually is totally impractical
    B YouTube is a popular platform around the word
    C digital technology has more disadvantages than advantages
    D digital technology should be used reasonably
    31 In which part of a magazine can this passage most likely be found
    A Art & Culture B Science & Tech C Entertainment D Economy
    Christmas at my house meant colorful decorations candles in every window homemade dinners by Mom and her matching red coat I always believed that someday my own kids would gather here and enjoy the traditions that had been passed down each December
    Life had other plans Mom found breast cancer in 2006 and died three years later Three years after her death I made my yearly trip to my childhood home for Christmas with my dad and sister When I hunted for Christmas decorations up in the attic an unusual yellow envelope caught my eye Inside was a never published children's book by Mom dated February 10 1993 It was titled The Evil Stepmother (Who Wasn’t) It's the story of a little girl who loses her mother to cancer Her father soon remarries and at Christmas the girl returns home to find her stepmother crying with a woman's photograph in her hands The stepmother says that she lost her mother too and always misses her most at Christmas
    I read Mom's book and wondered why she had been moved to write it She was years away from her cancer at the time But there was no stepmother in our lives So I put the book away found the decorations I came for and forgot about Mom's book quickly
    Without the home that had been full of so many memories I didn't celebrate Christmas any
    more I began to avoid the holiday music and even for a while the color red
    That changed in December 2017 Dad brought a woman to Christmas unexpectedly When we first met we hugged each other shyly Soon she had Dad and me laughing It was going so well The three of us went out to pick out gifts That's when While Christmas began to play over
    the store's speakers I froze It was the song Mom sang to me as a child to get me to sleep Tears streamed down my face
    We got home and 1 went to my room to calm down There was a knock on the door Dad's girlfriend She told me that Christmas was hard for her too and that she had lost her mother to Alzheimer's
    Do you see my coat she asked It was my mom's Your dad tells me your mother had a red coat too Maybe we can wear them together sometime
    I remembered the scene from Mom 's book and hugged this woman who made my dad happy who was offering us a second chance at Christmas
    A year later my sister and I attended Dad's wedding This past December I hosted my first Christmas in New York My stepmother and I decorated the house candles in every window We walked arm in arm down Broadway in our mothers' red coats
    32 What is the first paragraph mainly about
    A The author's happy childhood B The author's hopes for the future
    C Some unforgettable Christmas traditions D The author's sweet memories at Christmas
    33 The author didn't celebrate Christmas anymore because_______
    A she was unwilling to recall the past B she couldn't stand the holiday music
    C she was unable to spare time for celebration D she could not enjoy Christmas without Mom
    34As for the red coats which of the following statements is NOT true
    A They belong to two mothers
    B They are necessary at Christmas
    C They remind the author and her stepmother of their mothers
    D They are a bridge connecting the author and her stepmother
    35 What can be the best title for the text
    A The woman in the red coat B A never published book
    C A newlybuilt happy family D The sensitive stepmother
    第二节(5题题2 5分满分125分)
    Some people are so rude Who sends an email or a text message that just says Thank you Who leaves a voice mail message rather than texts you Who asks for a fact easily found on the Internet_ 36_
    Maybe I'm the rude one for not appreciating life's little courtesies (礼节) But many social norms (规范) just don't make sense to people drowning in digital communication
    Take the thankyou note Daniel Post Senning a coauthor of Emily Post's Etiquette asked At what point does showing appreciation outweigh the cost
    _37_Think of how long it takes to listen to one of those messages In texts you don't have to declare who you are or even say hello Email too is slower than a text The worst are those who leave a voice mail and then send an email message to tell you they left a voice mail
    This isn't the first time technology has changed our manners_ 38___ Alexander Graham Bell the inventor suggested that people say Ahoy Finally hello won out and the victory sped up the greeting's use in facetoface communications
    In the age of the smart phone there is no reason to ask onceacceptable questions about the weather forecast a business's phone number or directions to a house a restaurant or an office which can be easily found on a digital map_ 39__ And when you answer they respond with a thankyou email
    How to handle these differing standards Easy Consider your audience Some people especially older ones appreciate a thankyou message_40_In traditional societies the young learn from the old But in modern societies the old can also learn from the young Here's hoping that politeness never goes out of fashion but that timewasting forms of communication do
    A Then there is voice mail
    B Others like me want no reply
    C But people still ask these things
    D Don't these people realize that they're wasting your time
    E Won't new technology bring about changes in our daily life
    F Faceto face communication makes comprehension much easier
    G When the telephone was invented people didn't know how to greet a caller
    第三部分完形填空(20题 题1分满分20分)
    As the pace of life continues to increase we are fast losing the art of relaxation_41_you are in the habit of rushing through life being on the go (忙碌) from morning til night it is hard to__42_ But relaxation is_43_for a healthy mind and body
    Stress is a (n)_44_ part of everyday life and there is no way to_45_ it In fact it is not the bad thing that it is often supposed to be A_ 46_ amount of stress is important to provide motivation and give_47_ to life It is only when stress gets out of control that it can lead to poor performance and_48_health
    The amount of stress a person can bear_49_ very much on the individual Some people are not afraid of stress and such a_50 _is obviously chief material for managerial responsibilities Others lose heart at the__ 51_ of unusual difficulties When exposed to stressin whatever form we___ 52 both chemically and physically In fact we make a choice between___ 53_and fight And in more ancient days the choices made the__ 54_ between life and death The crises we meet today are_55_ to be so extreme but however little the stress it requires the same response It is when such a reaction_56 _ long through continued exposure to stress that health becomes__ 57__ Such serious conditions as high blood pressure and heart disease have___ 58_
    links with stress Since we cannot__ 59_ stress from our lives we need to find ways to_60_it
    So what do you think of stress What is your way to deal with it
    41 A If B Unless C Once D Until
    42 A slow down B calm down C break down D tum down
    43A effective B satisfying C normal D vital
    44 A physical B natural C beneficial D necessary
    45 A tolerate B reduce C avoid D overcome
    46 A stable B certain C large D great
    47 A purpose B courage C influence D instruction
    48 A ill B excellent C strong D weak
    49 A insists B depends C calls D bases
    50 A pattern B condition C situation D character
    51 A cost B view C sight D end
    52 A reflect B react C behave D conduct
    53 A peace B fear C pressure D failure
    54 A decision B promise C difference D connection
    55 A unlikely B unable C supposed D probable
    56 A continues B lives C stands D lasts
    57 A balanced B affected C endangered D controlled
    58 A established B achieved C combined D realized
    59 A choose B remove C forbid D separate
    60 A deal with B point out C look into D take down
    第四部分短文语法填空( 10题题15分满分I5分)
    Bruno Mars was born into a very musical family in Hawaii When he was young he often performed on the stage with his family_61_gave him full confidence and experience After graduating from high school Bruno _62_(decide) to move to Los Angeles to build his music career It wasn't easy though He was used to giving performances_ 63_(regular)as a musician in Hawaii But in Los Angeles competition was much_64_(strong) so Bruno had 2 hard time breaking into the music industry _65_the desire to give up was great he never did Bruno found that he could make money and become famous by writing songs for famous singers In 2010 Bruno _66_(ask) to record one of his songs which rocketed to the top of the charts That same year he released his first original songJust the Way You Are It also hit number one The song's _67_(succeed) brought Bruno instant fame and star statusSince then Bruno Mars _68_(receive) numerous music awards and honors He has sold more than 130 million records_69_(make) him one of the bestselling artists ever Many of his fans and peers consider him a musical genius and one of the world's best_70_(perform)
    第五部分词汇运( 10题题1分满分10分)
    71 The ____(appear) of dinosaurs is not necessarily caused by one single incident
    72 While the building wasn't made______(survive) natural disasters it seemed fine after the earthquake
    73 He_______(curious) opened the letter addressed to his brother
    74 He seldom makes a speech in class even if________(force) to
    75 Almost all job_______(apply) are determined to leave a good impression on the employer
    76 Four police officers had serious______(injure) in the explosion
    77 Pollution has had a______(disaster) effect on the ecology of that region
    78 We were greatly______(relief) to learn that his condition was not serious
    79Severe damage witnessed the_______( destroy) power of the storm
    80 It was probably the shock which had brought all the memories_____(flood) back
    第六部分句子翻译 ( 5题题2分满分10 分)
    81报道船海失踪( sth is reported)


    83防忘记请提醒诺言(in case)

    84发现罪犯(criminal)马 通知警察( moment)


    年全球极端气候重然灾害越越频繁中部分原类恰活动China Daily举行次征文活动警示保护环境请写篇英语短文
    注意 1 字数 100 左右





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