
    ( ) 1 A B C
    ( ) 2 A B C
    ( ) 3 A B C
    ( ) 4 A B C
    ( ) 5 A B C
    ( ) 6 Where does the boy often sleep during the day
    A At home B In the classroom C In the library
    ( ) 7 What wakes him up in time
    A An alarm clock B Much noise C The bell
    ( ) 8 What are the speakers talking about
    A Their teacher B Their study C Their future
    ( ) 9 Who wants to learn medicine in college
    A The boy B The girl C Both of them
    ( ) 10 What is the boy doing now

    A Preparing for his biology exam B Watching a basketball game
    C Doing his work at the library
    ( ) 11 Why does the girl write the report on the paper
    A Her computer doesn’t work B She likes writing very much
    C The teacher asks her to do that
    ( ) 12 A cake B apple C gate D name
    ( ) 13 A city B finish C physical D science
    ( ) 14 A subject B duty C cute D Tuesday
    ( ) 15 A chat B glad C have D grape
    ( ) 16 A dance B cost C cousin D computer
    ( ) 17 A with B thank C think D month
    ( ) 18 A well B very C expensive D pretty
    ( ) 19 A count B house C trousers D young
    ( ) 20 A which B Chinese C brochure D cheap
    ( ) 21 A eggs B please C rooster D nose
    22 Miss Zhang teaches us English (根划线部分提问)
    ________ teaches you English
    23 They like swimming (变否定句)
    They ________ ________ swimming
    24 He can play the piano (变般疑问句)
    ________ he play the piano
    25 常帮助学英语(help someone do learn English)
    26 朋友Tom学家喜欢(study well and everybody)

    Susan the US
    My best friend is Fanny She is clever and interesting We always look after each other The first week we met I got sick and she looked after me every day

    Betty England
    My best friend is Ana She is honest and serious We were born in the same city in England Then I moved to America with my family I thought I would never see Ana again When I went to college in New York Ana and I shared the same room

    Ken Japan
    I love to spend time with Daisuke because he is funny and smart We enjoy talking about the funny things we did when we were children and tell the same stupid jokes over and over again

    Lilly Australia
    Linda is a very confident girl and she is really kind Some people may wonder why Linda and I are best friends because we are totally different but I think this is why we are such good friends
    ( ) 27 Who is Susan’s best friend
    A Ana B Fanny C Linda D Daisuke
    ( ) 28 Who moved to America with hisher family
    A Ana B Lily C Susan D Betty
    ( ) 29 Where is Ken from
    A Australia B The US C England D Japan
    ( ) 30 What is Linda like
    A Confident and kind B Funny and smart
    C Honest and serious D Clever and interesting

    Tony loved basketball One afternoon on his way to a basketball game he was walking and dreaming about playing college basketball the next year Suddenly a car hit him and he was thrown three meters into the air
    Tony woke up in a hospital room When the doctor told him that both his legs were broken he knew his college basketball dreams were over Tony did what the doctors told him but it didn’t work After he left the hospital Tony was sent to a health center
    A week after he arrived there he met Sunny Chen Sunny used to be a coach His legs were hurt badly in a skating accident Though he couldn’t move his legs Sunny became a coach of a basketball team called the Suns It was an onwheelchair basketball team because everybody on the team played from a wheelchair Sunny invited Tony to join the game Tony played badly but for the first time since the accident he stopped feeling sorry for himself
    After becoming a part of the Suns Tony improved quickly Basketball was like medicine for him Tony was much better than before When Tony became sad or angry Sunny was there to be with him The day before Tony left the center he had dinner with Sunny He asked Sunny how he could be so happy even with his broken legs
    Sunny smiled and said It’s really quite easy When you keep your face to the sun the shadows fall behind
    ( ) 31 From the passage we know that ________
    A Tony was hit by a bus B Tony was hit by a car
    C Tony was hit by a basketball D Tony was hit by a football
    ( ) 32 Where did Tony meet Sunny
    A At the hospital B At the health center
    C At a basketball game D In a car accident
    ( ) 33 How did Sunny help Tony
    A By teaching him how to play basketball
    B By giving him some medicine in the game
    C By having dinner with him in the health center

    D By inviting him to join the Suns and being with him
    ( ) 34 According to the passage we can know that Sunny was ________
    A shy and careful B humorous and knowledgeable
    C helpful and hopeful D serious and hardworking
    Each year Ben is glad when school is closed on Martin Luther King Jr Day Ben knows that this day honors an important man but Ben does not feel connected to him However the smallworld theory (理) connects Ben to Dr King Ben’s mom (0) has a close friend Amy (1) Amy’s uncle Mark (2) once met and spoke to John Carter (3) the son of President Jimmy Carter (4) Jimmy Carter knew Dr King (5) In a way Ben is only five people away from Martin Luther King Jr
    The smallworld theory says that everyone in the world is connected through a short chain (链条) of people they know Another name of this chain is degrees of separation Each degree is a step that separates a person from someone he or she does not know There are zero degrees of separation between a person and the people he or she knows directly This means that there are zero degrees between Ben and his mom There is one degree of separation when just one person separates someone from a person he or she does not know Ben knows his mom but he hasn’t met her close friend Amy Therefore Ben is one degree away from Amy As the chain continues Amy’s uncle Mark is two degrees John Carter is three degrees and his father is four degrees Dr King is five degrees away from Ben The theory says that there are no more than six degrees of separation between any two people in the world
    The smallworld theory has a lot to do with math The theory assumes (假定) that each person knows 100 people Each one of those 100 people knows 50 different people Each of those 50 people knows another 50 people and so on When someone continues the calculation to six degrees it is like this 100×50×50×50×50×50 3125×109 This number is greater than 31 billion (a billion a thousand million) There are over 6 billion people in the world These numbers show it is possible that six degrees of separation could include everyone in the world
    Does the smallworld theory work No one has ever proved it Maybe the theory just invites people to think a little more about their places in the world

    ( ) 35 Ben is two degrees away from ________
    A Jimmy Carter B John Carter C Amy D Mark
    ( ) 36 What’s the meaning of degrees of separation in Paragraph 2
    A The chain to connect people B The relations between people
    C The steps of knowing strangers D The separation between strangers
    ( ) 37 What is the smallworld theory mainly about
    A How far Ben is away from Dr King
    B How many people one can get to know
    C How people are connected in the world
    D How the degrees of separation are set up
    ( ) 38 We can learn from the article that ________
    A the smallworld theory works
    B more research is needed to prove the theory
    C six degrees are needed to know the strangers
    D the writer’s purpose is to help people find out their places

    1 A How do you like this hat B It’s very pretty
    2 A How do you come to school B By car
    3 A What are you going to do tomorrow B I’m going to have an Eglish lesson
    4 A What did you do B We drank tea in the afternoon
    5 A How can we get there B Turn left at the bookstore
    A Why are you late today Tim
    B I overslept

    A Where did you sleep
    B I often sleep at home but today I’m in the library I want to look up something
    A How did you wake up
    B Much noise I have a bell at home It can wake me up
    A What do you want to do when you grow up Tom
    B A doctor
    A What about you Lily
    B A nurse I like saving lives and injuries
    A Me too we’ll learn medicine in college
    A What are you doing Mike
    B I’m doing my homework here
    A Why are you here Wuhui
    B My computer doesn’t work I must write a report I need to look things up in the library
    A OK Let me help you

    二611 ACCCCA
    三1216 BDADA 1721 ADDCC
    四22 Who 23 don’t like 24 Can
    25 He always helps me learn English
    26 My friend Tom studies well and everybody likes him
    五A 2730 BDDA B 3134 BBDC C 3538 DACB




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