外研版英语八年级上册 词不离句练习(word版无答案)

    M1 How to learn English
    1 Today we’re going to ____________(谈) good ways to learn English ____________(准备?) who has some advice
    2 ________________(试着) to speak English ___________()
    3 Why not _______________(写) our mistakes in our notebooks
    4 ________________________(忘记)write down the correct answers next to the mistakes
    5 ___________________________(做…意)spell and pronounce new words aloud every day
    6 How about _____________________(听广播)
    7 You just need to ______________(听出)key words and main ideas
    8 ________________________(样适阅读) English stories are so interesting I get to know a lot about the world ____________________(通阅读)
    9 ______________________(什试着)to find some English pen friends We can _____________________(写信)
    10 __________________________(问题)to Diana the Language Doctor
    11 Many students ____________________(请求建议) about how to improve their English
    12 ____________________________________________________(电影听歌曲)are great ways to learn English
    13 I also ___________________________(建议谈)the films or songs with your friends
    14 I am shy and I am ________________________(害怕说话)
    15 And before you begin you should ___________________(微笑)
    16______________________(做…然事情)to forget new words
    17you ___________________(需练说)more often
    18why don’t you _______________(寻找)some ____________________(说英语)in your town
    19Try to _____________________________(交朋友)and _____________________(带参观镇)
    20You should ___________________________________(邀请新交说英语朋友)to your club
    21_____________________(…)English magazines newspapers and radio there are various kinds of English learning websites
    22___________________________(英特网) you can chat with other English speaker _________() and enjoy the latest English songs The Internet brings the world of English to you
    1 as long as you don’t give up you will succeed in the end 放弃终定会成功
    2 Besides it is also helpful to keep a diary and write letters or short stories in English外英语写日记写信写短篇事帮助
    3 I write down everything I hear so that I can better understand some words and expressions听东西写便更理解单词短语

    M2:My home town and my country
    1 It’s __________________(海岸)near Hong Kong It was a ____________________(村庄)about thirty years ago but today it’s a very big city
    2 It’s ______________________________(正变更更繁华) ______________(某天)it will become ________________________(样繁华)Hong Kong
    3 深圳口少?_____________________________________________
    4 That’s _____________________________________________________(中国城市口更)
    5 ___________________________(想)one day
    6 ________________________(记参观)the Diwang Tower
    7 I come from Cambridge ___________________________________(英国东部美丽城市)
    8 My home town ________________________________(尤闻名)its university
    9 England ___________________________(身岛屿部分) and you are always near the sea
    10 I is ____________________________________________(夏天绝会热冬天会冷)
    11 The weather in Beijing in autumn is _________________(相)
    12 Washington DC is the capital of the US _____________________(著名)the White House
    13 ________________(百万)tourists visit it every year to __________________________(表达尊重)President Lincoln
    1 Every year millions of people choose to spend their holidays here年百万选择里度假
    2 The city gives a warm welcome to the tourists from all over the world座城市热烈欢迎世界游客
    3 It is popular with tourists not only for its pleasant weather but also for its fresh air受游客青睐仅仅宜天气新鲜空气
    4 Travelling is like a rainbow it makes my life colourful旅行道彩虹生活丰富彩

    M3 Sports
    1 Spain _____________(分)a minute ago
    2 Last week the match on TV was so boring because no one _____________________(根没进球)
    3 ______________________________() Tony? You look tired
    4 Nothing is ____________________________________(网球更令愉悦)
    5 But you __________________________(喜欢观)the Olympics on TV right
    6 _______________(没关系)there’s still ________________(时间)for them to score
    7 I am ____________________(校队)and we are going to __________________(抗)another school next week
    8 We all arrive as early as we can _______________(目)we have time to ______________(热身)
    9 We are training harder than usual because the other team _____________(败)last year
    10 It _______________(天黑更早) so it is important not to _________________(迟)afterschool practice
    11 Our coach is _____________(满意)because we are playing better as a team now
    12 This year we are training more carefully That means we _________________________(更机会获胜)
    13 It is good to have our fans around They __________________________(声加油) and we feel _______________(更信)to win the game
    14 I wanted ______________(选择)a sport to______________(保持健康)
    15 It is __________________(点)dangerous to walk ______________(山里)but I like the sport ______________(样)
    16 In the early mornings we often ______________(慢跑)in the park Then we ___________________(学做准备)
    17 ____________________________________________________________(慢跑越会感觉越健康)
    1 nothing is more exciting than watching matches at the stadium没什体育场赛更感激动
    2 I get up early every day so that I can have more time train天早起样更时间进行训练
    3 Playing football well is a dream of my life踢足球生梦想
    4 Life lies in movement生命运动

    M4 Planes ships and trains

    1 It’s __________________________(舒适)way but it’s also _______________(昂贵) and taxis are very slow in _______________(交通拥堵)too
    2 He lives ________________(遥远)from school so he ____________________(铁)
    3 Her home is ________________()to school so she walks
    4 He goes by bus too _______________(样)
    5 You can ride your bike to school but remember _____________________________(直心)
    6 I _________________________(正计划)to travel from London to Armsterdam
    7 ____________________________________________________(信息越越)
    8 And it ______________________________(花费约12时)to get there However it will not cost ________________(样)going by train
    9 Finally you can fly It is ________________________________(快第二便宜)but you may have to ________________(等候)hours at the airport ______________()the bad weather
    1 Nothing is more relaxing than travelling with a group of good friends 没什群朋友起旅行更令放松
    2 When I travel by train what I like best is to enjoy the scenery outside the window
    3 Flying is the best choice for long journeys坐飞机长途旅行佳选择

    M5:Lao She Teahouse
    `1I wanted to see the Beijing Opera so Lingling ______________(动提出)take me there
    2 Lao She is a great writer He’s _________________________(尤闻名)his play Teahouse
    3 Teahouse is _________________________________________(老舍名剧)
    4 The play has three acts and shows the ___________________________(普通生活)in China from the end of the nineteenth century to the middle of the twentieth century
    5 It describes the changes in Chinese society _________________________(50年间)
    6 Lao She is _________________________________(二十世纪伟作家)
    7 Lao She Teahouse ___________________________(受欢迎)to everyone all over the world
    8 ____________(起初) Lu Xun _________________________(希帮助)the Chinese people become healthy and strong so he _______________________(决定成)a doctor
    1 A great number of his works have become classics 作品已成典
    2 The story describes the hard lives of common people and makes people think about the society
    3 His articles are humorous in language and special in style

    M6Animals in danger
    1 I saw the pandas ____________(终)but I ______________________(更感兴趣)to see the pandas in the Wolong Panda Reserve because it allows people to _____________________(更接)them
    2 It’s sad ________________(想)pandas and other animals ____________(处危险)
    3 Many wild animals don’t have a safe place to live because villages and farms _________________(正变)and ______________________(争夺走)their land and forests
    4 I think we all need to help animals_______________________()
    5 Maybe we can __________________(筹钱)at school Let’s ______________(找出)what else we can to save____________________(动物)
    6 ___________________(保护)pandas in the wild the government is setting up ________________(然公园)and developing other plans
    7 The World Wide Fund for Nature(世界然基金会)wants to protect all animals and it ____________________________(选择熊猫标志)
    8 It is the largest animal in the world but it _________________(食)one of the smallest animals
    1 We should make stricter laws to prevent people from hurting wildlife应该制定更加严格法律阻止伤害野生动物
    2 Protecting other creatures is protecting ourselves保护生物保护
    3 As long as everyone takes action the world will surely be better and better
    行动起 世界定会越越
    4 No business no harm没买卖没伤害

    M7 A famous story
    1 One day Alice was sitting with her sister _______________(河边)and she saw a white rabbit with a watch
    2 Alice followed it and ____________(摔倒)a hole in the ground
    3 They were having a tea party ___________________(花园)
    4 It was __________________________________(太黑什见)
    5 It wasn’t very __________________________(坐礼貌)
    6 _______________________(前) there were three little sisters and they lived
    7 This is _________________(愚蠢)tea party I’ve been to in _______(生)
    8 The stories passed _________________________(代接代)
    1 This story is based on the growth experience of a little girl事位女孩成长历基础
    2 The best part of the film is the music部电影棒部分音乐
    3 My favourite scene is the one in which the heroine plays the violin on the stage
    4 the story is worth reading again and again事值读读

    M8:While the lights were changing to red a car suddenly appeared
    1 while the lights were changing to red a car suddenly appeared ___________________(拐角处)
    2 The car stopped just ______________时 but the boy __________(掉)his bike and hurt his knee
    3 Don’t ______________________(排骑车)with your friends
    4 Henry quickly ________________(拾起) his mobile phone and took a photo with it
    5 He _______________(匆忙赶)hospital
    6 As he was lying there ____________(痛苦) Henry suddenly remembered the photo
    7 _________________()they learnt what kind of snake bit him they gave Henry the right medicine
    8 He did not _________________(留意)where he was going or what he was doing
    9 __________________(常样) he was not looking where he was going
    10 After the two accidents he ____________________(承诺采取建议)

    1 What was worse it began to rain heavily更糟糕开始雨
    2 He fell off the horse and hurt his legs马背摔两条腿严重受伤
    3 What’s more he was sent to hospital in time with the help of that young man 位年轻帮助时送医院

    M9:The population of China is about 137 billion
    1 I’m ________________________(准备笔记)for a report called our growing population
    2 Beijing is a huge city __________________(口)
    3 That ___________(造成带)over 1314 million births a year
    4 That’s almost ______________(五分)the world’s population
    5 China’s population won’t grow so fast because families ___________________(正变更少)
    6 They had a small village ______________(农田山)
    7 It __________________________(花费时)to get there by bus
    8 ___________________(显然)that Arnwick needs more schools buses and hospitals
    9 _______________________________(着世界越越)more and more water is used
    10 _______________(结果) getting god clean water is becoming a problem in many places
    11 So let’s do everything we can _______________________(阻止污染节约水)
    1 As the population continues to grow there is less and less food for everyone to eat
    2 some people who are living in poor areas even die of hunger贫困区甚死饥饿
    3 It’s our duty to reduce pollution and that is to protect our home
    4 if everyone does something helpful our world will become more and more beautiful果做帮助事世界会越越美丽
    5 Just buy what we need not what we want购买需东西想东西

    M10The weather
    1 it’s __________________________________________(零八度零两度间)
    2 ________________________________(天气样)in America in winter Betty
    3 __________________(听起错) I like sunny weather and I like snow____________ ()
    4 The US is a very big country It is about 3000 ___________________________(东海岸西海岸)
    5 ____________________________(佳时间)to visit New England is in September The weather ___________________(变更凉爽) and the green leaves __________________(开始变金黄)
    6 If you want to visit Alaska_________________________________________(夏天) __________________________(忘记)to bring a warm sweater with you
    7 There are storms ______________________________(时时)in summer and autumn

    1 Jia xing is one of the most famous tourist cities in China not only famous for its natural beauty but also famous for its long history 嘉兴事中国著名旅游城市仅仅美丽然风光悠久历史
    2 Spring is the best season to climb mountains because the trees are turning green and the flowers are coming out
    3 It will be one of the most unforgettable journeys in our life

    M11 Ways of life
    1 In China we accept a gift __________________________(双手) but in the west we usually don’t _________________________________(留意件事)
    2 I’m _________________________________(兴趣知道中国传统)
    3 ____________________(例) in my hometown people say you _______________________________________(绝春节第天做清洁)and you mustn’t ______________________________(破东西)
    4 You must _______________________________(红纸包红包)because red means luck
    5 You can buy it and eat it in special fish and ship shops on the high street or you can __________________________________________(带走手指吃)
    6 _____________________(公交站台) you must not push your way onto the bus
    7 You ___________________________________(需排队等着轮)
    1 you can choose something that is made in your home town as a gift选择特产作礼物
    2 Chinese people are a bit shy so they are not good at talking about their feelings
    3 people who respect others will also get respect in return

    M12What should we do before help arrives
    1 This morning’s class us about ____________(急救) or giving someone _____________________________(基医疗帮助)
    2 A boy is lying ____________________________(楼梯底部)he isn’t moving or making a sound He is _______________(痛苦)
    3 But he could ______________________________________________(听说话者说话困难)
    4 Betty you must know You did some ______________________(基医疗训练)
    5 Earthquakes always happen suddenly so it is difficult to ______________________(警告)
    6 _________________________(高楼跳出)
    7 Hide under a table ____________________(远离)windows and heavy furniture____________________________(避开火)
    8 In the mountains _____________________________(心落石)
    9 ___________________(沙滩) ___________________________(逃离)the sea and move quickly to higher ground





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