1_Unit 5 单元检测

    Unit5 单元测试
    ( )1Thank you for _____ me to your party
    Ainvite Binviting Cto invite Dtelling
    ( )2 _____ It's Monday16th
    AWhat is it today BWhat's the date CWhat day is it DWhen is
    ( )3June 2nd is Lily's birthday and she invites us _____ her birthday party
    Aat Bon Cto Dwith
    ( )4The boy is _____ thirsty (口渴) and he drinks _____ water
    Atoo muchtoo much Bmuch toomuch too
    Ctoo muchmuch too Dmuch tootoo much
    ( )5 Why did she _____ your invitation
    Because she had an important meeting to attend that day
    Aturn down Bput away Clook up Dhand in
    ( )6This is Ella's _____ She has a lot of things to do this week
    Acard Bbook Ccalendar Dpaper
    ( )7My sister went to work without _____ breakfast this morning
    Ahaving Bhave Chas Dhad
    ( )8I hardly knew anything about it _____ you told me
    Abecause Buntil Cafter Dwhen
    ( )9The World Cup is coming I won't _____ any game
    I'm looking forward to _____ every match of ittoo
    Amiss to watch Bmiss watching
    Cto miss watch Dto miss watched
    ( )10Can you go to the movies with me this weekend
    _____ I have to help my parents with housework
    ASure I'd love to BOf course I love
    CI'm afraid so DI'm afraid not
    ( )11 Your team has won the first prize in the soccer games Congratulations team you are
    A How great B What a great C What great D How a great
    ( )12 Please me when you get to Wuhan
    A call B bring C take D show
    ( )13 Mom always tells me that nothing can be learned hard work
    A with B by C for D without
    ( )14 Please tell me what day it is tomorrow
    Tomorrow Oh it's  
    A Saturday B the first of January C half past five D January first
    ( )15 What did you do yesterday morning
    I   with friends in the supermarket
    A went out B hang out C came out D hung out
    ( )16 Could you please have a walk with me
    Sorry I   I have something important to do now
    A mustn't B needn't C can't D may not
    ( )17 Paul looks forward to   his pen pal as soon as possible
    A meets B meet C meeting D met
    ( )18 Tom knew nothing   his friend told him
    A because B until C since D if
    ( )19 The manager says that there's no hot water after 800 tonight
    You mean we   go to bed without a shower How terrible
    A can B have to C may
    ( )20 I don't like summer as it is hot and we have to do homework
    A too much too much B much too much too C much too too much D too much much too
    Henry is a little boy He is always 11 to others So he has a lot of friends Tomorrow is Henry's birthday His friends Mike and Betty decide 12 him a present They are talking about 13 to buy on the way home from school now
    What shall we buy him Mike asks Betty
    What about a pair of sports shoes
    No he bought a pair last month
    How about a big 14 of chocolates
    No he's too fat
    Well let's buy him a camera
    Oh it's too expensive
    Ten minutes 15 they see Henry's sister Lily coming 16 her bicycle They decide to ask Lily for 17
    Buy him a computer game
    Mike and Betty 18 think it's a good idea They go into a shop and the shopkeeper shows them a computer game He says it is the 19 computer game this year So they buy it However Henry doesn't like it Why Henry knows 20 about computer games
    11Afriendly Blazy Csmart Dexciting
    12Abuy Bto buy Cbuying Dbought
    13Ahow Bwhere Cwhat Dwhy
    14Akind Bbit Cgroup Dbox
    15Alater Bbehind Cafter Dsoon
    16Ain Bby Con Dat
    17Aanswer Bproblem Cmatter Dadvice
    18Aall Bboth Csome Deach
    19Amost popular Bmore popular Cpopular Dpopularest
    20Aeverything Bsomething Cnothing Danything
    I'm TedI'd like to tell you something about my birthday Last Sunday was my 12th birthday I planned to have a birthday party on Saturday night I sent 50 invitations to my friends on Monday
    About 25 people told me they would come On Saturday afternoon I went to the supermarket to buy some food and drinks I came home at around 1730 I was really glad my parents helped clean the house
    The first person arrived at 1800 and the others came later Instead of the small number of 2540 people came I didn't have enough food or drinks for themso I had to have the party in town
    The party in town was fun The music was beautiful We danced for a long time We were all very happy
    The next day I spent my birthday with my parents And talked with my grandparents on the phoneI really had a great time
    21When was Ted's birthday
    ALast Friday BLast Saturday CLast Monday DLast Sunday
    22What did Ted do on Saturday afternoon
    AHe cleaned his house
    BHe went to buy some food and drinks
    CHe sent invitations to his friends
    DHe cooked food for the party
    23How many people were sure to come to Ted's party at first?
    A40 B18 C25 D50
    24Why did Ted have the party in town at last
    ABecause the party in town was fun
    BBecause he didn't plan to have the party at home
    CBecause he didn't have enough food or drinks for all guests
    DBecause his parents didn't want to have a party at home
    25What's the best title of the passage
    AMy Birthday Party BMy Friends
    CAn Awful Birthday Party DA Birthday Plan
    Americans like to have different kinds of parties such as birthday parties surprise parties tea parties and housewarming parties Pajama (睡衣) parties are one of the most popular kinds of parties in the US At a pajama party a group of friends spend the night at a person's house It is a great way for children or teenagers to get together and have a good time
    To hold a pajama party the host(东道) will usually plan some fun activities such as watching movies and playing board games and video games He or she should also prepare some delicious snacks and fun food like pizza Guests at a pajama party should bring their own pajamas toothbrushes pillows and blankets (枕头毯子) But if they forget something they don't need to worry because the host will give them what they need
    If a pajama party is mainly for fun a prom is no doubt a very important thing in most American schools A prom is a formal(正式) dance party that is held at a high school The party is usually held near the end of the senior year the last year of high school so it is often called graduation(毕业)dance Students are supposed to wear formal clothes at the prom A Prom Queen and a Prom King may also be crowned(加冕) at many schools' proms
    26How many kinds of parties are mentioned in the passage
    AFour BFive CSix DSeven
    27A pajama party is held _____
    Aat a cinema Bat a restaurant
    Cat a high school Dat a person's house
    28The guests _____ at a pajama party
    Acan enjoy some fun activities
    Bmust use the host's pajamas
    Chave no snacks or fun food to eat
    Dcan't get what they need from the host
    29The students _____ at a prom
    Awear formal clothes Bplay board games
    Care all crowned Dare all surprised
    30What's the best title(题目)for the passage
    AAmerican school life BPajama parties and proms
    CAmerican sleeping habits DBirthday parties and tea parties
    31Would you like _____ (have)a cup of tea
    32Thanks for____(help) me with my English
    33Here is a letter of____(invite) for you
    34My friend invited me _____ (go) to the movies
    35I'm thirstyI want____(drink) something
    I looked at the c 36 My dad's birthday was on Saturday My sister and I wanted to have a s 37 party for our dad's birthday We thought a party would help make him glad We i 38 some of his good friends
    On Saturday morning my parents went to visit my grandparents Then we started to p 39 for the party My sister cooked well so she cooked the food And I decorated(装饰)the roomThen I p 40 some fresh flowers we bought on the table
    From 430 pm my dad's friends came one by one We asked them to stay in the room w 41 any lightsAbout half an hour later my parents came back When Dad walked inI t 42 the lights on It took him a few minutes to realize(意识)that the p 43 was for himHe was very s 44 .
    The g 45 had a great time and Dad enjoyed his evening My sister and I also had much fun
    36______ 37______ 38______ 39______ 40______
    41______ 42______ 43______ 44______ 45______
    My name is Michael and I'm 13 years old My birthday is in autumn Every year my parents 46 (celebrate) it for me This yearI forgot it because I was very busy with an exam But my parents didn't They wanted 47 (give) me a surprise so they 48 (prepare) for it on their own When I 49 (come) home that dayI saw a big birthday cake on the tableI didn't know what 50 (happen) at first but finally I saw the birthday card for meI was both surprised and happyI gave each of my parents a kiss and 51 (say) Thank you to them
    Then they gave me a boxI 52 (accept) it and wondered what was in itI quickly opened the cover of it and saw a CD about a flute(长笛)in the box My parents knew I really liked 53 (play) the flute so they bought it for me without 54 (tell) meI was very happy It wasn't because of the present but the love from my parents Though my parents always asked me 55 (not do) this or thatI knew they loved meI thought that it was the best present for me
    46______ 47______ 48______ 49______ 50______
    51______ 52______ 53______ 54______ 55______
    Can you help me _____ _____ my dog while I'm away
    He left home two months ago His parents want to _____ _____ him
    Don't you want to _____ _____ with us near the zoo
    I _____ go to bed _____ eleven o'clock last night
    We are _____ _____ _____ _____ into our new house
    Have you ever heard of the surprise party
    The surprise party is very popular in America Most of the Americans think it is very exciting to have surprise parties for their friends or family members It is quite possible to plan a surprise party when one's birthday is coming Do you want to know what a surprise party is like Look at the following example
    It's Saturday night Bob's wife asks him to go to the kitchen and bring her a glass of milk Bob walks to the kitchen and opens the door Suddenly 63he hears a strange sound and then sees a bear standing in front of him
    Bob is very scared and falls backwards Just then the bear takes off his costume(戏服)It's Bob's friend Charles There are also some other people behind him All of them say to Bob Surprise Bob is puzzled64and he does not know what it is until his friends sayHappy birthday to him
    In fact there are many kinds of surprise partiesA successful surprise party always makes people excited and surprised
    61How is the surprise party in America
    62Where does the strange sound Bob hears come from

    Dear David
    How are you recently_______________________________________________________
    Li Ming





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