牛津7B Unit 5单元测试题

    单元检测〔For Unit 5〕

    1 That’s too e_________ I don’t have much money
    2 The football stickers c________ 250 yuan
    3 There is a d______ on those cards
    4 These red hair clips m_________ you favourite Tshirt
    5 Can our school send the children in poor areas some s_______ They need ruler and pens
    6 I like the computer games c_________
    1 There ____(be) some comic books in my bag
    2 Simon __________(look) for a pair of football boots now
    3 Daniel and his friends __________(play) computer games now
    4 ______you ______(watch) TV at the moment
    5 There _____(be) a walkman and two CDs on the desk
    6 Millie is my sister I play with ____(she) every night
    7 Grandpa is coming I want to show ____(he) my new football
    8 It is a good place ______(meet) friends
    ( )1 Mrs Brown wants to buy some food _____supper
    A to B for C of D at
    ( )2 The shop near our school sells ___things
    A a lot B a lot of C a lots of D a lots
    ( )3 ____is this pair of jeans 9800
    A How long B How much C How often D How about
    ( )4 ____________
    Yes please I’d like some fancy clips
    A What do you want B How do you do
    C Can I help you D Is that all
    ( )5 The notebooks are cheap I’ll buy ____________
    A it B they C them D they are
    ( )6 How often do you buy pens
    A Two days B Every week C This week D No
    ( )7 The boys ________some cold drinks at present
    A drinking B are drinking C are drink D drink
    ( )8_________a restaurant on the top floor
    A There are B There is C There have D They are
    二 句型转换
    1 I’d like a pair of football socks( 改般疑问句)

    2 This kind of jacket is one hundred yuan(划线局部提问)

    3 Can I help you(义问)

    4 This bike is not cheap(义句)

    5 What’s the price of a pair of tennis racket(义句)

    6 I often watch a film before going shopping(改现进行时)

    三 补全话
    A What can I______ ______ you
    B I'm ______ ______ a skirt
    A ______ _______do you like
    B I like green
    A Do you like this one
    B It looks nice ______ ______ is it
    A 100 yuan
    B Oh that's too______ 1 can't afford(买起)it
    A What about this one It's cheaponly 60 yuan
    B Can I try it on
    A Yes please
    B That's just right I'll take it Here's the_______
    A Thank you

    四 完形填空
    One day Yu Mei___1___ shopping with her mother When they get __2___ the supermarket Yu Mei is very 3 There are many things and many people 4 it
    Her mother tells Yu Mei 5 her They walk here and there and they 6__ some things
    When they come to a shelf(架子) Yu Mei 7 some boxes of chocolates She wants her mother to buy some 8 her
    Her mother gives 9 a box of brown chocolates Yu Mei shooks(摇晃) her head and says I want a box of white chocolates
    Why' asks her mother
    I can't bite my fingers 〔咬着手指〕when I eat them 10 night answers Yu Mei quickly
    ( )1 A goes B go C to go D going
    ( )2 A for B on C to D with
    ( )3 A sorry B glad C sad D good
    ( )4 A on B for C at D in
    ( )5 A follow B follows C to follow D following
    ( )6 A bay B take C carry D make
    ( )7 A looks B watches C reads D sees
    ( )8 A with B for C to D about
    ( )9 A her B to her C for her D with her
    ( )10 A in B on C at D for

    五 阅读理解
    Li Mei is a Chinese girl She studies in No 5 Middle School She is a good girl She gets up early in the morning and then helps her mother cook breakfast After breakfast she goes to school by bike She has many friends at school They often
    help each other with their lessons Her mother is a worker She works in a supermarket Where is the supermarket It is near Li Mei's home The supermarket isn't very big but it sells many different things The students in Li Mei's school often buy school things there What does Li Mei's father do He is in the same supermarket But he doesn't sell things He is a driver The family is a happy one
    61 Li Mei is a_________________________
    A student B worker
    C driver D teacher
    62 There are __ people in her family
    A two B three C four D five
    63 Li Mei _____________ to school
    A walks B drives C flies D rides
    64 _____________buy school things in the supermarket
    A People B Li Mei's parents
    C Li Mei's schoolmates D The students
    65 ____________ works in the supermarket
    A Li Mei B Li Mei's father
    C Li Mei's mother D Both B and C

    六 写作
    A. 完成句子
    1. 天想起购物

    2. 文具盒里许文具

    3. 卡片少钱?

    4. 时 Simon试穿新足球鞋

    5. 牛仔裤穿合身

    6. 学校附容易找文具店





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