
    John Snow Defeats King Cholera
    Cholera used to be one of the most feared  1 (disease) in the world until John Snow showed how it could be overcome Choleraas
     2  deadly disease of its daythreatened ordinary people No one knew its cause or its cure Every time cholera broke outlarge numbers of  3 (frighten) people died John Snow was determined  4 (solve) this problem He knew only if he found its cause would it be controlled 
    There were two theories that  5 (possible) explained how people got infected John Snow  6 (subscribe) to the theory that cholera was caused by an infection from germs in food or water 
    In 1854 another outbreak of cholera hit London John Snow decided to investigate He marked the places on a map  7  gave him a valuable clue about the cause of the disease He found many of the deaths were near the water pump in Broad Street Some households had no deaths  8  these people drank free beer It seemed that the water pump was  9 (blame) He made further research and concluded that polluted water led to the disease Finally King Cholera  10 (defeat) Thanks to John Snow we now know how to prevent cholera 
    The Father of China's Aerospace
    Perhaps no other scientist has had a  1 (great) impact on China's aerospace science than Qian Xuesen He was a wellrespected man  2  served his homeland with effort achievement and devotion Born in Hangzhou in 1911 Qian attended schools in Beijing and Shanghai In 1935 he went to the US  3  further study and then worked there After  4 (overcome) some difficulties he  5 (return) to China in 1955 and was put in charge of developing China's rocket science as well as the space and missile programme Faced with challenges Qian didn't feel discouraged When  6 (ask) Can we Chinese possibly make missiles his reply was Why not Under  7 (he) leadership China developed its own missiles rockets and manmade satellites  8 (success) Qian was knowledgeable However  9  made him an outstanding and creative scientist was probably his interest in other things like music and drawing which gave him  10 (inspire) in scientific research The whole country was saddened by Qian's death in 2009 
    Xie Lei whose  1 (ambitious) is to set up a business in China left for England six months ago to study global business as  2  exchange student Once in England she found it not easy to adapt  3  life there For example people there use a lot of words that she is not familiar with and they speak fast So she had difficulty using public transport and  4 (ask)for things she didn't know the English names for It took her quite some time as well as great efforts to get used to the whole new life 
    Academic requirements also confused her very much She discussed how  5 (write) an essay with her tutor Following her tutor's advice she read a lot and participated  6 (active) in class though it was challenging in the beginning The fact  7  now she can give an attractive presentation in class even  8 (surprise) herself Nowadays she is more  9 (confidence) and determined to put  10  she is learning into practice when back in China 
    Studying Abroad Is It a Good or a Bad Idea
    Parents hold different opinions about students' studying abroad Wang Li the mother of twin girls  1 (believe) that there is no need for overseas study As far as she is  2 (concern) studying abroad is a bad idea because it causes both  3 (economy)and academic pressure  4 (additional) with many great universities now available in China young people who choose to study in our homeland also have a great future  5 (look)forward to Contrary to Wang's opinion Zhang Yi the father of a boy argues  6  the advantages outweigh the disadvantages He holds the view that the experience of studying abroad not only contributes to personal growth  7  also increases chances of cultural exchange  8 (cooperate) with people from diverse cultural backgrounds can help us view the world  9  different angles and have a better understanding of our own culture He also stresses that in the long run studying abroad provides a great opportunity for young people to make contributions to the development of our motherland Though accompanied(伴) by many  10 (difficulty) studying abroad is worthwhile 
    Prior to coming to China my only experience with Chinese cooking was in America with Chinese food that  1 (change) to suit American tastes  
    Later I had a chance to experience authentic Chinese food by  2 (come) to China A Sichuan restaurant had been recommended to me and my family by a friend  3 (tire) hungry and not knowing a word of Chinese we had no idea how to order  4  the chef just began filling our table with the best food we had ever eaten With this we had the pleasure of experiencing an  5 (entire) new taste Sichuan peppercorns The food was very wonderful and different but  6  was more important was the friendship  7 (offer) us In northern Xinjiang the traditional foods are what you can cook over  8  open fire—usually boiled or roasted meat  
    From south to central China in each place we experienced wonderful local  9 (dish) including Guangdong's elegant dim sum and Henan's exceptional stewed noodles Everywhere the food was varied just similar to the people However what's the deepest impression on me is that through food Chinese people everywhere show friendship and  10 (kind) 
    Scientists  1 (insist) for years that a big enemy of health is fatty food However there is increasing evidence  2  the real driver of poor health is not so much fatty food but sugar Much of the extra sugar comes from sweets and sweet drinks If you want to be healthy you have to cut down on desserts and cut out sweet drinks altogether 
    Beyond this you can keep healthy by consuming different  3 (category) of fresh foods especially fruit and vegetables  4  are full of vitamins and fibre Besides it is also important to have some meat beans or dairy products in your diet as they provide the necessary protein for strong bones and muscle  5 (grow) The ideal diet is a  6 (balance) one without too much or too little of any one thing Finally a fundamental key  7  healthy eating is to eat slowly  8 (eat) slowly allows your body to digest your food better In addition studies show that consistent eating habits for example taking three meals a day at the same time each day  9 (be) better for our health It is also better to eat a modest amount of food each time rather than to eat a lot in one meal and then a little in the next  
    There is no trick to healthy eating It is up to you  10 (decide) how you want to live and to make the right decisions about your diet 
    Li Daiyu and her cousin Liu Qian went to Canada to visit their cousins in Halifax on the Atlantic coast Before starting out they spent a couple of  1 (day) in Vancouver seeing the sights On the morning of departure the two girls arose early  2 (take) the train to Lake Louise passing through the Canadian Rockies They spent the night and then took  3 coach bound north through the Canadian Rockies to Jasper From Jasper they caught the train towards Toronto One of the train's first stops  4 (be) in Edmonton the provincial capital of Alberta the centre of Canada's huge oil and gas  5 (drill) industry From Edmonton the train headed southeast across the great Canadian Prairie They went through two wheatgrowing provinces  6  they saw a bunch of farms that covered a very large area After another day on the train  7 (eventual) they were back in the city of Winnipeg From there they travelled through the night and woke up in Ontario The train  8 (thunder) on through the rolling hills Night came again and the train turned south towards Toronto When they woke up the next morning they could see the wide stretch of Lake Huron It was not until 930 am  9  they finally reached the capital of Ontario Toronto All in all  10 (they)trip from Vancouver to Toronto had taken a duration of four days 
    Li Daiyu and her cousin arrived in Toronto and they went up the CN Tower and looked across the shores of Lake Ontario They were  1 (astonish) to see misty clouds rising from the great Niagara Falls  2  is on the south side of the lake  
    Around dusk the girls met Lin Fei one of Li Daiyu's mother's old schoolmates who  3 (move) to Canada many years earlier  
    The train left late that night and arrived in Montreal early the next morning At the station  4  contrast to Toronto they heard people talking in French They were surprised to see that all the  5 (sign) and advertisements were in French and many people spoke English with  6  accent 
    They spent the afternoon in lovely shops and  7 (visit) artists in their workplaces along St Paul Street  
    That night the train was speeding along the St Lawrence River towards the Gulf of St Lawrence and down to the  8 (distance) east coast towards the province of Nova Scotia and its  9 (large) city Halifax The cousins dreamt  10 (happy) of the beautiful cobblestone streets old brick buildings and the red maple leaves of Montreal 
    As an essential part and  1  largest organ of our body the skin has many important  2 (function) Therefore  3 (get) burnt can lead to very serious injuries which need first aid in time 
    We can get burnt by a  4 (various) of things like hot liquids fire or some chemicals Depending on the depth of skin damage burns can  5 (divide) into three types firstdegree burns seconddegree burns and thirddegree burns For firstdegree burns first place burns under cool running water especially within the first ten minutes Second dry the burnt area  6 (gentle) with a clean cloth Meanwhile remove any clothes using scissors if necessary  7  you see the fabric sticking to the burnt skin Then cover the burnt area with a loose clean cloth Don't apply oil  8  the injured areas as it will keep the heat in the wounds and may cause infection It is important  9 (take) the victim  10  is suffering from second or thirddegree burns to the hospital right away 
    Zhang Tao who was eating at a restaurant should owe his safety to a fellow diner Chen Wei During the dinner he suddenly  1 (choke) on some steak while what his friends could do was only slap him on the back  2 (desperate) Fortunately Chen had learned how  3 (give) first aid in school He remained calm and performed the Heimlich manoeuvre right away thus forcing out the food instantly and  4 (make)Zhang breathe again  
    The Heimlich manoeuvre  5  was created by Henry Heimlich an American doctor has saved thousands of lives around the world  6 (do) the Heimlich manoeuvre is quick  7 (practice) and easy However  8  is not recommended to perform it on a small child as it may hurt him 
    With choking victims every minute counts So we shouldn't stand  9  and do nothing We are all  10 (human) and we all have a responsibility to look after one another's welfare 




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