
    四阅读理解(题15题第4154题 题1分第4454题 题2分第 55 题 5 分30分)
    阅读面短文 题 ABCD四选项中选出佳选项

    41 To make the dot disappear we need to go through _____________
    A one B two C three D four
    42 If we _______________ we can see the dot again
    A move our head a bit B lift the wax paper up
    C can't see the edges of the dot D cover the dot with wax paper
    43 According to the passage we can see the dot again actually because ______________
    A the dot becomes clear B our eyes make movements
    C we see the edge of paper D the brain can't see its edges
    Known as the gentleman of the Chinese teas West Lake Longjing tea is a familiar name for Chinese tea drinkers It is recorded that this topgrade green tea was produced in the Tang Dynasty And it became Emperor Qianlong's favorite in the Qing Dynasty
    Longjing tea is famous for its pleasant smell and rich taste The key lies in the roasting process Once the leaves are picked they are
    dried for up to 10hours Tea makers then heat the leaves by hand with temperatures up to 260℃ There are 10 skilled hand movements during the roasting process They are then left to cool and dry Unlike other green tea leaves are panFried creating a completely different quality Such a process calls for real craftsmanship*— with both patience and hard work noted China News For this reason it was listed as a nationallevel nonmaterial cultural heritage* in 2008
    Fan Shenghua 59 is one of the inheritors* of this skill He first learned it from his father when he was 14 His first experience making the tea by hand was unforgettable I quickly drew my hands back Then my father said seriously 'This will be your life's work my son' he told China Daily
    Fan has been making Longjing tea ever since His hands full of calluses* show years of hard work
    The process of roasting tea by hand takes plenty of time That's why many tea producers have begun to use machines
    It's easier but the finished product is not as good Fan told China News Machinemade tea floats* longer in water and tastes bitter
    In March President Xi visited Hangzhou and watched Fan roast tea leaves Later Xi said The things made by hand cannot be replaced by modern technologies
    To pass on the tradition of this teamaking process Fan has taken on apprentices who will continue his craftsmanship
    Making the tea by hand is demanding but it keeps the best of the tea We need to pass it along Zhou Yunfeng 22 one of Fan's apprentices told China Daily
    44 The most important in making Longjing tea is the _______________
    A rich taste B hard work C pleasant smell D roasting process
    45 Which of the following is the right order of making Longjing tea
    ① Heat the leaves ② Pick the leaves ③ Dry the leaves for 10 hours
    ④ Leave the leaves to cool and dry
    A ①②③④ B ①②④③ C ②③①④ D ②④①③
    46 President Xi feels making the tea by hand is _______________
    A serious B common C difficult D important
    47 Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the passage
    A Machines will take the place of the inheritors finally
    B Longjing tea is a nonmaterial cultural heritage in China
    C The craftsmanship makes handmade Longjing tea special
    D Handmade Longjing tea floats longer than machinemade tea
    Birding which actually started in the 19th century is the practice of carefully watching and studying the appearance and behaviour of wildbirds It is a hobby for many and a sport for a few that gained a lot of popularity in the 20th century
    Learning to correctly identify birds is one of the hardest things when it comes to birdwatching However there are several methods and technologies that can be used to help you
    When it comes to birding the first thing to learn is to reduce the range* of the bird to a group by judging the shape of its body and head If you can reduce the range of a bird down to at least its grouping then you’re already halfway there Next pay attention to the shape of its mouth and tail Almost no two species* have the same shape so this can really help you
    Keeping in mind that the habitat* you're in will also help you out a lot For instance you might see a Redeyed Vireo in a treetop but chances are that if you see one on the ground then it might just be a Horned Lark These are just a few ways of identifying a bird
    If you are still having problems or want to take the easy way out then this is where birding technology comes in There is a very popular app called Merlin Bird ID It will come up with a list of possible matches after you answer a few simple questions about the bird You can also take a picture of the bird with the app and it will offer you some matches including is appearance colour habit and habitat It's been proved to be very easy to pickup with a list of possible matches most of the time
    While birdwatching is fun it can be challenging but if you remain focused on what you are doing nothing can stop you from enjoying the experience to the fullest
    48 Birding is an activity to watch and find out ________________
    A when birds became popular
    B how birds behave in the wild
    C why bird lovers protect birds
    D what the wild birds eat and drink
    49 Merlin Bird ID is an app that can ___________ if we take a photo of a bird
    A show the living area of the bird
    B judge the correct species of the bird
    C match the right sound with the very bird
    D give matches by answering your questions
    50 In the author's opinion birdwatching is __________________
    A boring but meaningful B interesting but surprising
    C challenging but worthy D exciting but timewasting
    51 The passage mainly tells us ____________________
    A a new app to watch birds B a tool to use while birding
    C some ways to identify birds D some places to watch birds
    For years the Blackwell's on the Island had been the best place for Soapy to spend the cold winter
    And now the time was to come so Soapy had planned his trip to the Island There were many easy ways of doing this The most pleasant was to have a big meal at some expensive restaurant and then having no money to pay he would be handed over to a policeman But as Soapy set foot in the restaurant the waiter drove him out to the sidewalk because of his dressing
    At a corner of Sixth Avenue Soapy took a stone and dashed it through the glass of a shop He waited to be arrested* However the policeman thought men who smash windows do nt remain to be caught
    Soapy entered another restaurant successfully After a satisfying meal Soapy told the waiter he was penniless hoping the police would come Unluckily he was just thrown out rudely
    Soapy forced himself to molest* a young lady He even managed to step into a store and go off with a man's umbrella How he hoped that he could be taken away by the policeman nearby But things always went against his will
    On the sidewalk Soapy began to shout drunken at the top of his voice Still the policeman gave no care to him
    Would never a policeman lay hands on him Soapy was hopeless The Island seemed an unreachable dream
    Then on an unusually quiet corner Soapy came to an old church The sweet anthem* from the church caught and held him Soap's state of mind and the influences about the old church caused a sudden and wonderful change in his soul he would make a man of himself again
    Tomorrow he would go and find work He would be somebody in the world He would— Soapy felt a hand on his arm He looked quickly around into the face of a policeman What are you doing here asked the officer Nothing said Soapy
    Then come along said the policeman
    The months at the Blackwells said the Magitatein the Police Court the next morning
    52 According to the passage the Blackwell's must be _________________
    A a special restaurant to enjoy food
    B a beautiful island to spend the winter
    C a popular hotel to enjoy a holiday
    D a special place to stay for punishment
    53 When we say someone is penniless we mean heshe _________________
    A is very rich B has no money C wants to argue D refuses to leave
    54 We can infer from the passage that Soapy__________ after he had tried so many times
    A desired for a delicious meal B would like to escape from life
    C hoped for a change in his life D still wanted to go to the Island
    55 Do you think Soapy achieved his dream Why or why not(请约40词回答)
    4145 BABDC 4650 DCBAC 5154 CDBC
    55 题评分参考:
    1 点完整相
    1 achieved 2 his goal at the very beginning 3 did many things to be taken to the Blackwell’s on the island 者
    1 didn’t achieve 2 was changed by the anthem from the church 3 hoped for a new life 者两种观点结合起)答案合理 逻辑严密 语言规范 字数少 40—50 间 超出字数扣分(5 分)
    2 点完整(涉中 2 点) 答案合理 逻辑严密 语言少许错误字数少 30—40间 超出字数扣分(4 分)
    3 点完整(涉中 1 点) 答案合理 逻辑欠严密 语言错误较 字数较少(20 字)(3 分)
    4 答案问题相关性 圆说 语言错误较 字数少( 20 字)(2 分)
    5 作答 文题(01 分)
    Possible version
    ①Soapy achieved his dream Because he wanted to go to the Blackwell’s to spend the winter at the very beginning And he also tried many different ways so that he could be arrested by the police That’s what he wanted
    ②Soapy didn’t achieve his dream Although he dreamed of going to the Blackwell’s he began to hope for a new life because he was changed by the anthem from the church However he was taken to the prison at last So his dream of having a new life wasn’t achieved
    ③结合①②回答Soapy has partly achieved his dream because

    三阅读理解(题15题第2628题 题3分第2939题 题2分第40题5 分 36分)
    阅读面短文 ABCD四选项中选出佳选项回答问题

    26 To make the creative clock you need to ____________the clock first
    A open B paint C glue D cut
    27 You'd better paint the _________ black
    A clock hand B cardboard C clock D cards
    28 According to the instructions you must ______________________
    A cut a piece of square cardboard that fits in
    B glue all your cards on the cardboard you cut
    C make sure your first cards go under your last
    D dig a hole in the comer of your centre card
    Do you know that there's a possibility that you may live forever You will have computers which are 1 000 times more intelligent than Albert Einstein one of the smartest scientists ever in the world Yes All these may happen in 20 years or more In the next 20 or 30 years the world will change much faster than ever before because the technology change will be simply breathtaking
    Computers will acquire* human personalities as well as the ability to understand words and their meaning when you speak to them Tomorrow's computer will be so developed that it can have a facetoface chat with you like an old friend In fact you don't even have to speak to it Just like a friend the computer will also have the ability to understand your thoughts
    However will computers take over the world Probably not for people will also acquire superhuman abilities They may never die Unless a person is unlucky enough to die early from an accident or a disease he has a good chance of not dying at all Genetics* will make this possible says Pearson a British futurologist as well as a trained physicist
    Recently there have been many reports about discovering the code of the human genome* which determines many aspects of heredity* This finding will make it possible to repair damage caused by age and disease keeping people young forever Besides if people suddenly die it would be possible to recreate them with the help of the genetics
    So we have the reason to believe with the development of genetic engineering and computer science technology human beings will have superhuman abilities and the possibility of being young and alive forever While at the same time computers will be much more intelligent than we can imagine Then who will control the world
    29 The writer mentions Albert Einstein to make it clear that _________
    A Einstein was regarded as the smartest B computers will be extremely intelligent
    C computers will be intelligent scientists D Albert Einstein couldn't use computers
    30 The second paragraph mainly tells us that computers will _________ in the future
    A take place of your friends in life B become the master of the world
    C communicate with humans freely D control your thoughts completely
    31 What does the underlined word this refer to
    A Computers will be friendly B An accident will cause death
    C People will die of diseases D People will live on forever
    32 Which of the following is an effect of applying genetics
    A Mary was badly hurt in a car accident and died soon
    B Jack talks to his computer face to face like old friends
    C Helen is over ninety years old but she still looks young
    D Pearson can predict what will happen in the near future
    Come and join the nearly 25 million people around the world who are inline skaters Inline skating is faster and smoother than regular rollerskating Some people say that it feels like iceskating without the ice or like running on wheels
    A regular roller skate has four wheels arranged in a rectangle* but the wheels on an inline skate are arranged in a straight line When you turn a comer on a regular skate the inner wheels travel a shorter distance than the outer wheels Turns make you lose balance and slow down When you turn on inline skates however you glide* easily because all the wheels travel the same distance That's why regular rollerskating is boring and inline skating is exciting
    There are different kinds of inline skating Beginning skaters usually skate for fun This is called recreational* or rec skating More experienced skaters may play roller hockey or race Aggressive skaters can make fancy jumps or airs using ramps* which are the most awesome The competitions of this kind are amazing to watch
    Before you try inline skating you need some basic equipment First you need to buy or rent your skates Make sure that they are comfortable not too tight and not too loose* Skates that fit correctly support your feet Then protect other parts of your body with a helmet elbow pads* wrist guards and knee pads Always remember that the ground is hard but your body is soft
    Once you are padded in all the important places you're ready to start One good way to begin learning inline skates is to duck walk on grass or a thick carpet When you duck walk you point your skates outward in a Vshape After you've practiced walking you can try stroking and gliding on a hard smooth surface In no time you'll be whizzing* along a path
    So go ahead get inline Though you better watch out—you may become a loyal inline skater There is nothing more exciting than speeding through a park on a sunny day
    33 An inline skate has four wheels in _________
    A a rectangle B a round comer C a straight line D a short distance
    34 We can infer that people in Aggressive skating competitions are mostly _________ skaters
    A experienced B beginning C recreational D fulltime
    35 Which of the following is duck walk

    36 The writer wants to _________ by writing this passage
    A ask people to pick up roller skate
    B tell roller skate from inline skate
    C encourage people to learn inline skate
    D introduce the two kinds of skates to us
    Greeting people can be confusing* especially during crosscultural communications Will a simple handshake do Should you give a hug or offer a kiss on the cheek People in different countries have their own greetings
    During the novel coronavirus epidemic greeting others is becoming even more confusing The infectious* novel coronavirus has challenged traditional greetings such as shaking hands kissing and hugging After all close physical contact will increase the chance of spreading the virus
    People have realized the risk and stopped using some traditional greetings On March 1 for example German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer turned down a handshake from German Chancellor Angela Merkel Instead of getting upset Merkel just laughed and said It is the right thing to do
    Health departments in many countries have also suggested that people change their regular greetings to safer ones
    Shaking hands is a common gesture to show respect around the world Now in the US bumping the elbow* is the new handshake US Surgeon General Jerome Adams introduced the elbow bump which has been used by political leaders health officials and professional athletes The health minister in New South Wales Australia even advised people to pat each other on the back instead of a handshake
    In France kissing on the cheek is a common greeting even between people who have just met French Health Minister Olivier Veran has advised the public not to do this Italian authorities have made the same suggestion French lifestyle expert Philippe Lichtfus said simply looking into a person's eyes is enough
    In the United Arab Emirates and Qatar people rub their noses together upon meeting Their health departments have advised them to wave only
    In the face of such changes how should you go about changing the way you greet people Australian etiquette* expert Susan Wilson has suggested simply greeting people by looking them in the eye smiling and saying hello
    37 According to the passage people have to change their __________ as a result of the COVID19 epidemic
    A way of kissing B way of greeting C way of meeting D way of shaking hands
    38 If you ''bump'' someone's elbow you actually _________ him on the elbow
    A touch B beat C feel D rub
    39 Both French Health Minister and Australian etiquette expert have suggested _________in face of the present situation
    A rubbing noses together B looking in the eyes
    C smiling at each other C waving hands only
    40 Do you think it is proper for German Interior Minister to refuse a handshake from German Chancellor Why or why not(请约40词回答)
    2630 ACBBC 3135DCCAB 3639 CBAB
    40 题参考答案:
    1 Yes I think it is improper to refuse the handshake During the outbreak of the novel coronavirus we should avoid close body contact Shaking hands will increase the chance of spreading the virus Also we should change the regular greeting to safer ones which is the way to show the real respect to life Above all nothing is more important than health
    2 No I think it is improper to refuse the handshake In fact in the western countries it’s important to keep good manners in any situation A hand shake is a way to show our respect to others On the other hand although the novel corona virus epidemic is terrible the manner is first and friendship is first Health is important but I think it is more important to have good manners
    1 Your opinion properimproper
    2 Your reasons eg present situationhealthgood mannersbad mannersshow respect
    1 点完整答案合理 逻辑严密 语言规范 字数少 40—50 间 超出字数扣分(5 分)
    2 点完整 答案合理 逻辑严密 语言少许错误字数少 30—40 间 超出字数扣分(4 分)
    3 点完整 答案合理 逻辑欠严密 语言错误较 字数较少( 20 字)(3 分)
    4 答案问题相关性 圆说 语言错误较 字数少( 20 字)(2 分)
    5 文题(1 分)
    6 作答(0 分)

    三阅读理解(题15题第2628题 题1分第2939题 题2分第40题5分30分)
    Do you like traveling Do you want to travel along Wenzhou by light rail Here is some information about the light rail stations and interesting places nearby

    Sanyang Wetland
    South Railway Station → Sanyang Wetland Station
    Price 5 RMB
    (Children under 12m free Citizen* card 10 off)
    Opening Time 621 a m—854 pm
    Driving Time 18 minutes
    There are a lot of places for you to take photos in Sanyang Wetland
    You can enjoy the sun and have a picnic with your family
    Olympic Center
    Sanyang Wetland Station → Olympic Center Station Price 5 RMB
    (Children under 12m free Citizen card 10 off)
    Opening Time 620 am—856 pm
    Driving Time 14 minutes
    Olympic Center has a very large playground and a swimming pool You can enjoy playing football and swimming there
    Dongtou Village
    Olympic Center Station → Oujiang kou Station
    Price 5RMB
    (Children under 12m free Citizen card 10 off)
    Opening Time In the near future
    Come to
    Dongtou Village It's really a wonderful place for you to go swimming and enjoy the beautiful beach in summer
    26 How many light rail stations are mentioned in the passage
    A One B Two C Three D Four
    27 If Doctor Li wants to buy a light rail ticket with his citizen card from Olympic Center Station t
    Oujang kou Station hewill pay _______________
    A 4 5RMB B 0 5RMB C 5RMB D 0RMB
    28 We learn from the passage that _________________
    A all of these stations start at six o'clock
    B Sanyang Wetland is a good place for swimming
    C you can take the light rail to Dongtou Village now
    D there is a playground and a swimming pool in Olympic Center
    Technology is changing our ways of life Robby Pepper is Italy's first robot gatekeeper He can answer questions in Italian English and German He is placed at a hotel to help answer simple questions from visitors A guest from Moldova congratulated the robot on his skills He's like a real person He's
    really good She said He talked to me and he shook my hand
    Japan's Softbank Robotics created Robby It can provide hotel guests with information they need like where to find a restaurant and its hours of operation The use of robots is growing in service industries like tourism But they are expected to become more useful as better artificial intelligence or AI is developed
    The International Federation of Robotics says about 79 000 professional service robots were sold last year It expects up to 25 percent sales growth each year There are many different kinds of artificial intelligence machines learning robots cleaning robots medical robots and public relations robots
    We have made some progress in the development of AI but we still have a long way to go Experts say people in the United States and Japan seem more welcoming to robots than people in Europe do Shoppers at a store in Scotland got one robot Softbank's Fabio Pepper fired out Customers were not willing to talk to the robot And a security robot in Washington DC made news last year when it rolled itself into a fountain* and could not get out
    In Brescia the Cayu car store is using another Softbank Pepper robot to sell cars Named Cayuiki the robot is programmed to give information on cars playing games and collecting information It is helping to bring in possible car buyers But the head of the Cayu car store said To sell he cars you still need human beings
    29 From the passage we know Robby Pepper is a _________________
    A learn in robot B cleaning robot C medical robot D public relations robot
    30 How many service robots will be sold in 2019
    A 25 B 79 00 C 98 750 D 59250
    31 Why do people use Cayuiki in the car store
    A Help do some cleaning B Offer information on cars
    C Prepare food and drinks D Provide some security service
    32 According to the passage which of the following is TRUE
    A Robots are still at the early stage of development
    B Robots are useless in service industries like tourism
    C Robots are highly developed and can do many things
    D Robots are as popular in Europe as they are in the US
    Every year over a million tourists visit the Great Barrier Reef off the coast of northeastern Australia The Great Barrier Reef is not one reef but a long group of 2 900 reefs of living coral* and 900 islands It is over 2 600 kilometers from north to south and it's a wonderful place But it also has a problem The Crown of Thorns starfish live all along the Great Barrier Reef and feed on corals
    Sometimes the population of these starfish in an area can grow quickly and they eat the coral faster than it can grow and reproduce People fear that the Crown of Thorns could destroy large parts of the reef completely
    A major outbreak*of the Crown of Thorns starfish have been found eating the Great Barrier Reef scientists said on Friday urging the government to begin removing the harmful animals
    The starfish feeds on corals by spreading its stomach over them and using digestive enzymes* to make them die The Crown of Thorns gets its name from the sharp spines* or thorns that cover it The starfish usually grow about 30 centimeters wide but some are as large as 80 centimeters wide Each starfish can eat its own size in coral at night and so over time that increases very greatly Hugh Sweatman a scientist told the media A lot of coral will be lost he said That would be a great influence on the ecosystem* and the moneymaking tourism industry
    The Crown of Thorns were found in large number last month in the Swains Reefs but the government's Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority already killed some starfish at the Swains Reefs in December and will start another action this month a director at the authority Fred Nucifora told the ABC We are actually difficult to reach to the Swains Reef and it is quite an unfriendly environment to work in he said
    There have been four major Crown of Thorns outbreaks since the 1960s in the Great Barrier Reef but it recovered each time because there were always healthy populations of fish that feed on grass The outbreaks are usually triggered by extra nutrients* in the water but the reason for the recent breakout was unclear Sweatman said
    33 The quick growth of the Crown of Thorns starfish is a problem because they ____________
    A grow to big B eat too much coral C feed on some plants D kill lots of fish
    34 What may be the result of the outbreak of the Crown of Thorns starfish
    A The fish that feed on grass will disappear
    B There will be more coral in the Great Barrier Reef
    C It will bring luck to people who are working in that area
    D Fewer and fewer tourists will visit the Great Barrier Reef
    35 What does the underlined word triggered mean in the passage
    A fired B caused C prevented D recorded
    36 Which of the following can be the best title for the passage
    A The Great Barrier Reef
    B The Situation of the Coral
    C The Australian Tourism Industry
    D The Crown of Thorns Outbreaks
    I taught high school for years and had the joy of knowing many wonderful kids One student Scott Wood was especially close to my heart What I taught was Creative Writing Scott wrote quite well Hi talent is beyond the teacher's ability to teach He was able to express through his written words well and it enabled me to light his way a little
    Scott and other students were often in my home at my kitchen table sharing supper It was amazing to me that what I said to them about life and love and making time for the important things influenced them in their daily life I watched them use these lessons they learnt in their lives as I followed their lives after graduation* Scott especially did this and still does this today
    Recently I told him I felt particularly down these days I couldn't stop thinking about the sad and unpleasant things in the life Here is what he emailed back to me
    I remember you coming into the class one day late You continued to tell all of us that you were late because of a very special reason It had snowed the night before but instead of cleaning the ice of your windows in the car you let the car heater take care of it and you sat and watched in wonder as the water slowly started flowing down your window I think about this a lot when the weather begins getting cold how most of us miss the simple treasure—ice melting* Life is full of happiness and sadness But every day is a gif right Life is not a lack of beauty but lack of the eyes to find the beauty Is that not what you always told us That is how you lived and that is how you told us to live
    Ice melting I do not remember this thing but thinking back it seems very true That is what I believed t is what I taught
    You know just to make it clear an icemelting moment to me is that moment you stop time for— you stop everything for—because it is too precious*to miss Scott my student long ago made me remember to never be too busy to stop the world stop the clock for the magical moments in our daily lives
    37 According to paragraph l we can know Scott was __________________
    A brave B smart C friendly D humorous
    38 What does the underlined word this refer to
    A Talking about life and love
    B Teaching others creative writing
    C Making time for important things
    D Using what they learnt in their lives
    39 Why did Scotalk about ice melting in his email
    A To laugh at the writer B To encourage the writer
    C To show the beauty of nature D To tell the importance of writing
    40 What does the writer want to tell us by writing ice melting moment(请约40词回答)
    2628 DAD 2932 DCBA 3336 BDBD 3739 BDB
    40 One possible answer
    Life is not always happy It's full of happiness and sadness Every day is a gift We should be active and try to find the beauty and simple pleasure in our daily life even we are in trouble Slow our steps and enjoy everything in our life happiness or sadness success or failure
    分数值 分标准
    第五档:5分 理解题意 出完整合理答案 充分 逻辑严密 语 言规范 水高
    第四档:4分 理解题意 出较完整较合理答案 语言规范
    第三档:3分 理解题意 出基合理答案 语言问题 影响理解
    第二档:2分 出问题相关答案 语言水低 难读懂
    第档: 0分 作答回答相关





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    江苏省盐城市建湖县2019-2021年三年中考二模英语试卷分类汇编阅读表达2021年江苏省盐城市建湖县中考二模英语试题(二)阅读并回答问题。(共 5 小题, 每小题 2 分, 计 10 分)M...

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    B)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后根据短文内容从方框内的七个选项中选择五个还原到文中,使短文意思通顺、结构完整, 并在答题卷上将其序号涂黑。(每小题2分)Some people live i...

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    七、阅读表达(共3小题;满分6分)阅读下面的短文并用英语回答问题, 并将答案写在答题卷上标有题号的横线上。Each year, two million tourists visit the be...

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    2021年江苏省盐城市建湖县中考二模英语试题四、任务型阅读(共 15 小题, 计 20 分)(一)阅读并完成表格, 每空一词。(共 10 小题, 每小题1分, 计 10 分)Heart dise...

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    辽宁省锦州市黑山县2019-2021年三年中考一模英语试卷分类汇编单项选择2021年辽宁省锦州市黑山县九年级升学模拟一(中考一模)英语试题I. 单项选择. 从各题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案...

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    六、句子翻译(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)将下列句子译成英语,并将所译句子写在答题卡上标有题号的横线上。48. George 的房间里烟雾弥漫。zzx100.com49.没人知道昨晚那幢房...

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