四川省南充市仪陇县立山中学 八年级下学期期中质量监测英语试卷(无答案)

    英 语 试 卷

    1 What' s the matter with Nancy
    A She argued with his mom B She argued with his friend C She argued with his teacher
    2 How often does the girl usually help kids
    A Once a week B Twice a week C Every day
    3 What does Alice have to do every morning
    A Practice the guitar B Do her homework C Help her mother
    4 What is the man’s advice
    A To laugh a lot B To take some medicine C To ask for help
    5 What was the girl doing when her mother came in
    A Doing her homework B Playing computer games C Surfing the lnternet
    6 What’s wrong with Mr Smith
    A He has a headache B He has a backache C He has a toothache
    7 What time did Mr Smith arrive at the doctor’s office?
    A At 800 B At 900 C At 930
    8 What are they talking about
    A Jim’s school B The weather C Jim’s trouble
    9 Where are they talking
    A At Jim’s home B At the doctor’s C At Jim’s school
    10 What’s the matter with Jim
    A He’s got a cold B He’s got a cough C He’s got a fever
    11 When did the girl call Jack last night
    A At 945 B At 915 C At 1015
    12 Why didn’t Jack answer the telephone at that time
    A Because he was watching TV B Because he was collecting stamps
    C Because he was collecting his old books and toys
    13 What will they do with the money
    A They’ll buy schoolbags for themselves B They’ll give the money to poor children
    C They’ll give the money to the old
    14 Why does the woman look worried
    A She wants to work B Her grandfather has been dead
    C Her grandmother has passed away
    15 How is the woman going home
    A On foot B By bike C By train
    16 What’s the relationship (关系) between the two speakers
    A Classmates B Father and daughter C Boss and worker
    17 When is Mother’s Day in the USA
    A The 2nd Saturday in May B The 2nd Sunday in May C The 2nd Sunday in March
    18 Who does the housework on Mother’s Day
    A Mother does B Father does C Any members of the family except mother
    19 Do dad and children let mom get up early
    A No B Yes C I don’t know
    20 Where do the children put their cards and small presents
    A In bed B On the plate C In mother’s favorite books
    第节 完形填空(15题题2分满分30分)
    A Seeing Eye dog is very special One 21 thing about having a Seeing Eye dog is that you can go anywhere in the city safely I live in London It's a big 22 and there are many cars but my dog Terra goes everywhere 23 me and doesn't let me get hit by a car Terra also guides me to walk safely in the subway
    I have a baby boy so another good thing is that my dog watches out for 24 too I can put the baby in his stroller and Terra makes sure we are 25 okay I have had Terra for ten years and I'm happy to have it
    21 A small B good C bad D unusual
    22 A mountain B village C city D room
    23 A like B for C behind D with
    24 A him B us C them D her
    25 A all B both C still D just
    Nowadays more and more Chinese teenagers find life more difficult without their parents They don’t know how to do 26 Because their parents do almost everything for them at home This is a big problem
    Joy is 14 years old One day her parents went away on business so she had to stay at home alone At first she thought she would be happy 27 her parents were not in She could do 28 that she liked But it was six o’clock in the afternoon she felt 29 Oh it’s time to have dinner Where can I get my food she said to 30 Later she found some food in the fridge but she didn’t know how to cook At that moment she missed her 31 very much At last she could only go to the supermarket and 32 some food to eat
    Many of teenagers are 33 as Joy So I think they should learn some basic life skills like cooking tidying up their rooms or dressing themselves 34 They shouldn’t depend too much
    35 their parents
    26 A their homework B some shopping C business D housework
    27 A so B because C but D until
    28 A something B anything C everything D nothing
    29 A hungry B full C excited D bored
    30 A herself B himself C myself D themselves
    31 A cousin B aunt C brother D parents
    32 A made B bought C gave D saw
    33 A the same B difficult C different D warmhearted
    34 A actually B carelessly C properly D slowly
    35A of B for C on D with
    第二节 阅读理解(15题题2分满分30分)
    Some people are sharing their experience of being a volunteer Now let's have a look
    Judy 24
    I began to be a volunteer five years ago I love childrenso I teach them music in an after-class study program All of them are lovely childrenand some of them are really talented in music
    Aron 19
    I volunteer in an animal training center Dogs are my favorite animals I think they are human's best friends I train them to listen to people's orders and help disabled people They are smart and understanding
    Mike 30
    I go to the old people's home on weekends I read newspapers to them and talk to them Sometimes I take my son to go there with me He is outgoing and the old love him very much He often makes them laugh
    Mandy 16
    I'm going to volunteer in the Green Park this weekend I will give out maps to the visitors and guide them to visit the park This is my first time to be a volunteer I hope it will be a great experience
    36 Judy became a volunteer at the age of ________
    A 15 B 17 C 19 D 20
    37 What does Aron's volunteer job have to do with
    A Animals and doctors B Dogs and disabled people
    C Teachers and students D Parents and visitors
    38 Mike goes to the old people's home on ________
    A Monday B Thursday C Tuesday D Saturday
    39 Mandy will volunteer in a ________
    A park B hospital C school D library
    40 Which of the following is NOT true
    A All the students Judy teaches are lovely and talented
    B Aron volunteers in an animal training center
    C Mike is the oldest of the four persons
    D Mandy has never done a volunteer job before
    Children always did not do what their parents wanted them to do They did the things in their own ways But they always made their parents very happy Old Mr Brown had a little son named Tom He was ten years old He was very glad when his father wanted him to buy something for him One day at five o’clock in the afternoon Mr Brown gave him two dollars and let him buy some stamps (邮票) in the post office Tom was very excited because for a long time he did not have so much money Mr Brown told him clearly where the post office was He expected that he would come back in twenty minutes But nearly two hours passed Tom did not come back Mr Brown was surprised He lost his way he thought to himself
    At seven in the evening Tom came back with a box He was very tired When he saw his father he said happily Daddy I used all of your money to buy a box of chocolate It was very sweet (甜) but didn’t you think a box of chocolate was quite heavy for a little boy
    ( )41 Tom ______ with the two dollars
    A bought some stamps B bought what he liked   
    C had a good meal D bought a ticket to a film
    ( )42 Why was Tom glad when his father gave him two dollars
    A Because his father wanted him to buy some stamps
    B Because his father wanted him to buy a box of chocolate with the money
    C Because he didn’t have so much money for a long time
    D Because the money would not be his
    ( )43 It took Tom to buy the stamps
    A two hours   B three hours   C six hours   D over seven hours
    ( )44 so he came back home so late
    A Tom lost his money and he was afraid to come back early
    B The post office was very far from his home
    C The post office did not have stamps
    D He enjoyed his chocolate on the way home
    ( )45 Which of the following is TRUE
    A The post office was very far from Mr Brown’s house
    B Tom spent all the money
    C Tom often went to the post office to buy stamps
    D Tom’s father was very angry when Tom got home
    Maybe most of us do not enjoy doing housework We hate to do it But I think it’s our job to do housework Here is some advice for you
    ★Learn to do little things
    Doing housework is really not as bad as it sounds If we all do our parts of housework it will seem much less tiring We can do little things first It will show that you are growing up
    ★Divide housework among (……中) the family
    Your parents are also busy They work all day and they have to keep the house clean So it’s necessary to make everyone do housework It will make everyone’s job easier
    ★ Make it fun
    If you can make housework a funny thing that will be great Most people think cooking can be fun if you put your heart into it For example if you cook a wonderful meal your family or friends will be proud (骄傲) of you
    46 How many pieces of advice does the writer give us
    A Two B Three C Four D Five
    47 If we do our parts of the housework it will seem
    A tiring B relaxing C difficult D heavy
    48 The underlined word divide means in Chinese
    A 分配 B 提供 C 理 D 交换
    49 According to the passage the writer thinks that ________
    A parents should do all the housework
    B everybody in the family should do housework
    C dividing housework among the family is not necessary
    D cooking can never be fun
    50 What’s the main idea of the passage
    A Learn to do housework B Learn to be a good cook
    C Small things we should do D How to divide housework among the family
    第三节 阅读选择(5题题2分满分10分)
    Once upon a time there was a little clever boy called Sima Guang
    One day Sima Guang and his friends were playing hideandseek (捉迷藏) near a tall big jar (缸) 51 so that none of his friends could find him easily But he didn’t know that the jar was full of water When he climbed up to the top of the jar 52 The jar was full of water and the little child was too short to keep his head above the water He cried out Help Help 53 Sima Guang wanted to save the child in the big jar 54 too How could he save the child in the jar Suddenly a good idea came to his mind He got a stone and knocked against the jar with it
    55 The water got out from the jar and the child was saved
    学校: 班级: 姓名: 考号:
    A he slipped into the jar
    B But he was very short
    C One of the boys wanted to hide himself in the jar
    D Soon he made a big hole in the big jar
    E The children were so scared that they could do nothing
    F He couldn’t get out of it

    第节 阅读填空(5题题2分满分10分空限填词)
    Michael Jackson was born in the middle west of the city of Gary Indiana in 1958 He began singing with his four brothers They called the group The Jackson Five They started singing in 1965 and became popular soon In 1970 the group made their first record with the name of I Want You Back It was very popular One of their hit records was Never Say Goodbye
    Michael was good at dancing as well as singing He was asked to act in a film in 1978 for the first time and in the same year he made a record on his own which sold eight million copies in the world Michael nearly didn’t go out because he was too famous Once his fans went off in a faint (晕倒) when they saw him at the concert No one can do it by now He often raised money for Charity This made him win the Guinness World Records(吉尼斯世界记录)in 2006 He died on June 25th 2009 but he would live in our heart forever
    Michael Jackson
    In Gary Indiana in 1958
    A popular (56)
    He was good at dancing and (57)
    In 1970 the group made a record (58) I Want You Back
    In 1978 he made a record which sold eight (59) copies
    He (60) on June 25th 2009
    第二节 语法填空(10题题15分满分15分)
    The Wangs are a typical Chinese family Life for all the family members is very busy The father Mr Wang is 61 salesman of a big computer company He has to compete with 62 (other) and sell enough computers every month If not the manager(理)will be angry with him Ms Wang works in a hospital as a nurse There are so many sick people for her to 63 care of So she is 64 and feels a lot of stress Life is busy for Wang Ming 65 He is a 14yearold middle school student In order to get good grades he has to study hard at school on weekdays He’s even 66 (busy) on 67 (weekend) because he has to take a lot of afterschool classes He wants to cut out one or two classes 68 his parents believe they are important for his future I think my parents 69 me so hard 70 should I do Says Wang Ming
    第三节 书面表达(满分25分)
    根汉语提示求 Sally’s Dream题写篇短文
    提示 1 Sally中学生想成名职业演员
    2 时名志愿者常参加志愿者服务活动业余时间表演课
    3 现遇麻烦钱表演课想出许办法 电话家长
    4 问题解决继续课梦想会实现









    56 57 58 59 60
    61 62 63 64 65
    66 67 68 69 70
    Sally’s Dream





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