牛津7B练习题及答案 Unit1-6

    7B综合力训练(Units l6)
    第局部 听力试题(20分)
    ( )1 A London B Beijing C Paris
    ( )2 A It is two yuan B For two weeks C Fifty
    ( )3 A I'll stay at home B I'll ask for help C I'll call 120
    ( )4 A It's January 1st B It's Monday C It's Mother's Day
    ( )5 A Wednesday B Thursday C Tuesday
    ( )1 A In a school B At the station C Teeth
    ( )3 A On the floor B On the seat C In his mouth
    ( )4 A Happy B Angry C Hungry
    ( )5 A One B Two C Three
    Amy is a pretty girl She always wears old clothes but they're Last week on her birthday her aunt a new coat for her She likes it very much but she keeps it well Her mother is ill in bed and she has a lot of to do after school She's to make it dirty It's snowing this morning After
    she put on her old coat and was her mother her and told her to put on the new one
    Sandy's coat is older than said the girl It's more to her I think
    The two sisters were on the way to school Sandy was very happy so was Amy
    第二局部 语言知识运〔80分〕
    〔 〕1 We will go camping if it next week
    A will rain B will be fine
    C doesn't rain D rains
    〔 〕2 When were you born
    April 4th 1994
    A at B by C in D on
    〔 〕3 There's milk in the fridge That's enough for all of us
    A little B a little C much D many
    〔 〕4 The boy is young wash himself
    A too to B very to C so to D to too
    〔 ) 5 Mr Fox will teach English this term
    A our B us C ourselves D ours
    〔 ) 6 blouse is for my sister
    The red one
    A What B Whose C Which D Who's
    〔 ) 7 I hear there's going to a film tomorrow
    A be B is C have D has
    〔 ) 8 Where is Simon
    He in the library
    A is read B is reading C reading D reads
    〔 ) 9 Wang Fang rushed Mr Sun's house and helped him out
    A in B to C into D for
    〔 )10 lovely skirts they are
    A What a B What C How D How a
    〔 )11 This is classroom is over there
    A yourour B yoursours
    C yoursour D yourours
    〔 )12 There are about students in our school
    A two thousand one hundred
    B two thousands and hundred
    C two thousands and one hundred
    D two thousand and one hundred
    〔 )13 Let's go to the park shall we

    A Yes we shall B That's all right
    C OK D Let's go
    〔 )14 Our teacher told us the earth around the sun
    A went B goes C go D is going
    ( )15 can you tell me how to get to the bus stop
    A Excuse me B Sorry C Hello D Hi
    1.It’s necessary to study hard in the school(义句)
    study hard in the school
    2.We should watch TV too much〔否认句〕
    We TV too much
    3.They went to the park yesterday〔划线局部提问〕
    they go to the park
    4.He knows how to look after pets〔般疑问句〕
    he how look after pets
    5.You should take your dog for a walk every day (义句)
    your for a walk every day
    1 (not be) late again next time〞 the teacher said
    2 Sandy supper is ready
    Oh I (come)
    3 What would you like (eat)
    4 It's four in the afternoon The girl with her friends (dance) in the classroom
    5 we (go) and help him with English this weekend
    All right
    6 After (have) my breakfast I went to school
    7 Who (play) the piano just now
    Helen did
    8 The teacher often tells us (listen) carefully in class
    9 This morning I heard someone (shout) Help help on my way to school
    10 All the students are looking forward to (go) for an outing


    Walk on and you see the lights
    It is to English day
    books are there in your school
    A shopkeeper closed his shop in the evening and went home He was very 1 but just as he went to 2 the telephone rang A man's 3 said What time do you open your shop sir
    The shopkeeper was 4 about the phone call He did not answer it and went 5 to bed A few minutes later the telephone 6 He got up and went to pick up the phone and found that 7 was the same man asking the same question
    The shopkeeper angrily answered You needn't ask me that for ()I 8 tonight It's lat〞
    9 I want to go 10 the man said
    ( )1 A sorry B tired C hungry D sad
    ( )2 A sleep B bed C have supper D the shop
    ( )3 A friend B wife C voice D sound
    ( )4 A happy B unhappy C thinking D worried
    ( )5 A on B away C out D back
    ( )6 A stopped ringing B rang again C called D spoke out
    ( )7 A voice B man C it D he
    ( )8 A will let you in B won't let you in
    C will let you come out D won't let you come out
    ( )9 A Never mind B That's good C No D Yes
    ( )10 A home B to bed C out D in
    There are lots of animals on the earth What is the biggest animal of all The whale is A blue whale weighs more than a hundred tons
    Whales live in the sea but they are not fish They are mammals and must have air to breathe The babies drink milk from the mother's body Every spring groups of whales swim hundreds of kilometers to warm places
    Each group goes to the same place every year The mothers take very good care of their babies Whales are a gentle kind of giant They always live together and help each other They talk to each other in the water with a high noise that sounds like singing
    Yet people kill over a hundred whales a day They kill them to make many things The whale dies very slowly and in great pain Some ships kill every whale they can find even mother whales and babies If things go on like this there will be no young whales to grow up and no mother whales to have more young
    ( ) 1 are the biggest animals on the earth
    A Elephants B Lions
    C Whales D I don't know
    ( ) 2 Whales are
    A mammals B fish C mothers D babies
    〔 ) 3 Whales can live
    A in the sea B on the land
    C in the river D A and B
    〔 ) 4 When whales talk it sounds like
    A singing B crying C a baby D calling
    〔 ) 5 Some people kill
    A only mother whales B only baby whales
    C the old whales D A B and C
    A clever man
    A gentleman met Bill one day The rich man said They say you are very clever but I don't believe it ' Bill said with a smile I am not clever Instead you are very stupid
    The gentleman became very angry Bill said Please don't be
    angry sir
    If you don't believe what I said let me ask you one question If you have a group of cows and I give you another group then how many groups of cows do you have
    Why that's the easiest question in the world One and one is two I have two groups of cows Bill laughed and said You are wrong sir Two groups put together are still one group That is the easiest question in the world
    ( )1 What did Bill think of himself
    A He was very clever B He was not clever
    C He was no clever than the rich man D He was very stupid
    ( )2 What did Bill think of the rich man
    A He was very clever B He was not clever
    C He was not stupid D He was too stupid
    ( )3 Why did the gentlemen become very angry
    A Because Bill's words hurt him
    B Because Bill didn't answer his question
    C Because he didn't believe his words
    D Because Bill asked him the easiest question in the world
    ( )4 What did the rich man think of Bill's question
    A It was difficult B It was not very difficult
    C It was very easy D It was good
    ( )5 What is the right answer to Bill's question
    A One and one is two
    B I have two groups of cows
    C In maths one and one is one
    D Two groups put together are still one group

    7B综合力训练(Units l6)
    1 What's the capital of UK (A)
    2 How much is your postcard (A)
    3 What will you do when there is a fire (B)
    4 What's the date today (A)
    5 What day is the third day of a week (C)
    二A woman was at the cinema and she was enjoying the film very much But there was a man in the next seat and he began looking at the floor under her The woman was angry and asked What are you doing there What are you looking for A piece of chocolate the man said to her I dropped it on the floor A piece of chocolate the woman said angrily It is dirty now Take this and be quiet please I am listening to the film She gave the man a big piece of chocolate But the man
    said One of my teeth is in the chocolate ACABA
    三 1 clean 2 thirteenth 3 bought 4 housework 5 afraid
    6 breakfast 7 leaving 8 stopped 9 mine 10 useful
    二 1You must 2shouldn’t watch 3When did 4Does know 5Take dog

    三 1 Don't be 2 am coming 3 to eat 4 is dancing 5 Shall go 6 having 7 played 8 to listen 9 shouting 10 going

    四 1 It sounds great
    2 Walk straight on and you will see the traffic lights
    3 Let's practise every Wednesday
    4 It is necessary to read English every day
    5 How many hooks are there in your school library





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