
    八年级英语试卷 出卷:黄蓓蓓
    (考试时间:120分钟 满分:100分 )

    听 力 部 分
    笔 试 部 分

    班级 姓名 座号

    听力部分 :(题1分计20分)
    ( ) 1 A Sorry he is examining the patients B He is fine C He is too old
    ( ) 2 A Of course not B Sure go ahead C Speaking
    ( ) 3 A I too B Me too C Me either
    ( ) 4 A No you shouldn’t B No you can’t C No you don’t have to
    ( ) 5 A Thanks B Good C Sure

    ( ) 6 A 8723348 B 8223348 C8273348
    ( ) 7 A Judy B Judy’s sister C Judy’s mother
    ( ) 8 A She read a lot of books B She learnt from the teacher
    C She learnt from her friends
    ( ) 9 A On Saturday B On Sunday C From Monday to Friday
    ( ) 10 A Tom and Linda B Ann and Mr Wu C Mr Wu and Linda

    ( ) 11 Who wants to speak to Mr Li
    A Mr Green B Mrs Green C Jim Green
    ( ) 12 What’s wrong with Mrs Green’s son
    A He gets a terrible cold B He gets a fever C He gets a headache
    ( ) 13 Who does Tom have to look after
    A His mother B His father C His aunt
    ( ) 14 How is his mother
    A Good B Bad C Well
    ( ) 15 What did the doctor say
    A There was nothing much wrong B There was something wrong
    C There was something good

    Wei Yuan’s Father
    17 Kind help and _________
    Before starting his work
    18 he goes into _________ rooms
    When patients come to his hospital
    19 he always ___________ them carefully
    Where was he yesterday
    20In a __________ village

    ( ) 1 I caught _____ bad cold and have to stay in _____ bed
    A a B a the C a a
    ( ) 2 I was ill yesterday
    A That’s the worst thing B I’m sorry to hear that
    C She must take care
    ( ) 3 I don’t feel like _____ anything I am not feeling well
    A eat B eating C ate
    ( ) 4 She has a headache and she _______ see a doctor
    A can B Would C should
    ( ) 5 Lin Tao is _____ to carry the big box
    A enough strong B weak enough C strong enough
    ( ) 6 Mary _______ be at home I saw her in the building just now
    A mustn’t B needn’t C can’t
    ( ) 7 It is raining hard outside So we _____ stay in the classroom
    A must B have to C can’t
    ( ) 8 Going to school _________ breakfast is bad ________ your health
    A with for B without for C with at
    ( ) 9 _______ going to bed early good for our health
    A Are B Be C Is
    ( ) 10 At last Lin Feng made the baby ________ and begin to laugh
    A stop to cry B stop crying C to stop to cry
    ( ) 11 I see him _____ basketball almost every day
    A play B to play C playing
    ( ) 12 Would you mind ____ down the music
    A not to turn B not turn C turning
    ( ) 13 — Mike and John did you enjoy ____ on Children’s Day
    — Yes we did
    A myself B yourselves C ourselves
    ( ) 14 — What’s the meaning of by mistake
    — It’s ____
    A 正确 B 正确 C 错误
    ( ) 15 — Sorry Doctor Smith isn’t here right now
    —May I ____ a message on his desk
    A leave B send C have
    What kind of food shall we eat People in the world now begin to worry __1__ it Scientists ___2__ it doesn’t matter People in different countries and different areas eat different kinds ___3__ food Some eat __4__ a day Some eat four times a day Some only drink a cup of tea or coffee __5_ breakfast Some eat a big breakfast All these make no __6__ _ to people’s health The most important thing is to eat right food The right food in a day contains vegetables fruit meat fish and eggs The main food in a day contains rice and bread You can be strong and __7_ when you eat the right food
    However many people are very busy and they can’t have a __8__ diet Sometimes they throw anything they have into their stomaches Sometimes they even forget their meals Sometimes they eat __9_ than they need All these bad __10__ habits cause some illnesses like stomach cancer

    ( ) 1 A on B at C about
    ( ) 2 A say B tell C talk
    ( ) 3 A of B for C from
    ( ) 4 A two B three C twice
    ( ) 5 A at B in C for
    ( ) 6 A different B important C difference
    ( ) 7 A healthy B health C unhealthy
    ( ) 8 A balance B balanced C balancing
    ( ) 9 A many B more C much
    ( ) 10 A drink B drinking C eating
    healthy little necessary strong enough

    As we know good 1 is more important than wealth Food gives us energy so we must have 2 food to keep healthy Of course we must also have the right kinds of food We should eat more fruit and vegetables and 3 meat A cup of milk and an egg a day can help make us 4 Different foods help us in different ways but if we eat too little or too much or we if choose the wrong food we may become sick It’s 5 for us to have healthy eating habits

    1 2 3 4 5

    (A) 根表格容四选项中选择佳答案
    Mascots for the Olympic Games

    Munich (慕尼黑)
    Los Angeles
    North America
    North America


    ( ) 1 From the above we know the Olympic Games is held(举行) every ____ years
    A 3 B 4 C 5 D 6
    ( ) 2 The Beijing Olympic Games has 2 more mascots than those for ____Olympic Games
    A Sydney B Los Angeles C Atlanta D Munich
    ( ) 3 The 20th Olympic Games was held in ____
    A North America B Europe C Oceania D Asia
    ( ) 4 The 23rd and 26th Olympic Games were held in the same ____
    A town B city C country D province
    ( ) 5 Which of the following information is NOT true
    A The 1996 Olympic Games was held in America
    B The 27th Olympic Games was held in Europe
    C The 29th Olympic Games was held in Beijing
    D The mascot for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games is not only one


    James Naismith was Canadian He invented basketball in 1891 At that time he was a PE teacher at Springfield College in the USA He invented an indoor game for his students so that they could play even in bad weather
    Do you know how to score in the game Well just put the ball into the other side’s basket You can throw the ball into the basket from any part of the court and you can throw it with one hand or both hands But you must follow the rules
    Now over a century later more and more people play basketball In the USA the NBA is very popular People all over the world like to watch and play basketball They love this game
    ( ) 1 James Naismith was American
    班级 姓名 座号
    ( ) 2 Basketball was an indoor game when it began
    ( ) 3 There are rules to follow when you play basketball
    ( ) 4 You can only throw a basketball with one hand
    ( ) 5 People all over the world love basketball

    You need to have healthy eating habits Breakfast gives you enough energy for the morning 1 Fruit and vegetables are good for your health but fast food like potato chips will make you fat and unhealthy So eat the right food to keep you healthy
    Playing sports can also help you keep fit 2 so stay safe when you are playing sports It’s necessary to learn about first aid Then you can help yourselves or others if an accident happens
    Happiness is important for your health It’s the best medicine When you are ill 3 On the other hand you may feel sick if you are always unhappy So be happy to be healthy
    You must avoid smoking and drinking Many students think it’s cool to smoke and drink 4 You should say no to smoking and drinking
    A try to be happy and you’ll feel better
    B But they don’t know smoking and drinking can cause many illnesses
    C But sometimes it may cause accidents
    D So don’t go to school without breakfast

    1 2 3 4

    A Hello
    B Hello 1
    A Just a minute May I ask who’s calling
    B 2
    A Hold on please Your call Yang Lin It’s from Li Ming
    C Hi Li Ming This is Yang Lin speaking
    B Hi Yang Lin Thank you for asking me to your party 3 You see my sister is sick and I have to stay at home with her
    C 4 I hope it’s not serious
    B Not really She is really a bit better now
    C Glad to hear that Please tell your sister I hope she gets better soon Good night
    B Thanks for calling 5
    A This is Li Ming
    B Good night
    C Can I speak to Yang Lin please
    D I’m sorry to hear that
    E I’m sorry I can’t come

    1 2 3 4 5

    (B) 根话容完成话中缺单词空词
    Jane Kangkang you look tired What’s the 1
    Kangkang I have a headache
    Jane I’m sorry to hear that What caused it
    Kangkang I 2 a soccer game on TV last night I went to bed very late
    Jane I see 3 up late is bad for your health You should go to bed early tonight and you’ll feel 4 tomorrow
    Kangkang Right I will have a good 5 tonight

    1 2 3 4 5

    1 You’d better eat enough vegetables every day (否定句)
    You’d _____ ______ eat enough vegetables every day
    2 We shuld change our clothes often to fight the flu (划线部分提问)
    _____should we often _____ to fight the flu
    3 His father coughs badly so he must stop smoking (改义句)
    His father has a bad cough so he must _________ _______ smoking
    4 You must take care of yourself (改义句)
    You must _____ ______ yourself
    5 He talked with his father on the phone (划线部分提问)
    ____ did he ____ with his father
    6 It took me two hours to do my homework last night (改义句)
    I two hours my homework last night

    7 I want to join the English club Zhang Hao wants to join the English clubtoo (合句)
    Zhang Hao I want to join the English club

    1Let’s half past five (订)
    2 What does CBA (代表)
    3._________ twice a day is a good habit(刷牙)
    4 and foreigners will live in China( 越越)
    5 What are you going to be when you ______  _____ ( 长)
    6He’s ________ Hong Kong on Tuesday ( 动身前)
    7Drink and you’ll get better (开水)

    (A) 图写话根图示提示词写出恰句子图词(句15分计6分)

    to be like Yao Ming


    win 51 gold medals China


    enjoy play


    should go to see


    Sick Leave
    Dear Mr GreenI’m very sorry to tell you

    Thank you
       Yours sincerely
    Li Ming

    听力部分 :(题1分计20分)
    Ⅱ听话问题选择回答问题佳选项 :6—10 CAACC
    Ⅲ听话根听话容选择正确答案:11—15 BAABA
    16—20 doctor brave patients’ examines poor
    Ⅰ单项选择:1—5 ABBCC 6—10 CBBCB 11—15 ACBCC
    Ⅱ完形填空:1—5 CAACC 6—10 CABBC
    Ⅲ短文填空:1—5 health enough less strong necessary
    Ⅳ阅读理解:(A)1—5 BABCB (B)1—5 FTTFT (C)1—4 DCAB
    Ⅴ交际运(A)1—5 CAEDB(B)1—5 trouble matter watched staying better rest
    Ⅵ句型转换:1 btter not 2 what do 3 give up 4 look after care for
    5 How talk 6 spent on doing 7 Both and
    Ⅶ句子翻译:1 make it 2 stand for 3 Brushing teeth 4 More more
    5 grow up 6 leaving for 7 boiled water
    1 They are going would like want to be a basketball player like Yao Ming
    2 China won 51 gold medals in the 2008 Beijing Olympics Olympic Games
    3 She is enjoying playing the piano now She enjoys playing the piano every day
    4 He has a toothache so he should go to see a dentist He should go to see a dentist because he has a toothacheWhen you have a toothache You should go to see a dentist when you have a toothache






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