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    记忆记住前面信息形成情节发展议进行种根前面已知信息判断某空该填词称瞻前前面信息足判断出空该填什 时候前面理解信息没选出某空时候结合面句甚句信息加前面信息完整便理解信息
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    5 利跳读法解题
    般言完形填空填20空中总空相简单 类空格考生先确定逐突破空跳太容易出答案题切忌做题时循规蹈矩着完成
    6 利语法分析解题


    Who designed (设计) the first helicopter (直升飞机) Who __1__ of the most famous pictures in the world Who knew more about the human body than most __2__ There is an answer __3__ all these questions Leonardo de Vinci (达芬奇)
      Leonardo may have been the greatest genius (天) __4__ have ever known He lived in Italy around the year 1500 but many of his inventions seem modern to us today For example one of his notebooks has drawings of a helicopter Of course he couldn’t __5__ a helicopter with the things he had But scientists say his idea would have worked
      But Leonardo __6__ an inventor He was one of the greatest artists of his day By the time he was twenty years old he was called a master ( 师) painter and as he got older he became __7__ more famous Sometimes he drew a hand ten different ways __8__ he was ready to paint
      Many of Leonardo’s wonderful paintings are still with __9__ today You may know one of his most famous works the __10__ woman known as the Mona Lisa
      1 A took B Made C Painted D invented
      2 A artists B doctors C painters D people
      3 A to B of C for D from
      4 A the scientists B the artists C the world D people
      5 A draw B paint C work D build
      6 A was just B wasn’t just C wasn’t D was no longer
      7 A less B no C even D very
      8 A before B after C because D when
      9 A him B Us C them D you
    10 A interesting B Crying C Smiling D Surprising

    When Mr Hunt woke up in the morning he felt his bedroom was very bright He thought he 1 to turn off the light again He sat up and tried to do that And now he 2 it was the sunlight Mrs Hunt went to see their daughter in the city two days ago She cooked some food for him 3 she left But Mr Hunt hoped to have breakfast in a restaurant near the park And then he could walk 4 the lake He put on his clothes and went out The sun was shining brightly in the sky and the 5 was fresh (清新) But people were busy and he could see only some old people and children He went in the restaurant and sat down at a table waiting for the 6 Hi Peter someone called him and he saw it was his 7 Richard Hi Richard Glad to meet you here
    Glad to meet you too said Richard I'm sorry but I 8 my wallet at home So could you lend fifty dollars to me please Sure but I have only twenty five dollars in my 9 It doesn't matter said Richard then you'll owe(欠) me twentyfive dollars and I'll owe you 10 dollars too That'll be fair (公)
    ( )1 A knewB hopedC forgotD liked
    ( )2 A guessedB found C saidD told
    ( )3 A beforeB afterC whenD because
    ( )4 A inB onC underD around
    ( )5 A fruitB cloud C airD water
    ( )6 A moneyB glassC answerD menu
    ( )7 A friendB workerC driverD waiter
    ( )8 A tookB putC forgotD left
    ( )9 A shoesB pocketC shirtD hand
    ( )10 A fifteenB twentyC twentyfiveD Thirty

      Once there was a father and a son They were illtempered(坏脾气) and never gave way to others One day the father decided to _1___some friends to dinner in his house He __2____ his son to buy some meat in town When the son got _3____his father wanted he turned back and walked towards the town gate Just then a man was coming from the outside The gate wasn’t __4___enough to let two men in and out at the same time But __ 5___ of them would give way to the other They___6___ straight face to face inside the gate hour after hour But the father was worried What shall I do My son hasn’t____7___ yet I can’t wait any longer He wanted to know what the ___8____ with his son was So he left his friends at home and he himself went to the town to look for his son
      You may first take the ___9_____ home for my friends Let me stand here against him ____10____ He said to his son when he knew what had happened
      1 A speak B answer C say D ask
      2 A hoped B told C let D wished
      3 A why B where C what D which
      4 A long B wide C high D narrow
      5 A either B all C both D neither
      6 A stood B went C lay D walked
      7 A gone B bought C returned D been
      8 A wrong B accident C thing D matter
      9 A meat B dinner C bread D money
    10 A politely B instead C safely D kindly
      One day some workers were mending the road They had dug a big hole in the road As they could not 1__________ their work they had put up notice boards on both sides of the hole before they 2__________ On the boards they wrote the word DANGER in order to warm people not to drop into the hole
      Some time 3________ A blind man was walking 4__________ the road He was just walking in the direction of the hole As he could not to see the notice he was walking 5________ to the hole He was very close to it now Just at that moment a boy saw the man and 6_________up to him 7_________ the boy shouted Don’t go any farther or you’ll fall 8___________ the hole After he heard this the blind man stopped 9_________ Then the boy took the man by the arm and led him safety around the road Thanks a lot said the man You’re really a 10__________ boy
      ( )1 A finish B prepare C do D start
      ( )2A left B begin C stopped D came
      ( )3A ago B before C past D later
      ( )4A to B along C away from D out of
      ( )5A near and near B nearer and nearer C far and far D farther and farther
      ( )6A walked B came C ran D went
      ( )7A Hello B Oh C Help D Stop
      ( )8A in B to C into D at
      ( )9A at last B at once C at first D at that time
    ( )10A nice B bad C naughty D clever

    Chinese New Year is coming soon Maybe you have your own New Year's resolutions But what kind of resolutions should you (1) _________ Here is some of my advice
    Firstly your New Year's resolutions should be (2) _________ for you Be sure that they can (3) _________ your studies or make you healthier Going to bed later is not a good resolution It is not good for your health You should make resolutions like drinking milk for (4) _________ every morning.The resolution (5) _________ eating junk food is also a good one Studying harder and spending (6) _________ time watching TV are also good ones
    Secondly your New Year's resolutions shouldn't be very (7) _________ to keep Be sure that you can keep your resolutions Don't make your resolutions too (8) _________.Flying to the moon is a difficult resolution for (9) _________.You should keep your resolutions small and simple (10) _________ you can keep them
    Lastly don't forget to make a plan After making good and realistic(现实) resolutions you can write down what you need to do every day and then do it
    1 A make B take C keep D break
    2 A necessary B right C important D expensive
    3 A change B finish C improve D follow
    4 A breakfast B lunch C dinner D meal
    5 A stopping B beginning C trying D enjoying
    6 A longer B more C less D fewer
    7 A easy B difficult C nice D interesting
    8 A high B close C long D cheap
    9 A somebody B anybody C nobody D someone
    10 A but B so C or D because

    答案15 CBADD 610 BCABC
    二答案15 CBADC 610 DADBC
    三答案15 DBCBD 610 ACDAB
    四答案15 ACDBB 610 CDCBA
    五答案15ABCAA 610 CBABA




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