Module2Whatcanyoudo同步提高训练 外研版七年级英语下册

    外研版七年级英语册Module2 What can you do步提高训练
    () 根括号里汉语写出单词
    1 We usually  (开始) our meeting at nine o'clock
    2 He would like to  (骑) a horse this afternoon
    3 What's on the  (布告板)
    4 —Are you good at playing the  (钢琴)—Yes
    5 I'm  (确信) you are the best
    6 —Who is the cleaning  (班长)—Li Qiang
    7  I'm always  (乐意) to help others
    8 Xiao Fan  (承诺) to study English hard from now on
    9 He always gets the best  (分) in every match
    10 The little boy can play  (网球) very well
    1He promises  (help) me learn English
    2What about  (choose) you as the PE monitor
    3Chen Chong  (teach) me English this term
    4He is ready  (do) housework with his brother
    5—Can you  (play) basketball—No I  (can)
    6—Do you often help your mother  (wash) clothes—No I don't
    7Alice's sister is really good at  (play) the piano
    8 He wants  (be) a teacher when he grows up (长)
    9We would like  (go) to school on foot
    10Tony is always ready  (help) his classmates
    fit   game   sure   real   choose
    (1) I'm LiMei can get good grades (成绩)
    (2) My grandpa is sixty years old but he is  and active
    (3) My daughter  likes her dog It's cute
    (4) —What kind of  do you like best—Track and field (田径)
    (5) We all  you as our cleaning monitor
    二 语法专练
    ( )1 The girl is only six years old but she can __________Chinese very well
    A say B speak C talk D speaks
    ( )2 —Can you play basketball—____________ It's hard
    A Yes I can B No I can C No I can't D Yes I can't
    ( )3—Can you speak English Tom
    —___________ I can only speak Chinese
    A Sorry I can't B Yes I can C That's all right D Thank you
    ( )4She ____________swim so she is afraid to jump into the river
    A can B can't C doesn't D mustn't
    ( )5Mike ______sing but he can play the guitar
    A can't B can C could D couldn't
    ( )6—    you sing—Yes I can sing very well
    A Do B Are C Can D Is
    ( )7—_______you play the piano— Yes I can
    A Need B Can C Could D May
    ( )8Ann can't ____________Chinese well
    A say B speak C tell D talk
    ( )9Can you _________ the piano
    A play B playing C plays D played
    ( )10Sorry I ________ play the piano but I _______ sing for you
    A can't can B can can't C amn't am D can am

    ( )1After school my daughter plays_____ violin for an hour and my son plays _______football for half an hour
    A the B the a C the D the an
    ( )2—Are you good at__________—No I'm not
    A sing B to sing C singing D sings
    ( )3 If you get on well __________your classmates you will enjoy your school life more
    A to B at C with D in
    ( )4The teacher promises __________us to the park
    A take B takes C taking D to take
    ( )5 What about __________at home It's too hot outside
    A staying B stay C to stay D stays
    ( )6Don't worry __________us We can get the best score
    A to B with C about D for
    ( )7I'd like__________ for a picnic with them
    A go B to go C going D went
    ( )8Li Ning promises __________me a new mobile phone as my birthday present
    A give B giving C to give D gives
    ( )9My friend often helps me__________ my Chinese
    A for B with C at D at
    ( )10Mrs White teaches ____________English this year
    A we B our C us D ours
    ( )11—What do you do on weekends
    —I usually help my mother ____________
    A do the cleaning B to do the clean
    C to do the cook D doing the cook
    ( )12My father promises _______me three new books as my birthday gift
    A give B to give C giving D gives
    ( )13Daming's jokes (笑话) make me ____________
    A happy B happily C unhappily D to happy
    ( )14Do you know_______ girl with long curly hair
    —Yes she is Mary She plays ______tennis very well
    A a B the C the the D a the
    ( )15Choose me____________ your PE monitor and I can help you a lot
    A of B to C as D with
    二 完形填空
      My parents have always loved everything about India so one year ago we went on holiday there It's a wonderful  1 with beautiful scenes and interesting people  However I didn't enjoy Indian  2 very much

        On the second day we planned to see an old palace At the  3  they said If you go by train it'll take you only two hours to get there However the hot  4  took over four hours I was very  5 when we got there  so we had some rice and vegetables with bread in a small restaurant We were 6 to find it was quite nice I wasn't full up though and I saw a man nearby eating some little meatballs
        I said to my dad I've been eating rice all week Can I have some meatballs please
        Well they looked delicious so I ate the first one very 7 I was just putting the second one in my mouth when I felt myself  8 —my mouth was on fire I started to cough(咳嗽)and there were tears (泪水)in my eyes I couldn't 9  how spicy (辛辣) it was
        I drank about ten glasses of water but the worst thing was everyone was laughing at me You couldn't make me eat another Indian meatball for all the  10  in the world
    1 A town B city C country D restaurant
    2 A food B scenes C people D costumes
    3 A palace B hotel C airport D entrance
    4 A sail B walk C drive D ride
    5 A hungry B curious C cheerful D nervous
    6 A shocked B surprised C bored D tired
    7 A quietly B easily C quickly D gently
    8 A burning B watering C crying D smiling
    9 A feel B believe C think D know
    10 A diet B luck C time D money
    三 阅读理解
    Health Club
        Are you too fat Are you worried about your health
        Don't worry Our club can help you lose weight and keep fit You'll join other 12 children and you can play sports with them You can make new friends here
    Place Sports Centre Tel 8975823
    Email tscpublic@163 com

    Fun English Club
        Here children will have fun make new friends and learn English well from good teachers from America
        Learn about English songs stories and movies talk with others in English have lunch at our club for free
    Phone 6788976 Email joinus@FECcom
    Place The Reading Building
    (1) The Health Club can't help kids__________
    A make new friends
    B lose weight
    C do their homework
    D keep healthy
    (2) The underlined phrase lose weight means __________ in Chinese
    A 美容 B 减压 C 增高 D 减肥
    (3) You can __________in the Fun English Club
    A have breakfast for free
    B learn about English movies
    C meet many American students
    D meet some good teachers from England
    (4) From the passage we can't find __________of the clubs
    A the addresses
    B the phone numbers
    C the email addresses
    D the opening hours
    (5) Which of the following is TRUE
    A The Health Club's email address is joinus@FECcom
    B You can't speak English with others in the Fun English Club
    C The Fun English Club's phone number is 6789876
    D The Fun English Club is in the Reading Building 

    Music teachers wanted for
        No1 Middle School

        We want two music teachers for our school Music Club You need to be able to play the guitar or the violin and be good with kids
        Time 3 20 p m —4 20 p m Monday to Friday every week
        Pay 100 yuan an hour
        Phone number 3723966
        Email address No 1 middleschoolmc@126com
        Address 326 Bridge Street (Take No 121 Bus)
        Art teacher wanted

        Can you paint Can you draw Do you like kids and want to be with them Then you can be in Yixiu Art Club
        Time 8 00 a m—10 00 a m Saturday and Sunday every week
        Pay 80 yuan an hour
        Phone number 6938925
        Email address yixiuartclub @163com
        Address 165 Zhangshan Road (Take No 212 Bus)
    (1) No1 Middle School needs the  music teacher work________
    A five days a week
    B from Monday to Saturday
    C every day
    D six days a week
    (2) How many hours does a music teacher need to work every week
    A 5 B 7 C 8 D 10
    (3) An art teacher can get about ________ in a month
    A 800 yuan B 1 000 yuan C 1 280 yuan D 2 500 yuan
    (4) Which bus does an art teacher need to take to get there
    A No 121 Bus B No 122 Bus C No 101 Bus D No 212 Bus
    (5) If Andrew wants to be an art teacher he can________
    A call 3723966
    B call 6938925
    C send emails to middleschoolmc@126com
    D send emails to yixiuartclub@126com


        At present there is much homework for American students But home is not a good place for students to do their homework So there come Homework Clubs And they are more and more popular in America
        What is the Homework Club
        The Homework Club is a good place for students to do their homework It is very quiet A teacher will help students prepare for the tests there The teacher is not to teach students but to give them help when they need
        Where is the Homework Club
        The Homework Club is usually in a library or in a classroom It is a popular activity after school every day If there is no school that day Homework Clubs will NOT meet
        What will students do in the Homework Club
        In the Homework Club the students will do their homework for the first hour and then they will draw pictures or play football
    (1) Home is not a good place for students to
    (2) The teacher only   in Homework Clubs
    (3) The Homework Club is usually in a classroom or
    (4) The students do homework in Homework Clubs for
    (5) After homework the students draw pictures or





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