
    二阅读理解(20题 题2分 40分)
    阅读面四篇语言材料 然文求做题
    We believe afterschool activities play a very important role in the life of the students and the schools We offer different kinds of clubs for our students to join and enjoy Once the teens have joined a club they are expected to attend regularly
    Some of the clubs only run at certain times of the year
    Year Group
    Country Dancing
    Newspaper Reporters
    400 445
    Environmental Science
    Cross Country
    * Fri

    Word Bank

    21 How many kinds of clubs are there in one week
    A 5 B 10 C 12 D 23
    22 What can we know from the text
    A Each student can join only one club
    B The clubs are open for teens all the year around
    C Mike a 14yearold boy can take part in the netball club
    D Students should go to the clubs on time if they join in the activities
    23 When should you attend the judo class if you are in Year Group 13
    A 15151600 on Tuesday B 1245 1315 on Monday
    C 1515 1600 on Friday D 1600 1645 on Tuesday
    24 What clubs are open for the kids in Year Group 15
    A Computers Dance Environmental Science Maths
    B Netball Recorders Environmental Science Maths
    C Cross Country Football Country Dancing Netball
    D Country Dancing Newspaper Reporters Drama Judo
    25 Who is the text written for
    A Teachers B Students C Players D Parents
    I'm going to school today says my little brother Trevor jumping to the breakfast table He's already wearing his backpack In fact it's not great for me to be at the same school at all
    After Mom drops us off I lead him to his classroom that I once studied Hi Mrs Morena I say This is Trevor
    Hello Trevor Mrs Morena kneels so they're the same height Want to meet the other kids Trevor nods and lets go of my hand
    I run across the playground and go to my classroom My seat is by an open window so I can see the kindergarten room if I look outside By break I've forgotten all about Trevor I'm running to the slide when a loud cry rings out across the playground There's Trevor sitting in the sandbox tears on his face
    I want to go home he shouts Mrs Morena is talking to him but he's still crying
    I take another step toward the slide Then Trevor cries again My feet turn But I can't go to where he is because of the fence between the kindergarten and the playground I suddenly remember what my mom does to calm him down calling Trevor He looks up and runs to the fence I blow him a kiss He stops crying I blow another one and he begins to smile
    Soon the bell rings Mrs Morena comes to get him and he wants to cry again
    I have an idea 'Trevor 1 11 be in that Window over there I point I'll blow kisses across the playground OK
    As Mrs Morena leads him inside I run to my classroom and look out to see her opening the kindergarten window
    I blow a kiss Trevor is inside his classroom He blows a kiss back and smiles
    26 Why is Trevor so happy in the morning
    A Because he can go to school
    B Because he gets a new backpack today
    C Because he is going to stay with his sister
    D Because he can have breakfast with his parents
    27 Which of the following words best describe Mrs Morena
    A Strict and serious B Popular and funny
    C Friendly and beautiful D Caring and patient
    28 What is suggested in the text
    A Mrs Morena is as tall as Trevor
    B Trevor has a great time in the kindergarten
    C The story happens on Trevor's first day of school
    D The writer is pleased to take care of her brother all the time
    29 What's the right order of the sentences according to the text
    a Trevor runs to the fence
    b Mom drops Trevor and me off
    c Mrs Morena says hello to Trevor
    d I blow a kiss to make Trevor calm down
    A b→>c→a→d B c→a→d→b C b→c→d→a D c→b→a→d
    30 What's the best title of the text
    A At the same school B To the classroom
    C Across the playground D By an open window
    Henan with an area of 167 000 square kilometers (64 479 square miles) lies in the eastcentral part of China It borders with Anhui and Shandong to the east Shanxi and Hebei to the north Shaanxi to the west and Hubei to the south At present Henan has a population of 9936 5519 Henan has a warmtemperate climate Dry and windy in winter and spring the province is hot and rainy in summer and hot in strong sunlight during the autumn months
    The name of the province Henan comes from its geographic location Henan means 'the south of the river' showing that the province lies in the south of China’s Yellow River Given the higher location Henan is an important traffic center It is also the cradle of Chinese civilization since it had been the political economic and cultural center of the country for more than 3 000 years More than 20 capitals ware set here in history and the four great inventions of ancient China were all created from Henan
    A visit to Henan is like a talk with many historical places While traveling to Henan you cannot miss the Zhengzhou's Shaolin Temple Luoyang's Longmen Grottoes Sanmenxia's Hangu Pass and Kaifeng City Wall
    ①Henan province whose location is on the Yellow River is considered the cradle of Chinese civilization because of its history and culture ②This rich historic heritage has left it with a large number of historic treasures from earliest houses to earliest articles for daily use ③The remains of some of the earliest human homes have been discovered here including the over 7000yearold Peiligang Culture Site the 6000yearold Yangshao Culture Remains and the 5000yearold Dahe Culture Remains (4)All these cultural remains have great meanings in the history of Chinese civilization
    31 Which province lies on the south of Henan
    A Shanxi B Anhui C Hebei D Hubei
    32 Why is Henan an important traffic center according to the text
    A Because over 20 capitals were set here
    B Because it lies in the south of Yellow River
    C Because it is the cradle of Chinese civilization
    D Because the four great inventions were created from Henan
    33 How does the writer explain A visit to Henan is like a talk with many historical places
    A By telling a story B By giving some examples
    C By offering advice D By comparing with others
    34 What does the underlined word it refer to
    A China B The Yellow River C Henan D Chinese civilization
    35 What is the structure of Paragraph4
    A ①②③④ B ①②③④ C ①②③④ D ①②③④
    Colors are often connected to the feelings we have Many expressions in English link colors and feelings Take for example the color green
    Green can be a symbol for many things 36 For example a greenback is a common expression for a dollar bill because it is green Here is another example green stands for environmental causes So if a company goes green they probably have changed to cleaner technology to produce their products
    Green is also a sign of a beginner 37 For example if Kyle is green at cooking he hasn't been cooking for very long So he's probably not very good at it
    We use green to describe people who are very jealous or envious too One of the expressions is very simple 38 Let's say I really want something that you have like a beautiful apartment You could say that I am green with envy about your apartment
    __ 39 You feel unhappy over another person's luck but you also want to have the same luck yourself
    It does not feel good to be green with envy 40
    But these feelings are natural We all probably have felt these feelings at some point in our lives
    If someone happens to speak English a little better than you don't turn green with envy Just learn it with all your heart
    根材料容 面五选项中选出填入文中空缺处佳选项 短 文意思通容完整
    A One of these is money
    B Envy usually has two parts
    C We say they are green with envy
    D In fact feeling envious or jealous is unpleasant
    E If someone is green to a job or activity they are new to it
    2125 CDABB 2630 ADCAC 3135 DBBCD 3640 AECBD
    二阅读理解(20题题2分 40分)
    Cloth face coverings are an important step to help slow the spread of COVID19 in public settings Children under age 2 or anyone who has trouble breathing shouldn’t use cloth face coverings

    ·Wash your hands before putting on your face covering
    ·Put it over your nose and mouth and cover your chin
    ·Try to fit it against the sides of your face
    ·Make sure you can breathe easily

    ·Wear a face covering to help protect yourself and others
    ·Keep the covering on your face the time you’re in public
    ·Don’t put the covering around your neck or up on your forehead
    ·Don’t touch the face covering and if you do wash your hands

    ·Stay at least 6 feet away from others
    ·Avoid contact with people who are sick
    ·Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds each time

    ·Untie the strings behind your head or stretch the ear loops
    ·Handle only by the ear loops or ties
    ·Be careful not to touch your eyes nose and mouth when removing and wash hands immediately after removing

    Word Bank
    21 Who are required not to wear cloth face coverings according to the text
    A The teachers
    B The newborn babies
    C The workers
    D The bus drivers
    22 Which picture shows the right way to wear the cloth face covering

    A B C D
    23 Which of the following is TRUE according to the text
    A Breathing is the first to think while wearing cloth face covering
    B Keep the covering on your face when you feel comfortable in public
    C Touch your eyes before washing hands
    D Visit your sick family member often in hospital
    24 What is the proper title for #1 #2 #3 and #4 separately
    a Use the Face Covering to Protect Others
    b Follow Everyday Health Habits
    c Take Off Your Cloth Face Covering Carefully When You’re Home
    d Wear Your Face Covering Correctly
    A dabc B adbc C dbac D cabd

    25 In which section of a website would you probably read the text
    A Culture B Health C Events D News
    One day a father and his son went to a kite flying festival When they arrived there were already many adults and their children playing in the park When the son saw the sky filled with colorful kites in different shapes he was excited and wanted to get one too His father agreed to buy one for him so they went to a kite shop and chose a beautiful one
    With the string in hand the son started flying the kite Soon the kite was high up in the sky After a while he said Daddy it seems that the string is stopping the kite from flying higher If we cut it it will be free and fly even higher Can we cut it The father didn’t reply but just cut the string off the reel Suddenly the kite began to go higher which made the son much happier
    ________ They waited for quite some time Slowly it fell onto the grass The son felt upset and asked I thought that after cutting the string the kite would fly higher Why did it fall down
    The father smiled and said The role of the string was not stopping the kite from flying higher but helping it stay in the sky because the kite can’t fly up by itself By using the string you help the kite go up in the right direction When we cut the string it could not support the kite
    In our life we may sometimes feel like there are certain things that are holding us back and stopping us from growing But in fact these might be the things that support us most
    Word Bank
    string 细绳
    26 Why did the boy want to cut the string off the reel
    A Because his father asked him to do so
    B Because the kite was broken
    C Because he didn’t like the kite
    D Because he thought the kite would fly higher without the string
    27 Which of the following can be put in ________
    A The kite was flying higher and higher in the sky
    B However to his surprise the kite was coming down
    C However the kite flew away
    D Then the kite fell down
    28 How did the father educate his son
    A By showing facts B By refusing his son
    C By listening to his son D By telling a story
    29 Which of the following words best describes the father
    A Patient B Strict C Friendly D Brave
    30 What’s the main idea of the text
    A Fathers should spend more time with their children
    B It’s important to learn how to fly a kite
    C Certain things that prevent us from growing actually support us sometimes
    D We shouldn’t cut the string of reel when flying kites
    Planet Earth is about 4 500 million years old Geology is about the Earth how it was made what it is made of and how it has changed over time
    Geologists who work in geology study the history of our planet They can also give us important information about natural events that happen today like earthquakes This can help us prepare for them Geologists also help us with other important things that we can use every day like finding how to make electricity from the Earth
    Geologists find information about earthquakes The earth is made of rocks These rocks are always moving The rocks on the outside of the Earth are pushed and pulled in different directionsup down left and rightand sometimes they break When this happens the ground begins to move very quickly This is an earthquake
    Geologists can tell us how strong an earthquake is They give each earthquake a number from 0 to 10 This is called the Richter scale’ An earthquake that is number 2 is ten times stronger than an earthquake that is number 1
    Every year there are 900 000 small earthquakes They are not strong enough for most people to feel them An earthquake that is 7 or more would be serious In 2015 more than 8 000 people died in a 78 earthquake in Nepal
    At the moment geologists cannot say when earthquakes will happen but they can help people to get ready for them They can also tell people the best way to make buildings that will not fall down when there is an earthquake
    Word Bank
    Richter scale里氏震级
    31 Which may not be the study of geologists
    A What the Earth is made of
    B Where the Earth comes from
    C How natural events happen
    D How strong an earthquake is
    32 What’s the main purpose of Paragraph 2
    A To tell us what geology is
    B To tell us why geology is important
    C To tell us what earthquakes are
    D To tell us how the Earth has changed
    33 What does the underlined word this refer to in Paragraph 3
    A The ground begins to move very quickly
    B The rocks on the outside of the Earth are pushed up down left and right
    C The rocks on the surface of the earth are always moving
    D The rocks on the outside of the Earth are pushed and pulled and they sometimes break
    34 Which of the following is true according to the text
    A Geology is only about the past
    B Geologists can help so that natural events don’t happen
    C People can’t feel most earthquakes
    D Geologists can tell us when earthquakes will happen in the future
    35 What’s the best title for the text
    A The change of the planet
    B The information about earthquakes
    D Protecting the Earth
    C The study of geology
    As William Shakespeare is to literature in English so is the poet Du Fu to the Chinese literary tradition We have Dante Shakespeare and Du Fu _ 36 stated Harvard Professor Stephen Owen in Du Fu China’s Greatest Poet a new BBC documentary that aired on April 7
    The onehour film tells the poet’s life experiences in detail 37 However as the An Lushan Rebellion of 755 floored the empire Du the former civil servant at the Tang Dynasty had to take his family on the road as refugees and put up with hunger and pain
    38 In these poems he poured out his love for his country and people as well as the importance of celebrating the simple joys of life
    39 For example in the poem My Cottage Unroofed By Autumn Gales he wrote that Could I get mansions covering ten thousand miles I’d house all scholars poor and make them beam with smiles
    That’s why he was honored as a Poet Sage later A difficult life and his spirit of caring about the world helped him create so many masterpieces Shi Wenxue told the Global Times 40 As the documentary noted his work represents a valuable cultural heritage for the whole world not just China
    Word Bank
    A Through ups and downs the poet never stopped writing and about 1 500 poems have been kept over the ages
    B Even though he never held a high position in the government Du still cared about common people
    C Born in 712 Du lived under the rule of the Tang Emperor Xuanzong(713756) a great time in Chinese history
    D Without doubt Du is a cultural symbol of ancient China but his excellent works and key spirits have also inspired people outside of China
    E These poets create the very values which great poetry is judged by
    2125 BCAAB 2630 DBAAC 3135 BBDCC 3640 ECABD

    There are a lot of great interesting places in London It is one of the most visited cities in the world The problem of course is that all of the most popular tourist spots will have large crowds and lengthy lines that you will have to wait in Therefore you probably want to check out some of the lesser known tourist spots just for the chance to get away from all the people The following four spots are great places to visit where you won’t run into large crowds of people

    Leighton House Museum
    The Leighton House Museum once belonged to Fredric Leighton who was not one of the best known painters in history But he was well respected In addition the museum also contains many works by other artists However its real attraction is the large quantities of tiles which are not seen very often anywhere else

    Bethnal Green Museum
    This museum has one of the best collections of ancient toys from worldwide Some of them date back to the seventeenth century Obviously it’s a great choice if you have children There are also activity areas to keep visitors entertained However never imagine that adults won’t appreciate a visit The collection is quite impressive and well worth taking a look at

    Sir John Sloane Museum
    Sir John Sloane was a well known architect in London famous for designing the Bank of England He collected all kinds of unusual things that are beyond your imagination There are also many priceless artifacts that he collected from around the world ranging from ancient Egyptian statues to the nineteenth century Asian sculptures

    Duke Tony Blare Museum
    There are more than 2000 pairs of various shoes on display They are made of materials such as cloth leather plastic wood even silver and gold The treasure of the museum is a pair of wooden shoes which was believed to have been worn by the 15th Egypt’s king Duke bought it for one hundred thousand pounds
    46 What really attracts tourists in Leighton House Museum
    A Very good paintings B Its famous owner
    C Rare tile collection D Its long history
    47 Where are you supposed to go if you want to pick up your childhood interest
    A Leighton House Museum B Bethnal Green Museum
    C Sir John Sloane Museum D Duke Tony Blare Museum
    48 How do you like Sir John Sloane’s collection
    A Strange B Valuable C Ancient D Stupid
    49 The most precious pair of shoes in Duke Tony Blare Museum is made of ________
    A silver B cloth C gold D wood
    50 What’s the purpose of the passage
    A To make more money from tourists
    B To popularize the British culture
    C To offer some tourists information
    D To provide a learning opportunity
    Holmes said Somebody sent a letter with five pips (桔核) in it from India and arrived seven weeks later to kill John’s uncle Then they sent five pips from Scotland and arrived three days later to kill John’s father Now they have sent five pips to John from London
    The letters are all from sea ports The writer was on a ship when he wrote the letters I replied
    Very good Watson And John’s enemy is in London already
    Well I hope they won’t kill young John I said
    But they did The next morning we read in the newspaper that a policeman found him die near Waterloo Station Holmes was very angry about it
    He came to me for help and those men murdered him I’m going to find them if it’s the last thing I do he said to me and he hurried out of the house
    At night when he came back he was tired but pleased He said I know the names of John’s enemies And now I’m going to send them a surprise This will frighten them He took five pips from an orange put them in an envelope On it he wrote S H for J C
    I’m sending the pips to captain James Calhoun His ship is called the Star He and his men are sailing back to Georgia USA
    How did you find him Holmes I asked
    Ship’s papers he said I’ve looked at hundreds of them today Only one ship the Star was in the three ports at the right times This morning the Star left London to sail back to Georgia I found out that the captain and two of his men all Americans weren’t on the ship last night so I’m sure they killed John When they arrive in America they’ll get the pips and then the police will catch them
    51 How did Holmes feel about John’s death
    A excited B angry C crazy D worried
    52 Where did the Star leave London for
    A Canada B Australia C India D America
    53 Whom did Holmes send the letter with five pips to
    A James Calhoun B John’s uncle C John’s father D John
    54 Which order is correct according to the story
    ① John came to Holmes for help ② John received a letter with five pips
    ③ John was killed ④ Holmes sent five pips to J C
    A ③①④② B ③④①② C ④①③② D ②①③④
    55 This story may be taken from ________
    A a science fiction B a history book C a detective novel D a travel guide
    Students who study foreign languages do not need to care whether the grammar is easy or difficult By changing the order of the words and by adding some auxiliary verbs (助动词)and suffixes (缀) we can turn a statement into a question state whether an action has taken place or is soon to take place and perform many other word skills to express different meanings However the question which many language experts can’t understand or explain is — who created grammar
    Some recent languages were developed from the Atlantic slave trade(西洋奴隶贸易) Since the slaves didn’t know each other’s languages they developed a language called a pidgin Pidgins are strings of words (字串) copied from the language of the landowners They have little in the way of grammar and speakers need to use too many words to make their meaning understood however Slave children didn’t simply copy the strings of words used by their elders They adapted their words to create an expressive language In this way complex grammar systems which come from pidgins were invented
    Further facts can be seen in studying sign languages for the deaf Sign languages are not simply a group of gestures they use the same grammatical system that is found in spoken languages A recent record of the creation of this language was born in Nicaragua Previously although deaf children were taught speech and lip reading in the classrooms on the playgrounds they began to invent their own sign system using the gestures they used at home It was basically a pidgin and didn’t meet grammar rules However a new system was born when children who joined the school later developed a quite different sign language It was based on the signs of the older children but it was shorter and easier to understand and it had a large range of special use of grammar to explain the meaning What s more they all used the signs in the same way So the original pidgin was greatly improved
    Most experts believe that many of the languages were pidgins at first They were used in different groups of people without rules and gradually turned into a widely accepted system The English past tense — ed ending — may have come from the verb do It ended may once have been It enddid It seems that children have grammatical machinery in their brains Their minds can create different structures even when there is no grammar present for them to copy
    56 What can be inferred (推断) about the slaves’ pidgin language
    A It was difficult to understand B It came from different languages
    C It was created by the landowners D It contained highly complex grammar
    57 What does the underlined word they refer to
    A Slave B Pidgins C Slave children D Grammar systems
    58 What is the type of the new Nicaraguan sign language
    A No same signs were used for communication
    B Most of the gestures were made for everyday activities
    C The hand movements were smoother and more attractive
    D The meaning was clearer than the previous sign language
    59 Which idea does the author present in the last paragraph
    A English grammar of past tense system is incorrect
    B Children say English past tense differently from adults
    C The thought that English was once a pidgin is acceptable
    D Experts have proven that English was created by children
    60 What is the best title for the passage
    A The Creators of grammar B The History of Languages
    C Why Pidgins Came into Being D How Grammar Systems Are Used
    Last year I studied in Grade Eight in a junior middle school I got sick and missed a few day’s classes When I returned I was greeted with two compositions lots of homework about math English and history plus several tests Although I went home from school that day very late tired as a dog I had to stay up really late to finish them all
    (A) You can only imagine my shock when I learned that I had passed the test I have never in my whole life been so happy to see my grade a C
    (B) As it turned out I didn’t know the most of the questions I was just about to give in when my pencil accidentally fell and broke Standing by the blackboard sharpening my pencil I looked down and there in full view lay the answer sheet for the test What good fortune I can kiss goodbye to all my worries of failing the test My heart started beating and my brain whispered(spoke very quietly)Yes Read over the answers — quickly This was quickly followed by another voice No You’ll get caught My mind turning back and forth Yes No Yes No This went on for ten of the longest seconds in my entire life
    (C) The next day when I walked into the classroom my great joy of having been an honest soul changed into a wave of doom as I saw my test paper lying face down on my desk I knew what awaited me I stared at it a few seconds before I got up the nerve to turn it over
    (D) The next day at school I got a rude awakening I’d totally forgotten to prepare for the test on Du Fu one of the famous poets in Dang Dynasty which I’d take over my lunch hour Worse still I had missed the inclass discussion and all the notes When lunch came e went to the classroom to face my certain doom a terrible event that I cannot avoid All I could do was try to guess on the questions I didn’t know
    (E) I decided to finish the test on my own without cheating at last I was satisfied with my decision but pretty certain I had failed the test
    My mom says the victories that take the most courage are won within Now I know exactly what she means Now not only can my conscience(the part of my mind that tells me whether my actions are right or wrong) rest easy but I don’t have to worry about getting caught and meeting a sad ending like Du Fu
    61 ________ 62 ________ 63 ________ 64 ________ 65 ________
    4650CBADC 5155BDADC 5660ACDCA 6165DBECA





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