    Dear Editor
    Please publish more articles about women scientists Women scientists have made outstanding contributions to the world These women make excellent role models More young women may choose science as a profession if women read featured articles on female scientists like Marie Curie and Rachel Carson Both women were encouraged to study scienceand they both accomplished great things
    With her father's encouragement Marie Curie made the world a better place through her scientific accomplishments She studied the emission (放射) of rays from uranium (铀) a feature she called radioactivity (放射性) Later Curie and her husbandalso a scientist processed the mineral pitchblende before separating two radioactive elements (元素) With this discovery Marie Curie earned her doctorate and shortly thereafterboth she and her husband were awarded the 1903 Nobel Prize in physics In 1911 Marie Curie won the Nobel Prize in chemistry for her work with the newly discovered elementsthis work laid the foundation for X­rays and atomic physics
    When Rachel Carson was young her mother encouraged her to study nature As an adult she became known as the mother of the modern environmental movement After studying marine biology and zoology in college Carson worked as a government scientist and wrote several books on how all living things relate to each other In 1951 her book The Sea Around Us made scientific knowledge about the sea accessible to the general readers and remained on the best­seller list for eighty­six weeks In 1962 Carson wrote Silent Spring a book that helped lead to improvements in the use of chemical pesticides(农药).
    Humans have benefited greatly from the work of Marie Curie and Rachel Carson What if these women had not been encouraged to become scientists I believe that we need to encourage young women to enter the field of scienceWith that goal in mindI sincerely hope your magazine can publish more articles about the contributions that women make to science
    Annie BastienGrade 7
    Capistrano Middle School
    语篇解读 文篇应文作者信中建议杂志编辑刊登关女性科学家文章鼓励更女性事科学事业
    1.According to the text Marie Curie .
    A.achieved success with her father's help
    B.separated two radioactive elements alone
    C.made contributions to the study of X­rays
    D.won the Nobel Prize twice with her husband
    C [细节理解题第二段中this work laid the foundation for X­rays and atomic physics知玛丽·居里工作研究X射线原子物理奠定基础]
    2.What can we learn about Rachel Carson
    A.She was a physicist and chemist
    B.Her books had a great influence on the public
    C.She was inspired by her father to become a scientist
    D.Her role as an environmentalist was rarely known by people
    B [细节理解题倒数第二段中her book The Sea Around Us made scientific knowledge about the sea a book that helped lead to improvements in the use of chemical pesticides(农药)知雷切尔·卡逊著两书众产生影响]
    3.What can we infer about the author
    A.She aims to become a scientist
    B.She likes reading and writing stories
    C.She has a great interest in women scientists
    D.She wants to publish articles in the magazine
    C [推理判断题段中I believe that we need to encourage young women to enter the field of science知作者女性科学家事感兴趣]
    Einstein was not only an outstanding scientist of the 20th centurybut also a gifted and enthusiastic musician He once said that had he not been a scientist he would have been a musician Life without playing music is unthinkable for me he said I live my daydreams in music I get most joy in life out of music
    Einstein's mother Pauline was a talented pianist who brought music to life in the family home Einstein began to learn the violin at the age of 6 However he worked hard until discovering the joys of Mozart's sonatas (奏鸣曲) at the age of 13 From that point onalthough he had no further lessons his violin remained his companion (伴侣).
    When Einstein moved to Aarau in Switzerland in 1895 to complete his schooling he seemed to have devoted a good deal of his time to music Just before his 17th birthday Einstein played at a music examination in the school The examiner reported that a student called Einstein shone in a deeply felt performance of one of the Beethoven sonatas In addition to his great skill in playing the violin he also played the piano and in particular loved to improvise (兴创作).
    In later life Einstein's reputation as a physicist often led to invitations to perform at benefit concerts which he generally accepted happily At one such event a critic—not knowing Einstein's real reputation as a physicist—wrote Einstein plays excellently However his world­wide reputation is undeserved There are many violinists who are just as good
    Probably the summary of Einstein the violinist that comes nearest to the mark comes from his friend Janos Plesch who wrote There are many musicians with much better skills but none I believe who ever played with more sincerity or deeper feeling
    语篇解读 文篇记叙文文章介绍物理学家爱斯坦音乐热爱投入
    4.We learn from Paragraph 1 that Einstein .
    A.had a great love for music
    B.enjoyed daydreaming in music
    C.had stopped playing music for a while
    D.preferred to be a musician rather than a scientist
    A [推理判断题第段中a gifted and enthusiastic musician爱斯坦说话知爱斯坦非常热爱音乐]
    5.After discovering the joys of Mozart's sonatas Einstein .
    A.began to create his own music
    B.spent a lot of time playing his violin
    C.started learning the piano by himself
    D.moved to Switzerland to learn the violin
    B [细节理解题第二段中From that point onalthough he had no further lessonshis violin remained his companion(伴侣).知爱斯坦13岁时发现莫扎特奏鸣曲乐趣时开始提琴直陪伴左右]
    6.What can we infer from Paragraph 3
    A.Einstein did excellently in the examination
    B.Einstein's life in Aarau affected his musical taste
    C.Einstein's performance disappointed the examiner
    D.Einstein practiced the Beethoven sonatas for his birthday
    A [推理判断题第三段中The examiner reported that a student called Einstein shone in a deeply felt performance of one of the Beethoven sonatas’知考官爱斯坦考试中表现赞赏加]
    7.By mentioning the critic's words the author probably wants to show .
    A.Einstein didn't live up to his reputation
    B.Einstein was also an outstanding violinist
    C.Einstein played better than professional violinists
    D.Einstein wished there would be more benefit concerts
    B [推理判断题倒数第二段中Einstein plays excellently Howeverhis world­wide reputation is undeservedThere are many violinists who are just as good知爱斯坦名出色提琴家]
    Maria (1718—1799) was a famous Italian mathematicianShe was described in a book as follows:Maria was a child prodigy (神童)but was also shy
    She stayed at home teaching the younger children and following her own studies When her mother died after giving birth to twenty­one children Maria took over the running of the household At the age of twenty she started a ten­year project a book bringing together the work on calculus (微积分学) of Leibnitz and Newton titled Analytic Institutions Sometimes she would have trouble with a problem but her mind went on working even in her sleep she would sleepwalk to her study and back to bed In the morning she would find the answer to the problem waiting on her desk Her book made her famous she was living proof of what she had argued at nine years old that women had a right to study science But Maria had other interests in her life apart from mathematicsShe had always worked with the poor people in her area and she had asked her father for separate rooms and turned them into a private hospital She worked at the hospital (and another) until she died at the age of eighty­one Maria wrote an important book on mathematics as well as another unpublished book She ran a household of over twenty people and she worked for people who had not had her luck and opportunities Each one of these things was remarkable but she did them all
    语篇解读 文篇物传记介绍意利著名数学家Maria成功历穷做出贡献
    8.We know from the text that Maria .
    A.was a maths teacher when she was young
    B.lived a rich life in her childhood
    C.was born in a large family
    D.was too shy to teach others
    C [细节理解题根第二段第二句知妈妈21孩子家家庭]
    9.It can be inferred from the text that .
    A.there were some good schools for children when Maria was young
    B.women were not allowed to study science when Maria was a little girl
    C.women had equal rights to learn anything as boys did
    D.Maria had the ability to make enough money to bring up her brothers and sisters when her mother died
    B [推理判断题根第二段中 she was living proof of what she had argued at nine years old that women had a right to study science知时允许女性学科学]
    10.According to the textMaria was so devoted to maths that she .
    A.forgot everything when she was studying
    B.spent over ten years writing her most famous book
    C.never slept while doing researches
    D.would go on with her study in her dream
    D [细节理解题根第二段第四五句知工作执着睡觉时会梦游进书房工作]
    11.We know from the text that Maria was also a woman
    A.kind­hearted     B.beautiful
    C.well­born D.rich
    A [推理判断题根文章半部分描述知做事说明仅位伟数学家热心善良]
    Malala Yousafzai is a Pakistani student and education activist who began speaking out for girls' education at the age of 11 After surviving an assassination (暗杀) at the age of 15she co­founded the Malala Fund with her father to create a world where girls everywhere could be educated without fear Her fund supports every girl's right to 12 years of free safe quality education and works mainly in countries such as Pakistan Afghanistan India and Nigeria
    Malala believes girls are the best investment(投资)in the future peace and further development of our world It will never be a wrong choice to spend money on girls
    In 2014 the Norwegian Nobel Committee awarded Kailash Satyarthi and Malala Yousafzai the Nobel Peace Prize for their fight against the suppression (镇压) of children and young people and for the right of all children to education Malala became the youngest­ever Nobel Peace Prize winner
    Accepting the award Malala saidThis award is not just for me It is for those forgotten children who want education It is for those frightened children who want peace It is for those voiceless children who want change
    In her new picture book Malala's Magic Pencil Malala returns to her childhood to teach young readers about the importance of hope believing in magic and making the world a better place
    Malala's first book her personal life story co­written with Christina Lamb I Am Malala How One Girl Stood Up for Education and Changed the World was published in 2013She is also the subject of the 2015 film He Named Me Malala
    语篇解读 文篇记叙文文章讲述诺贝尔奖获者马拉拉生事
    12.What's the purpose of the Malala Fund
    A.To improve girls' safety
    B.To get young girls to school
    C.To improve people's living conditions
    D.To win women lifetime education rights
    B [细节理解题第段中she co­founded the Malala Fund with her father to create a world where girls everywhere could be educated without fear知基金会旨女孩够进入校园接受教育]
    13.Which of the following is Malala's opinion of girls according to Paragraph 2
    A.They are quite good at making investments
    B.They are in greater need of peace than boys
    C.They will play an important role in the future
    D.They do more for the development of the world than boys
    C [细节理解题第二段中Malala believes girls are the best investment(投资) in the future peace and further development of our world知马拉拉认应该女孩身投资会社会发展做出贡献]
    14.What can be inferred from what Malala said while accepting the award
    A.She has a caring attitude
    B.She is satisfied with her education
    C.She feels powerless to change the world
    D.She will have more supporters in the coming years
    A [推理判断题第四段中马拉拉讲话容It is for those forgotten children who want educationIt is for those frightened children who want peaceIt is for those voiceless children who want change知心系关爱]
    15.What can be learned about Malala's Magic Pencil
    A.It teaches readers how to draw
    B.It was Malala's first book
    C.It was a co­written book
    D.It spreads hope
    D [细节理解题倒数第二段中In her new picture bookMalala's Magic PencilMalala returns to her childhood to teach young readers about the importance of hope知书传播希]
    Do You Have a Positive Attitude
    Who would you rather hang around with Someone who always acts in low spirits Or someone who manages to see the good around himeven when things aren't always going great 16
    Having a positive attitude can help you in many ways 17 Your friends will definitely appreciate you more if you see the silver lining rather than just the dark clouds
    18 The less pressure you feel the better you will feel overall So if you've been feeling tired put on a happy face and you just might feel better soon
    But how can you have a positive attitude when life is hard It's more than just turning life's lemons into lemonade 19 But it's worth it
    A positive attitude doesn't mean ignoring life's troubles It just means looking for the good in things rather than being a pessimist and concentrating on the bad in things Sometimes your attitude can make all the difference
    Identify (识) those areas of your life that might not be going so well 20 Focus on one at a time and think of ways you can find the positive in things
    A.The answer is to have a positive attitude
    B.Having a positive attitude can take some hard work
    C.They are likely to make you have negative thoughts
    D.Having a positive attitude can also reduce your stress level
    E.If you have a positive attitude you're more fun to be around
    F.When you feel better physically you naturally feel better mentally
    G.It's no surprise that people enjoy being around positive people rather than negative people
    语篇解读 文篇议文垂头丧气相更愿意具积极心态起文述积极心态重性拥积极心态方法
    16.G [文三问句:愿意什样起?总垂头丧气?总设法事情积极面?G项(喜欢积极消极起意料中事)回答文提出三问题]
    17.E [句提积极心态方面帮E项(果积极心态身边带更快乐)承文说明积极心态周围带处]
    18.D [段讲积极心态周围带处句提压力越少整体感觉越D项(拥积极心态减少压力)承启]
    19.B [句提拥积极心态生柠檬变成柠檬水样简单需努力B项符合语境]
    20.C [句提找出生活中事情句提次专注件事找积极面C项(会产生消极思想)承启]
    An 84­year­old American woman Janet Fein received her bachelor's degree from the University of Texas at Dallas last week Fein grew up in the Bronx area of New York City When she was in high school she just wanted to finish and get a job After 21 earlyat the age of 16 she went to work as a secretaryAfter getting married she spent 18 years staying home with her five children She then had several jobs 22 she retired at age 77 But even then she was not ready to 23 during the retirement
    She worked for 20 years on earning an associated degreewhich she received in 1995 But Fein told the AP she also 24 to earn a bachelor's degree with all of my heart Fein took part in a state program that lets people who are 65 and 25 take free classes at public universities in Texas State officials say about 2000 people used the 26 last year
    Even with all of her life experiences she said she 27 reading writing papers and learning new things With each class I 28 knew a lot but I wanted more And that made me happy Fein kept going to class even as her health conditions 29 .During her studies it became 30 for her to use a walker (拐杖) to 31 and she required oxygen She even 32 knee problems So instead of going to the university Fein took online classes to finish the remaining part of her degree requirements She never showed (a) 33 of giving up even with all of her difficulties
    Many people set the 34 of graduating from college at a very young age while Janet Fein waited a life time for her chance to reach that goal As the saying goes it's never too late to learn Learning can help people live a 35 life
    语篇解读 文篇记叙文文章通讲述84岁美国女士Janet Fein通努力获德克萨斯学达拉斯分校学士学位事诠释活老学老真谛
    21.Aworking B.graduating
    C.learning D.beginning
    B [根文at the age of 16she went to work as a secretary知应该早早毕业]
    22.Awhile B.after
    C.before D.unless
    C [77岁退休前(before)份工作]
    23.Alie down B.work hard
    C.get off D.take a rest
    D [退休期间准备休息选D项lie down躺work hard努力工作get off车脱take a rest休息]
    24.Abought B.wanted
    C.introduced D.ordered
    B [想(wanted)全心全意努力学士学位]
    25.Aolder B.better
    C.faster D.bigger
    A [门课程65岁甚年纪更(older)开设]
    26.Aexperience B.degree
    C.program D.ability
    C [文提州立项目选C项experience历degree程度program项目ability力]
    27.Astopped B.made
    C.enjoyed D.disliked
    C [享受(enjoyed)阅读写文学新事物选C项]
    28.Ayet  B.still C.even D.already
    D [节课早解想学更东西选D项]
    29.Aworsened B.improved
    C.increased D.lost
    A [甚身体状况变糟糕时(worsened)坚持学校worsen变差improve提高increase增加lose丢失]
    30.Aeasy B.necessary
    C.fortunate D.true
    B [拐杖变必选B项easy容易necessary必fortunate幸运true真]
    31.Alook around B.get around
    C.take exercise D.go straight
    B [拐杖处走走选B项look around四周get around处走走take exercise锻炼go straight直走]
    32.Abecame B.moved
    C.had D.turned
    C [甚膝盖问题选C项]
    33.Asign   B.care C.lack D.style
    A [没表现放弃迹象(sign)]
    34.Aexample B.method
    C.goal D.standard
    C [文reach that goal完成目标知处建立目标(goal)example例子method方法goal目标standard标准]
    35.Astrict B.meaningful
    C.careful D.normal
    B [学帮助生活意义(meaningful)]
    Cards and digital technologies 36________(kill) off cash slowlybut is it a cause for concern Not 37______ (necessary) Here are some ways of making the most of digital finance
    Cash is no longer king Over recent years fewer and fewer transactions have been made with cash The most recent figures show coins and notes are used just 34 of 38________ timedown from 63 a decade ago And the usage 39________ (predict) to fall to just 10 in 15 years
    Instead we're paying with cards and digital technologies Some of this is down to user choice with contact­less cards and smart phones making spending 40________ (fast) and more convenient
    But it's also being forced upon us Some retailers are refusing physical money as they can avoid the high bank charges levied(征收) at them for 41________ (handle)cash Meanwhile it's harder to get your hands on notes as cash machines and 42________ (bank) disappear from the high street And these are trends which are likely 43________ (increase) in the coming years
    This could be bad news if you still primarily use cash 44________that's how you pay your bills or how you budget For some cash is just what you know For 45________ cash is a necessity—especially when going digital is the alternative
    As a result this move towards cashless society makes many uneasy
    语篇解读 篇说明文文章介绍银行卡数字科技正慢慢取代现金种趋势生活影响
    36.are killing [考查谓致根语境知处应现进行时表示现阶段正发生动作种趋势语Cards and digital technologies复数形式填are killing]
    37.necessarily [考查副词not necessarily固定词组表示定未必]
    38.the [考查定冠词处the time特指需现金交易时间填the]
    39.is predicted [考查语态处般现时陈述客观事实usage作语谓语动词单数形式predict构成动关系填is predicted]
    40.faster [考查较级and前连接两列成分more convenient知处应该形容词较级]
    41.handling  [考查非谓语动词处作介词for宾语动词­ing形式作宾语]
    42.banks [考查名词and前连接两列成分bank作名词意银行数名词前面没出现表单数概念词修饰复数形式]
    43.to increase [考查非谓语动词be likely to do sth表示做某事填to increase]
    44.whether [考查连词whetheror引导步状语句表示…………填whether]
    45.others [考查代词根语境知someothers表示…………]

    常消毒   外出戴口罩    时治疗
    Ladies and gentlemen
    I am glad to meet you here and have a chance to speak to you

    Ladies and gentlemen
    I am glad to meet you here and have a chance to speak to you
    As the flu is spreading rapidly it is very important for us to take some preventive measures to avoid being infected The following tips are helpful in the prevention of the flu
    Firstit is important to keep our rooms and kitchen sterilized regularly Second before going to crowded places like shopping malls or the cinema we should wear masks to reduce the chance of being infected Last but not least in case you don't feel well please go to see the doctors immediately to get proper treatment
    Her name was Mrs Thompson And as she stood in front of the 5th grade class on the very first day she looked at her students and said that she loved them all the same But that was impossible because there in the front row was a little boy named Teddy Stoddard Mrs Thompson had watched Teddy the year before and noticed that he didn't play well with the other children that his clothes were messy and that he constantly needed a bath She paid no attention to Teddy
    However when she read his file she was in surprise Teddy's first grade teacher wroteTeddy is a bright child with a ready laugh He does his work neatly and has good mannershe is the joy to be around His second grade teacher wroteTeddy is an excellent student well liked by his classmates But he is troubled because his mother has a deadly illness and life at home must be a struggle His third grade teacher wroteHis mother's death has been hard on him He tried to do his best but his father doesn't show much interest Teddy's fourth grade teacher wrote Teddy is withdrawn and doesn't show much interest in school He doesn't have many friends and sometimes sleeps in class By now Mrs Thompson realized the problem and she was ashamed of herself She thought that she could make a difference
    She felt even worse when her students brought her Christmas presents wrapped in beautiful paper and tied with pretty ribbons except for Teddy's His present was clumsily wrapped in the heavy brown paper that he got from a grocery bag Mrs Thompson opened it in the middle of the other presents Some of the children started to laugh when she found a stone bracelet(手镯) with some of the stones missing and a bottle that was one­quarter full of perfume
    Mrs Thompsonwhose voice choked up with tearsthanked her students for their presents

    Ten years later Teddy invited Mrs Thompson to attend his wedding as his mother

    Mrs Thompson whose voice choked up with tears thanked her students for their presents And then she showed how she liked Teddy's presents putting the bracelet onand using some of the perfume on her wrist From then on Mrs Thompson paid particular attention to Teddy As she worked with him his mind seemed to come alive The more she encouraged him the faster he responded and he showed much interest in study By the end of the year Teddy had become one of the excellent children in the class
    Ten years later Teddy invited Mrs Thompson to attend his wedding as his mother She used the bracelet and the perfume which were the present of that year At the wedding ceremony she met the man with good manners He said to her Thank you Mrs Thompson Today you smelled just like my mom used to Mrs Thompson with tears in her eyes whispered back She saidTeddy you were the one who taught me that I could make a differenceI'm so proud that today I can be your mother





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    历史的选择总是残酷而又无情的。几年前,《包身工》退出中学课本的原因是因其“年代过于久远”“不能与时俱进”导致的。在《包身工》被删除后的很长一段时间里,(    )。

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    1.阅读下面的材料,根据要求写作。 聪明秀出,谓之英;胆力过人,谓之雄。自古至今,中华民族英雄辈出。誓扫匈奴、封狼居胥的霍去病;“充分发扬民主,办好农民实事"的改革先锋申纪兰;出色完成...

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    1.下列句子中,不含通假字的一项是(  )A.今若遣此妇,终老不复取B.箱帘六七十,绿碧青丝绳C.两家求合葬,合葬华山傍D.鸡鸣外欲曙,新妇起严妆

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    苹果是常见水果,中国是世界最大的苹果生产国,在东北、华北、华东、西北等地均有栽培。读“我国苹果的主要产区分布图”,完成1~2题。 1.黄土高原是世界上唯一符合优质苹果生产七项气象条件的地区,与沿...

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    中国科学院可持续发展战略研究组将人类社会划分为四个发展阶段,下图是人类社会不同发展阶段经济增长主导要素构成示意图。据此完成1~3题。 1.在人类社会发展的四个阶段中,人类只是被动地适应环境的是(...

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