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    阅读理解 (4题题25分满分10分)
    1 _______ 2_______ 3 _______ 4
    二 完形填空 (15题题1分满分15分)

    1_________ 2 _______ 3 _______ 4 _________ 5________
    6_________ 7 _______ 8 ________9 _________10________
    11________ 12_______13 ______ 14________ 15_________

    三 语法填空 (10题题15分满分15分)

    1 _________ 2________ 3 _________ 4 _________ 5_________

    6 _________ 7 ________ 8 _________ 9 _________ 10_________

        There were many famous poets from different eras in Chinese history and thousands of their poems are still read and appreciated today
          To arouse people's interest in those classic Chinese poems and promote cultural heritage China Central Television (CCTV) produced a TV show— the Chinese Poetry Competition The finale (终场) of the hit show's second season was shown on Feb 7
        Wu Yishu 16 who studies at the High School Affiliated to Fudan University in Shanghai came out on top In an earlier episode (集) Wu wowed the audience when performing in a section entitled Feihualing The game's theme was yue meaning moon or month in Chinese She recited the lines from the Classic of Poetry the earliest collection of poems in China In July the crickets (蟋蟀) are in the field In August they are in the yard In September they are at the door In October they enter and crawl under our beds
        I really admire her knowledge of poems said Huang Zijin 16 a Senior 2 student from Ningbo High School in Zhejiang Province The first time I saw her wearing traditional Han clothing on TV I was very impressed by her classical looks She
    fulfills all my fantasies about classic Chinese women's talents What's more she always appears so calm throughout the show which is very unusual for her age
        As the old saying goes One who is filled with knowledge always behaves with elegance
        Learning poems isn't about winning or losing The power of poetry lies in shaping one's view of life and developing one's inner world said Li Bo an expert guest at the Chinese Poetry Competition's second season
        When it comes to teaching people about poetry Li Dingguang the show's academic advisor suggested that teachers should explain more about the beauty of the poetry from both the aesthetic (美学) and emotional sides and guide the students to lose themselves in the poems' rhythmic (节奏) and rhyming lines
        Although the amount of ancient Chinese poetry in the textbooks of primary and secondary schools has increased many students still learn them for exams Li Dingguang told China org cn Therefore it's important to help students truly appreciate the artistry and fun of poetry
    1What's one of the purposes of the TV show—the Chinese Poetry Competition
    A To entertain people by enjoying Chinese poems
    B To see who can recite the most classic Chinese poems
    C To fulfill people's fantasies about Chinese women's talents
    D To make more people interested in classic Chinese poetry
    2From Paragraphs 3 and 4 what can we infer about Wu Yishu
    A She is a talented and elegant Chinese teenager
    B She has learned a large amount of poetry from textbooks
    C She is always calm in the show like other competitors of her age
    D She amazed the audience with the lines from the Classic of Poetry in the finale
    3According to Li Bo why do people learn poetry
    A To get good marks in examinations
    B To help build up their inner world
    C To win the Chinese Poetry Competition
    D To appreciate the beauty of rhythm and rhyme
    4What is Li Dingguang's attitude to poetry teaching
    A Doubtful B Supportive C Critical D Casual

    二 完形填空
      In life we often succeed and fail for reasons Sometimes they are entirely out of our  1  We can work harder than anyone else and still not be  2  We can be incredibly nice and love someone deeply but they may not love us  3   
      The truth is that life is not 4  That is a tough  5  to swallow for many of us In fact some people  6  after being hit by even one unfair blow But if we let life’s unfairness  7  us we will never receive the beautiful blessings that life has  8  for us  
      My first  9  marriage felt very unfair to me No matter how hard I had tried I couldn’t make the relationship  10  But I didn’t let it discourage me from wanting a happy marriage And finally I met my Mr Right  
      What I’ve learned over the years is that we can do all the things that  11  a good outcome but get quite the opposite When we face life’s seeming unfairness our  12  needs to jump in When life doesn’t go  13  plans we should keep trying and doing the right thing  14  that life is neither fair nor straightforward If we remain confident we can drive our unfair experiences away and use them for our  15   
    1 A reach   B control   C date   D order
    2 A promoted B paid
    C pleased D proved
    3 A more B back
    C enough D unconditionally

    4 A easy B smooth
    C fair D ideal
    5 A feeling B word C fact D pill
    6 A died down B looked down
    C shut down D settled down
    7 A confuse B manage
    C betray D defeat
    8 A in charge B in return
    C in place D in store
    9 A arranged B failed
    C happy D interesting
    10 A work B start
    C end D worsen
    11 A bring B require
    C serve D deserve
    12 A faith B courage
    C judgement D effort
    13 A ahead of B according to
    C regardless of D due to
    14 A Accept B Assume
    C Fancy D Consider
    15 A career B marriage
    C fate D benefit
    Ⅳ 语法填空
      Lake Hillier is a saltwater lake on the edge of Middle Island a large island off the south coast of Western Australia It is pink in color due 1 __________ a plant that causes the salt 2 __________(produce) a red color There’s a long strip of land
    3 __________ separates the lake from the ocean It was first written about in 1802 when Matthew Flinders hiked one of the island’s highest 4 __________(mountain) He named the lake after William Hillier an 5 __________(explore) who had previously visited Middle Island In 1889 Edward Andrews moved to the island with his two sons They began to mine the lake for salt and soon other miners came However the mining was 6 __________(eventual) stopped as the salt wasn’t fit to eat or use in other products because it was 7 __________(poison) In 2002 the lake was recognized as 8 __________ wetland and in 2012 it became a
    9 __________(protect) area A walking trail 10 __________(build) around it for tourists to use Even though the lake contains a lot of salt it is still safe to swim in  

    参考答案:14 DABC
    解析:1细节理解题根第二段第句中To arouse people's interest in those classic Chinese poems and promote cultural heritage知中央电视台制作播出中国诗词会目提高中国古诗兴趣发扬中国文化D项正确
    2推理判断题通读第三段知该段介绍武姝背诵含月字诗词征服观众第四段介绍武姝气质形象评价穿着汉服文静秀留深 刻印象推断武姝天赋优雅青少年A项正确
    3细节理解题根第六段中The power of poetry lies in shaping one's view of life and developing one's inner world 知郦波认学诗歌目塑造生观发展心世界B项正确
    4推理判断题根段中Although the amount of ancient Chinese poetry in the textbooks of primary and secondary schools has increased many students still learn them for exams知李定广学校诗歌教学评价教材中诗歌数量增许学生学诗歌仅仅考试判断诗歌教学持批评态度C项正确

    语篇概述作者通篇文章讲述生活中公 遭遇公时 作者建议相信 继续做应该做事
    1解析选B句意 生活中 常会控原成功失败 out of reach够着 达 out of control法控制 超出……控制 out of date期 out of order序根句意知 选B项
    2解析选A 分析语境知 办公室努力工作 然没晋升 promote(晋升) 选A项
    3解析选B more更 back回 enough足够 unconditionally条件根语境知非常友深爱 会爱样爱(爱回)选B项
    4解析选C easy 容易 smooth光滑 利 fair公 ideal理想 完美根文语境推断出 付出回报 公 文中one unfair blowwe let life’s unfairness提示 选C项
    5解析选D feeling情绪 情感 word话语 单词 fact事实 pill药丸根空to swallow知 处指种公许说难咽药丸选D项
    6解析选C die down减弱 逐渐息 look down俯视 shut down关闭 settle down停留 定居根文容知事实 甚生活中公击击中封闭shut down意关闭 处引申封闭 选C项
    7解析选D confuse迷惑 manage营 理 betray背叛 defeat败文中being hit by even one unfair blow中hitdefeat义词 提示选D项
    8解析选D in charge掌 负责 in return作报答 反 in place恰 合适 in store (for sb )发生(某身) 等着(某)根文语境知 果生命公败 永远会生活带美祝福 选D项
    9解析选B arranged安排 failed失败 成功 happy快乐 interesting趣根文容知 第次婚姻非常失败选B项
    10解析选A work产生效果 起作 start开始 启动 end结束 worsen恶化 更坏根语境知 次失败婚姻 公 努力想成妻子 种关系运转良 选A
    11解析选D bring带 require 求 serve ……服务 deserve值 应根文章容知 作者认做值(deserve)结果事 选D项
    12解析选A faith信 信念 courage勇气 judgement判断 effort努力根文中remain confident知confidentfaith义 选A项
    13解析选B ahead of……前 according to根 regardless of due to根文语境知 句意思生活计划进行时 应该继续努力 做正确事 选B项
    14解析选A accept接受 assume假设 fancy想象 consider考虑根文语境知 接受(accept)生活公直截选A项
    15解析选D career事业 marriage婚姻 fate命运 benefit处 益处根语境知 果保持信 赶走公历 利获益 选D项

    1 解析to考查固定搭配due to固定搭配 意 填 to
    2 解析to produce考查固定搭配cause sth to do 导致某事发生填to produce
    3 解析that which考查定语句分析句子知 句限制性定语句中先行词land 定语句中作语 指物 that which 填thatwhich
    4 解析mountains考查名词复数形式分析句子知 处one of+名词复数结构 填 mountains
    5 解析explorer考查名词分析句子知 空前an 知名词根句意知 填explorer
    6 解析 eventually考查副词分析句子知 空句中作状语 修饰动词stopped 填eventually
    7 解析poisonous考查形容词空句中作系动词was表语 应形容词 填poisonous
    8 解析a考查冠词分析句子知 空句中表示量词 wetland辅音音素开头 填a
    9 解析protected考查分词作定语分析句子知 空句中作定语 修饰名词area名词area动词protect间动关系 应分词形式 填protected
    10 解析was built考查动词时态语态根前面时间状语in 2012知 应般时语A walking trail 谓语动词build动关系 般时动语态填was built





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