辽宁省阜新市重点高级中学 高三上学期期末考试英语试卷(Word版缺答案,无听力试题 )

    时间:100分钟 满分:120分
    第部分 阅读(两节满分50分)
    Exercising regularly not only helps you keep slim but also improves your overall health and wellbeing Different exercises produce different results as they focus on alternate parts of the bodyThere are four broad exercise categories endurance strength flexibility and balance Many people often only focus on one exercise type but including all four in your workout will produce better results and reduce your risk of injury
    Endurance exercises increase your breathing and heart rate By doing endurance exercises you are working to keep your heart lungs and bloodflow system healthy while improving your total fitnessOver time these activities will make everyday activities seem easier
    If you want to build up your muscles then strength exercises which are also known as resistance training are right for you Even the slightest increase in strength can make a huge difference in your ability to carry out daily tasks Developing strong muscles also reduces your risk of weak bones
    Flexibility exercises help stretch your body's muscles This allows for more freedom of movement for other exercises and can also improve your range of motion postureability to breathe deeply and blood flow Also it reduces the muscle tension caused by stress
    Balance exercises help prevent falls and are especially important to older adults helping them stay independent Most good balance exercises are ones that keep you constantly moving with your feet on the ground Heeltotoe walking and standing on one foot are simple ways to improve balance
    1 How can a person benefit most from their exercise routine
    A By combining different exercise types together
    B By having sufficient rest between their workouts
    C By concentrating on one training aspect at a time
    D By increasing the frequency of their training gradually
    2 Which exercise types are most useful to improve a person's breathing function
    A Strength and Balance B Flexibility and Balance
    C Endurance and Strength D Endurance and Flexibility
    3 Which part of the body plays the most important role in balancerelated exercises
    AArms B Legs C Waist D Neck
    I went snowboarding in France with my little brother and what we lacked in skill was made up for in enthusiasm That day fresh snow had been falling We stopped near the top of an offpath section I let my brother disappear into the trees ahead figuring I would soon catch up
    I began to pick up speed when I was suddenly thrown off balance Just as I was regaining control I ran into the trunk of a large tree It was like hitting a solid wall The pain was instant
    I quickly realized the situation could get very serious Nobody would be coming past There was no phone signal It was snowing and cold If I waited I would probably be rescued eventually But the chance of freezing to death before that happened was too high for me to risk staying put
    I managed to get the board off from my feet and moved it under my stomach so I was lying on it I faced down the mountain and used the board to slowly drag and slide my body down the steep treelined slope (斜坡)
    It took about two hours before a skier found me and I got help I couldn't feel my hands or my toes from the cold but the relief at knowing I was safe was massive
    I had broken one of my backbones so I had an operation where the doctors inserted plates The constant pain was unbearable but it wasn't as bad as seeing the pain and worry I put my family through
    The recovery road was tough but I was lucky Gradually I was able to walk then swim then cycle and then run I haven't been back to the slopes yet but it might happen someday— I will however choose the paths
    4How did the author feel at the start of snowboarding
    A Amused BConfident C Nervous D Panic
    5Why did the author choose to go ahead after the accident
    AHe was cold and hungry BHe was aware of the risks of waiting
    CHe preferred to challenge himself DHe wanted to catch up with his brother
    6What can be inferred from the last paragraph
    AFollow the safer path BDo more sports activities
    CReceive training in the future D Never go snowboarding again
    7 What is the purpose of this text
    A To make a comment BTo keep a diary
    C To recommend a sport DTo share a lesson
    Spicy tomatoes could soon be on the menu thanks to the rise of geneediting (基编辑) technology researchers say It is not the first time that experts have claimed the techniques could help develop fruit with unusual features scientists have already been looking at changing the color of kiwi fruit and bettering the taste of strawberries
    But researchers in Brazil and Ireland say such methods could also offer practical advantages with hot tomatoes offering a new way of harvesting the pungent (辣味) chemicals found in peppers known as capsaicinoids (辣椒素)which make food taste hotCapsaicinoids are very valuable compounds (化合物) they are used in the weapons industry they are also used for painkillers and there are some researches showing that they promote weight loss said Agustin Zsögön from the Federal University of Viços a in Brazil a coauthor of a new article arguing for the benefits of engineering hot tomatoes
    Writing in the journal Trends in Plant Science the researchers say peppers are difficult crops to grow and low productive Worse still it is tricky to keep the pungency of the fruits stable By contrast tomato production is high and the plant is wellstudied You could produce the capsaicinoids in a more costeffective manner said Zsögön
    Tomatoes and peppers developed from a common ancestor but separated about 19 million years ago All these genes to produce capsaicinoids exist in the tomato they are just not active said Zsögön Using geneediting technology it is bound to switch these genes back on in tomatoes adding a kick to the fruit he said
    8Why are the tomatoes made hot by the researchers
    ATo explore ways to harvest capsaicinoids
    BTo enrich the variety of the tomatoes
    CTo make the tomatoes more delicious
    DTo test the geneediting technology
    9 In which of the following situations can capsaicinoids be used according to the text
    A.Feeling weightless B.Having a headache
    C.Lacking sleep D.Losing appetite
    10What is Zsögön ’s attitude to the geneediting technology
    A.Unacceptable B Uncertain C Confident DTolerant
    11 What’s the text mainly about
    AAn introduction to geneediting plants
    BThe procedure of producing capsaicinoids
    CProblems with capsaicinoid production
    DCreating hot tomatoes by geneediting
    To many people honey bees symbolize wealth sustainability and environmentalism But as a honey bee researcher I have to tell you that only the first item on that list is defensible Although they are important for agriculture honey bees which are usually imported from outside the local area also disturb natural ecosystems by competing with native bees
    For several years the media has told us that bee populations are under threat In response to this media campaign tosave the bees raising honey bees has become a popular hobby But as a species honey bees are least in need of saving Much media attention is given to honey bees at the expense of native bees and this has led many citizens—myself once included—to mistakenly believe they are doing a good thing for the environment by raising honey bees Unfortunately they are probably doing more harm than good628
    Beekeeping is for people it's not a conservation practice says Shelly Smith an environmental science professor People mistakenly think keeping honey bees also helps the native bees which are at risk of extinction That's wrong
    Smith and her research team recently surveyed one thousand local people in Canada and found that they had a surprisingly poor understanding of bee types and their roles in promoting flower growth Most people’s attention is on saving honey bees when from a conservationist's point of view native bees are the ones in more need of support
    To make matters worse beekeeping companies and various nonsciencebased projects have financially benefited from the decline of native bee populations Smith explains These companies pretend they are interested in saving bees but their actions are actually damaging the native bee populations
    The introduction of honey bees increases competition with native bee populations for food putting even more pressure on the wild species that are already in decline Honey bees are extremely efficient food gatherers and take over almost all local flower resources thus leading to damaging competition—that is where one species uses up a resource not leaving enough to go around
    12 Which statement does the writer argue for
    A Honey bees endanger native bees
    B Honey bees are a symbol of wealth
    C Honey bees are important for agriculture
    D Honey bees can defend natural ecosystems
    13 What can be inferred from paragraph 2
    A Beekeeping is a stillpopular traditional hobby
    B The media campaign has failed to promote honey bee businesses
    C Citizens’ attempts to protect the environment are effective
    D The media is responsible for misleading the public
    14 What surprised Shelly Smith's team628
    A Beekeeping companies' making great profits
    B The quick expansion of beefriendly habitats
    C The public's ignorance of bee varieties and roles
    D Insufficient attention given to saving honey bees
    15 How does the writer develop the last paragraph
    A By listing examples B By explaining cause and effect
    C By analyzing survey data D By making comparisons
    The COVID19 epidemic(新冠疫情)is still spreading rapidly throughout the world Luckily it is under control in China with the efforts of our government and all the people However we should still be careful in our daily life There ’re some rules for us to follow
    Get vaccinated
    Since there’s still no special medicine to cure COVID19 16.The government is providing available vaccine(疫苗)for everyone in our country If you’re over 18 years old and in good health you can get vaccinated near your community17.
    Wear masks
    People have been used to wearing masks since the epidemic broke out It is summer now maybe wearing masks in hot weather makes you feel uncomfortable However 18.
    So whenever you go out don’t forget to put on your mask You may look cooler with a mask on
    Wash your hands
    19. Especially when you get home from school or work or return from any other public places the first thing you should do is to turn on the tap pick up the soap and wash your hands completely
    Keep safe social distance
    You’d better not go to crowded places The summer vacation is beginning If you have to go to the stores movies parties supermarkets etc besides wearing masks remember to keep social distance20.
    Anyway take good care of yourself and live a safe and happy life
    A Wash your hands as often as possible
    B But you have to pay
    C we don’t need to do anything about it
    D What’s more it is free
    E Avoid getting too close to other people
    F the vaccine is the most important way to prevent it
    G it is still a good way to stop the virus from spreading among people

    Back in the summer of 2016 China’s Gobi Super Marathon a 155 mile race across the Gobi Desert officially 21
    Dion Leonard a seasoned British athlete had been invited for that 22 who had finished some of the toughest races on the planet
    On the first evening a dog kept following him wagging its tail Dion didn’t want to be 23 because he was devoted to this race Just after 24 it for a while he took it aside and turned back to the camp But the touches changed the 25 of his life
    On departure the next day the puppy 26 again at the starting line He thought it was a coincidence (巧合) But when Dion started to run the puppy followed It was too easy to be lonely and 27 in a game like this Determined to Dion’s break loneliness the puppy brought great 28 and encouragement to Dion Not only did the puppy not become a burden to him 29 it’s the best companion on the boring track Since they met in the Gobi Desert Dion gave it the name Gobi
    On this long journey one man one dog silently 30 each other They ran together they shared water and food they camped together under the stars Dion also gradually forgot the 31 of the road and suddenly let go of his obsession(痴迷) with rank
    After being with Dion for 125 km Gobi finally ran out of 32 and Dion had to put it in a firstaid car Three days later when Dion reappeared in the view of Gobi it broke free and ran 33 to Dion They rushed to the finishing line together
    34 Dion came in second Gobi also won a medal from the organizers Dion has no 35 about missing out on the championship because Gobi was the best prize on his trip
    21 A paid off B kicked off C took off D broke off
    22 A ceremony B competition C interview D show
    23 A bothered B abandoned C bitten D attracted
    24 A watching B feeding C touching D following
    25 A quality B dream C budget D course
    26 A coughed B starved C appeared D barked
    27 A desperate B amusing C hopeful D ambitious
    28 A treasure B shelter C comfort D pressure
    29 A however B instead C otherwise D therefore
    30 A respecting B accompanying C protecting D wishing
    31 A hardship B happiness C distance D destination
    32 A money B food C patience D energy
    33 A gradually B hesitantly C unwillingly D firmly
    34 A Thankfully B Fortunately C Eventually D Undoubtedly
    35 A regret B argument C surprise D desire

    A comforting cup of tea is an essential part of the day for hundreds of millions of people around the globe Worldwide three cups of tea 36 (consume) for every cup of coffee To 37 (full) appreciate the ancient roots of the herbal drink a visit to the China National Tea Museum might be in order The institution has a long history
    38 (locate)in Hangzhou the museum occupies a park like setting Inside various halls demonstrate the story of tea its ceremonies(仪式) and its tools Records of tea drinking date as far back as the 39 (ten)century BC in China Originally the leaves were baked into a bricka part of 40 could be broken off and made into a powder (粉状物) Tea spread into northern China during the Tang Dynasty by the Song Dynasty it 41 (acquire)a looseleaf production as well as the ceremonies that made its consumption 42 art form
    The art of tea extended to its fancy containers which are 43 display at the museumGracefully rounded kettles date back 5000 years tea bowls from the Tang Dynasty have a beautiful simplicity Today 44 (visit)can observe a tea ceremony that might be enough 45 (change) even the most passionate coffee drinkerwqpywi
    第三部分 写作(两节满分40分)
    年3月全国政协会议期间江苏锡山唐江澎校长席话发深思∶教育应该培养终身运动者责担者问题解决者优雅生活者某英文网站How to Be a Better Person话题开展征文活动请中学生角度写篇80词左右短文谈谈做法
    提示词∶ responsibility 职责
    How to Be a Better Person
    As a senior high school student I quite agree with Mr Tang’s opinions To be a better person I think I should do the following things

    The Meredith family lived in a small community As the economy was in decline some people in the town had lost their jobs Many of their families were struggling to make ends meet People were trying to help each other meet the challenges
    Mrs Meredith was a most kind and thoughtful woman She spent a great deal of time visiting the poor She knew they had problems and they needed all kinds of help When she had time she would bring food and medicine to them
    One morning she told her children about a family she had visited the day before There was a man sick in bed his wife who took care of him and could not go out to work and their little boy The little boy—his name was Bernard-had interested her very much
    I wish you could see him she said to her own children John Harry and Clara He is such a help to his mother He wants very much to earn some money but I don't see what he can do
    After their mother left the room the children sat thinking about Bernard I wish we could help him to earn money said Clara His family is suffering so much
    So do I said Harry We really should do something to assist them
    For some moments John said nothing but suddenly he sprang to his feet and cried I have a great idea I have a solution that we can all help accomplish (完成).
    The other children also jumped up all attention When John had an idea it was sure to be a good one I tell you what we can do said John You know that big box of corn Uncle John sent us Well we can make popcorn (爆米花) and put it into paper bags and Bernard can take it around to the houses and sell it


    When Mrs Meredith heard of John's idea she thought it was a good one too


    With everything ready Bernard started out on his new business





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