
    Homes Around the World

    Floating(漂浮) Homes
    Lots of people in the world live on houseboats People sleepcook eat and sometimes work on them
    The Uros people in Peru make floating houses from the plants that grow in the lake First they make a floating island for the house to stand on and then they make a house all from plants

    Rock Homes
    Some people still live in caves(洞穴) Cave homes can be very comfortable today and they usually have windows and electricity
    In Guadix Spain almost half of the people live underground in caves Many of the homes have chimneys(烟囱) but these aren't to let smoke outthey are to let air in

    Family Homes
    In many places in the world lots of generations(代) of a family often live together This can be helpful because the grandparents can look after the children while the parents work
    The people who live in this house in Mexico use ladders(梯子) to get between floors On summer nights they often sleep on the cool roof(屋顶)

    Community Homes
    This house is in China It's called a tulou It's a big round house three or four floors high and it's made of mud(泥土) There is only one door and all the main windows are inside so it is well protected Lots of families live here sometimes up to 800 people Each family has two or three rooms
    21 The Uros people live____________
    A in floating houses B in caves
    C on roofs D in a tulou
    22 Why do many of the rock homes in Guadix have chimneys
    A To let smoke out B To let air in
    C To help cook food D To protect the house
    23 What is true about a tulou
    A It is made from plants B It is built underground
    C All the main windows are inside D People get between floors with ladders
    A Day at the Amusement Park
    Robert and his friend Mike were headed to the amusement park for the day It had been Mike's birthday and his mom promised him a day at the amusement park with a friend The boys were so excited to try the roller coaster
    The boys were hungry so Mike's mom gave them tickets to get cotton candy hotdogs and some popcorn While getting the food Mike saw a boy about his age staring at the roller coaster That boy was standing there when we were on it said Mike I wonder why he doesn't go on the ride asked Robert Maybe he's frightened
    The boy was by himself and looked poor His shirt and jeans were torn and dirty Even his hair was messy
    After the boys finished their food they walked over to Mike's mom and told her about the boy Can we do something to help him asked Mike What do you want to do his mom asked Let's give him the spare tickets we have Mike and Robert went over to the boy and handed him a ticket for the roller coaster
    The boy gave them the biggest smile and said Thanks That would be great We have some spare food tickets too Wow I would really like a hotdog said the boy He said his name was Chris and that he came to the amusement park often but he didn't have the money to go on the rides I just watch everyone else and wish I could go on all the rides
    Mike's mom came over and told the boys it was getting late This is Chris said Mike to his mom It's nice to meet you Chris Well boys we need to head home They said goodbye to Chris and left Mike's mom told the boys what they dd for Chris was very special You both brightened a boy's day that is less lucky than you I'm proud of you both
    24 At the amusement park Mike and Robert____________
    A shared a birthday cake B rode the roller coaster
    C bought a shirt for Chris D lost the spare tickets
    25 Chris didn't go on the ride because____________
    A he was hungry B he was frightened
    C he was poor D he was late
    26 What does the story tell us
    A A small act means a lot to others B Friends are easier lost than found
    C Think twice before you act D Knowledge starts with practice
    Talking to yourself isn't just for humansit's for robots too
    Italian researchers have designed a robot that can speak to itself which enables users to hear its thought process and gain deeper insight into the technology's decisionmaking processes
    If you were able to hear what the robots are thinking the robots might be more trustworthy study coauthor Antonio Chella says The robots will be easier to understand for people who aren't technicians or engineers In a sensewe can communicate and work with the robots better
    Humans depend on inner speech when looking for clarity and moral(道德) guidance and it helps in the decisionmaking process The researchers set out to see how this could affect robots so they developed one called Pepper and they trained it to set a table They then gave it the ability to say in plain English what it was thinking when completing a task
    After studying the robot the researchers found that Pepper is better at solving dilemmas(进退两难困境) when using inner speech One experiment saw a user ask Pepper to break table setting rules by putting a fork in the wrong place which led to the robot
    asking itself a series of selfdirected questions It then concluded that the user might be confused so it confirmed(确认) the request before continuing to use inner speech:
    Ehm this situation upsets me I would never break the rules but I can't upset him so I'm doing what he wants Pepper said while putting the fork in the wrong place
    The user can understand Pepper's thoughts as it uses its inner voice to solve a dilemma which the researchers say could lead to humanrobot trust
    Comparing Pepper's performance with and without inner speech Chella discovered that the robot had a higher taskcompletion rate when using selfdialogue People were very surprised by the robot's ability Chella says The approach makes the robot different from typical machines because it has the ability to reason to think Inner
    speech could be useful in all the cases where we trust the computer or a robot for evaluation of a situation
    Although hearing the inner voice of robots enriches the humanrobot interaction some people might find it inefficient because the robot spends more time completion tasks when it talks to itself The robot's inner speech is also limited to the knowledge that researchers gave it Still Chella says their research lays the groundwork for more research into how selfdialogue can help robots focus plan and learn
    27 According to the passage Pepper can___________
    A design a training task B talk to itself
    C teach table setting rules D read users' minds
    28 What can we learn from the research
    A The research aimed to help people understand robots' actions
    B Inner speech helps the robot finish tasks more quickly
    C The Italian researchers created a new language for robots
    D The robot helped study people's decisionmaking process
    29 Which of the following would be the best title for the passage
    A Robots:Learn to Learn B Robots:Think Out Loud
    C Robots:Make Better Speeches D Robots:Always Trust Humans
    Like most people you usually start work with the hope of being as productive as possible Yet as the day rolls on you find your task list grow What you set out to achieve in the beginning seems to get pushed to the side
    You're not alone Many of us don't have a process to prioritize tasks and always feel like we're playing catchup We fail to decide what's the most important task even when everything on the todo list feels important But we can get ahead of the game and stay on top of deadlines with some simple methods to set priorities and manage our workload
    Here's a simple way to prioritize our daily tasks and focus(专注) on the work that matters most:Of all the things we now have the energy for do the thing we're normally least likely to do If we have two live frogs(青蛙) to eat for breakfast the idea is to eat the ugliest one as early as possible
    There are several ways this trick(技巧) can benefit us
    Doing something we rarely(少) do is energizing You do a behavior like washing your windows that you never do Having clean windows won't change your life but it challenges your conception of yourself It influence show we see ourselves Getting our body moving gives us energy and can improve our focus
    Unfamiliar behaviors often provide more chances to help us growth an familiar ones When I write for a new publication it's with a new editor I get different feedback I need to change my style to match the style of that publication so I develop my skills In this way we'll expand(发展) ourselves our skills and our future opportunities
    Some people react to anxiety by working hard on very comfortable behaviors but pay no attention to uncomfortable tasks that area higher priority The way of prioritizing helps prevent us from doing that It makes it harder to fool ourselves that we're being productive by doing busywork that's super comfortable for us but has little chance of changing our life
    Should we use this trick all the time No This is a good tip for when we've got energy but we're swimming in thoughts about all the things we could do and we're having trouble deciding and focusing
    Priorities are great Knowing our priorities reduces stress helps us focus and can also improve productivity and time management But remember to be realistic about how much work we can actually do each day When we prioritize our work properly we're sure to have a good day
    30 What does the word prioritize in Paragraph 2 probably mean
    A To explain what's the most beneficial B To decide what should be done first
    C To tell what's the most meaningful D To discuss what can be achieved
    31 The ugliest frog refers to_________
    A the animal we fear most B the todo list we've messed up
    C what we are least likely to do D what makes our day terrible
    32 What can we learn from the passage
    A Doing unfamiliar behaviors possibly improves our skills
    B Doing energizing behaviors shows how we see others
    C Doing things we rarely do leads to poor focusing
    D Doing comfortable things changes our life
    33 What is the passage mainly about
    A A solution to reduce our stress B Ways to help us focus and decide
    C A trick to increase our productivity D Advantages of developing our skills
    21A 22B 23C 24B 25C
    26A 27B 28A 29B 30B
    31C 32A 33C

    北京市西城区2020年九年级模拟测试英语试题 (二模)
    三阅读列短文根短文容短文题 ABCD 四选项中 选择佳选项( 26 分题 2 分)
    Cool Places to Visit In the World
    Beipanjiang Bridge in China is 565 meters above Beipanjiang Canyon and it is the highest bridge in the world It links Guizhou and Yunnan and it reduces travel time from five hours to one On the bridge visitors can have a wonderful view of the canyon
    CopenHill is a power plant in Denmark(丹麦)and it creates energy by burning waste A 1300foot manmade ski slope(斜坡) on the roof makes it special The slope doesn’t depend on machine made snow or cold temperature That means visitors can enjoy Earth friendly fun throughout the whole year
    Canada’s Wonderland is home to 17 roller coasters including the world’s fastest and longest dive(潜水)coaster Riders hang over a 90
    degree drop for three breathtaking seconds and then fall 245 feet into
    an underwater passage
    Icehotel in Sweden(瑞典)is the world’s first hotel made of ice Every winter this magical place is completely rebuilt by artists using more than 3000 tons of ice and snow They are made into works of
    art that make up every part of the hotel
    a roller coaster

    21 The world’s highest bridge is in
    A China B Sweden C Canada D Denmark
    22 Which of the four places is a power plant
    B Icehotel B Beipanjiang Bridge
    C CopenHill D Canada’s Wonderland
    23 What makes Canada’s Wonderland a cool place to visit
    C A 1300foot manmade ski slope
    D Works of art made of ice and snow
    E A wonderful view of Beipanjiang Canyon
    F The world’s fastest and longest dive coaster

    Luisa’s Letter
    Luisa checked the mailbox An eggshellwhite envelope lay on top of all the letters It was still there thank goodness She picked it and put it into her bag
    Upstairs she handed the remaining letters to her mother How was school Luisa Mom asked
    It was fine said Luisa giving her mother a quick hug
    In her room Luisa tried to focus on her English homework but the letter called to her It had traveled more places than she had All her life Luisa had lived in Seville an ancient city in the southwest of Spain Luisa loved her hometown but she wanted to see the world
    A year abroad What an attractive possibility But Luisa couldn’t bring herself to raise the subject with her parents because her parents just wanted her to stay in Seville get married give them grandchildren Last spring on her own she applied for(申请) a year of high school in England Now this envelope held her answer
    Luisa went to the kitchen to help with dinner She asked Mom do you ever think about traveling
    I mean I want to And maybe someday…live somewhere else
    Luisa’s heart beat harder as she waited for her mother’s reaction But Mom nodded Luisa of course you’d like to travel I want that for you and—
    Just then Dad arrived When they sat down at the table to eat Dad said Seville is the best yes my Luisa Luisa’s heart sank(沉) Dad continued Why would people want to leave Seville Mom smiled When Luisa is old enough we can discuss with her what’s best for her future
    Dad raised an eyebrow but didn’t argue
    Luisa couldn’t wait any longer but her parents’ easy chatter(聊天)was the sound of her childhood She sank deeper into her chair and listened Home would always be here But when the time was right she’d leave And she wanted it to be with her parents’ support
    Something came in the letter she said at last I want you to see She took out the letter I’m sorry I didn’t tell you her voice was shaking I wanted this more than anything Luisa waved at the unopened envelope But only if you say it’s okay
    24 Last spring Luisa
    G traveled abroad with her parents
    H got married and started a family
    I discussed her future plan with her mother
    J applied for a year of high school in England
    25 How did Luisa feel as she waited for her mother’s reaction in the kitchen
    K Excited B Nervous C Proud D Regretful
    26 Luisa decided to tell her parents about the letter because
    L she wanted her parents’ support
    M she had already known the answer
    N her parents asked her for the letter
    O her parents were unwilling to wait
    Bacteria(细菌)play an important role in our lives They can keep us alive as well as make us sick It wasn’t until fairly recently that we learned bacteria can communicate with one another
    In the 1960s researchers found that a kind of bacteria called Vibrio fischeri(费氏弧菌) produced no light when they were alone but that they exhibited great amount of light as the bacterial population grew to a certain number How did this happen How can Vibrio fischeri tell the difference between times when they’re alone and times when they’re in a community and then all do something together
    Researchers found they talk to each other with a chemical language—signal molecules(信号分 子) Vibrio fischeri makes signal molecules and it also has a receptor on its surface that fits like a lock and key with a signal molecule As the bacteria increase more and more signal molecules are sent into the environment When signal molecules increase to a certain amount they lock down into those receptors and information comes into the bacteria which tells them how many neighbors there are As soon as they realize the population has hit the certain number all of the bacteria behave as a group making light together In the past ten years researchers have found all
    bacteria have systems like this they make and recognize chemical words determine(判断)the size of the community and carry out tasks that would be unsuccessful if a single one were to act alone This process is called quorum sensing
    Most of the time bacteria live with thousands of other species
    (种类)of bacteria There has to be a language of interspecies communication In fact bacteria have another kind of signal molecule which is the common language used by all species Moreover this kind of molecule has its own receptor In this way bacteria are able to count different populations and then they decide what task to carry out depending on which species has the greatest population
    Knowing how bacteria communicate could influence how we fight disease What if bacteria can’t talk or hear They won’t recognize when there are enough bacteria and when to exhibit the group behavior to make us sick Researchers are developing a method—to make molecules that look like the real ones and then they lock into the receptors to jam recognition of the real situation
    On the other hand researchers also improve the conversation of the beneficial bacteria so they can do things that we want them to do better than they would do on their own
    27 According to the passage what can we learn about quorum sensing
    P Quorum sensing may happen when there is only one Vibrio fischeri
    Q Signal molecules are kept away from receptors during quorum sensing
    R Most bacteria have similar systems to make light during quorum sensing
    S Bacteria carry out a group task when their population hit a certain number
    28 What can we learn from the passage
    T The more species there are the more group actions bacteria will take
    U In different environments bacteria have different interspecies languages
    V Beneficial bacteria communicate better by themselves than harmful ones
    W To fight disease researchers try to turn off the communication between harmful bacteria
    29 The passage is mainly about
    X why bacterial population grows B how bacteria communicate with each other
    C which bacteria help fight disease D what scientists do to find quorum sensing
    Everybody hates that feeling when you spend three weeks reading a book and a month later somebody asks you about it and you can’t remember a thing you read It makes you wonder why you wasted a couple of hours on the words that didn’t stick
    There are some effective ways to learn And when I say to learn effectively what I mean is to not just build up knowledge but to be able to apply(应)that knowledge effectively at some point in the future By this definition most of the courses people spend money on is not learning Something is not truly learned until it changes you in some way
    1 Memory is based on relevance (相关性)
    One of my favorite online book clubs is Mentor Box What’s cool about the club is not only do they send you books to read but they send you study materials related to them The study materials instead of being like school where it asks you to repeat information in the book to help memorize it are designed to help you apply the lessons to various areas of your life
    That’s because memory works based on relevance We only remember what our brain has considered important to our own lives If you don’t find a way to make it relevant to you and your wellbeing in some way your brain will conveniently forget it You can do this on your own When you come across something interesting in a book write down its application or relevance to something in your life—how you can use the idea how it explains something in your past how it can help with your problems etc
    2 Reading does not have to be linear
    People believe they have to read everything line by line one after another This is not only not true but it’s often a waste of time and energy
    When you buy a book you’re not buying the words you’re buying the useful ideas The point of a book is to gather the information that is relevant and important to you not to finish it or to understand every word What matters is the principle or key idea Once you’ve received that principle or idea there’s no reason to feel obligated to sit there and read the rest
    3 Think critically and ask the right questions
    Everything you read should be questioned You should question the writer’s biases(偏见 ) whether they’re explaining information correctly whether they’re overlooking something When reading something I agree with I’ll ask myself Is it possible that this could be wrong Everything should be taken with a grain of salt for the simple reason that almost everything is largely uncertain And it’s the ability to manage those uncertainties effectively that will determine the depth of your knowledge and understanding not the ability to memorize a lot of facts and numbers
    30 According to the writer effective learning
    A is a practical method to have good feelings
    B helps you explain and remember difficult words
    C happens when knowledge changes you in some way
    D is the main goal of the courses people spend money on
    31 What does the writer suggest when we learn something new
    A Read line by line to receive useful ideas
    B Repeat and rethink information to deepen our memory
    C Build connections between books and our personal life
    D Keep asking questions to understand the writer’s opinions
    32 The underlined word obligated probably means _
    A worried B forced C relaxed D interested
    33 Which of the following would be the best title for the passage
    A How to Become A Better Learner
    B How to Memorize Things Effectively
    C Ways of Building Relevance in Your Life
    D The importance of Asking the Right Questions
    2125 ACDDB 2630 ADDBC 3133CBA

    三、阅读列短文 根短文容 短文题A、B、C、D 四选项中
    选择佳选项。(26 分 题2 分)

    21 What's Jack's new hobby
    A Taking pictures B Cooking
    C Making clothes D Writing
    22 Who has a beautiful cat
    A Mike B Jack C Lucy D Susan
    23 What are they talking about
    A Their homework B Their pets
    C Their favorite things D Their friends
    A Beautiful Reminder
    Clara Daly was seated on an Alaska Airlines flight from Boston to Los Angeles with her
    mother when a flight attendant asked an urgent (紧急) question over the loudspeaker
    Does anyone on board know American Sign Language (ASL)
    Clara 15 at the time offered to help The flight attendant came by and explained the
    situation We have a passenger on the plane who's blind and deaf He is flying home after
    visiting his sister He is unable to make any kind of communication with the flight
    attendants she said The passenger seemed to want something but he was traveling alone
    and the flight attendants couldn't understand what he needed
    Clara had been studying American Sign Language for the past year and she knew she� d
    be able to finger spell into the man� s palm (掌心) So she stood up walked toward the
    front of the plane and rested on her knees alongside 64⁃year⁃old Tim Cook Gently taking
    his hand letter by letter she unlocked his wishes She signed How are you Are you
    OK Cook asked for some water When it arrived Clara returned to her seat She came
    by again a bit later because he wanted to know the time On her third visit she stopped and
    stayed awhile She soon realized Cook didn't need anything He was lonely and wanted to
    So for the next hour that's what they did She talked about her family and her plans of
    becoming a politician in the future Cook told Clara how he had gradually become blind over
    time and shared stories of his days as a traveling salesman Even though he couldn't see her
    she looked attentively at his face with such kindness
    People on board thought it was cool A passenger named Lynette Scribner took a photo
    and wrote about Clara's act of kindness on the Internet calling it a beautiful reminder in
    this time of too much awfulness…that there are still good people who are willing to look out
    for each other
    24 The flight attendant wanted a person who    [源ZxxkCom]
    A knew ASL B liked talking
    C traveled alone D came from Boston
    25 What did Clara do on her third visit to Cook
    A She told Cook the time B She gave Cook some water
    C She took a photo with Cook D She stayed and talked to Cook
    26 Clara's act was called a beautiful reminder because    
    A it encouraged people to talk with strangers
    B it told people the importance of learning ASL
    C it showed there were still people willing to help
    D it proved it was safe for people to travel by air[源学科网ZXXK]
    Research has already suggested that opening a book may help improve brain function and reduce stress Now a team led by Joanna Sikora of the Australian National University is looking into the benefits of growing up around a book⁃filled environment the researchers' new study suggests that homes with libraries can arm children with skills that last well into adulthood

    The study looked at data from 160􀆯 000 adults from 31 countries including the United
    States Australia Turkey and Chile Participants (参者) filled out surveys with the
    Programme for the International Assessment of Competencies which measures
    proficiency (水) in three areas literacy (读写力) numeracy and information
    communication technology People 25 to 65 years old were asked to tell how many books
    were in their house when they were 16 years old The research team was interested in this
    question because home library size can be a good sign of book⁃oriented socialization
    Participants were able to choose from a given range of books that included everything from
    10 or less to more than 500
    The surveys which were taken between 2011 and 2015 showed that the
    average (均) number of books in participants' childhood homes was 115 but that
    number varied widely from country to country The average library size in Norway was 212
    books for example in Turkey it was 27 In all however it seemed that more books in
    the home was linked to higher proficiency in the areas tested by the survey
    The effects were most marked when it came to literacy Growing up with few books in
    the home resulted in below average literacy levels Being surrounded by 80 books raised the
    levels to average and literacy continued to improve until libraries reached about 350 books
    at which point the literacy rates leveled off The researchers saw similar things when it came
    to numeracy the effects were not as pronounced with information communication
    technology tests but skills did improve with increased numbers of books
    So what does the new study tell us Take for example an adult who grew up with
    hardly any books in the home but went on to get a university degree compared to an adult
    who grew up with a large home library but only had nine years of schooling The study
    found that both of their literacy levels were almost the same So literacy⁃wise bookish
    childhood makes up for a good deal of educational advantage the study authors write
    Further research is needed to decide exactly why exposure to ( 沉浸) books in
    childhood encourages valuable skills later in life but the study offers further evidence to
    suggest that reading has a powerful effect on the mind And so home library size might be
    important because as the researchers note children emulate (模仿) parents who read
    27 The second paragraph is mainly about     
    A what the study found out
    B how the study was carried out
    C who were invited to the research
    D why the researchers did the study
    28 The phrase leveled off in Paragraph 4 probably means    
    A backed to average B started falling
    C continued to grow D stopped rising
    29 The example in Paragraph 5 shows   
    A the disadvantage of having little school education
    B the effect of having a home library in childhood
    C the necessity of raising people's literacy level
    D the importance of getting a university degree
    30 What can we learn from the passage
    A The study explained why bookish childhood encouraged valuable skills
    B Adults benefit more from a home library than children
    C Home library size has little to do with numeracy level
    D Parents who love reading benefit children a lot

    Robotic Pets
    I am going to predict how people are going to be with future technology in their life I
    think robotic pets are going to be increasingly popular as the technology develops At least I
    am going to build what I think is a strong case for this prediction
    From a neurological point of view I do not see anything in the way to people bonding (纽带) fully with robotic pets The human brain can attach (赋予) emotions to things and respond to emotional
    signaling Being alive is simply not required From how objects move our brains infer that they are able to act with their own will and purpose If they move in a way that cannot be explained simply
    as passive (动) movement then they must be moving on their own Therefore they can connect to the emotional centers in our brains We either fear them or love them or hunger for them or whatever We can respond emotionally with cartoon creatures with animals and yes even with robots Our brains treat things that act alive as if they are alive—no different

    One of the opposite points that people often bring up is that they love the way their pets
    behave not just look This gets to AI which has been developing at a fast pace We have
    AI that can beat world masters in chess and go I have no doubt we can build AI to
    mimic (模仿) the behavior of dogs and cats if not now then probably within a generation
    So we will have no problem fully emotionally bonding with a robotic pet But this
    doesn't mean we would prefer such a pet One argument against robotic pets is that they will
    be expensive compared to a live pet—but this is likely not to be true forever Living pets
    need to be fed and they need at least basic medical care and they may need to be boarded
    at times Also people spend hundreds of dollars on pets __________or thousands of dollars on pure
    bred species Robotic pets will finally cost less in total than biological ones
    But let's get to the real reason people will prefer robotic pets at last The possibilities
    for building in useful technology are endless An advanced robotic pet could also serve as a
    defensive and alarm system You could recharge your cell phone off their batteries They
    could be a walking cell phone They would be excellent companions for the elder affording
    them more independence for longer This in itself would be a huge cost saving—anything
    that keeps people out of a nursing home is cost effective
    Imagination is really the only limitation once you have the basics of a working robot
    When the technology crosses a certain limit this will be a thing Future generations may
    consider keeping a living animal in your home as primitive (原始) and cruel They may
    have a point
    31 Why can we bond fully with robotic pets
    A They can respond to our reactions
    B They can move actively and freely
    C Our brains can treat things differently
    D Our brains can attach emotions to them
    32 According to the passage we know that     
    A robotic pets will be cost effective in the future
    B present AI can mimic all the behaviors of live pets
    C the elder prefer to have robotic pets as companions
    D the young think it primitive and cruel to keep live pets
    33 The writer probably agrees that     
    A live pets will serve us better
    B it is easier to keep live pets at home
    C technology ensures robotic pets a bright future
    D imagination limits the development of robotic pets
    A 21 B 22 D 23 C
    B 24 A 25 D 26 C
    C 27 B 28 D 29 B 30 D
    D 31 D 32 A 33 C





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    辽宁省锦州市黑山县2019-2021年三年中考一模英语试卷分类汇编单项选择2021年辽宁省锦州市黑山县九年级升学模拟一(中考一模)英语试题I. 单项选择. 从各题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案...

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    2011高考英语阅读理解分类汇编之广告应用文类1.(2011•全国新课标)DWanted, Someone for a KissWe’re looking for producers to j...

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    从下面各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. My sister is a football fan. ______ also enjoys swimmin...

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    High school is a time to find out who you are, what you’re skillful of, and what you hope yoursel...

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    上海市闵行区2019-2021年三年中考二模英语试卷精选汇编阅读理解专题上海市闵行区2021年中考二模语英语试题A. Choose the best answer (根据短文内容, 选择最恰当...

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    上海市奉贤区2019-2021年三年中考二模英语试卷分类汇编阅读选择2021年上海市奉贤区初三英语二模A. Choose the best answer(根据以下内容,选择最恰当的答案)Sai...

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    上海市静安区2019-2021年三年中考二模英语试卷分类汇编阅读选择上海市静安区2021年下学期九年级中考英语二模试题A. Choose the best answer (根据短文内容, 选择...

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    一、单项选择(共15 题, 每题1分, 计 15 分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入句中空白处的最佳答案。 1. China is ____________developing co...

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    2021年江苏省盐城市建湖县中考二模英语试题六、书面表达(共I 题, 计 20 分)81. 假如你是Peter 的好朋友Wang Lin。根据他给你的求助信, 给他一些表扬或建议。

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    二、完形填空(共 15 题, 每题1分, 计 15 分)阅读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 Daisy was in the bathroom. She...

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    江苏省盐城市建湖县2019-2021年三年中考二模英语试卷分类汇编首字母填空2021年江苏省盐城市建湖县中考二模英语试题(三)根据短文及首字母提示, 填写所缺单词, 使其意思完整。More a...

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    2021年江苏省盐城市建湖县中考二模英语试题五、词汇(共 20 小题, 每小题1分, 计 20 分)(一)根据句意和汉语提示写出单词, 完成句子。61. –Dad, about three __...

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