外研版七年级下册英语 Module 10 测试卷

    Module 10 测试卷
    (120分 100分钟)
    题 号

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    听力(15题 第节题1分 第二三节题2分 满分25分)
    第节 听话ABC三选项中选出正确选项话仅读遍
    (  )1 What kind of sport does Tina like
    A Ping­pong B Tennis C Soccer
    (  )2 What's Jill doing
    A Running
    B Playing basketball
    C Playing the piano
    (  )3 How does Molly usually go to school
    A By bike B By car C By bus
    (  )4 Where is the ball
    A Under the chair B Under the table C On the chair
    (  )5 When did Alice go home yesterday
    A At 6 45 B At 7 00 C At 7 15
    第二节 听长话ABC三选项中选出正确选项话读两遍
    听面段话 回答第6­7题
    (  )6 Where did Bob go last Sunday
    A To the park B To the library C To the zoo
    (  )7 What did Alice do last Sunday
    A She watched TV at home
    B She went to her cousin's house
    C She looked after her cousin
    听面段话 回答第8­10题
    (  )8 Where did the woman go at the weekend
    A To a city B To the beach C To the mountains
    (  )9 What was the weather like at the weekend
    A Sunny B Cloudy C Rainy
    (  )10 What did the man do on Sunday
    A He took an exam
    B He did his homework
    C He went swimming
    第三节 听面段短文 ABC三选项中选出正确选项短文读两遍(2018·山东聊城)
    (  )11 How old is Mike
    A 15 B 14 C 13
    (  )12 Where are Mike and Clare now
    A In America B In Canada C In France
    (  )13 With whom did Mike and Clare move here
    A Their friends B Their teachers C Their parents
    (  )14 In how many foreign countries has Peter worked before
    A Three B Six C Eight
    (  )15 How often does Peter usually move
    A About every two years
    B About every five years
    C About every seven years
    二完形填空 (10题 题1 5分 满分15分)
    Last summer I went to a beautiful beach on vacation with my parents We ________16 there ________17 a week The weather was always sunny and ________18 In the morning my father and I played beach volleyball(排球) My mother read books ________19 rested on the beach In the afternoon we had great fun playing in the water In the evening we ________20 to the movies There were some nice movies every evening I liked cartoon movies best Sometimes we went ________21 But the shops were too crowded(拥挤) so we didn't really ________22it
    Oh yes There were all kinds of fruits ________23 bananas grapes and pineapples (菠萝) Pineapples were ________24 favourite and I ate a lot of them
    On the ________25 day it was cool We decided to take a walk near the beach The wind was gentle (温)and the air was so clean that we didn't want to leave the lovely place
    (  )16 A left B flew C stayed D played
    (  )17 A in B for C with D on
    (  )18 A cold B hot C rainy D cloudy
    (  )19 A but B or C also D until
    (  )20 A went B listened C got D stopped
    (  )21 A camping B skating
    C shopping D swimming
    (  )22 A buy B hate C sell D love
    (  )23 A like B as C for D with
    (  )24 A our B this C their D my
    (  )25 A first B second C next D last
    三阅读理解(15题 题2分 满分30分)
    Places of interest

    1 3 billion
    19 million
    56 million
    55 million
    East Asia
    Southern Europe
    Western Europe

    (  )26 ________ has the largest population among these countries
    A Australia B Britain C China D Italy
    (  )27 From the form you can find ________in Western Europe
    A one country B two countries
    C three countries D no country
    (  )28 Which of the following is TRUE according to the information in the form
    A China is in Oceania
    B Canberra is the capital of Italy
    C Rome is a city in Southern Europe
    D Australia and Britain aren't English­speaking countries
    I'm going on a trip next Tuesday and I want to travel in a car So I call a car rental agency (租赁代理机构) to rent (租) a car for the trip I ask the worker about the cars there The worker says that there are fifteen kinds of cars After thinking for a long time I rent an SUV because I plan to do some sightseeing
    The worker tells me that I need to pay (付) 55 a day for renting the SUV I have to pay for my gas (汽油) too I hope there are no problems with the SUV before I drive it away from the agency So I give it a good inspection Finally I don't find any problems Then I drive the SUV away and get ready to start my trip
    (  )29 The writer wants to rent an SUV because________
    A it's cheap
    B he likes it very much
    C he can do some sightseeing
    D it has no problems and it is very fast
    (  )30 Which is TRUE according to the passage
    A The writer doesn't need to pay for the gas
    B The writer rents the SUV without (没) thinking
    C The writer needs to pay 55 a day for renting the SUV
    D There are some problems with the SUV
    (  )31 What does the word inspection mean in Chinese
    A 竞拍 B 检查 C 处理 D 维修
    (  )32 What does the passage mainly () talk about
    A Where to rent the SUV B A car rental agency
    C How to make a plan D Renting a car for a trip
    Last summer Cathy's family went to New York for their summer holiday It is the largest city in the US They stayed there for two weeks
    First they visited the Statue of Liberty It is one of New York's most famous historical sites (历史景点) Millions of people visit it every year
    On the second day they went to the Empire State Building From the top of the building they saw most parts of New York
    On the third day they visited the Metropolitan Museum In this museum they saw a lot of famous paintings
    During the rest of the time Cathy went to Bronx Zoo with her younger brother and sister
    In the second week the family visited Long Island They all had a good time
    (  )33 Cathy's family went to ________ for their summer holiday
    A New York B London
    C Paris D Beijing
    (  )34 The underlined word It refers to________
    A New York
    B the UK
    C Cathy's home
    D New York's historical sites
    (  )35 How long did Cathy's family stay in New York
    A For three days B For four days
    C For one week D For two weeks

    (  )36 What's the best title of the passage
    A The Statue of Liberty
    B The Empire State Building
    C A visit to New York
    D Long Island
    Jenny had a trip to Yunnan last year The following was her timetable(时间表)
    Monday 3 June
    ◆Arrived at 16 20 by plane
    ◆Relaxed at the hotel
    ◆Went to Dali at 22 13 by train
    Tuesday 4 June
    ◆Took a boat tour on Erhai Lake
    ◆Watched a dancing show
    ◆Visited Butterfly Spring Park
    ◆Went to Lijiang by bus
    Wednesday 5 June
    ◆Climbed Yulong Snow Mountain
    ◆Travelled around in the Old Town of Lijiang
    ◆Bought presents
    Thursday 6 June
    ◆Went back to Kunming by plane
    ◆Visited the Stone Forest
    Friday 7 June
    ◆Visited the flower market
    ◆Went back home at 13 27 by plane
    (  )37 How did Jenny go to Dali
    A By train B By plane
    C By boat D By bus
    (  )38 What did Jenny do in Lijiang
    A She took a boat tour
    B She relaxed at the hotel
    C She visited a flower market
    D She climbed Yulong Snow Mountain
    (  )39 Where was Jenny at 12 00 on the fifth day
    A In Dali B In Kunming
    C In Lijiang D In Anning
    (  )40 What can we learn from the timetable
    A Butterfly Spring Park is in Lijiang
    B Jenny didn't visit the Old Town of Lijiang
    C Jenny visited the Stone Forest on Friday
    D Jenny bought some presents in Lijiang
    四词汇运(15题 题1分 15分)
    A 方框中单词短语适形式填空 单词短语限次
    French top wonderful relax on holiday
    41 At last they arrived at the __________ of the mountain and they were very tired
    42 Which do you like better Chinese food or ________ food Mike
    43 My sister will go to Beijing ________ this summer
    44 The Spring Festival is coming soon we can ________all day at home
    45 The film is so __________ that we all like it very much
    B 根短文容汉语提示写出单词正确形式 空词
    Lingling and her friend are talking about their ________46(假期) Tony and his family will go to Los Angeles Betty________47() there two years ago It ________48(花费) her about nine hours to get there Her aunt and uncle ________49(遇) her at the airport First Betty's aunt and uncle took her to Disneyland and they________50(花费) two days there Then they went to Hollywood They ________51() the homes of the movie stars Finally they went ________52(游泳) in the ________53(太洋)Ocean at Santa Monica It was so ________54(绝妙) Betty ________55(历) a good time in Los Angeles
    五语法填空(10题 题1分 满分10分)
    I'm Jack This Sunday is National Day (国庆节) We have seven __________56 (day) off My parents don't go to work So we want to go to Dalian for __________57 trip But which train do we take I check the train timetable __________58 the Internet
    From the Internet I know some famous places in Dalian __________59(one) we can go to the zoo The animals live in the forest In the zoo the travelers go __________60 (see) the animals by bus and they can't come out There are lions zebras giraffes __________61 wolves Then we can go to the Tiger Beach There we can see a lot of sea fish We can __________62(walk) along the Binhai Road too My classmates from Dalian__________63(tell)me I can see the beautiful scenery (景色) when I stand on the Binhai Road I take some__________64(picture)of the famous places in Dalian from the Internet I think my parents will like__________65 too
    六务型阅读(5题 题2分 满分10分)
    When you want to take a trip on your holiday you should make a careful plan Here are some rules They may help you to keep safe on a trip
    ◆You'd better travel with your friends And you should always keep together with your friends
    ◆If there are a lot of people around you you should carry your bag in front of you Don't put it on your back
    ◆Put on a life jacket when you take a boat or a ship If you fall out of a boat or a ship it can keep you safe
    ◆Don't go swimming alone or in a wrong place
    ◆Don't sleep on a bus or train Never put your head out of the window It's not safe
    ◆Take a map a cellphone (手机) and some clothes with you
    ◆Have safe food and drinks
    Everyone should be careful when traveling Enjoy your trip
    根短文容 完成表格空词

    How to Keep Safe on a Trip
    You'd better not travel__________66
    You should __________67 your bag in front of you if there are a lot of people around you
    Put on a life jacket when you take a __________68 or a ship
    You mustn't go __________69 alone or sleep on a bus
    Take a map a cellphone and some clothes with you and have __________70 food and drinks
    年夏天 吴迪钟辉火车北京根表格容 写篇80词左右短文

    求 (1)容完整 语意连贯 语法规范(2)文章容必须包含表格信息 适发挥(3)文章开头已出 计入总词数
    参考词汇 sighting museum
    Last summer Wu Di and Zhong Hui went to Beijing for their holiday ________
    听力答案 1­5 CABAB 6­10 BCCAB 11­15 ABCAA
    1 M Did you watch the World Cup Tina
    W Sure I love soccer
    2 M Where is Jill
    W Oh she is running in the park
    3 M Molly do you go to school by bus or by bike
    W Well my father usually takes me to school in his car
    4 M Where is the ball Linda Is it under the table
    W No there is no ball under the table Is it under the chair
    M Oh it is Thank you
    5 M What time do you usually go home Alice
    W Usually at a quarter to seven in the evening But yesterday I went home a
    quarter later
    第二节 Dialogue 1
    W Where did you spend your last Sunday Bob
    M At first I wanted to drive to the park But it rained heavily so I went to the library
    W Who did you go with
    M My little brother What about you Alice
    W I just stayed at home and looked after my cousin
    M That sounds boring
    Dialogue 2
    M Hi Jenny Did you have a good weekend
    W Yes it was great We went to the mountains
    M Great How was the weather
    W Fine There wasn't cloud in the sky What about you What did you do
    M On Saturday I went to the beach with my family We swam there But on Sunday I stayed at home and did my homework You know I am going to take an English exam
    W Oh wish you good luck
    第三节 Text
    Mike is a 15­year­old American boy and his sister Clare is 14 At the moment Mike and Clare are in Canada
    They moved here with their parents two years ago Their father Peter works for a very big company The company has offices in many countries and it has sent Peter to work in Germany France and China before Peter usually stays in a country for about two years Then the company moves him again His family always go with him So Mike and Clare have friends all over the world
    二16 C 点拨 词义辨析法句意 呆周 left 离开 短暂性动词时间段连 flew 飞 stayed 呆 停留 played玩 根I went to a beautiful beach on vacation with my parents父母漂亮海滩度假 应呆周 选C
    17 B 点拨 句意 呆周根for+时间段 通常做某事长时间 in 年 月 季节等前 on 具体某天 午晚修饰词时 with 带 选B
    18 B 点拨 句意 天气总晴天热 cold 冷 hot 热 rainy 雨 cloudy云 根The weather was always sunny知热 选B
    19 B 点拨 句意 妈妈沙滩读书休息 but or者 also until直 根read books rested选择关系 读书 休息 选B
    20 A 点拨 句意 晚电影 went to listened to听 got to达 stopped to停做 根go to the movies电影 选A
    21 C 点拨 句意 时购物 camping 野营 skating滑冰 shopping购物 swimming游泳 根But the shops were too crowded…知购物 选C
    22 D 点拨 句意 ……真喜欢 buy 买 hate讨厌 sell 卖 love爱 根But the shops were too crowded(拥挤) 知喜欢 选D
    23 A 点拨 句意 种样水果 香蕉 葡萄菠萝 like as 作 for with 根bananas grapes and pineapples (菠萝)知举例子 选A
    24 D 点拨 句意 菠萝喜欢 吃许菠萝 our this their my 根one's favourite某喜欢 排B 根I ate a lot of them吃许菠萝 选D
    25 D 点拨 前文推理法句意 天 天凉爽 first 第 second第二 next last 根we didn't want to leave the lovely place想离开美丽方 知天 选D
    三A 26­28CAC
    B 29 C 点拨 细读法根第段句知 想开SUV观光
    30 C 点拨 根第二段第句知 花55美元天租车
    31 B 点拨 考查语境 前面句希SUV代理机构开走前没问题 检查
    32 D 点拨 纳法综合全文 讲作者想租辆车旅游
    C 33­36 AADC
    D 37 A 点拨 细节理解题根表格中信息Went to Dali at 22 13 by train便知Dali交通火车by train 选A项
    38 D 点拨 细节理解题根表格中信息Climbed Yulong Snow Mountain便知D项表达容致 选D项
    39 B 点拨 细节理解题题中提问第五天12点时候什方 根表格中第五天Kunmingwent back home at 13 27 by plane 便知昆明 选B项
    40 D 点拨 根表格中信息Bought presentsLijiang发生事情 选D项
    四A 41 top 42 French 43 on holiday 44 relax 45 wonderful
    B 46 holidays 47 went 48 took 49 met 50 spent 51 saw
    52 swimming 53 Pacific 54 wonderful 55 had
    五56 days  57 a  58 on  59 First  60 to see
    61 and 62 walk 63 tell 64 pictures 65 them
    六66 alone 67 carry 68 boat 69 swimming 70 safe
    七Last summer Wu Di and Zhong Hui went to Beijing for their holiday
    They went there by train① It took them 10 hours to get there② They arrived on Monday On Tuesday they did some sightseeing first and then they visited a museum On Wednesday they went to Beihai Park They went boating① On Thursday they went shopping① They bought many presents and some beautiful clothes They went home by plane on Friday
    It was a short holiday but it was great What a great time they had
    名师点评 篇材料作文 结合材料 介绍吴迪钟辉年夏天北京旅 点条理表达出采三步法描述假期生活第段讲述北京旅 第二段讲述旅游程 第三段讲述旅游感受文结构紧凑 语言简练 点全面 称时态握准确 作者发表观点法
    文添彩处 ①文采丰富短语 by train did some sightseeing went boating went shopping②连词andbut 固定句型 It took sb some time to do sth 感叹句等 文章增色少 篇错范文




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